A/N: And here dear readers, I would like to present to you the final installment of this story. i know the wait has been long but I have finally recovered my computer that my tech guy said was terminal (dead to no recovery) but somehow he saved it, just not all the chapters I had previously written. So with new inspiration when I thought all hope was lost, I have managed to finish this story and plan to update my other one after complete a numerous amount of more chapters so that I can kind of have an update plan. Thanks to all the reviewers for your comments and I might still do some dabble one-shots when I get stuck working on the other stories. Thanks so much and enjoy this closure. ~CRYTN0


Remy looked through the Med Bay window into the containment room that held a comatose Rogue. Two months ago the powers she possessed had taken a great impact on her before the group managed to move away from the scene of the destroyed building. McCoy had estimated that she would be comatose for at least a month more with the way the powers were thrashing about for control. They had moved her into a solitary room that contains power neutralizers in hopes that it would help but it only calmed her waves of immense power attacks. McCoy was the only one allowed to enter the room for safety reasons and so Remy found himself visiting her window everyday to check on his fiancé.

The Thieves guild had returned to the mansion after news of Rogue's return had reached them through the Professor. They had stayed to hear the story and Logan's decision on the engagement.

It took Logan almost a week of secretly watching Remy spend most of his waking hours watching Rogue's comatose form before he met with Jean Luc to give his consent to the proposed marriage. The guild then met with Remy to announce the news before leaving for New Orleans the next day. It was then he changed his opinion of the touch Wolverine and decided that one day after Rogue awoke he would ask him properly for her hand and if he consented, re-propose to her in front of the residents of the mansion.

Deadpool had somehow disappeared before they returned to the mansion and Logan was in no mind to check upon his whereabouts with his daughter to worry over.

And now as Remy watched Rogue peacefully sleep, he heard the tall tell footprints of Logan approaching to check on her before heading off to his morning Danger Room session.

"Gumbo, you really don't need to be down hear everyday. How bout a run through the Danger Room?"

"Non. Remy's staying here. His Chere needs him."

"Listen bub, you know as well as I do the that we've got at least another month before she should wake up and during that time you shouldn't be standing down hear wasting away when you can't do anything. A little workout could do you some good", the Wolverine grumbled as he started walking away. He had noticed the past few days that his future son-in-law had been skipping out on sleep to stand by Rogue's window and probably didn't have the energy to hold his own in a session at the moment.

Remy backs away from the window and leans against the opposite wall. This wasn't what he had in mind al those months ago when he proposed. They were supposed to be happy right now, in each other's arms, rejoicing at the fact that she had found her father and that he agreement to their engagement. They supposed to be planning a wedding right now that would be as close to perfect as possible. But instead he stood across from a room he could not enter, a room his beloved lay in. She wasn't smiling or laughing or looking through wedding books. She was dormant and silent and gone from his reach. A month more at the least he had been told but what he heard through a cracked doorway was four years at most.

They hadn't wanted him to worry and waste his life away standing in the still hallway illuminated by the fluorescent lights above. They told him the good and hid the bad but he figured it out all the same. He wasn't a master thief for nothing and he knew what was really going on.

Her brain had hit it's reset button and she could no longer control the personas in her head. The medication they administered to her was basically making her brain dead so that her psyches didn't have enough power. He knew she would only awake when she had full control again. She would have to struggle and train for touch because she wouldn't be conscious until that day came where she was back to her previous state. They were holding his fiancé hostage in her own body for her own safety and it was killing him.

Remy slid down the wall unconsciously and started to dose off into the land of dreams. Dreams where he and his Rogue were married and happy and living their lives to the fullest.

(I was going to stop here but that would be kind of mean don't you think)

Hank McCoy walked down the hall to check on Rogue only to find Remy asleep on the floor across the hall. It was amazing to finally see the man before him rest and stop his stubborn vigil. McCoy was deep in thought when frantic beeping in the room behind him alerted him to the world.

Upon entering Rogue's room he could tell something was off. Her brainwave activity was stronger but more at ease then when power attacks had risen. Hank thought for a minute before a sudden conclusion hit him. She can't be waking up can she? It's still too early!

But sure enough a moan escaped the lone figure's throat and she started to slight movements indicating her awakening. He watched in shocked stillness as the women in front of him woke with the fluttering of her eyelids.

Her deep emerald eyes know held a more knowing shine and an eerie depth to them that McCoy suspected had more to do with all the absorptions she had endured over her life time and experienced again while in her coma like state.

When her eyes finally came in to focus, she glanced around the room before settling on Hank and giving him a questioning gaze before she spoke her first words.

"Where is Remy?"

A/N: Not satisfied with the ending? Well it's a writer's technique to always keep the readers thinking. Maybe sequel in the distant future (months at most) if requested. Thanks! ~CRYTN0