Saved by Quirrell

Harry ran after Bellatrix to the atrium of the Ministry of Magic. Once there he cast the cruiciartus curse and just knocked her over. After some brief dialouge bertween her and Harry, Lord Voldemort showed up and cast the killing curse at Harry. Dumbledore showed up and fought Voldemort saving Harry's life. Voldemort and Dumbledore fought with great power. Voldemort was weakening when he looked at where Harry was. He stopped fighting out of shock when he looked over there. Dumbledore stopped to and looked where Voldemort was looking.

Standing over the now unconsious form of Harry Potter was a man both thought dead. "Quirrell," Voldemort said looking at the man.

Quirrell was holding his wand after just having stupified Harry. He looked up from Harry and then looked at the two men. "Well if this isn't delicious." Quirrell said laughing. "The Dark Lord fighting against the Master Manipulator." He said looking at both men with hatred on his face. "You both made a mistake believing I was dead, and now I'm here to avenge myself against both of you by doing the thing you both fear. Both of your plans circle around this young man," He said pointing at Harry. "But I am going to do something that will make both of your plans unravel, oh and by the way Dumbledore, My employer, Elisabeth Drake, says hello." With that he took Harry's arm and disapperated with him leaving both men shocked and stunned.

"He's alive." Voldemort said looking at Dumbledore. "How can he be alive."

"After you left him he slipped into a coma that he never woke up from at least not to my knowledge, but after you came back Tom I just didn't check up on him any more. I stopped checking up on him about last June."

"If he woke up any time after that, than he could have had a year to plan this by himself." Voldemort said. He was wondering why he and Dumbledore were talking instead of killing each other but now for both of their plans they needed to find the boy. He was interupted from his revelry by Dumbledore's next statement.

"Oh, I can assure you he didn't act alone. I know his employer and it seems she is the mastermind. She will try to corrupt Harry and use him to kill us." Dumbledore said.

"But I have never heard of this Elisabeth Drake before." Voldemort said.

"I have, she lives in America and in my oppinion is too young to interefere with my plans." Dumbledore said.

"How do you know her." Voldemort asked.

Dumbledore was fixing to answer when behind them, a man said, "It's him, the Dark Lord, He's back."

"You better leave Tom, we'll talk more later and then try to find the bo-I mean Harry." Voldemort apperated away smiling. He now knew that Dumbledore didn't care for Harry any more than he did. Harry just fit into his plan. Yet that left the big question, Where had Quirrell taken the boy.

Dumbledore turned around and comfortwed the croud and had to shake off Fudge from apologizing over and over again. He then portkeyed away to his office. Once there he started fuming. He picked up a table and hurled across the room breaking it in two. "That stupid little bitch, how dare she do this to me," He went on and on cursing Elisabeth Drake.