

Disclaimer: Don't own Charmed or anything, just borrowing the characters for a while =D.

Cole grinned as he threw himself onto the worn armchair in the back room of P3. H glanced at his watch, frowning when he realised it was now into the early hours of the morning, and Chris was nowhere to be found.

Piper had sent him back here to wait for the young whitelighter after looking like she'd seen a ghost – who could blame her? – shrieking, screaming for Phoebe, Paige and Leo, and then demanding to know how he knew Chris and what did he want with him?

The tinkling of orbs brought him out of his memories and took the form of Leo.

"Uh…Leo?" he asked, standing up.

The Elder jumped, "Cole? Where's Chris?" when Cole shrugged, Leo sighed, "Never mind then, there's not much time! The girls need you!"

"Leo! What's going on?"

"The girls will tell you! Go, quickly!" he ordered and took up Cole's place in the armchair as he orbed out. He glanced around the tiny room and sighed. I really didn't realise how small this room was and that sofa looks really uncomfortable…no wonder Chris always looks exhausted…not that I care though, but something about that kid seems familiar…

He was disturbed by a tinkling of orbs but this time they took the form of Chris, who looked a bit worse for wear. His hair was plastered to his forehead, his clothes had holes in them, he was bleeding and Leo swore he could smell burning. The whitelighter was struggling to catch his breath, and a deep scowl developed on his face when he saw he was no longer alone.

"What do you want?" he growled.

"Phoebe had a vision of a demon attack-"

"What? When?" Chris demanded.

"About twenty minutes ago-"

"No!" Chris shouted in frustration, "When are they coming?"

"Few hours we think. It was nearly nightfall in the vision and it's just turning morning now." Leo explained calmly.

"Oh." Chris frowned, "What do you want me to do?"

"Well, first take a shower…I don't even want to know what's you've been up to, I'll heal you, then I'll orb you to the manor-"

"Thanks, but I'm perfectly capable of orbing to the manor by myself, Leo." Chris snapped, grabbing some clean clothes and heading towards the bathroom.

"Yes, and in case you haven't noticed, you're not in their good books at the moment…"

Chris froze as his mother's – who didn't know that she was his mother- words from the day replayed in his head.

Wyatt's not evil, and after this is over, I don't want to see you again.

"Chris?" asked Leo, "Come on, we've not got all day!"

Ok…so, that was just a little taster to see if anyone's interested in the story? I'll upload as often as possible, and please, feel free to leave comments/criticisms!

Oh, and if at any point, you'd like the story to go in a different direction or whatever, let me know! If I use your idea(s), I'll credit you in the disclaimer. =)