I DON'T OWN NARUTO! I wish I did…but I don't! all the characters go to Masashi Kishimoto!

It was a perfectly normal day in Konoha City. Well…at least it was a perfectly normal day in Konoha for Itachi, Neji, Gaara, Naruto, and Sasuke.






Yep. Escaping rabid fan girls. This was considered completely normal for the group.

Itachi sighed. He knew that the group getting together was a bad idea. With all five of them in one place, they were going to attract A LOT of fan girls. Okay, so Neji, Sasuke, and Gaara knew it was a bad idea too. Then again…it was Naruto's idea in the first place.

"Why did we ever agree to this?" Everybody thought, excluding Naruto.

Neji sighed and snapped out of his thoughts. The fan girls were getting closer. That is not good. He coughed lightly to get the rest of the guys' attention and gestured toward the sound of the stampeding fan girls. Everybody else groaned at the thought of evading the fan girls again. The really bad thing was that they now had more then a million fan girls to escape from.

Now, Sasuke sighed heavily, "Come on, we need to go."

The rest nodded in agreement, preparing themselves to run in far, far, away from the insane fan girls. Dashing down the street, the guys sprinted as fast as they could. They weaved through the crowds of people, and managed to lose the fan girls. Or so they thought.


"Crap," Naruto muttered, "We didn't lose them!"

The rest glared at him, since it was his fault that they were all in this sad situation anyway.

Gaara was trying to think of plans, but he only came up with one. They needed a distraction.

"We need a distraction," he stated.

Neji nodded, "But what?"

The other three glanced around the clearing see if anything would work. Sasuke's eyes landed on a group of girls around their age sitting and laughing at a café table. He thought about it carefully. Knowing that the fan girls were drawing nearer, he really didn't have a choice. So, he told his plan to the rest of the guys.

Ino, Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, and Hana were hanging out at the café, finally being able to escape from their work. They were having a grand time, even though Temari wasn't there because she had a business meeting she had to attend. Then Hinata noticed her cousin Neji, the heir to her father's company, conversing quickly with four other guys. She saw him quickly glance her way and wince.

"What is going on?" Hinata thought.

Suddenly, Naruto grabbed the closest girl to him, which happened to be Hinata. Neji latched his hand onto Tenten's arm, praying that he wouldn't get Hinata. Gaara took Ino's hand into his since she was best friends with Temari. The two Uchiha brothers took a hold of the last two remaining girls. Sasuke grabbed Sakura, believing that she looked nice enough didn't have a temper. Which left Itachi with Hana.

The thunderous pounding of the fan girls' feet was heard right after Itachi pulled Hana into his arms. The fan girls were so happy that they had finally caught up with their "loved" ones that they almost didn't notice that they all had a girl with them. Almost.

One fan girl noticed this and screeched furiously, "WHY ARE YOU GUYS WITH THOSE GIRLS?!"

Itachi, who was nominated the speaker in their little discussion, answered smoothly, "That's because they're our girlfriends."

The girls' mouths dropped open.

Hinata glanced at Neji, who had Tenten in his arms, her best friend. How could her best friend and cousin be going out when she didn't know?! And she certainly wasn't dating the blue-eyed blonde that currently held her!

Blinking furiously, Tenten was trying to process what just occurred. There was only one thing that she was crystal clear about. She was not the girlfriend of Hyuuga Neji. Nope. Ok…she knew that they weren't dating…but how are they supposed to get out of this mess?

As Ino was trying to figure out what just happened, she noticed that Gaara was holding her hand. Gaara, as in Temari, her best friend's brother. Ino was beyond confused.

Sakura was desperately trying to hold in her temper. Desperately. Who ever grabbed her was going to pay for what he did to her. She bit her lip to keep herself from screaming out, and kept on clenching and unclenching her fists. Oh yes. He was going to pay.

Now, Hana and Itachi's situation was much better then the other four's. Hana couldn't believe it. She thought that he promised to keep their relationship a secret, and now he announces it to a huge, mad, mob of fan girls?! Itachi looked down at her and immediately knew what she was thinking.

"Sorry," he murmured into her ear, "It had to be done. Unless you wanted me to be jumped by all of my fan girls?"

By then, Hana wasn't even thinking about the predicament of their relationship. "Exactly how are you going to get us out of this mess…?"

After the older Uchiha made that announcement, the fan girls were in a state of shock. The guys took this chance to run, dragging the girls along with them.

Eleven minutes and twenty-six seconds later…

They managed to sprint to Neji's apartment, since his was the closest, without any trouble. All the guys sighed tiredly and plopped onto the couch except for Naruto. The girls remained standing; Sakura was tapping her foot, waiting for and explanation. Nobody spoke for about five minutes until Sakura lost it.

"Why in the freaking world was I declared to be your girlfriend," pointing at Sasuke, "and dragged to Hinata's cousin's house?!

