Based on the characters created by KittySqyres.

Rushing through the hallway, she avoided eye contact with anyone. Okay, eyes on the floor. The tall brunette kept her eyes on the white of her converses. Just get to class before… Accidentally, Selena looked up to see which room she was near. Oh, crap. She made eye contact with the one person she tried to avoid. Her eyes quickly darted back to her shoes, hoping today would be one day that she didn't mess with her.

"Well," the shorter girl grinned. "where are you off to in such a rush?" her two friends snickered as they closed in on her. "Meeting up with some other dyke?" Others around her laughed, and continued on with what they were doing. Torment from Demitria Monroe was as common as the morning announcements.

Selena rolled her eyes. "Okay, Monroe. We do this everyday." Demi lackeys' eyes narrowed. "You call me a dyke, then knock my books out of my hands, then I say "Really? Really?" then pick up my books and go to class." The edges of Demi's lips curled. "So can we skip that whole thing so I can get to class?"

Demi stepped closer and crossed her arms. "Yeah, we can skip that whole thing that we do here, but just remember that you'll have to make up for it later." She winked.

Even when she's threatening me, she still looks hot. "Like what?" she quivered, stepping slightly back onto her heels.

"Oh, you'll see." She did her famous grin before becconing for her half-assed clones to follow. "You better still be around at the end of the day, Russo."

Unsure about what Demi had in mind, Selena didn't want to stick around to find out what it was but she knew that it would be a lot more severe if she left. It was definitely going to be a long day.

Selena splashed some water on her face and quickly dried it with a paper towel. It was a good thing she didn't wear any make-up; it would have been smudged everywhere. As soon as she went to throw out her garbage, she heard the door click open.

To Selena's horror, none other than Demi strolled through the door. Once Demi realized who was standing by the garbage, she put on her devilish grin. "Saved me some time trying to find you." Demi laughed, closing the door behind her. She kicked the wedge underneath the door.

"Seriously, Monroe." She managed to choke out. "Do you really have to do this?" she stepped back towards the sink.

She rolled her eyes to the ceiling as though she actually thought about it. "Oh yeah." She giggled. "You have to learn a few rules, Russo." She continued to step closer. "First rule: …and the most important rule, you… belong… to me…" Demi closed the gap between them, resting her palms on the sink. "Rule two: You do as I say. Rule three: You do not talk back to me."

"I am not property." She said in disbelief that someone tried to claim her.

Demi nodded. "But you do belong to me…you realize that?" she continued before Selena could get a word in. "No matter if you do or not… doesn't make it less true."

"You can't just claim m…"

"Oh, yes I can..." She smiled. "And you still owe me from this morning, Russo."

"I don't owe you anything! You're the one who pushes me around all the time, and I'm not going to…"

Before Selena could even blink, she was already pinned against the sink with her wrists held on her sides. "You're going to meet me after 8th period, yes." Selena shook her head "no". "That wasn't a question." She dug her nails deeper into her flesh. "Yes." She said as she nodded her head. Selena mimicked. "You're going to be by my locker at exactly 2:30 p.m." She released her nails from Selena's wrists and laced their fingers together. "You know where my locker is, right?" Selena slowly nodded, trying to recall where Demi's locker was. "Good… well, I have to go." She pulled away, checking her phone and turned her back. "Don't forget the rules!" she yelled over her shoulder.

Selena was completely stunned, still with her back against the sink. Before she knew it, Demi was gone.

"I can't believe she just waltz into the bathroom and say that I belong to her!" Selena explained to her friend what had occurred earlier. "I'd prefer the orange juice in my backpack over this…" she huffed, recalling her first interaction with Demi in the third grade.

"What does she mean that you belong to her?" Jennifer asked, trying to keep up with her pace around the track.

Selena shrugged. "She didn't exactly clarify." She looked up to see Demi talking to a group of other girls in the middle of the field. "There were some rules thrown out there though."

"Rules?" she laughed but quickly noticed Selena's expression. "Sorry."

"Like I have to do what she says and not talk back." From her peripheral vision, she noticed Demi's eyes following her around the track. "And I have to meet her at her locker today at 2:30."

Jennifer was still trying to keep up. "Can you slow down a bit?" Selena slowed down her pace, realizing her best friend was a tad bit pink in the face. "So, you're actually going to go through with this?"

"If I don't, who knows what she would do?"

"But if you do, who knows what degrading things she's going to make you do?" Jennifer wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Don't you want to hold some of your dignity?"

Selena scoffed. "Not that it matters anyway, but I think if I do this, I can probably get back at her, or at least get her off my back for a little while."

"What do you think she has in mind?"

"No idea." Selena and Demi's eyes met on the track and they both quickly averted their glances. "But I hope it's not as bad as her putting the whipped cream in my locker."

Everyone in the hallway stopped and watched Selena walk down the hall where her locker wasn't. She kept her eyes on her shoes, trying to drown out the awkward feeling she got from being out of place. Reaching the end of the hallway, she looked up to see Demi waiting patiently at her locker.

As soon as they made eye contact, Demi's quickly formed a smile. "Good." Demi checked her phone. "You're right on time." She turned towards her locker and shuffled through her books.

"Okay," Selena was ready to accept her punishment. "let's get this over with…"

Demi turned and piled her books into Selena's arms. "You're going to carry these to my car." She said with a huge smile. Selena looked at her with disbelief. "Let's go."

Confused, Selena followed her through the hall as everyone watched. She readjusted the four large textbooks in her arms. "So, why am I carrying your books?"

Demi looked at her nails. "Because they're heavy and I just got my nails done." Demi's heels echoed through the hallway, grabbing even more attention from her fellow classmates. "But you're doing this mainly because I said so."

Selena looked at the back of her head in disbelief as they headed through the double doors. "Wha—I'm not going to…"

"Then why are you here?" Demi asked, leaning against her car. Selena opened her mouth and closed it several times. Clearly, she lost her ability to speak. "Exactly. Now, get in the car." She opened the door and hopped over into the front seat. Awkwardly, Selena managed to sit in the car with a pile of books on her lap.

They both sat in silence without the car starting before Selena breaking the silence. "What?" her eyes darted from side to side.

"Seat-belt…" she said as if she was a child.

"Right." She shuffled under her books to try and buckle her seat belt.

"Up or down?" she asked as she started the car. Selena gave her a confused look. "Do you want the top up or down?" Selena looked at Demi's cleavage then back up to her face. Demi laughed. "It's a convertible…"

"Oh!" Selena blushed. "Whatever's fine." She buried her knuckles into the seat.

"You blush easily…" Demi stated as she pressed the button to bring the top down.

"Yeah…" Selena shuffled her feet. "Where are we going?" She looked up into the mirror to find that she was still red.

Demi didn't take her eyes off the road. "My house. As I said, you belong to me and I have a few things to do around the house and you're going to help me."

"Like chores and stuff?" Demi nodded. "Aren't you rich? Don't you have maids or something?"

"I don't trust maids so the more I keep my house clean, the less I have them in my house. My dad's too lazy to clean and my house is too big for me to do the work on my own." She stated dryly. "Music?" she looked over at Selena who was still in shock that Demi actually did some sort of work. Before Selena could answer, she pushed in a CD.

It was a familiar techno beat that she heard before. "Wait," Selena realized why this song sounded familiar. "you listen to Infected Mushroom?"

Demi nodded. "You've heard of them?" she asked excitedly. "I think they're awesome. They're a great mesh of metal and techno."

"They're like my favorite band!" Selena said in excitement. "I saw them a few months ago, and they were great!" It seemed like everything that they been through together for the past eight years had never happened. "I didn't think we'd have anything in common." Selena said cautiously, wondering if it was a bad idea to say it.

"Just because people consider me a prep and my friends are sort of umI can listen to whatever music I want." She paused. "You went to the show in October?" Selena nodded. "I really wanted to go to that one but I had to take care of something…" she trailed off. "I'll definitely try to go to the next one though. I can't miss it this time!"

"Well, hopefully they're going to be in America for a little longer."

"If not, do you want to go to DeadMou5 with me?"

"Never heard of them…"

Demi's smile grew wide. "You gotta listen." She shuffled through her car to pull out a mix CD with a mouse head drawn on the cover. "It's just one guy and he wears this huge cartoon mouse head through the entire show." Demi fast forwarded through the first minute of the track and began to sing along. "What's crackin'? Who ya macking? What'cha doin'? Who ya screwin'? What cha drinking? What'cha thinking? Scream my name, play your game. Wanna do me, wanna screw me." Selena squirmed in her chair as Demi happily sang along. "I'm your pet, make me wet. Don't just stare, I don't care. Want some fun? Make me cum. Keep it goin' cause it's snowin. Turn me up, pin me down, flip me over, upside down. Make me make that fuck you sound." Selena was quiet through most of the song. Demi leaned over and lowered the radio. "So, do you like it?"

"Awesome beat." She replied nervously.

"Okay, maybe a few more songs, you'll love it." They listened to the entire CD before reaching their destination.

Selena stared up the mansion that Demi was pulling up to. "You… you live here?" she asked in amazement.

"Yeah." Demi responded nonchalantly as she pulled into her two-door garage. "Most my life…"

She pulled into the garage, which was filled with five other cars, each being a different shape and color. "Whose cars are these?"

"Dads, moms, moms, dads, dads." She exited the car, followed by Selena and her large pile of textbooks. They walked through the entrance of the house through the garage, which led to the main living room.

Selena stepped carefully through the house, making sure not to drag any dirt on the floor. "Can't believe you live here…" she said in awe. She looked around the entire living room and kitchen, realizing it was a lot bigger than her own house. "And your parents don't care that I'm here?"

"Well, they always bring unwanted company so it shouldn't be a big deal that I bring over a friend…" Selena paused at the word friend. It was the last word she ever expected to describe her relationship with this girl. "Let's go upstairs."

She followed Demi up the stairs, being careful not to look up her skirt. Alas, she was unsuccessful as her eyes trailed up from her heels and up her skirt. "Pink…" Selena whispered with a smile.

"Huh?" Demi turned around and looked down at Selena.

Selena shook her head. "Nothing…" she blushed, having the image of Demi's spank-me panties burned into her mind. They continued up the stairs. "Your house is like a castle."

"Yeah, and I'm Princess fucking Peach." She said dryly as she opened the first door.

When Selena opened the door, she sank into the purple carpet. Selena took off her shoes just as Demi did and really enjoyed the feel of the carpet. She was afraid to dirty up anything, since all of her furniture was white and looked fairly new. Even her bedspread looked like a giant fluffy cloud… with purple pillows.

"So what do you need me to do?" she looked around, trying to find some kind of mess.

Demi looked over a list that was hug up on a bulletin above her writing desk. "Laundry, vacuum, and homework. I have to be somewhere by 6 p.m. so we have three hours to complete everything."

"Where do you have to go?"

Demi walked over to her nightstand and slammed something into the drawer. "Doctors appointment… so let's get started." She said quickly, dumping her book-bag onto her desk. "You start on the English assignment, and I'll start the laundry. When I come up, I'll start on the math and we'll just copy it, 'kay?"

Selena nodded. Once Demi left the room, she turned her attention to the homework assignments. She sat down at the desk and got distracted by the pictures above her. There was an entire collage of what seemed to be her family. Apparently, her family is huge and seemed very close.

A picture of a much younger Demi caught her eye. She seemed to be at least seven, in a smock and in front of a canvas. She had on a huge, over exaggerated smile and was covered in paint. Selena smiled then quickly went back to the assignment. It's quite funny how children grow and change into the adults that they become.

Demi stepped through the door with a vacuum, while Selena was halfway through typing the English assignment. "How's it coming?" she asked as she leaned over her shoulder, to check up on the work.

Selena flinched, when she felt Demi's breath against her ear and her body heat against her back. "Um… fine." She managed to choke out. It was nearly impossible to concentrate on the next question with Demi's body nearly on top of her.

She was even able to feel her smile. "Can you concentrate?" Selena gulped. "I'm going to vacuum, so can you concentrate with the noise?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "I'm almost done anyway."

"Okay, awesome." Demi slowly pulled away, and Selena oddly missed her body against hers. Demi started up the vacuum and finished in no time. She leaned over Selena again and grabbed the Math book. "Move over." She commanded, opening the book to the proper page.

"Please." Selena looked up from the assignment, annoyed.

Demi raised an eyebrow. "Please, what?"

"You could ask more politely and say please." Demi was obviously not pleased.

"Fine. You don't want to move over…" she sat on Selena's lap. "…then you'll just have to manage."

Selena froze in her seat. She was able to smell Demi's shampoo. It was quite difficult to get her heart rate back to normal let alone focus on the assignment. Demi leaned slightly forward, exposing her lower back. Selena gulped and leaned back into her chair. Demi readjusted herself on her lap, and slipped her legs underneath Selena's.

"D-Demi?" she stuttered. "I sorta…" she took in a deep breath. Demi turned towards her. "…can't… um…"

"You can't what?" she grinned. "concentrate? You're going to be a good girl and do as I say next time, correct?" Selena nodded dumbly. "Good." Demi then Selena stood. Demi sat back down but left enough room for Selena. "You may sit."

Selena shook her head. "I can't while you're… I'll finish it after you finish…"

"Well, to keep you busy, just grab something to eat downstairs." She commanded without looking up from the chair.

"Do you want anything?" Demi shook her head. "Kay. I'll just go downstairs."

Selena made her way to the kitchen and her phone rang. "Hey, Sel!" Jennifer said in a concerned voice. "So, how's the torture? What's she making you do?"

"Actually, it's not so bad." Selena sandwiched her phone between her ear and shoulder. "She just made me carry her books and help her clean." The refrigerator was stocked with a bunch of health food. She grabbed the only thing she recognized: a jar of pickles.

"I thought it would be ten times worse, like stealing your underwear to show to the whole school." Selena laughed. "Remember the time your underwear went missing at the softball sleep over? I wonder if she really did it."

Selena bit into the pickle. "No idea. That was years ago, so I don't really care." Selena turned around to see some guy standing there, shuffling through mail.

"Who are you?" he asked sternly. Selena froze, mid-chew.

"Sel, what's going on?"

"Jen," she whispered. "I'll call you back…" Selena gulped, swallowing a bigger piece than she should have. "Selena…" she answered nervously. "I'm Demi's friend."

"Hold on." He pulled out his phone and dialed. "Demi… get down here, now."

Demi swiftly made her way down the stairs. "Hey, daddy." His expression was still like a rock, which made Selena back into a corner.

"Who's this?" he asked with a slight quiver in his voice.

Demi knew exactly what he meant and jumped to her defense. "She's just a friend!" Her father was still silent. "She was helping me with some chores and homewo…"

"That's what maids are for… and I thought we already went through this. If you fail a class, you're going off to LA with your Aunt Sue Sue and Uncle Paul."

Demi shook her head vigorously. "No, daddy, I'm doing great in school. Promise… I just meant I'm helping her with homework…"

"Well, you have to hurry up with your visit." He spat. "You have therapy at 6."

Demi shot her father a horrified looked and quickly set her attention to Selena. "Physical therapy." She shouted. "Physical therapy, dad…" she looked back over to her father who was giving her a questioning look.

"Well, it's almost four so take her home at five, understood?" Demi nodded. "And leave your door open." Demi nodded and beckoned for Selena to follow her upstairs. Selena gave Demi's father a nervous smile and ran up right behind her.

Demi went right back to the math assignment. "You said it was okay for me to be here." Selena whispered, being cautious due to the open door.

"It is fine." She stated without looking up from her book. "You're still here, aren't you?"

"But your dad just flipped…" Demi nodded. "So how does that translate to sure, you're welcomed into my house any time because I'm just peachy about the idea."

Demi leapt from her chair and yelled in a hush voice. "Well, you're here aren't you? If you couldn't be here, he would have kicked you out, so just get on my bed and wait for me to be finished, kay?"

"No, that's not okay." Selena said in a more frustrated voice. "You order me around, make me feel uncomfortable, and make me do work for you. You just want me to just do what you say all the time? Well, this little game or whatever it is to you is over…" she took in a deep breath. "I'm going to call my dad to come pick me up."

"I can bring you home." She said in a softer voice.

Selena's eyes narrowed. "I don't want or need anything from you."

Demi quickly sat back down, facing away from Selena. "You can wait up here 'til your dad comes… then I'll walk you out."

"What's your address?"

"146 Bay Court."

"Hey, dad." Selena's tone completely changed. "Can you pick me up at my friends house? Um… 146 Bay Court. I know you just got home but I just need a ride back." There was a long pause. "Then where's mom?" Another long pause. "Alright, alright. Fine. Bye, dad." Selena hung up the phone. "Am I still able to get that ride?" Selena asked in a monotone voice.

"Yeah." Demi stood up and shuffled through some papers. "I copied down the math answers here and I printed out the English assignment." Demi grabbed her keys and shoes. "Come on…" Selena followed.