A/N: I've had to make up a few names and places for this fic. As far as I can tell, Kagome lives somewhere in Tokyo, and Ranma lives in Nerima, which I now know is one of the wards within Tokyo. For the sake of this story Kagome will live in the Itabashi ward, within walking distance of the Tendo dojo. If I make any blatant or annoying errors, please feel free to correct me, all I know is basically from the manga and anime versions of Inuyasha and Ranma, and I've forgotten a lot of the details. I've also made up a first name for Kagome's grandfather, just for convenience saying "Kagome's grandfather or even jii-chan again and again got a little old." Basically I found a list of Japanese names and randomly chose Michio… hopefully it is suitable.

At a small shrine in Itabashi, a fifteen year old girl falls down a well on her birthday. When she returns a few days later to her extremely worried family it is with an inu-youkai, a quest, and new found powers.

A mere forty minute walk away in Nerima, ignorant to the drama taking place, Genma Saotome double checked his calendar before crossing off the name 'Kagome Higurashi' in a little black travel booklet and sighing in relief. Another fiancée had failed to show up, either because the girl had refused to be betrothed to a complete stranger, or because her grandfather had conveniently forgotten about the agreement to bring his granddaughter to meet Ranma shortly after her fifteenth birthday. Genma hoped it was the latter, according to his notes, the old codger had been deadly serious and highly traditional.

Shaking off his lingering anxiety, Genma carefully rehid the notebook so Ranma would find it—when he thought of his son's reaction to discovering just how many girls he'd been promised to, Genma shuddered—and left his room to join the Tendo family for dinner.