Title: Boys Riding in Cars With Boys

Warnings: Reckless behavior whilst driving. Don't try this yourself please!

Prompt: Nov 15 -- Final Fantasy VII (Crisis Core) - Genesis/Sephiroth - Car Chase - "Must you quote all that now?"

Summary: He wouldn't shut up, and Sephiroth had to do something.

A/N: Ummm…not sure where this came from…

Just to see what would happen, merely curiosity, careful to keep his eyes on the car they were chasing and left hand on the wheel, he stuck his right hand down Genesis' pants. It was fairly easy as he wasn't wearing a belt today and his pants were fairly loose.

By the strangled gasp from the other man he assumed that the last thing he'd expected Sephiroth to do after he had asked him for the fourth time to stop quoting Loveless and he'd blatantly ignored him was to stick his hand down his pants. He would concede to Genesis that the man hadn't been around Zack as much as he had and therefore become accustomed to the man's habits of silencing people.

Looking over at the red-coated man he was amused to find a similar look on his face as Zack's Cloud had had on his face the first time Zack had slipped his hand down the trooper's pants. He imagined the boy's expression would have become even more interesting had either one realized that Sephiroth had more or less walked in on them.

Back to the matter at hand, or rather in hand.

"Sephiroth! What are you doing!"

"Shutting you up."

Before Genesis could voice any more complaints, he had begun to run his hand up and down the other man's cock somewhat quickly as he was still hampered somewhat by the pants, stroking it into hardness. He found it was fairly easier then he would've thought; Genesis seemed to be very sensitive, gasping and moaning after only a few strokes and arching his hips into Sephiroth's hand.

"Don't move around so much, someone might notice and figure out what's going on."

"Like they could-ohh-even see. You're-ahh!-going to fast."

"Hmm, should I slow down then?"

Genesis gave out a discontented moan as Sephiroth's hand slowed on him considerably.

"You said I was going too fast, so I slowed down for you, Genesis."

"Don't! Go faster!" Genesis immediately demanded of the other, and, with a triumphant smirk, he did.

After a moment Genesis somehow found the coherency to un-button and un-zip his pants, allowing Sephiroth a greater range of movement. Several minutes later he gave a final buck into Sephiroth's hand and relaxed with a last moan onto the seat.

Genesis got himself back together just in time for Sephiroth to finally catch up to the car they were following and force the driver to pull over. Pulling up next to the other car he sighed and got out his cell phone to call Tseng and Zack as Sephiroth exited the car to apprehend Reno and his kidnapped Cloud before he snuck off.

Zack asked a week later if he knew any way to get Genesis to stop quoting Loveless, All Sephiroth did was say 'That's nice, Zack. Why don't you go play with Cloud? It is after hours if you hadn't noticed.' The spiky-haired man didn't make proper sense of just what Sephiroth had meant, if he'd meant anything in the first place, by that last comment until he had Cloud gasping incoherently underneath him that night.