A/N LAST CHAPTER OF THIS STORY! And also the ends of part three. That means a playlist in the endnote!

I'm sorry but this just seemed true best way to end it. Remember there will be a sequel (if you leave a good review I'll give you a preview ;)



I was dusting the living room, something I did to distract myself from what was going on outside my house at the moment. When doing housework, something I seriously didn't mind doing (which both pleased and surprised Paul) it was much easier to keep my mind off of everything. It made it easier to procrastinate my college work while also keeping my mind off my month late period. Not that it would be bad to be pregnant, I was 23, and I just didn't think it was the right time. There was just too much going on in the pack to bring another life into the mess.

Everyone said I was overreacting. I was not overreacting, I was just more worried then everyone else. To tell the truth, it didn't seem like anyone really cared for Embry much at the moment. They all seemed to find his situation utterly hilarious.

Embry had finally imprinted, though he didn't get the good end of the stick. Not only did this girl live miles away, she was a little... young. Poor Embry. He'd been jittery for the past month, panicking and phasing at any given moment. The pack mocked him for the random bursts, calling him a pup again. The kid was a wreck and his brothers weren't making it any better.

Suddenly it felt as though my stomach shifted, causing my face to immediately frown and I hurried to the kitchen sink.

As I watched my lunch flow down the sink, I couldn't help but put my hands up to my face. I seriously couldn't be pregnant, it just wasn't possible. I was still on birth control, how did it get around that. I groaned and turned the faucet off, my hands drifting to grasp at my same torso.

If I was pregnant, it wouldn't be long until my body expanded. I bit my lip and pulled my shirt back down. It seriously wasn't the time.

Not only was there the Embry problems, but also the Leah-Jacob relationship with Nessie in the background. Jacob loved Leah, just as she loved him but what if Ness ever wanted him back? Jacob would jump back to Nessie in a heartbeat; he wouldn't be able not too.

I heard the front door open and shut, waking from my thoughts. I was still standing in the kitchen, my fingertips grasping at the trim of my shirt.

"Viv?" Paul shouted into the house, his voice quiet. I slowly walked out of the kitchen, almost running into my wolf.

He had dinner in his hands, a meal that looked prepared by Emily. Well, I think Emily had prepared it. Strangely, and rather unfortunately, he was wearing clothes. Jeans and a shirt, I was utterly confused. Why was he fully dressed if he had just come from a pack meeting?

"You weren't cooking dinner were you?" Paul asked and grabbed my hands that still hadn't moved from my shirt. I slowly shook my head once.

"No. I was just... thinking," I whispered and stood up on my toes to press my lips against my mans lips. I felt Paul melt under my touch, making my lips spread into a large smile.

"Now where were you?" I asked and pulled Paul into the living room. Paul shrugged, pulling me down onto the couch with him.

"Answer my question first," he whispered into my ear. I shivered and hid my face in his neck.

"You didn't ask any question, Monster," I said quietly. Paul chuckled and placed his hands over my stomach. I froze; did he know I was pregnant? He couldn't because I wasn't even positive.

"What were you thinking about?" Paul whispered into my ear again. I could practically hear the smile in his words.

"Embry," I said quickly. Paul chuckled again and kissed my temple softly.

"He's fine Viv. Now what else is on your mind?" I couldn't hide it from Paul, but then again I wasn't positive myself.

"You might be a father soon," I whispered, moving my head up to look at my wolf. Instead of the shock I expected to see on his face, Paul's face looked joyful but as if he already knew.

"I will be a father soon," he said, a large smile exploding onto his face. I couldn't help but smile back, tears springing to my eyes.

"You're happy?" I asked.

"What else could I be besides happy? The love of my life has my child growing in her, I couldn't be more happy," Paul shouted and hugged me closer to his body. Tears started to stream down my eyes. I guessed that it was the fact that Paul might not be ready for the baby that had scared me the most. Since he wanted the baby, so did I.

"I love you Paul," I whispered. Paul kissed my forehead, and looked down at me with his face serious.

"I lied," he said, no emotion lacing his words. I froze again as Paul pushed me softly off his lap. He lied? About what. I felt as though my life was falling apart very slowly.

Then, unexpectedly, he'd stood up and dropped to one knee. Paul fumbled in one pocket, hands trembling, and pulled out a tiny red box. My eyes widened and I felt my heart speed up.

"Viv... My Crazy Eyes, I love you more than anything. It's not just the imprint, I love you. Actually I can't even think of a real word that describes what I feel for you. Seven years ago we met, but I can't think of anything before those seven years. You cloud my mind. Now please tell me you'll let my mind be clouded with memories of you in a wedding dress, because... well I love you."

I managed a shaky nod, tears in my eyes before shouting a "yes" of happiness. Paul jumped up from his knees, pulling me carefully from the couch and twirling me around.

That day was last month. I still couldn't get over the fact that I was engages, that I was pregnant. Never had I imagined I would become a mother so young, but I was ready. Even with all the drama and problems going on, I was ready for this child. I was ready to be a mother to Paul's child.

Although I did have my nightmares. Nightmares of becoming like my mother, leaving her children and never coming back. I did know that it wasn't my mother's fault she didn't come home, but I still hated her for leaving us in the first place.

And there were still the other woman in my family that showed me what could become of me. Quil's mom for example, or my father's mom. Both had left their families, never to return back to them...

Quil hadn't heard from his mom when she was in town, living in my old house. No one had known of her being in La Push besides me and no one would ever know. I knew it would hurt Quil too much.

"Embry's gone," I heard Paul yell as he slammed into the house. I was on the computer, typing away on a report that I had due in a week's time.

"Where is he?" I asked, grabbing my neck and twisting the necklace that lay there. Paul shook his head and started pacing the living room.

"We don't know. His mother was in town and they got in a fight. Then she left and now he's gone... This isn't good Viv," Paul said hurrily his pacing speeding up.

"Is he phased?" I asked. Paul shook his head, his pacing pausing for a moment. "Where could he be going?"

"We don't know Vivyan," Paul growled. I pressed my lips into a tight line, falling back into the couch.

"I don't know why you're telling me all this, it's not like I can really do anything," I snapped at Paul, placing my hands over my ears. I knew the pack had been pushing Embry too hard, I knew he would snap sooner or later.

"I thought you'd like to know Vivyan," Paul said softly. I regretted being harsh immediately.

"Sorry Paul, it's the baby," I whispered, walking over to Paul so I could wrap my arms around his body. Paul's arms immediately wrapped around me also, his shakes stopping instantly.

"Sorry, I'm just worried about the kid. He's probably just running off, blowing some steam. Imagine when our little tyke is a teen," Paul chuckled and placed his hands of my stomach, his fingertips stroking my pant line.

"Think he ran to Tria?" I asked, meaning his imprint. Paul chuckled.

"Of course he did," we both laughed at the same time. Embry was always a wreck, but we noticed he was a tad bit less of a wreck after he patrolled the forest outside his imprints house. Sadly he couldn't talk to her, nor even show himself to her, because he was just a random 25-year old to her parents.

"I guess it is better than him blowing off steam by pounding some random chick like before," Paul chuckled. Embry used to be a player, before the imprint, but Tria changed him. No longer did he fuck any girl he could.

"I guess so," I giggled and pressed my lips against Paul's. Since we had got on the topic of sex, I thought back to the last time Paul and I had enjoyed it. I froze, had it really been a month since the last plunge?

"When was the last time we had sex?" I asked Paul, stepping back to see his reaction. His lips were pressed in a thin line.

"I don't want to hurt the baby," Paul whispered. This made a chuckled break out of my mouth.

"It won't Paul, lots of people do it," I laughed and caressed my stomach. Paul chuckled a bit too, only his laugh seemed unsure.

"So now you're peer pressuring me?" Paul asked and carefully laid his hands on my stomach, his hands warm under my shirt.

My breath caught as he slowly inched his hand further up my shirt...

But that's a story for another day.


13: Let Go – Waking Ashland

14: Promise the Stars – We the Kings

15: She is – Between the Trees

16: Bedroom Talk – The Starting Line

17: Humans – The Scene Aesthetic

A/N: One final note. Thank you for reading, I hope you've enjoyed this, please do let me know.

Secondly, my new story should be up late November or early December! Be sure to check it out, I have already given a few clues as to what are going to happen in this last chapter ;)

So please review and remember I love you all :)


And I'm out.