A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Dawnfire17 for her endless encouragement!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Hardy Boys or any of their family or friends. Sometimes I wish I did but sadly, I do not. I just like to dream up a world where they are in it and put them in danger a little.

If you have not read my first story Hunt for Revenge, you may want to do so before starting this one. You don't have to but A Code to Live…or Die By might make more sense. Either way, I hope you enjoy!


Bright orange and red flames licked at the night sky as they danced amongst the debris. The house was ablaze and smoke was billowing out of every crack and crevice.

Joe Hardy's blond hair was darkened with soot and ash from the fire as he emerged from the house on all fours. He coughed and coughed until he could finally let cool evening air into his lungs. Cautiously he stood up and walked toward the emergency team that was near the perimeter of the house.

"Where's my boy, Matthew?" asked a woman in her early thirties. Her hair was tousled from the struggle in the house earlier and her eyes were glazed with tears and worry.

Joe's deep blue eyes looked at the woman reassuringly. "My brother is in there. He's got him. Don't worry Mrs. Collins. They were right behind me." Joe tried to hide his worry but the twenty year old knew it was showing on his face.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash and part of the house fell in. Mrs. Collins gasped in horror knowing her five year old son, Matthew, was still in harm's way. Tears overcame her as she saw him emerge from the front of the house on his hands and knees coughing slightly. Firefighters who were standing by ran up to him and scooped him up. Immediately the paramedics were examining him and giving him some oxygen to clear out any smoke. Mrs. Collins was already near him and looking up into the night sky to give thanks.

Lt. Con Riley approached Joe and asked him about his brother Frank. "Are you sure he was right after you?" he asked.

"Yes. He had Matthew so he told me to go ahead. I don't know Con. I'm getting worried. He's been in there awhile. That crash didn't sound very good either. I better go-"

"Stop it right there Joe. Frank wouldn't want you to go back in there and endanger yourself. I'll send a team in and we'll get him out. You stay here." Con emphasized this by firmly placing his hand on Joe's shoulder.

"Fine, but they have to hurry. The smoke was bad when I was coming out. I can't imagine how bad it's getting in there now." Joe sighed and silently prayed that his brother was going to be okay.

Meanwhile, Frank was in danger. The crash had caused some debris to fall on and around him. He briefly lost consciousness but now he was waking up. All the twenty one year old could do was cough under his fiery trap.

"Joe!" yelled Frank as much as he could. His shout couldn't be heard above the sizzling of the flames or the crashing of wood and wreckage around him. He kept coughing uncontrollably.

"Frank?" shouted a firefighter as a small team made its way through the house. "Frank?"

Frank tried to wiggle and untangle himself from the burning inferno around him but it was no use. He was weak and couldn't breathe long enough without coughing to gain any momentum. He heard the shouts of the firefighters glad to know someone was looking for him and that it wasn't Joe. Knowing Joe was safe made Frank's predicament a little easier to deal with. He had hoped that the little boy, Matthew, was also safe. For now, all he could concentrate on was staying awake and breathing until help came.

Help was getting closer but the debris made it hard to maneuver around the battered and blazing house. They kept calling his name, but Frank couldn't hear them as well. Their voices seemed to be farther and farther away.

"Help" hacked and gasped Frank as he made one more attempt to be heard. His cry for help was barely audible and was met with a new round of coughing fits. He had been in fires before but usually he was out by now. Of all days this has to happen…he thought.

Outside, Joe was restless and was pacing back and forth. Every part of him told him he should be in that house trying to save his big brother. He ran a hand through his blonde hair and tried to think positive. Frank and I have been in worse spots before. He'll get through this, thought Joe. In his heart, he was still worried. Joe also felt a little guilty knowing that he was okay and Frank was in the house probably holding on for dear life. To distract himself, he went over to check on Matthew and his mom.

"How is he?" Joe asked with concern. He looked at the little boy and then at his mother.

"He's going to be fine thanks to you and your brother," replied Mrs. Collins as she smiled weakly at Joe. She knew Frank was still in the house and as the minutes went on his chances were getting slimmer and slimmer.

"We were just doing our job but I'm glad Matthew is okay," countered Joe as he glanced back at the raging fire that once was a calm suburban home. Or my brother's final resting place, thought Joe. Don't think like that! He will be fine!

"Your brother is going to be fine too," smiled Mrs. Collins as she laid a comforting hand on Joe's shoulder and squeezed her son closer to her.

As a wordless reply, Joe half smiled in return. He wasn't sure he believed her but he was trying.

Back in the house, Frank heard distant footsteps but couldn't muster any strength to call for help. He could feel his breathing becoming more labored and he coughed more than he inhaled. The heat radiating from the blaze made him break out in a sweat. Trying to wiggle free was useless and his limbs began to feel heavy and motionless. He was trapped.

I'm never going to see Joe or my family or Callie ever again, thought Frank. He wasn't one to give up on hope but this thought seemed to make things more bearable as if he had come to terms with his fate. Of all days…

"Over here!" shouted a tall stocky firefighter as he pointed to Frank's still body under a pile of debris. The flames flickered around Frank but luckily none were burning his flesh.

One word escaped Frank's lips as he succumbed to the sleep that was calling him, "Joe…".

The general feeling outside was of dread. Too many minutes had passed since the firefighters had gone in to look for Frank. Joe continued pacing until he heard cheers. His blue eyes were transfixed on the sight in front of him. There was his brother coming out of the house carried by a firefighter. Joe's heart skipped and sunk as he realized Frank was lifeless in the firefighter's arms. His face and clothes were covered in dark ash. His dark brown eyes were closed. Joe fell on his knees as he his worst fear had come true; there was no life left in Frank. And of all days, it was Frank's 21st birthday.