A/N = Hey all. I'm back, aren't you glad? Sorry it took so long. This chapter was being very difficult and then that other story idea crept into my mind. However, I didn't forget about you guys. In fact, in apology for the long wait, you get a very long chapter. A VERY long chapter. I didn't think it would be this long but I guess I underestimated myself. This chapter covers both their first Double DADA class and what the text Harry recieved says. So guess what guys, you finally get to know exactly what Draco is planning. As well as a few other shocking revelations (to Harry at least). I, myself, am very proud of this chapter. Of both the DADA class and the info in the text. However, that's just me. Also, I noticed as I reread my last chapters that it's very choppy between perceptions so I'll try and work on that.

Thanks to all my reviewers. No big warnings for this chapter though there is talk of suicide. That's pretty much it however. Hmmm... what else... I have already started the next chapter, so it shouldn't be to long before you find out what his answer is.

But enough about that, on to the story. Hope you enjoy! Please leave a review, whether it's with comments or questions. I will respond to all of them. Oh. Sorry about how messy the A/N is and if the POV changes aren't noticible. FF edit is giving me issues. I'll try and fix it.

EDIT: There, all fixed!

Chapter 6 = The Three Level's

Groaning to himself, Harry once again stared at the book and then the letter. He really didn't want to think about this right now. What ever was in the book would be serious and most likely give him something else to really think about. Which wasn't something he wanted to do just then.

Besides, Malfoy hadn't given him a time limit to read the book and give him an answer. So it was something that he could easily put off if he wanted to.

The question was, did he want to?

Before he could answer that, the portrait opened up. Wondering who it could be, Harry quickly hid the letter in the book and the book beside him, out of view. Which was a very good thing since it was Hermione who stepped into the common room, with Ron right behind her.

Seeing him, Harry tensed, wondering what was about to happen. He was immensely glad that he had put on his glamours before coming down now. It was bad enough that Malfoy knew about his scars.

That, of course, brought his thoughts back to the meeting the night before and the book hidden beside him. Which made him miss their first greeting.


Blinking, he shook his head and turned to his best friends. "Hi Hermione. What's up? What did I miss in Trans?"

"Oh not much. We were just practising the spell we learned the other day. It was a tricky one, it took all of class for most of the class to get it."

"Why weren't you in class? When we went to tell McGonagall you were still sleeping, she waved us off and said she knew. How did she know and where were you last night?"

Harry turned his eyes to his male friend, wondering for a half second if he had imagined the fight the night before. But he knew he hadn't. Which meant Ron was trying to act like it never happened. Which meant he was ignoring everything that was said.

He frowned and stood up, remembering to grab the book as he did so. He hoped Hermione would just assume it was a text book. He wasn't worried about Ron noticing it at all.

"I was with the Headmaster last night. I saw the attack that happened in the Muggle village. Which is why I slept in this morning. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have some things to do." he said coldly, hating the fact that Ron assumed he'd act like nothing happened as well.

Hermione grabbed his arm before he could head up the stairs though. "You had a vision? How come you didn't say anything? Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm just breezy. Thanks for noticing." he snarled, pulling his arm away and heading for the dorm rooms. He didn't know why he was mad at Hermione. She hadn't done anything wrong.

'Not noticing when her best friend is in pain is wrong.' a small voice whispered in the back of his head, which he promptly ignored.

"Where are you going? We have DADA right now..." she said, frowning at him.

'Ignoring what I said. Again.' that small voice pointed out.

Growling at it silently, Harry sighed. He had forgotten about the DADA classes. He couldn't skip those as well though. For one, he only had permission to do it this morning. For another, he had really been looking forward to the class.

"I'll be down in a minute. Just need to grab a couple things." He replied before heading upstairs again.

When he got up there, he slipped the book into his bag with his drawing supplies. He knew he didn't need anything for this class since they'd be working outside, but he wanted to make sure he had everything so he could slip away after. He wanted a chance to think and to read the book by himself. Which meant he had to go to the hidden spot.

Once he had his things together, he made sure his wand was in his pocket and headed back down to the common room. When he got there, he noticed his two friends whispering furiously to each other. Ignoring them, he headed for the portrait. Which is where they joined him a few seconds later.

The walk down to the great hall was a silent one. When they got there, the other two started to head into the Entrance Hall. When they noticed he wasn't following, they stopped and looked at him.

Harry waved them on. "I ate earlier. You two go on, I'll meet you by the pitch."

Not bothering to question him, they nodded and headed in. Rolling his eyes at that, he sighed and headed for the doors. Lunch had only just started, so he may have the chance to start reading the book before anyone else got there.

When he got to the pitch where the class would be meeting, he sat down on one of the top bleachers; Figuring he'd have time to put the book away if anyone tried to join him. Once he was sitting down, he pulled the book out of his bag.

Chewing on the inside of his cheek, the young wizard opened the book and flipped to the table of contents. When he got there, he noticed a piece of folded parchment. Taking it, he unfolded it and looked at the writing. A moment later, he recognized it.

Wondering what else Malfoy would have to say about the book, he quickly read the note.

The book itself is an interesting read. I hope you get some enjoyment out of it as a whole. However, pay particular attention to chapter 10 and the second section. Happy hunting Emerald.

Harry blinked after he was done reading it. As he looked at it, his eyes read over the last sentence. 'What the hell is up with Emerald?'

Ignoring it for now, Harry focused back on the book. He was interested in what all would be in it but the note mentioned the tenth chapter. He put his finger down by the index list and ran it down till he got to chapter ten. Once he found it, he looked at the name beside it.

The Three Levels of a Slave

Another blink at that. Now much more confused then he had been before, Harry turned the page to the introduction. He knew he didn't have much more time before the others started to arrive so he didn't want to start the actual chapter. The introduction, however, should be short enough to spend his time.

Introduction to Slave and Master

Since the first wizard walked the earth, there have been slaves. To this day, there are still slaves among us. The only difference is they are hidden better now then they were before. Throughout history, wizards and witches have created new ways to make and control slaves; preferring magic means to do so rather then how our Muggle counterparts did. Some of these methods were proven false, or forgotten as better means appeared. In this book, I have collected most of these methods. Be them spells, potions, rituals or vows. I have put all that I learned into this book so as the next generation don't completely forget where they have come from. However, I beg you to keep in mind. Mostly all I have is information about the spell as well as some history for it. I have not put any incantations or potion ingredients or vow words in it. If you wish to try one of these spells, it is up to you to figure out how yourself. More then that, I beg you to be careful. Most of these methods, if not all, are considered very dark and illegal. Use at your own risk.

By the time Harry was done reading, he could hear voices coming his way. With a small frown, he stashed the book back in his bag and headed back down the bleachers. Once he got there, he noticed the rest of the class approaching as well as the teachers. As they made it to him, Harry spotted the owner of the book looking at him.

When the group got there, Malfoy walked right up to him. "Hello there Potter. Excited for our first practical lesson?"

Harry looked at him and could see the question in his eyes. With a small smile of his own, he gave him a nod, both to the silent and spoken question. "I really am. As excited as I am about a book I received this morning. From what I can gather, it should be very interesting reading material."

He saw the answering spark in the Slytherins' eyes as he responded. "That's good to hear. One can never have enough interesting books to read. I hope by the time you are done that book, you have a new way of seeing parts of the world. I know good books do that to me."

Before Harry could answer that interesting statement, the two Professors walked over. When they saw who was talking, Yoshi grinned. "Harry, Draco! It's wonderful to see you two taking what we said to heart. If only more students would follow your example."

The young teacher gave the rest of the class a look as she said that. All of whom were standing there in shock at the near friendly exchange between the two long time rivals. From the look of their faces, no one had believed the truce they had agreed to would last past yesturday.

'If only they really knew what was going on.' Harry thought with a grin, as he went to join the rest of the class.

As the Malfoy Heir passed him, he bumped into him slightly. However, before Harry could turn and glare at him, the younger was already standing with the rest of the class... and there was a sandwich in his hand that hadn't been there a second ago. Sending the other boy a questioning look, he sighed when all he got in response was a glare. Clearly telling him he expected the sandwich to be eaten.

Knowing the two Professors' wouldn't mind, Harry shrugged and did as the glare suggested. With a small roll of his eyes, he ignored the looks his friends were sending him. If they had believed he had eaten just because he said he did, they deserved to be confused.

Draco smirked to himself when he saw Harry eat the sandwich he had brought him. His smirk grew slightly wider at the eye roll the other part of the Golden Trio received. It seemed Harry was slowly getting fed up with his so called friends. Which was good. They had never treated him how he deserved anyway, there was no point keeping them around.

Which was to bad really. Draco hated to admit it, but Granger was a very smart witch and it would be to bad if she choose to side against Harry just because he was siding with a known Death Eaters son. The fact that he had spent the last five years terrorizing the other three didn't matter. At least it didn't seem to matter to Harry completely.

He knew of course that they would have to deal with their past eventually. However, he wasn't worried.

Half paying attention to what the two Muggleborns were talking about, his thoughts went back to their quick discussion before class. If you could call it a discussion anyway, more like an exchange of words.

Thinking back over what Harry had said, he felt a bit of excitement. It seemed the black haired boy was actually going to look into it. That was really good news. It was becoming more and more likely that his idea would work.

"Hey Malfoy! You coming?"

Shaking his head, Draco looked up to see the class heading towards the forest. At the back of the group was Blaise, waving him over. With a sigh, Draco caught up with the girl. As they followed the others, she quickly brought him up to speed.

"We'll be training in the forest for the next couple of weeks. Today they're actually going to pit us house against house. According to them, they think it's best to start with the people we live with. Next week they'll start intermingling us once they see where everyone is ability wise."

"What exactly are we doing?"

"Last house standing is the winner. Everything goes except illegal spells and ones that do real damage. Both of them apparently know good medic magic and they have Madam Pomfrey waiting in the hospital wing but they'd rather not send anyone there. The whole point is to defeat the other three houses. Get them off the field. The winning house gets a surprise. Apparently, the whole point of this is for them to see what everyone knows and how good we are at working together."

Draco blinked at her. He had never heard of anything like this being done before. "What stops us from cheating?"

"These do Draco." The voice made him straighten up. Apparently while they had been talking, they had arrived where the others were and standing in front of him was Shadow.

She was holding in her hand some kind of belt. Which just confused him more.

When she saw he was finally paying attention, Shadow turned back to the rest of the class. "In my hand is a sensory belt. When you put it on, the belt senses your heart rate. When you are stunned, the belt will record it and after one minute, you will be transported to a safety circle. This circle will only allow those wearing a belt to be let in. Once you cross the line, you will be revived and you will stay there while the others finish the battle."

"If the battle is not done by four thirty, anyone left standing will be transported to the circle where we will decide the winner on the number of people remaining in each house. Shadow or I will be in the circle at all times for when the students come in. We will also keep video spells going so we and the students can watch everything that's happening. The teacher who isn't in the circle will be in the forest with you."

"Sometimes we will be helping a certain house, other times we will be helping none of you. You won't know. When you get into the forest, you will see a shield going around a certain area. This shield will keep you in that area as well as keep other animals or creatures out. So don't worry. Now, each house will start at a different corner of the area. Once you put your belt on, you'll be transported to that spot." Shadow explained, handing out said belts, which were colour coded by house.

Yoshi continued as they were passed out, "Remember. This is a group exercise. If you only work by yourself, there's no way you can win. We will also know if you aren't listening to your team mates or if you go off by yourself. If you do, there will be consequences. If your team wins for example, you won't get a part of the prize. If your team loses... well... I'm sure the blame they put on you will be worse then anything we could do to you."

By then, everyone had their belt in their hand. Draco was staring from his to the two Professors. He had never heard of anything like this before but it sounded like it could be a lot of fun and a great way to start the year. He could admit, even if to himself, that it was also a great way to train in a war.

A few minutes later, the signal was given. The next few moments was spent with students hurrying to put their belts on and the sound of popping as each was transported to the forest. With a grin, Draco met Harry's eyes across the group. A moment later, the other boy disappeared and Draco followed soon after.

Let the games begin.

Three long hours later found a group of very tired sixth years sitting around in a huge circle. Floating in front of them was a huge screen, playing back images of the battle in the forest. Harry laid back on the ground and closed his eyes, letting the voices wash over him. The last couple of hours had been some of the funnest Harry had had in a long time, especially in the school. Being able to play out a battle situation for fun and with no danger had been a blast for him and a really nice change of pace.

It was a matter of pride to him that by the time it was done, the only people left standing were four Gryffindors; him, Hermione, Ron, and Neville.

The sixth years who had been in the Department of Mysteries the year before.

Which, apparently, Yoshi and Shadow knew about. Since the first thing they pointed out when everyone was there and revived was that the few who had survived were ones with experience on the real field of combat. That had got everyone staring at the four victors.

That hadn't lasted long however. For a moment later, Yoshi had piped up saying that they'd replay the fight for those who wanted to watch key points but that they would go over certain aspects of the fight during their next class. Then they had left the students to their talking until the bell rang.

Which is how Harry found himself laying down in the grass surrounded by his class mates, on the verge of falling asleep.

For the first time that year however, he couldn't help but feel halfway to being content. It was the most ordinary he had felt in a long time. However it had one draw back.

As the rest of the class sat around wondering what the Gryffindors' were getting for their surprise, Harry laid there and thought about the book. He knew now that the book talked only about ways to make someone a slave. Which lead him to believe that that was what Malfoy wanted Harry to be.

A slave.

The part that scared him the most however, was that he was actually considering doing it.

Before his thoughts could go any farther down that line, a ringing went through the grounds telling everyone class was over. As the rest gathered their things and started to leave, Harry stayed lying down.

"You coming mate?" Ron asked from somewhere above him.

The boy hero waved a hand in the other boys direction. "In a bit. I think I'm going to lay here for a while. It's relaxing."

A few minutes later, the area grew very silent, the last few footsteps fading away. Which told him that his friends had left without pushing the issue anymore.

Suddenly, he wasn't feeling very content anymore.

With a small growl, he sat up and looked around. Sure enough, he was alone in the circle. Or rather, what use to be the circle. It seemed as if Yoshi or Shadow had taken down the ward when they left, along with the belts the students had given back.

Not wanting to stay there any longer without that bit of privacy, Harry got up and grabbed his bag before heading to the lake. This time, he knew exactly where he was going and fund the spot easily. Once he was settled in the sand, he pulled the book out and turned to the tenth chapter.

It was time to find out exactly what Malfoy wanted out of him. Hopefully it would also tell him why the Slytherin thought it was Harry's only way out.

Part of him was really hoping it would. The other part was being rational however. He was, after all, part of a prophecy. He didn't think there was a force strong enough to get him away from it. At least not while was alive.

That line of thinking led him to the scars on his wrist. Not wanting to think about that, Harry turned his mind once again to the book in front of him and started to read.

Chapter Ten = The Three Levels of a Slave

Among everything I've covered, the Slave Spell is by far the most dangerous of them all. Mostly because it is also the one that works the best. It was used mainly back in the ages before Hogwarts Founders, when wizards and witches had human slaves. It was the Founders (Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, and Salazar Slytherin) who outlawed this spell. Rather... they tried to outlaw it. They relied, however, on wizards to totally cooperate when doing so and banked on our good will for it never to be used again.

The outlawing of this spell could not actually be done of course. Mainly because as long as it was done properly and carefully, there would be no trace of it. As long as the Master was smart enough and cunning enough at least. For the most part, there have been no cases of this spell being used since the Founders. There are cases where it is suspected, of course, and even a case or two where the only explanation is the spell. However, there is no way to bring these cases to the court.

Harry stopped reading for a moment and reread the last paragraph, then he sighed. Not only did his school nemesis want him to become a slave, he wanted to use a spell that would make it untraceable. A spell that was created even before the Founders.

How could Malfoy even know of a spell that long dead?

Knowing he wouldn't get any answers, the boy turned back to the book and continued to read.

When this spell was most popular, it was in an era where a slave spoke of your standings in the world. The more you had, the higher up in the social ladder you were. For this spell is based solely on magic and will power. Which is why, more often then not, the spell was used on Muggles. They did not have the power to fight against the magic, nor a will strong enough to fight that of their Masters.

Often, however, a wizard or witch was put under the spell as well. Usually it was only the weaker wizards, who 'did not have enough power to go anywhere in life anyway'. Sometimes, it was used on the loser of a duel by the winner. Since the loser was usually less powerful, even if was only marginally. This is why, more often then not, those of stronger magic prevailed. They could fight against anyone with their magic, even if they didn't have the will.

The persons will is what matters the most when the slave and Master have the same power level. This is seen most often with Lords and Ladies during times of war. Which is why their side usually shelters them after a major loss because their will is weak. This way, the other can't find them and use the spell, efficiently turning them to the other side. Usually resulting in the overall win. For without their will fighting against the others magic and will, it is usually a one sided fight.

Once again, he had to stop reading, this time in outrage.

`Either he thinks I'm weaker then he is or he thinks that my will is broken enough not to matter in the scheme of it.'

That thought actually hurt him. He was starting to slowly think better of the Malfoy Heir but if his thoughts were right, this was just another plan to use him.

Shaking his head, Harry reread the last paragraph. After a moment, his frown grew deeper.

'Unless Malfoy sees me as the 'Lord' of the Light. In which case... I'm an easy target for this kind of spell. Especially right now.'

Once again he shook those thoughts out of his head. The other boy had asked if Harry trusted him before even giving him this book. That had to mean something. Maybe he should trust his old rival and try not to judge until he was completely done reading the chapter...

I have explained how will plays into it when the Master is more powerful or just as powerful as the slave. However, you are probably thinking about what happens if a person were to use the spell on someone more powerful then they are. Usually when this happens, it is because the powerful one got so use to being in power, their will was a lot weaker then the masters.

There have also been select few cases where in the powerful wizard or witch uses their will to fight against their own magic. The magic, which wants to stay free, barely ever has a chance against the two wills (that of the slave who wants to be controlled and that of the Master who wants to control). This, however, rarely happens as not many powerful witches or wizards want to give up complete control.

Maybe that was what Malfoy was leaning towards. Which would also explain why he said he needed Harry's trust and completely willingness for this to work.

Malfoy was banking on him to want to become a slave. For him to fight against his own magic. Magic that would want him to stay free. Why would he do that though?

Last year he would have assumed Malfoy was doing it to make sure Voldemort wouldn't be opposed. Now however... the thanks he had gotten for sending Mr. Malfoy to jail kept going through his head. The last few days, he had seen a side to his old rival that he had never seen before. A side that seemed to scream how much he didn't care about the war going on. All he wanted was to do what he wanted and not have to worry.

With a growl at his thoughts, he kept reading, hoping to shed some light on these new revelations.

Magic and will are, as you can see, two of the most important variables for this spell. However, they are not the only ones. Other things always factor in as well. The feelings of both parties, the trust (or lack of) between them, blood (which is why we rarely see half-bloods or Muggleborns as the Master), and so forth. All of these factors work together for this spell to be done, varying in degrees for each unique situation.

Of course, once the spell is cast, there is no for sure way to make sure it works. Sometimes it does... other times it doesn't. Of course, usually when one does the spell, they are sure that it will work. For when it doesn't work, the would-be-Master gets a backlash of magic which forms a cut on their cheek. This cut can't be glamoured or hidden in any way. It is a sign of failure for the world to see.

That in itself told Harry that more was going on then he originally thought. There was no way Malfoy would do something that could result in a scar on his face for the world to see. Not unless he knew without a doubt that it would work.

When I talk of this magic, I say spell. However, it is much more then just a spell. It is a potion, blood magic, a spell... it is all of these, or sometimes only one of these. It is just not one thing but many. How could it not be when it changes not just their behaviour, or their thoughts. Depending how it is done, it can change the pure essence of the slave, change their soul.

Depending which level of this you do.

For there are three levels to this magic. Which is why it has no name aside from the Slave Spell. Which is also part of the reason it is so hard to trace. Some people view the three levels as different spells all together. However, they are the same thing. All that it different is how it is done and how deep it goes into the system.

The first level is by far the most easiest to accomplish as well as the hardest one to trace. It is also the one least likely to work. This level actually is a spell, though there is a potion you can brew that will make the results more apparent. It is this spell, that Imperio was based off of. However, it was changed slightly in order for those results, which is also why it's so much easier to trace.

As I mentioned, this is the most basic level. When this spell is cast on someone, all it does is make the subject more prone to want to listen to what the caster says to do. However, the spell does it in such a way that the subject has no idea they're doing it on command. All the magic does is twinge the subjects thoughts a bit and makes it think on the track that will lead it to do what was asked.

For example. Caster tells subject to get up and leave the room. Ordinarily, the subject would have no reason to just get up and leave right then. So the magic makes their thinking twist a bit. He starts to think he forget to do something, or has to go pick something up. So he gets up and leaves the room, thinking the whole time that it had been his idea.

Of course, this spell does have its limitations. The caster can't make the subject do something he would never consider doing otherwise. For example; the caster can't tell his subject to say something in French if the caster had never learned French. The caster could, however, tell the subject to learn French. Eventually, the subject would get the urge to learn the language, thus doing the command. Which is the other reason it's only the basic level. There is no guarantee how long it will take the subject to follow the command, or even if he were to do the command. However, if the same command is said and followed often enough, the subject will take to it quicker each time. For example; the caster telling the subject to get up and leave the room. The more times he says that command (or a variation of it), the quicker the subject will start to think they want to.

That is where the factors come in. It depends on the casters magic and will behind the command. As well as the subjects free will and magic. The feelings and trust factor also comes in, which is why it's not often that enemies use this spell on each other. That is also, however, why it is so hard to trace. The magic makes the command the subjects idea. So no one realizes he's being commanded, they also think it was his idea. In fact, the only way to prove this spell was cast, is for the caster to admit to it.

Another down side to using this spell is that the subject needs to hear the casters voice saying the command for it to get into his system. The caster can't just write a note telling him to do something, and he can't will him to do it. He must hear the caster say it or the magic wouldn't work. There is also almost no way to undo the spell. Once the caster casts it, it will always be there. No matter how much time has passed. In fact, there is only one known way to remove it and that is level two or three of the spell.

Which is another thing to keep in mind. This spell can't be used as a basis for the other levels. If the caster were to cast this spell on someone and then give them the command to agree to one of the other levels, it wouldn't work. Sure, the subject may eventually agree to it, but once the caster tried to cast one of the other level spells, they would get a backlash. For these three levels weren't made to work off each other. Any attempts to try, end very badly.

It is this basic level of the spell, that is most often still used today. Parents sometimes use it on unruly children; either to make them listen or to make them believe what they do. Students will use it on each other for secret pleasures. Leaders will use it on their followers in order to stop bickering and to get things done quicker. It is still used almost daily today, if one is lucky enough to spot it anyway.

Once again Harry had to pause in outrage. The fact that this spell was still being used and was pretty much untraceable scared him a lot. There was virtually no way of knowing if the spell was cast on someone. The only way they could was if the person the spell was cast on was to keep in mind everything someone told them to do and see if it's dine later. However, he was pretty sure the magic twisted itself so that wouldn't work.

Then there was the part about parents using it on their children. In the back of his mind, he could see the dark pure-bloods doing exactly that. Which made him wonder how much of Malfoys' actions and thoughts were his own... and how much of it was literally his father.

Really not wanting to follow along that train of thought, he focused back on the book. He knew from the note that the first level wasn't the level Malfoy was thinking of using. Which made sense. That spell wouldn't help him much at all, especially coming from the Slytherin.

The second level of the Slave Spell is what most people used on other wizards back when it was common. This level is also a spell, at least to start with. However, once the spell is said and the fight won, many other things must happen. Which includes some blood magic and a binding.

This level is actually what makes the slaves. It is also very hard to trace if the caster (or Master as they will be in this level) doesn't want it to be. Though a truth potion could work on the Master, that is usually only used if the suspicion of it being done is there.

Unlike the first level, this level can be undone by the Master. Which is what happened in the few cases that ever went to court. However, if the Master can prove that the subject (or slave as it is also referred to) agreed to it completely on their own accord, no one can force them to take the spell off. It works outside the lines of law and reason. Literally makes it so that the Master is the most important thing to the slave. No one and nothing else has claim to it. When the spell is cast, all other ties to the person is cut off. And as long as the slave is willing, nothing can get between the slave and Master. Which was usually the case back when it was used on Muggles or low level wizards or witches. The slaves knew that they couldn't have a better life and that becoming a slave was the only way to be cared after.

Harry almost dropped the book from shock. He had to reread that section three times before it really started to sink in.

If this spell was cast on him... and he let it take control... the prophecy wouldn't matter to him anymore. He wouldn't be obligated to fulfil it anymore! He could, essentially be just Harry...

The question was... could he really turn his back on everyone?

Not wanting to think about that just yet, he went back to the book with a vengeance.

By the time everything is said and done, what the spell essentially does is bind the slave to its Master. Not just that though, it also binds the Master to the slave. Just not in the same way. First, I will explain what happens with the slave part of the spell.

Once the caster wins over the other person, they become his or her slave. Their whole life becomes focused on the person who cast the spell. That is the difference between the first level and this level; the slave knows he or she is a slave. That is also the difference between this level and the third level, which will be explained later.

The slaves are still themselves. They know who they are, they know what they did. They still have their own feelings, their own wants and needs. They are essentially, still the same person they were before. The only difference is that they now have an... urge to do whatever their Master says. Which is another difference between this level and the first level. The slave must listen to all forms of commands; verbal, written (if there is no doubt it came from the Master), and silent. They also have a desire to keep the Master happy as well as keep them alive. For if the Master dies, so does the slave.

That last part made him pause, though only for a moment. So he would die if his Master did. Big deal. He could protect him, more so if it meant his life as well. At least he'd remember who he was still. Remember what he had done.

Which also brought him to the thought of if he could essentially abandon them.

'You aren't really. You could ask Malfoy to give you permission to fight in the battles still. Just because you won't be destined to defeat Voldemort anymore, doesn't mean you can't still help them with other fronts.'

He didn't think it would be to bad if that was the case. Though he doubted anyone else would see it as that.

These jobs are made a lot easier for the slave to do with the items the ritual makes. The first is an earring, well two earrings technically. One of them goes into the masters left ear, the other into the slaves right ear. These earrings can't be glamoured or hidden either, however, the stud does change colour depending on what the wearer wants, so it's hard to identify. What the earrings do is create a sort of link between the two wearers, allowing the slave to vaguely sense the masters feelings. Which makes it easier for the slave to keep the Master happy.

The slave also gets a magical tattoo of his masters sign on their right shoulder. Each person's shape is unique and can range anywhere from animals to shapes, varying in colours and sizes. This tattoo doesn't move however, instead, it is used as a calling to the slave. If the tattoo tickles, it means his Master needs him. The more it tickles, the more the Master has need. If the tattoo burns however, it means that the Master is in danger. When it burns, the tattoo grants power to the slave to move to his or hers masters' side, regardless of any wards in the way.

The last thing a slave gets is a basic black leather collar with the masters sign on it. The collar doesn't really do much however. It proclaims that he or she is a slave as well as hold magic that makes it only visible to those who know it's there. The only other thing it does, is give the Master the ability to kill the slave should he be betrayed.

Well, that made sense to him at least. The collar was a way to give the Master more security, which was nice since you needn't worry about it as long as you didn't betray him. The tattoo sounded cool as well, as long as the design was nice. Though he was pretty sure Malfoys' design was the dragon that was on the envelope yesterday morning, which had looked neat. The fact that the tattoo told you if you were needed or not was a nice piece of magic, as well as the transportation aspect to it. Would make keeping him alive a lot easier.

The earring was a nice touch as well. Though he couldn't help but wonder how the slave would sense the emotions, or how strongly. It would make the job easier though since you'd know if the Master was displeased or not.

Harry chewed on the inside of his cheek again as he continued to read. It seemed the more he read, the more it gave him to think about.

Aside from the earring, the only other thing the Master gets is a braided cord made from the slaves magic and/or blood. It does nothing expect proclaim them a Master of someone. As well as gives them the ability to kill the slave. If the cord is cut, so is the slaves life. Which is the main reason not many slaves betray their masters unless the end result is worth their death. For either their actions cause their Master to die, efficiently killing them at the same time, or their Master cuts the cord for the betrayal.

It relieved Harry somewhat that the earrings didn't work both ways. He wasn't sure how he would like someone knowing what he was feeling at all times. Though that made sense as well. The Master had no reason to know how the slave was feeling. The cord was also pretty cool and it made Harry wonder how the ritual worked if it could make something out of his blood and magic.

It is with these items that the slave does his job. It is up to the slave to be there whenever the Master has need of something. It is the sign of a well trained slave that the Master need not actually ask for anything. For after awhile, the slave learns to read not only their masters' emotions through the earring, but also their body language to guess what is desired. Though that is not the only thing a slave must learn to do.

A slave must also be taught how to fight, in order to protect their Master. They must learn when to be silent and when to stay out of sight, pretty much where their place as a slave is. Which is unique to the Master. Most slaves (especially if there are only one in a household) must also learn how to cook, clean, and other various every day things. Some masters prefer them to learn it manually even if the slaves are magical. For not using magic is another way of reminding them of their place.

Which is another thing the masters have complete control over. The magic their slave is allowed to use. Most masters only give the command to use defence magic or household spells. If the slave isn't allowed to use a certain spell (either by being specifically forbidden or because it's part of a group they aren't allowed to use) the slave can't. It would be a sign of betrayal.

For the most part, everything the author said made sense for what a slave would have to do. Vaguely, Harry hated the part of restricted magic. However, he doubted Malfoy would restrict that since they were still in school and people would start to wonder if he suddenly stopped casting certain spells.

At least he wouldn't have to worry about the cooking or cleaning. Even if he had to do whatever the house-elves didn't, things like that were stuff his Aunt Petunia made sure he could do.

Thinking about her made him think of another reason to do this. If he were to become Malfoys' slave (which he still wasn't certain about) it would mean the Dursleys' had no more claim on him. That, if nothing else, made him really start to think about doing it.

The slaves aren't the only ones who are binned to do certain things however. When taking on a level two slave, they also have rules put upon them. They must take care of their slaves, making sure they are fed and clothed. The Master must also protect their slaves, not just from others but also from themselves. A Master can punish their slave, but they are not allowed to abuse them. If their slave gets injured, they must either heal them, or take them to someone who can heal them. Of course, there is a very fine line between abusing them and not which most masters tread carefully on. Only feed them what they need to survive for example. Let them bath only once a week or only allow them to sleep for three hours a night. These are things they can get away with.

Starving them for a week or not letting them sleep for days on end, is abuse. Abuse the magic doesn't like. When this happens, the magic turns on the Master and severs the bond between them.

If that was true, then there was no way he would be worse off as a slave. Which was pretty sad when he thought about it. Being treated better as a real slave then he was as a house slave. That logic made him smile to himself.

It would be nice to know that no matter what happened, there was someone who would take care of him. That he would be fed and wouldn't have to worry about his stomach shrinking every summer anymore. He didn't think he could get that kind of guarantee even after he left the Dursleys. Not if the behaviour of his friends was anything to go by.

This second level of slavery isn't used much these days. At least... not that anyone's noticed. Like I said in the start, this level is very hard to trace if done right. The Master can forbid the slave not to tell anyone that he or she is a slave. When this command is given, not even truth spells or potions can make the slave say that they are one and since both collar and tattoo can be hidden, people don't have much to go on aside from the earrings, which don't give much away on their own since they change colour. The slaves behaviour is the only other way the spell can be tracked. However, this isn't much of an issue provided the Master gives the right commands from the start.

Because of all that, most cases of this slavery now a days is well hidden and can rarely be proved. So there really isn't any way of telling whether the art has really died or not. Same as the first level of the spell. The third and final level, however, is much easier to track. It is also the most widely used one to this day, even though no one realizes what exactly it is.

Part of him was glad that it would be hard for anyone to notice right away what was going on. As long as Malfoy was careful on what he commanded it shouldn't be an issue. It wouldn't be an issue since Harry planned on them going over those commands. To make sure all the bases were covered.

If he went along with the whole thing.

Even though he didn't have to read about, that last sentence intrigued him enough to finish the chapter. One never knew what else could be found out anyway.

The third level of the slave spell is the level that makes the subject the casters complete slave. That is the main difference between this level and the last two. When this spell is used, the subject loses all form of themselves. They have no memory of what they were before, no desires except those of their Master, no feelings, no thoughts. Nothing. They are a shell, only good for following commands.

These slaves live for their Master. They have to do whatever they are told to. If they don't, they feel compelled to punish themselves. Even more to the point, the magic makes them like being a slave. How could they not when they don't remember being anything else?

He couldn't help but feel disgusted, glad he knew that Malfoy wouldn't be using this one on him. He doubted anyone would willingly agree to it. Who would?

'Someone with absolutely nothing to lose.'

The last few sentences sounded familiar to him though. A bell was going off in the back of his head but he couldn't figure out why.

Hoping he'd get an answer if he kept reading, Harry went back to the book.

Which is why this spell is so easy to trace. There is no way to hide it. The other bad thing about this spell is that it is also only voice based. Unlike the second level where slaves get items that make it easier to do their job, slaves of this level get nothing but a mark on their back indicating they're a slave. This level also can't be reversed at all since the spell literally takes the slaves self away and can never be brought back.

However, there have been some cases that make it seem as if some of their will is still there. These cases appear when slaves will directly disobey their Master (in a round about way) or they shift themselves to a different Master. This does not happen often however. Usually they shift to new masters only when their old one has died. Which is another major difference between this level and the last one. Kill the Master and the slave still lives.

By now, the bells in the back of his mind were going crazy. The answer of what it reminded him so much of was on the tip of his tongue but still, it eluded him. Growling to himself, he continued to read.

These days, no one really uses this level of the spell. There's not really any way to hide it. In fact, the last known use of the spell was by the Hogwarts Founders themselves. The results of that spell is still seen today, though not many people know of it's origins.

In order to ban these spells, the Founders figured they should find a replacement for the slaves. So they found a breed of elves who were going extinct. After negotiating with them, it was decided to use a slightly modified version of the level three spell to turn the elves into slaves for wizards and witches. In return, they were to take care of the elves and treat them kindly.

Thus house-elves were created.

The bells finally stopped ringing and he almost hit himself.


He should have known. The description sounded just like them. Enjoying their work, only living for their Masters, shifting with each death.

The part about some Slaves still having some of their will... that was Dobby in a nutshell.

He wasn't sure what to think about this revelation however. If the author was telling the truth, that meant the Founders created House-Elves.

Wondering what Hermione would think about that, Harry finished reading the chapter.

So as you can see, each of these level spells are very dangerous and highly illegal... if they can be proven. The spells themselves are only known by select few wizarding families these days and there are no written records of the spells themselves. The knowledge is passed down from generation to generation only. The creation of house-elves was also well hidden and slight few people told. I was one of the lucky ones to find out. However, I feel that knowledge such as this should not be hidden but brought into the light.

When he was done reading, Harry closed the book and put it back into his bag. As he did so, he noticed a plate of food sitting beside it with yet another note. Picking it up, he opened to see the elegant writing of the youngest Malfoy.

You missed supper. Again. This must stop Emerald. It will soon enough I hope. Until then, however, I suppose I must keep bringing you food to make sure you do. Someone should really have a talk with your 'friends'. They didn't seem to notice or care that you never came back into the castle after class.

Anyway, you seemed so wrapped up in the book, I didn't want to disturb you. I hope what you read was enlightening and that it gave you lots to think about.

Eat up and try to enjoy. Take as long as you need to think about what you would like to do. If you have questions, feel free to ask me. I shall try to answer them.

With a shake of his head, Harry put the note down and looked at his watch. Sure enough, it was almost curfew. Which shocked him for a moment. He hadn't realized how late it was. It had taken longer to read then he thought it would.

With a shake of his head, Harry leaned back against the rock and started to eat.

Once again he had a lot to think about. He also had no doubt that he would be seeking out a certain Slytherin the next day. Thankfully it wouldn't be to hard since they would be spending the day together in classes.

Taking another bite of the food, he focused his thoughts on the immediate question.

Could Harry Potter really become a slave to Draco Malfoy?