A/N: Hello! This is my first attempt at an X-Men fanfiction piece. I hope you enjoy the first chapter. This originally started out with a different plot but once I reached the fourth paragraph, a new idea came into mind. I don't remember reading a plot like mine already so if by some chance it is already used; please tell me so I can make the necessary adjustment. I try not to use others' ideas. I also am not very good at accents, sorry. Please keep in mind during your reading; nothing is ever as it seems. Thank you!

Chapter 1: Shadows and Secrets

It was an abnormally dark night over the mansion. The storm outside had took out the power and the wind was making enough noise that simple conversations could barely be heard. The residents were caught up in the chaos, screaming and arguing to the point they didn't notice the sly Cajun sneaking across the grounds, looking for an entrance.

While the downstairs was in an unstoppable panic, the upstairs was peaceful and quiet except for the wind. As he made his way through the hall, Gambit noticed that even with his enhanced sight it was hard to see. The moonless sky provided no light to the distressed mansion. As this benefited his mission, it also brought up a dilemma.

How was he supposed to talk to Wolverine if he couldn't find him? He knew the Canadian was a stab first; ask questions later kind of guy. But he couldn't turn back now. He and Wolverine might have a rough time with each other but that voice in his head was telling him to do this.

Rogue finally had the upstairs to herself and what better way to enjoy it then using the steam shower down the neighboring hall. She was almost done when thunder shook the mansion and killed the lights. Not the way you want to enjoy some alone time. After soaking in what was left of the hot water, Rogue got out of the shower and dried herself off. It was then that she realized that while eager to get a good shower in, she had accidentally left her clothes on her bed.

Frustrated at her mistake, she used the darkness to her advantage and made her way down the hall in her bath towel. All she had to do was make it to the next hall and she was home free. No one would ever know of her mistake. Relief filled her mind when she remembered the other residents were downstairs. She could just barely hear there muffed complaints through the floor. Rogue was only two doors away from her room when she panicked.

She felt a sly arm warp carefully around her waist as gloved hand gently covers her mouth.

"Bonjour, Cherie. It's a pleasure seeing a tres belle femme like y'self here", the stranger whispered in her ear.

Remy had heard someone moving down the hall in front of him and had to strain his vision to see the young woman making her way down the hall. With one look at her attire, Remy couldn't help himself and found his movements taking him to her.

The Cajun's accent was distinctive in her ears as she recalled her situation. She was in a dark hall wearing nothing but a towel. It was pitch black and the muscular man had used his arm to pull her closer to him so she could feel his abs through her towel. His arm was now possessively placed around her and his fingers were making small circles along her lips. Against all her will, a slight moan escaped her lips before she could recover and face the intruder.

"What do ya want, ya Swamp Rat? Last time I check, we don't have your kind here", she tried to make her words sound strong but the heat in her face and her breathless state made her weakness clear.

Taking small steps, Remy backed her up against the wall. Ever so slowly, he leaned forward till his mouth was next to her ear and whispered, "Right bout now Remy only want y'. Wondering what y' look like wit out the towel, petite."

Rogue's breathing picked up as his ran along the edge of her towel that was holding it in place. The proximity was doing things to her mind to point she could not think clearing. But right before she gave in, Remy stepped back and smiled.

"I missed y' Roguey", he spoke with such a serious tone that Rogue knew the games were done. She would have been more grateful but he had just played her again.

"Ya know, ya a big tease Remy. Sneakin' up on me like that. What ya doin' here Rems? I missed ya, too sugar but I thought you were gonna wait to stop by... I've been hiding my control like I promised, just for you. So why are ya hear?", Rogue stated after regaining her breath. She had meet Remy shortly after the mansion fell apart and the team separated. It had been over a year and a half ago. Professor X was still in a comma and Jean had been back for about a month.

When the team had parted after the accident, Rogue had felt the need to disappear to the South. What she ended up with was a one way ticket to the great city of New Orleans, Louisiana. By chance she had come across the Thieves Guild and meet Remy. She had spent the next eleven months living with Remy's family, building up their friendship, and gaining control of her mutation with his help. It had been a hard goodbye but she had some unsettled business in New York. They had agreed to meet up again and she had promised him to hide the control she had gained over her powers.

"Awe Cherie, Remy sorry. He really does want y' but he here on business. Needs to speak with Wolvie bout sometin' first though. So y' been keepin' your control a secret? Why?"

"Cause Remy, I made a promise to ya. Nobody here knows, not even Logan. And why not use the front door? It would probably be better in this lighting."

"Well Remy need to keep his talk with Wolvie secret and tis is the only way Remy knew how. Why y' got any suggestions?"

"Sure do sugar", Rogue smirked as she reached up and kissed the Cajun. Her powers were safely off giving her the time to enjoy the man she missed. It took him a brief moment before he started kissing her back passionately. He had missed her lips on his and his grip around her waist tightened.

Rogue melted into his embrace and was disappointed when they had to pull back for air. She knew a safe way to get him a private chat with Logan but she didn't know if he would let her. Their panted breaths filled their conversation as they tried to regain air.



"I could… drain you and tell Logan I found you up here. He'd interrogate you but you'd get that private conversation… Ya don't have to. We can think of something else…"

"Non, don't worry bout me Roguey. Remy can handle it. It's a good plan. Drain away petite."

Remy leaned down to kiss her again, giving her the chance to back away in case she didn't like the thought of absorbing him. She hesitated and looked up in to his red on black eyes with hers asking for reassurance. He tightened his hold on her a little to get the message to her. When she felt his grip, she carefully met his lips with her own.

This kiss was tender with love and Rogue help out on using her powers so she could indulge in the taste. At first Remy was worried when she didn't use her powers. It wasn't like he didn't enjoy the kiss; he just didn't want her to doubt herself. Rogue waited a few seconds before turning on her powers. She wished she didn't have to knock him out, but with Logan this was the only way where there would not be a fight.

Rogue removed Remy's duster from him as she lowered him to the ground. She was not about to go downstairs wearing only a towel and she didn't really have time to change. She didn't want to know what would happen if someone came looking for her and found the Cajun in knocked out in the hall. Slipping his duster on to herself, Rogue's memories of New Orleans started to come back to her. She took a moment to enjoy them before getting back to the task at hand.

Remy was too heavy for her to carry downstairs so she ended up dragging him and even then it was a tough task. She tried to be more careful as she dragged him down the halls. She didn't want to dislocate his shoulder no matter how proud that would make her fatherly figure. She managed to get him to the top of the steps before she call out to the chaos below.

"LOGAN! I need a hand here!"

The voices calmed down before Logan made it to the front hall and detected the Cajun's scent. He ran up the stairs to find a figure in what he thought was a duster, leaning over a limp figure. He immediately lunged at the standing figure and knocked them to the ground. He was about to unsheathe his claws when he heard the figure below him shout.

"LOGAN! Get off of me!"

"Rogue?" was all he could ask before he jumped off of her. She sat up and fixed the towel that covered her under the duster before turning to face Logan. As if on cue, the power came back on and lit up the scene to the onlookers at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah, thanks", she mumbled as she rose to her feet, securing the duster around her. "Why'd ya tackle me? I found the Swamp Rat in the hall and knocked him out, thought you might want to know."

"Sorry Stripes. I smelt the Cajun, saw the duster, and just assumed. Why are you wearing that anyway?"

"I.. um… kind of just got out of the shower when I found him. So yeah…" Rogue's cheeks started burning a bright crimson. A few girls at the stairs giggled but were silenced with a glare from the small Canadian man. Once the giggles were cut off, he turned his attention back to the blushing teen.

"Did you absorb him? Do you know why he's here?"

"Yeah and he came looking for you. I think there's something here about voices in his head... I think it's the Professor. Logan, how is that possible?" the faint memories of the voice swirled through her head. There was no doubt about it; Charles had sent Remy to find Logan.

"You sure?" Logan was stunned when she nodded her head. "Well I don't know how he did it. Got any idea why?"

"The Professor sent him to find you. But that's all I can tell. I think we should move him to the holding cell downstairs."

Logan gave a tight nod before lifting the Cajun over his shoulder and heading down the set of stairs. He turned back to Rogue before he disappeared.

"And you might want to go get dressed. It's not right seeing you in a duster."

Rogue watched the short man walk out of sight as she tried to stifle a laugh. She headed back to her room laughing at the picture in her head. Logan, her fatherly figure carrying Remy slung over his shoulder. She missed her lover already.

A/N: Incase you're curious; my original plan was for Remy and Rogue not to know each other. But it proved a little more difficult than this storyline. I might write that version after finishing this story. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!