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Naruto, Terra, and Yuffie learned that Toriko was something called a Gourmet Hunter. That this was a world that was seemingly full of food in various shapes and forms. Where also everything the three asked about seem to be edible in some way. Upon hearing that they noticed that they were missing someone that was suppose to be with them, that being Sakura. Toriko then told that he would help them look for her, as he needed to make a call anyway. So while making that one, another one could just as easily be made to help start the search for Sakura as well.

That when Naruto and Terra looked to Yuffie who seemed kind of pissed at something.

"Leviathan wants to speak with you" she told Naruto

"What the problem then just let her…ohhhhhh" Terra started to say then she realized what that meant exactly.

"Huh what the problem can not she just let Leviathan tells us what she wants to know" Naruto asked.

"How do you….ever since that night can you hear Kurama speaking to you when we are around you" Yuffie asked

"In sense as he does tell me things but usually is just quite and does not say much" he replied

"I can not hear him though so what do you think about what that means when Leviathan speaks to me" the ninja told him

Mulling it over a for awhile Naruto did realize what that meant as that she need to just hand over control of her body to Leviathan for the moment or merely repeat what she was being told word for word.

"Seem like a lot right and Terra should be aware of this as well according to Leviathan" Yuffie said with a sigh.

As after what happened last time and since they would be traveling together for awhile. Terra was informed the Kurama being inside of Naruto and Yuffie being the descendant of ancient water dragon. As for Terra herself she told what she knew about herself and various other things about where she grew up and such.

"I will try not to make a habit out of this but I have been to this world before myself and there are some things that you should be aware of if you are going to be traveling across different world like this" Leviathan stated now in control of Yuffie.

Her explanation included the world they were visiting, they themselves would have certain effects on them. After all no one world was the same and while this might not hold true with every world. This had been the case with all the worlds she had even visited in Leviathan's lifetime and those before her. These effect would be their abilites and powers might be attuned to what was common for that world. This was not the case when in Twilight Town since that was world in between the light and the dark. However in world like this it was not the case as that why the three of them were so hungry all of sudden.

How much you power you could draw depended upon how much you have eaten as the more calories you have consumed the more you can use to fight. Taking Toriko for example if he was anything like the Gourmet Hunters Leviathan knew of in the past. A serving of food for 500 people would only full him up 1/10 of the way. This guy wasnot even close to top tier when it came to strength in this world if some of those she was aware of were still alive Leviathan explained to them.

"How do people in this world surrive if they need to eat so much" Terra asked shocked

To which she replied the not only was basically everything here in this world edible. The amount of nourishment would be insane by Naruto's, Terra, and Yuffie's standards. A simple snack here might be would days upon days on nourishment anywhere. Common sense, knowledge, and even various laws in one world would not exactly be the same in the another. Thus when traveling it best to get accustomed to what consider the norm in whatever world you are in as fast as possible.

While this was going on with Naruto, Terra, and Yuffie elsewhere…

Rather tall man with straight naturally and choppy and fluffy and has prominent sideburns running down to the angles of his jaws, and short bushy eyebrows. Wearing an all black suit with green bands wrapping around various parts of their body and a turban on their head. They were pulling someone out what was suppose to be rather poisonous plant that he was actually here looking for. Though it was amazing that they were still alive as this plant was said to kill normal human that got expose like this.

Those she was just standing there trying to shake it all off as she was covered in head to toe in the stuff. Then began walking away before falling forward face first to the ground. Though their expression was blank and eyes seem vacant. However her body was clearly showing some signs of being effected by the poison.

Adding this poison to the many that he had already acquired during his life time, the Gourmet Hunter called Coco, went about trying to create a quick vaccine to it. That something that he had also did as to be able to take in and produce so many of the poison he had to the point where he was known as the poisonous human. Having vaccine to them was a given to an extent as that reason they did not effect him personally. Using this they managed to save the life of the person but then they shot up and ran to start devouring some of the nearby wild life that was safe to eat here and just kept doing this as they had interesting reaction from the makeshift vaccine that introduced into their system.

When thinking about what do about the poison that cover their body it started to just be absorbed into their body leaving it only covering their clothes alone. It was being absorbed even into their hair as well.