Authors Note:
Disclaimer - I do not own Twilight, or any of its series. It belongs to Stephanie Myer... as we all know.

I apologise for bad spelling and gramma... I cannot help it.
I hope this is really good, and you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writting it!

Now... to the story!!

Chapter one

"Bella, honey, you stay right here" My mother, Melissa, ordered me, pushing me into a closet. She then handed me Alice, my 2 year old sister. Alice started crying.

"You stay right here and you old onto Ali, don't let her go and don't you leave this closet for anyone" She pleaded with me.

"What's going on?" I asked, tears falling.

She leant down and hugged me tightly before pulling away my mother stared at me with tears falling past her cheeks. "Your getting so big, 7 years old, my Isabella, you will be a great person. I love you, please tell Alice, when she is old enough, that I love her as well" She said, kissing my cheek. Then she placed a photo of us three in my hand and then closed the door.

I heard a lock click closed and then silence, except for her sobbing. Then her soft footsteps walking away.

Alice's sobbing stopped and then she looked up at me with her big brown eyes. "Bwella?" She asked, "Mama?"

I let one more tear fall, and then I wiped my face and then I wiped Alice's own cheeks "Its okay Ali, Mama has to go away for a while, but I'll look after you" I promised her.

I took a deep shaky breath.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Bella's going to buy you a mockingbird.

If that mockingbird won't sing,
Bella's going to buy you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring turns brass,
Bella's going to buy you a looking glass.

If that looking glass gets broke,
Bella's going to buy you a billy goat.

If that billy goat won't pull,
Bella's going to buy you a cart and bull.

If that cart and bull turn over,
Bella's going to buy you a dog named Rover.

If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Bella's going to buy you a horse and cart.

If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little girl in town.

So hush little baby, don't be scared,

Bella's always going to be right here

I sung the song I knew by heart, the one that my mummy always sang to me. Alice clung to me and she started crying again.

"BITCH!" we both heard it and we both dreaded it. It was the voice of Daddy.

Alice shook "Daddy's home" She whispered. It was eerie, a small 2 year old saying 'Daddy's home' with utter fear.

We heard banging "Where are my children bitch?" He said loudly.

I heard a large thud, shaking the small house we were in. "They are of no concern to you Kevin, I am putting my foot down! You are not welcome here any more"

I swallowed and held Alice closer, my hand pressing down on her ear. Hoping she will not hear any of this.

"Fucker! How dare you" he screamed "I will kill you before you take away my family"

I let go of Alice for a moment, turning over a box of shoes and the standing on that to reach the shelf above me. I felt around for what I was looking for, something I knew was here because I had seen Daddy put it here, but he didn't know I knew where it was. And I had forgotten it was here until now.

My small hand wrapped around the handle and I pulled it down, the gun. I had no idea what it was called, considering I was only 7. But I pulled it down and cradled it with my other hand. Alice stared at it as well. "Bwella?..." Even she knew the danger of this.

We listened carefully. The banging had increased now and there was now screaming. We knew who was screaming.

"You will never take away my family. I will always find my girls. Always. And you, Melissa, will now be out of the picture" Daddy said to Mummy.

Then there was a large bang and someone sounding as if they couldn't breathe, like the time Daddy held my head under water while I was taking a bath.

Once all the sounds stopped, we could hear someone breathing, heavily. I knew who it was, and it was not the person we wanted.

"Bwella?" Alice whispered, clutching tighter.

I moved her deeper into the closet. "You stay here, be very quiet." I said, pushing some clothes in front of her, and then the overturned box so she was hidden from view. "I love you" I whispered, but so she couldn't hear, I didn't want to make her scared.

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to the closet door, and then it was ripped open and the light poured in. But blocking half that light, was my father. Kevin Swan. The man I have been terrified of since the moment I could understand that word. "Daddy" I whispered. My hands holding the gun behind my back. Shaking in fear.

"Bella, come right here" He said, pulling me by my arm. I was yanked forward, the gun still hiding behind me.

"Follow me, let me show you what happens if you disobey me" He said angrily, walking toward our kitchen.

A small bubble of fear broke in my stomach and the butterflies began to dance. I crept behind him, not wanting to, but having no choice but to follow him.
What I saw in the kitchen, leaves me silenced. My once pretty mother now barely had a face that I could recognise. The blood was... everywhere... there was so much. Her arms and legs laid useless in the bloody pool beside her. I let a small sound escape me before I vomited beside the redness.

My father did not like my fear, or vomit. "Disgusting. I can't live with a piece of trash like you, come here. I will make it quick" He said, pulling out a knife the size of my leg.

"No" I pleaded, tears falling. I backed away.

He stepped closer and grabbed my hair. "no? You do not disobey me." Then he cut off my hair, laughing hysterical.

"No Daddy, please" I cried as the knife came to my chest.

I couldn't think, my heartbeat was loud in my ears as I pulled my arms in front of me, and then pulling down hard on the trigger. Daddy looked shocked, he looked like he was in pain. He fell forward and his knife cut through my arm, a long gash opening me up, my own blood pooling out of my cut.

I dropped the gun to the floor and then collapsed onto my knees. I vomited again.

"Bwella?" My little sister asked. I saw her crawling toward the door.

I shook my head and got up, going over to her. I went and took her hand, pulling her toward the door, only stopping to pick up a blanket on the couch, wrapping it around her. Then we went outside.
I knocked on the door to our neighbour and waited.

A small lady answered, looking down at me, "Oh, Oh my... oh my god!" She said breathlessly. "What has happened?"

"we need help" I whispered, my voice raspy.

She nodded and stepped aside, I had put my arm inside my jacket, hiding it from view.
I heard the lady talking on the phone to the ambulance service, while me and Alice sat on the couch. Alice was falling asleep.

I must have dozed off because the next thing I know, someone is trying to get my attention.

"Honey? Are you hurt? Is either you or your sister hurt?"

I nodded.

"Who, where? Honey? What's your name?"
"Bella" I whispered. Then I pulled up my sleeve, showing the man my arm. Then there was blackness. But I still briefly felt the photo, that was clutched tightly in my hand.

It seemed to get lighter, and the sounds around me grew louder. Something was beeping. The beeping was annoying and it suddenly reminded me of Alice, who could also be annoying sometimes. Oh no.. Alice!

I tired to sit up, but failed, so instead, I opened my eyes to the brightly lit room. "ALICE?" I called out.

no... he didn't get her?! She was in the closet... "Alice? Please"

I started crying. And repeating over and over "Not her"

"Bella? Honey?" A voice said, dragging me out of my fit. "Honey, your sister is safe."
That stopped me. "Where is she?" I asked.

The lady in the nurses uniform started fiddling with my medicine, she smiled at my worry. "Alice is fine, she is in the orphanage, you will probably be moved there tonight, after the doctor discharges you."

I nodded and she left.

I cuddled deeper into my bed, now knowing Alice is somewhere almost safe, I let myself relax and fall asleep.

"Bella, honey, you have been discharged, the career is here to take you back to the orphanage where you sister is." The nurse from before told me, helping me sit up and get changed into some jeans and a t-shirt.

I pulled on some runners and then looked at myself in the mirror quickly. I was small with brown hair that had been cut off brutally by a knife from my father. I smoothed it down effortlessly before following the lady outside towards the unknown.
I was now an orphan.

Please Read and Review.
I want at least a few reviews, before i put up the next chapter. I want to know what you think? or what you think i could do better.

PLease note, i have already written alot of this story, so the quicker you review, the quicker i can post another chapter ;)

3 Bexta