A/N: I refuse to be blamed for this. Honest i am Gene/Alex through and through, but when i came up with "his lips soothing the tickles of his moustache" i was lost in a ball of hysterics.... and this was the result.
Disclaimer: Doesn't belong to me...rah rah rah!

The harsh concrete of the wall against her back, is ruff and not exactly pleasant, but being undercover is not supposed to be fun.
Ray's hand is on the outside of her thigh, she has so far managed to snub the automatic reaction of slapping it away. Alex squirms against him as he nuzzles her neck, his lips soothing the tickles of his moustache.
His hand trailed up from her bare thigh, to wrap around her waist. His lips crushed down on her collar bone, cause an unexpected shiver to creep up her spine, to the base of her skull.
Ray groans in disappointment, as he is pulled away, before his lips could seek the swell of her breasts. Alex brushed her lips against his wet mouth. Pressing a butterfly kiss to his jaw, as she whispered into his ear, that their suspect is at the entrance of the alley.
With a simple murmur of acknowledgment to her words, he drew her further into his embrace, his body blocking the cold night from her. He pushed his leg between her thighs, letting out a breathy moan, she steadied herself against the wall behind her. She bites down on his ear, eyes half lidded as she watched the dark figure.
Alex's hand pulled his jumper up slightly. The back of her hand rubbing against the downy hair that led lower, as she reached the waist band of his jeans.
Her hand encased itself around something hard. Foot falls sounding closer as she tested her grip, enjoying the powerful weight in her hand.

She raised Rays gun, her aim steady and unfaltering, as she manoeuvred it in the direction of the shaded form. The obscured figure that continues to walk steadily towards them and turned out to non other than Gene 'Bloody' Hunt.
"Right then lover birds! While you were making out like teenagers, Peters was after Chris and Shaz" He grumbled, before clapping his hands together and twisting away from them. "WPC Granger nicked 'im. Christopher the useless twat has a concussion. Raymondo, take this as a warning, Shaz packs one hell of a punch. Wait till you see Peters fat lip" Gene chuckled, observed them closely, as Alex passed Ray his gun.
"Drake did you come out unarmed" He asked with a slight growl.
"You said skimpy! I could hardly put a police issue in my knickers" Gene raised an eye brow and not at the lilt of irritation in her voice "A bulge down there would have stood out"
"Don't think that would have put Carling off" He smirked.