I don't own South Park - it's owned by the very talented Trey Parker and Matt Stone.


by cell12

Chapter 20

Elvin's POV

I'm not one of those people who panics about where they are when they wake up in a strange bed. I relax and enjoy the short period of time before my memory kicks in and forces me to start my day. So when I woke up with another person snuggled up to me, I didn't think much of it. I've had lots of sleep-overs before and this wasn't that unusual. As I started to wake up, I remembered that I wasn't at home - I was in South Park and the person asleep in my arms was Ike, my cousin's boyfriend's brother. I felt slightly embarrassed when I realised that I was drooling into his hair. I tend to drool in my sleep and sometimes I wake up with a big wet patch on my pillow. My mom always jokes that I need a plastic pillow cover - in the same way as bed-wetters need a plastic mattress cover.

Thinking about my mom reminded me about why I'm here and where she is. Without thinking I hugged Ike tightly against me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the slight waking movements of the boy in my arms. Eager to avoid an awkward situation, I pulled my arms from around him and edged away slightly.

Still half-asleep, Ike pressed towards me, "You're warm," he mumbled.

"Morning Ike," I replied, letting him cuddle back up against me.

I could feel his heartbeat as our bodies pressed together and I started to relax. It was hard to explain, but I felt so comfortable right now. Anyway, what was the harm in having a lie-in?

Suddenly the door sprang open and shocked me fully awake. Eric pounded into the room, looking furious, with Kyle following behind. Ike and I both sat up, I guess he was feeling as scared as I was. Had Eric found the spy-cam?

"You'll never guess what I found this morning," Eric said, sarcasm dripping off his tongue.

Kyle chipped in, "You only found it because my phone picked up the scrambled blue-tooth signal."

Oh shit, it was about the spy-cam.

Eric held the offending item with finger and thumb - dangling it in front of our faces, "Now I think I know what this is and how it got where it was - but I would like you to tell me."

Ike shrunk back and tried to shield himself behind me.

"It's my spy-cam," I answered, "I used it to spy on you and Kahl last night."

Ike gripped my arm and buried his face into my shoulder. I could feel his tears soaking into my t-shirt.

"And Ike had nothing to do with this?" Eric asked - sounding totally disbelieving.

"It's mah spy-camera, I'm responsible," I tried to stare Eric down.

"Ike tell the truth please," Kyle spoke more quietly but with a firm steel to his voice that I hadn't suspected he had.

Ike lifted his head from my shoulder and tried to answer between sobs, "I found it when I was looking through Elvin's stuff," he waved a hand vaguely in the direction of the still untidy junk-pile.

"Who's idea was it to spy on me and Eric?" Kyle asked gently.

Ike couldn't look his brother in the face, "Mine."

I couldn't help it, I stepped in to protect Ike, "I'm the eldest, I'm responsible."

While Kyle was speaking to us, Eric had grabbed my laptop and was now bringing it over to the bed, "I want to see you delete the files in front of us," he said.

I nodded and opened up the computer. When the log-in screen appeared Eric asked, "What's your password?"

"Why do you need to know?" I immediately asked.

"You're not responsible enough to have a computer unsupervised, so I need you password so that I can check it," Eric told me.

My heart sank another inch into my chest, "I'm so sorry Eric," I typed in the password, "my password is peppermint."

We waited while windows logged in. The silence was awful, I felt like begging the computer to work fasted. Finally the laptop was ready for use.

"Load up the software you used and delete the file," Eric instructed.

I did as he asked.

"Now close the software and uninstall it."

I looked up at him, "Uninstall?"

"Yes, now hurry up and respect my authoritah."

I did as he said, uninstalling the spy-cam software. After it had finished I paused, waiting for further instructions.

"Do you still have the original application file?" Eric asked.


"I want you to delete it and any other folders retaining to this," he again waved the spy-cam in my face.

It was easiest to just delete the whole folder, I had used, from the c-drive.

Kyle came back into the room carrying a pen drive, I had been so focused on the computer that I hadn't even noticed he had left. he handed it to me and said, "Install the file scrubber off this and run it."

I nodded and carried out this instructions.

"Did you make any copies of the file," Ike and I both shook our heads.

It was only once the scrubber was running that I realised that they hadn't even started to punish us. All this was just to destroy what was recorded last night.

"How are you gonna punish us?" I asked.

Eric took my laptop away and placed it back on the desk, "I was going to force you guys to make-out in front of me and Kahl to humiliate you. Sadly Kahl pointed out that you'd both probably enjoy it - given that you spied on us last night."

I winced back at Eric's words - spying on two guys was pretty gay, now that I thought about it.

"We can't ground you or stop you from seeing each other, since we're not your parents," Kyle added.

"We could tell on you," Eric added, "but that would be embarrassing for us and even I don't want to see Ike being punished by his mother."

I guess that Ike's mom is pretty strict.

"So ah've decided that you're doing our chores for a month," Eric looked slightly annoyed that he couldn't do more that that.

"You're not going to hit us?" I asked nervously.

Eric looked down at me, "Do I come across as the sort of person who hits little kids?"

"I don't think so, but I don't know you that well," I answered.

Eric sat on the bed and looked closely at me, "I always hated being an only child to a single parent. I always wished I could have a dad or a big brother to look up to," he left the rest of what he meant unsaid.

I knew about what had happened with the Tenormans and I knew that even admitting something like this was difficult for Eric. He hated showing any signs of weakness - even Kyle appeared shocked. Eric was offering to be my male parental role-model and he knew just how much such an offer meant to me.

I clambered over to him and hugged him. Sometimes it's hard to know how much you're missing out on - until, that is, it's pointed out to you.

Authors Note: I originally planned for this story to have four parts - each told from the point-of-view of a different character. First Eric then Elvin, Ike and lastly Kyle. With this chapter I've finished the second part, it's a good point to take a break and work on some of my other South Park stories. cell12.