Chapter 5

Dani's eyes fluttered open. She felt incredibly warm! Like she was wrapped in a coziest of cocoons. Her eyes took in the silent form of her sleeping soul mate and the sight made her sigh contently. Jake was on his side, hovering protectively against Dani even in sleep. His right arm was thrown against her middle, his fingers curling against her hip. She took these few moments to silently worship his beauty. Her fingertips feathered across the smooth chest; he had very faint hairs here and there and a tiny mole near his right shoulder. The pads of her fingers continued their way across him until they met the tattooed skin high on his right arm. She had asked him about it during the first few days they had known each other. He had mentioned it was the symbol of their tribe, but more specifically, it was a symbol for the wolf in him. His fellow brothers all had it too, he had pointed out, and Dani had seen it in Sam and a few of the other guys. Because these men don't know how to put on a shirt, she giggled, not minding it at all.

A small sigh escaped her again as she traced the circular line framing the tattoo. She loved him so much. And more importantly, she accepted this part of him.

She hadn't noticed but Jake's eyes had opened just then, and he was looking down at her expression. It was soft but also held a degree of concentration as she traced his shoulder. There was a slight smile on her lips and the corner of Jake's mouth lifted. He could tell what she was thinking as her fingers caressed the tribal tattoo with so much love.

Sometimes he saw his wolf shape shifting abilities as a curse, but when he was with Dani, it was no longer that way. She gave him the strength to accept himself. It was a strange but he knew it was only this way because of the imprinting. Because she was the right person for him, because she was his equal and she understood him without him having to even say a single thing. And more importantly she accepted him. All of him, no matter how much of a monster he thought he could be.

Jake brought his face closer to her. When she realized he was awake her grin spread from ear to ear.

"Hey," she said softly.

He grinned cheekily, eyes twinkling, and nuzzled his face in her neck, growling playfully. He wrapped his arms around her tighter.

Gods, she couldn't believe he was hers! In all honesty she never in a million years thought she would be bestowed with such a perfect man that in turn caused her such happiness.

When they settled back down, Dani's mind wandered for a moment and she remembered the incident she had earlier in the day with Collin. She didn't wish to tell Jake, and the gods knew she probably wouldn't if there was no way he would find out, but she figured rationally that there was a big chance that Jake would be patrolling at the same time as Collin, and she didn't want him to find out through Collin's thoughts about what had happened.

"Jake…" she began tentatively. Come on Dani Kristine, buck up! You can do it. She tried to encourage herself to tell him the truth, but there was still that nagging feeling inside her that was unsure about what Jake's reaction might be. Would he think that it was somehow her fault? She didn't have much experience with boys before Jake and she knew enough to know they were fickle beings. Although, she countered, Jacob wasn't just any boy. That was somehow more frightening. She was sure of their love, but that didn't take away her fear completely.

He prodded her with an inquisitive stare. She shook her head. "I love you, Jacob, don't ever forget that," she said fervently.

He was a little taken aback by the urgency in her voice after the languid moments of bliss they had shared. She was passionate, that was certain.

"Of course I wont, darlin', and you should remember that I will always love you as well, alright?"

Her brow still furrowed but she gave a slight smile anyway. Jake kissed her temple.

"Now, tell me…what did you really want to say?"

Darn him for looking right through her. Dani decided that she would believe in what people said, and hope that the truth would set her free.

Just as she was about to divulge in detail both of them stopped short and listened to what sounded like someone walking down the uneven path to the garage.

Jake got up immediately and Dani laid frozen for a couple moments before sitting up quickly. Panic set in her and she secured the blanket around her tightly. Jake had already pulled his shorts up and started walking towards the door. He threw a small wave at her, signifying she should stay put and that he was going to go check it out.

Jake was out in the blink of an eye and Dani immediately got up and started to get dressed. She quickly threw on her dress first and then managed to find her panties and slip those on. She gave the garage a frantic once over and when she didn't find her bra, she just slipped her cardigan on.

Dani opened the old wooden door enough to see what was going on. She was feeling jumpy and didn't know what to expect. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was only Sam. Him and Jake were standing near the trees about ten feet away from the small garage.

She decided to step out completely when she saw Jake smile towards Sam. She didn't want to intrude, in case they were discussing something private, but their relaxed posture and easy going manner told her everything was alright.

The wind blew her dark hair around her and there was a shiver than ran down the exposed skin of her neck making her pull her sweater tighter around her. As if sensing her presence Jake turned his head in her direction and smiled at her almost as if beckoning for her. She strode to his side and caught the last of their exchange.

"Alright, well, same place as always, by the cliff," Sam was saying amicably. He smiled at her in greeting. "Of course you should bring Dani, here." She didn't know what they were talking about, but it sound like Jake was going somewhere and she could go along with him. She smiled back.

"Later, man," Sam said to Jake. "Bye, Dani." He tilted his head towards her. She smiled at him until he turned to walk back up the path.

"What's going on?" she asked, a little confused.

"Oh, it's nothing too important." He took her hand and opened the garage door for her so they could go back in. Dani entered and Jake shut the door behind him. "There's going to be a bon fire up at the Elders meeting place," he explained as she sat back on the couch. He stayed standing, she noticed. She wondered why he seemed a little agitated. Was there something more to this? "It's like a powwow of sorts." He smiled. She nodded in understanding. "Would you like to come with me?" He said it so sweetly, it made her heart skip a beat.

He didn't even have to ask. "Of course, Jake."

Now all she needed was to stop being so cowardly and tell him about Collin. More than likely he was going to be at that bon fire tonight, and she needed to get what happened out in the open with Jacob. She never liked to lie to someone she loved and respected. And now was certainly not the time to start.

"Hey, Jake…" She looked up at him in front of her where he was still standing. He was so tall that it made her feel a little vulnerable to tell him while she was sitting down. She stood and paced a few feet away from him.

"Dani what is it?" He sounded amused, she realized.

She went to him and gathered his hands in hers. She hoped this would keep him calm.

"Umm…" She breathed deeply through her nose and decided to try to get the words out one by one, slowly, so she wouldn't freak, not make sense, and then have to explain it all over again. "When I was on my way here from my house I met Collin." His fingers in her hands twitched slightly. She looked up at his eyes to gage his reaction. His expression was stoic, frozen, but she wasn't sure if he was just waiting for her to continue. "And he kissed me."

She thought it might be like a bomb going off. But it wasn't like that, at least not at first.

He stayed silent and unmoving, his expression the same. She kept a soft grasp on his hands and kept her gaze on him, willing him to understand. Finally there was a flicker of life in him. It was his eyes, for they seem to start burning. He let go of her hands and turned his back on her. She stared after him, horrified. He ran his hands through his long hair in frustration.

She made to reach out for him, but suddenly a growl burst forth from his chest and she retreated, for once afraid.

He ran a hand over his face and turned to look at her, still shaking a little.

She wanted to explain that she didn't think it was entirely her fault, that it was completely unwelcome and downright disgusting, but the words died inside her, and her lips hung slightly open in a small O.

"Shit," he grumbled.

He strode back to her and cupped her face in his hands.

"I'm sorry, Dani. Really I am!" It was clear he was struggling to keep cool, but he had turned and looked at her and he saw the fear written on her face and knew he was the cause of it. She had never looked at him like that. Not even when he first showed the wolf in him to her. "Shit," he grumbled again. He hastily brought his lips down to her forehead.

Dani was taken aback by his apology. It seemed wrong because she thought he was angry with her. His reaction had proved it.

His hands were still cupped around her cheeks and she brought her hands up and placed them over his. "No, please don't apologize!" she said tearfully. "You have every right to be angry with me! But please Jake," she said fervently. "It wasn't my intention! It happened so quickly, and I swear I didn't want him to!" Her heart was pounding inside her. He was making shushing noises at her, but she didn't listen and plowed on. "I don't even remember how it happened, but I was coming to you and he ran up to me! I didn't want to talk to him, but I didn't want to be rude either, and he said something about me hanging out with him, and when I tried to pull away he kissed me! But I didn't want to, Jake! I promise!"

He was still whispering and shushing her, but her tears were coming down anyway. "No, no, Dani, I'm not mad at you, baby!" She was shaking her head at him. "No, listen! I'm sorry if I scared you, okay?" He had finally gotten a hold of her teary eyed attention and she nodded slightly, accepting his apology. "But I was never mad at you! I don't know what the hell has gotten into Collin," he bristled. "But what happened was exactly what I was thinking had happened before you apologized." He took her in her arms and soothed her back. Dani welcomed him completely, relieved that he hadn't been mad at her after all.

"There!" He had one arm wrapped around her and the other came up to curl around her neck. "All better, right, doll face?" he prodded and kissed her temple. She gave him a watery smile and her eyes lit up happily. All was right in her world and she nodded.

He began to kiss her lips slowly and they found themselves naked on the couch once more making love, loving each other in the way they knew how.


That evening Jake drove Dani and himself in his Rabbit up as close as he could get to the meeting area. She was apprehensive when he told her he could carry her the rest of the way up the cliff. She declined at first, telling him he'd certainly be more comfortable if they both just walked. He scoffed with a lopsided grin and told her he was bruising his ego. She laughed and gave in.

"We would never get there if I'd let you walk!" he said playfully looking down at her in his arms. "Look at those legs, shorty!" He laughed good-naturedly and she gave him a smack in the arm before joining him.

She knew he was just teasing her, and didn't mind at all. How could she? Not when she felt so safe and loved in his arms, being carried through the woods. Not many men would do that for their woman, she thought. She felt like glowing as she realized it. She turned her gaze ahead of them, looking at the sunset rays that spilled through the trees. Normally she would have been afraid had she been out here at twilight, but with Jake she knew she had nothing to be afraid of. No animals or spooky things could get at her.

When she turned her eyes back to him she almost gasped as she took in his own gaze. His eyes were brown, but the sunset rays gave them flickers of mahogany. He was so beautiful. And likewise he was thinking the same about her. It seemed the sun low in the sky gave her skin a glowing beauty that he was figuratively breathless. He kissed her temple and skimmed his lips around her cheek till they landed softly on her lips.

Soon they were breaking through out of the trees and into a wide clearing where Dani could see all the Quileute wolfs along with their girlfriends (the ones that had them). Jake set her on her feet before they were spotted and both walked hand in hand towards the rest of the tribe.

Dani realized that not everyone was there yet; she could only see the rest of the wolves and their significant others. She figured the older members of the council had yet to arrive.

Jake led her to one of the wooden trunk benches and they both sat down. He had placed a hand over her shoulders just as Kim came up to them both and handed each of them a coke.

"Thanks, Kim!" Jake and Dani smiled in appreciation.

"No problem, guys," she said kindly.

This was nice, Dani thought, smiling. Everyone chatted lively together and there was that distinct feeling of family in the air. Paul and Quil laughed rambunctiously at something Embry had said.

The fire was perfect in the center, and Dani welcomed the heat; she hadn't changed out of her sundress and cardigan from earlier because she had not gone home. She wished somewhat that she had so she could of changed into some jeans. Oh well, she thought, just another excuse to have Jake keep me warm!

Emily sat next to her and placed a small circular headband on her head leaving Dani confused as to why she would do that. Just then she realized all the other girls were wearing them, but none were like the one she saw Emily place over her crown. Hers was pretty, made of dark brown leather, with different colored ribbons of suede across the back. There was a small white flower on the side. The rest of the girls wore headbands of leather, too, though they were the color of butterscotch. It appeared each girl had decorated their own bands with different flowers as well, though none were white. She realized that Emily was wearing one also, although hers blended in with her hair because it was black.

Dani smiled, feeling more than ever like she belonged in her own tribe with the rest of the women.

She realized with a start that the only girl who wasn't wearing a similar tiara was Leah. She figured it was because she belonged in the pack of wolves. She wasn't like the other girls. Her story, Dani knew, was a more sad one. But she admired Leah a great deal in spite of her bitterness. She thought her brave.

Jake brought her out of her reverie by stroking the ribbons of her newly acquired headpiece. Dani turned her face up at him and smiled.

"Have I told you how much I love you today?"

"Yes," she said softly. "But if you'd like to remind me, I don't mind hearing it again and again…and again." Their lips met in a soft kiss.

Suddenly cheer erupted around them. Dani and Jake sprang apart and laughed as they looked into the familiar faces sitting around the fire around them.

"Dani," Sam began after they all quieted down. "We are all here to welcome you formally into our tribe…as Jacob Black's soul mate and imprint."

Everyone cheered happily again and there was a small gasp that elicited from her. Jake's arm tightened around her comfortably and warmly. Emily, on her other side, gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

"That's why you're wearing that," Emily pointed to her the tribal band around her head. She smiled and explained further. "We've all had ours in similar powwows. The rest of us girls were different headbands to yours. I guess you can say we're like your bridesmaids," she chuckled.

Jake gave her a squeeze again and Dani turned to look at him surprised that he almost seemed to be blushing.

"Dani," he murmured. "I guess you can say we sort of just…married." He ended up looking a little embarrassed, as if he wasn't sure how she would take it.

Sam spoke again, "Yes, it's something like that," he smiled. "Both Emily and Jake are correct. But understand that this is very informal nowadays. In the beginning there was a whole ceremony to be done with all the tribe invited. As it is, now, it's only our fellow brothers and our imprints are here."

Emily joined Sam where he stood. Dani noticed they linked their hands. "We still keep the symbols though," she said, meaning the headband. "It's a sort of keepsake. It used to mean that you were officially the bride, but now we like to think of this as just a symbol of acceptance and love. For your imprint and the rest of the tribe." She smiled.

Dani looked around, overwhelmed at the whole affair. She loved the sound of being married to Jake. She loved that they took it upon themselves to officially welcome her in. She felt so special knowing the tribe accepted her, that this signified that they loved and cared for her. They were her big family! And Jake! Oh, Jake! Her heart swelled to bursting point with love for him. She wanted to be his forever, to have his children, to care for him and make love to him when he came to their warm, cozy home after a day's work.

There was a smile wide on her face and tears of joy were starting to fall from her eyes and Jacob took her in his arms and held her tightly, a smile wide on his lips.

"I don't know what to say, guys…" The emotion in her voice was strong and they could all tell how happy yet overwhelmed she was

"You could say no."

There was a gasp from all of the girls and Dani saw Sam bristle, and felt Jake start to tremble at her side.

She hadn't noticed him here before. How had she missed him? It seemed Jake had overlooked his presence, too. Dani thought he probably had just come out of the trees, because she was certain he had not been around before.

"Collin!" Sam bellowed in his low baritone. There was the tone of unmistakable authority in his voice.

The men stood up, instinctively forming a barrier, but Sam lifted his hand, signaling them all to stay put. Although none stayed seated, they did stay standing, including Dani and Jake.

"Collin, things shouldn't be like this," said Sam. There was a hint of sadness, but mostly his voice was firm.

He was staring at Dani the way he never wanted another man that wasn't him to look at her. It incensed Jacob more because Collin looked at her as if he was undressing her with his eyes. Things stood still for a moment and his gaze roamed from her small feet to the crown she was wearing on her head. Jacob couldn't take it anymore and he let go of Dani - Emily took up his place by her side- and stalked forward where Sam stood.

"Leave, Collin!" he growled. Embry and Quil quickly went to his side to try and restrain him in case things got out of hand.

"You are no Alpha, Jacob. You cannot tell me what to do!" Collin and Jake now stood not three feet apart. Although Jacob was taller by a few inches, Collin still visibly held his ground. He was younger than Jake by a year, and about the same size as Paul who was just smaller than Jake, but he looked determined enough to take him on if he had to.

Jake was positive that if things escaladed he would beat him.

"I don't care to be the Alpha, that's what Sam's here for, but I am warning you, Collin, and this will be the only time!" Jacob's voice caused a shiver to go down Dani's spine. It seemed the same thing happened to Emily because both girls held on to each other a little bit tighter. Kim hugged Dani on her other side now, too.

Collin cut Jake off, "I don't care for your warnings either, Jake. But I will give you one of my own…" Everyone was absolutely still and silent because Collin was talking so lowly, it was hard to hear. Dani barely caught the words, and whatever he said next was whispered because she didn't hear it.

"NO!" Jacob growled. It boomed across the clearing and startled Dani out of her skin. "I imprinted on her! Do you understand what that means, Collin! It means she was never yours for the picking, it means she chose me, and was meant for me! And you've no right to impede a destiny, Collin! It's unwritten in our tribe but its magic as old as day that you cannot break!" he snarled. "…I wont let you."

"I wouldn't need your permission, Jacob!" There was a taunt of some sort in his voice, Dani was almost certain.

"That's enough!" Sam roared, before she could contemplate anything any further.

Collin retreated a few steps back and he suddenly sprang into a great white wolf with a few darker spots scattered across his body. Dani remembered seeing on the side of the road near the trees on her second day in La Push. Just as quickly as he had morphed he took off into the woods.

Jake was shaking and Sam could tell he was thinking of chasing after him so he steadied the younger man with a firm hand on the shoulder.

"Let him go, Jake…If he tries anything we'll deal with it as a pack, do you understand?" The brothers understood Jake's reaction. If it was their imprints Collin wanted, well, there would be blood to shed. Even Sam understood completely, but that didn't mean they were going to do anything stupid. If something happened they would deal with it sensibly.

Jake let out a great breath and nodded to Sam and the rest of his brothers before walking to Dani. He gathered her in his arms tightly and whispered fervently in her ear, "I'm not letting him get near you! I love you, angel, and he's not coming anywhere near you!" It was a statement of fact said with so much love and conviction that she thoroughly believed him.

After the fiasco they all decided to head back home. All walked together down to their cars, and Jake had a feeling that they were doing this to keep an eye on him. Although he figured that since Collin had ruined the get together somewhat no one really wanted to stick around, but still, he could feel some of their side glances. Maybe they expected him to go back running and try to find the slimy piece of shit, he thought.

That night Jake took Dani home and stayed the night with her. He didn't care what her Pappaw thought if he spotted him, he was here to stay.

That night Jacob made love to her in the sweetest most passionate manner, he made love to her and held her tightly to him as if it was the last time.

That night Dani slept with her tribal crown on, and wore it proudly because even though it was informal, it still signified that she was officially his.