A/N:Um... READ IT!

The entire school started to treat me differently. I assume I seem to be more approachable after Demi forced me into new clothes and deemed me to be her peace keeper. The attention was a lot to handle at first, but I've learned to dismiss the nonsense that people tried to approach me with:'Hey, Girl! Come to our party!' 'You missed an awesome concert! Wish you were there!' Miss me, my ass! The only people I need in my life are my parents, Jennifer, and Demi.

I kept my shoes in good condition, considering my old ones had holes in the soles of them. My shirts were new and unwrinkled... my underwear didn't say 100% cotton. It's definitely new, but I kind of like it.

The mall was somewhere I found myself often... lately. I usually wandered and looked at nothing in particular, but I assume it to be a lot better than wandering around in the streets to clear my head. My girl friend is crazy... simply put: she's crazy. And I'll go to the ends of the earth for this girl but...

"Tara?" I look away from my in tact shoes and meet eyes with my ex.

She wraps my arms around me like a boa constrictor right before they smother their pray. "You look so cute today." Her voice went right through my spine, and not in the good way. Any time you're with someone that you really really REALLY like, their flaws seem to be their best feature... Man, was I deaf dumb and blind... Sorry Helen Keller...

"Thanks... Change in wardrobe, obviously." Her lips twitched which made her less than average... Why did I date her again?

Her hands trailed down to meet mine and I quickly pulled away. "I forgot why we would ever break up!" Her tone seethed with innocents... Sometimes the worst people are the ones that believe their own lies.

I nodded in disgust and began to walk backwards away from her. "Actually, it was quite a good reason and if you can even recall that reason, then we shouldn't speak." After my last words to her, I'm pretty sure she was standing there with her lips pouted out and her arms folded across her chest... She might not have grown up, but I believe I sure have. Old Selena would have agreed to forgive and forget, but I think Demi killed that Selena... I like this Selena so much better even if I'm going to hurt a few people's feelings.


One more week and I'm out of this place for good. It's great that I am one of the few people in here that are oh so privileged to have their door closed with no interruptions, but these walls are still quite thin and sex was definitely wearing Selena down. With out taking my medication I'm always "ready to go", and a tad more aggressive... and when I say a tad, I mean I nearly tore her jacket in half. Not even the thoughts of dead puppies can kill the mood.

"Sorry." I panted out after one of many sessions that day.

Her hand looked crippled and nearly useless. "It's okay." She gave me a reassuring smile for the both of us. Despite her hand being out of order, we could always try to be ambidextrous, or buy an attachment. She swallowed hard, and tried to catch her breath. "Did 'ya like it?"

I nodded frantically in response. I doubt she needed an answer, but who doesn't like to hear a compliment from time to time? "But you do know that you're gonna be my bitch as soon as I get out of this place?" I laughed.

The white walls came crashing back... They were real. They were there. I was in here. I can't exactly recall why I'm here but I know I have to be here one more week. Selena made it so easy to forget what an odd situation this is, but that's what someone like that is supposed to do... When your in love, nothing else matters. Nothing.


There isn't much to do in this place. I taught myself how to juggle with the stress balls the therapist allowed me to keep. Therapist... The Rapist... That's probably why they're called that. They rape your mind... try to get inside of you, and I do my best not to let them in. They ask silly questions that's usually small talk outside in the real world. "How are you feeling?" I tilt my head and waited, as if my reflection was actually going to respond. "How was your day?" I let out a quick chuckle. "How do you feel about that?" I could become The Rapist and make so much money.

I watch the patterns on my desk move most of the time... They vibrate in place and they look very fascinating! On the second day of no sleep, that's when it begins, but not as quickly as the third day. I'm not sure how they look by the fourth day... I've never tried being awake that long. The silly sleeping pills they would give me always ends up dissolved in a cup of water and poured down the drain. That silly pill blocks my imagination, and that's all I have in here. I like my thoughts sometimes, but a lot better than being a robot.

Aside from the pills they give out here, the only other bit of colour in here are the stress balls. When I toss them in the air, and if I don't concentrate too much, I see the colours of red green and blue start to bleed into the background. I'm not sure if that's just from lack of sleep, but I'm pretty sure it is. But I do need sleep. Otherwise I'd stay awake and see what other things my mind will trick me into seeing. ...or hearing. I don't like that too much. Sometimes I would hear sounds that no one else hears. Maybe my hearing gets enhanced as well and I have some kind of super powers.

Ah, yes. Selena. I sleep for her. I want to be completely there for when she visits. She's usually quite excited to see me. I nod at my reflection in agreement. "My mannerisms are different as well." I laughed as I watched my reflection in the window drop the red stress ball on to the ground. Before I go to pick it up, the red begins to bleed to the floor. "I don't need you anyway." I whisper to the fallen ball. "I just need Selena, and nothing else. Nothing."


She looks ill... She looks really sick. Demi weight dropped drastically since she's been in there. Her eyes are red with dark half circles under her eyes. Her lips are some what pale... still kissable, but still pale. And she acts differently. Like she's spacing out all the time and it seems like it takes her a while to process an answer when I speak to her. She's getting better though, right?

I look up from my dinner at my very much concerned parents. They see the toll having a girl friend in the crazy house is doing to me. Despite thinking my efforts are useless, they're supporting my decisions. We lesbians are a stubborn bunch. Any time I hear a guy travels across town to declare his love to his girl friend, people see that as romantic... I see that as a normal Tuesday. Straight people don't know what they're missing.

Demi's last day is Friday, and I'm definitely planning on doing something for her when she gets out. A party might be too overwhelming... so maybe a simple date at a restaurant... I don't know. I'll think of something... Something great...

A/N: Sorry. No funny in this one... It gets weirder... I promise!