Chapter 19

Unlikely Advice and a New Roadblock


I press the horn on the Porsche and look up at the Walsh house. My eyes find the front window wishing for a peak at my girl. Well I think she's still my girl. No movement from the living room, no movement from the drapes. Here I am picking up Brandon to go to some club and all I want is to go into that house, grab Brenda, kiss her and tell her how much I love her. I hadn't talked to her since our fight at school. I had no idea why she was acting weird. I thought everything was going really well. What if she was changing her mind? Maybe she was realizing going out with me was a bad idea? Brandon's laughter gets my attention as I look towards the house. The front door is open and he is kissing Kelly goodbye. I try to look around them, to get a sight of Brenda but she isn't there. I look straight ahead as Brandon sticks his foot on my passenger side door and hurls his body into the seat.

"Easy on my car." I say with a little bit of attitude.

Brandon looks at my funny, "Sorry." He looks at the door, "It didn't do anything." His hand moves against the door like he was making sure. His voice worried.

I sigh, "It's not a big deal." I change my tone. I do that all the time and Brandon has as well. I know my car is fine but I have other things on my mind.

"You okay?" Brandon looks at me and I take a deep breath. I look to his house.

"Brenda didn't say anything?"

Brandon shakes his head, "No why? She was making food for her slumber party…or female bonding." He rolls his eyes, "Whatever they want to call it."

"No reason." I shake my head and put my car in gear. "Where too?"

"Steve's." He says looking at me like he knows I'm full of shit.

I nod and ease the clutch as my car loudly drives down Hillcrest.

Silence grows in my car and a sad rock song filters through the speakers. Brandon reaches for the radio turning it down. We drive up into Steve's winding Beverly Hills driveway and I hit the horn two ties. Brandon looks at me.

"Is something going one with you and Brenda?" He asks innocently.

I shrug, "We had a little argument at school. I'm sure it's ok." I say not even believing it myself.

Steve rushes down he many stairs of his house and hopes into the back seat the same as Brandon did.

"You want to talk about it?" Brandon ignores Steve and directs it at me.

I shake my head, not feeling comfortable talking about it with Steve there.

"What's the matter McKay? Brenda not putting out for you?" I growl but Brandon reaches into the back seat smacking his head.

"That's my sister you are talking about." He says pissed and I smirk liking that Brandon hit him for me.

Steve laughs out loud, "Come on Brandon your sister is going out with Dylan. It's only a matter of time before he has her spreading her legs for him." Brandon reaches to hit Steve again but I get there first. I punch in the arm hard, playfully but with force. He laughs holding on to his shoulder.

"Owe." He laughs. "I know both your weak spots." He jokes. "Good to know." He shakes his head.

I roll my eyes, "Where too Steve…before I change my god damn mind." My voice is unwavering and I decide in that moment going out with Steve and Brandon was probably a mistake.

"Floodlights." I take a deep breath knowing the club well. Without another word I punch the gas and off we go. When we pull into the club the line is around the building. I smirk wondering how Steve thinks we are going to get in. I haven't told them I know Billy, the door man because this is more girls walk past us. They look us up and down. Brandon clears his throat and Steve's eyes bug out of his head. He smirks and raises his eyebrows at us as they pass.

"So you think you can pick up a girl in here?" Brandon says to Steve.

"I know I can pick up a girl in here." He says with confidence. I roll my eyes with a smirk and a shake of my head.

Steve walks through the parking lot with an air of righteousness and Brandon stops him, "What do you say when they ask where you live? Where you work?" He says nervously.

"I tell them I work for my father and go to CU part-time. What do you do?"

Brandon rocks back on his heels and smirks, "I'm a professional Hockey player for the Kings."

I chuckle, fucking Brandon.

Steve flicks his fingers into Brandon's chest, "No." He shakes his head with a smirk, "Has to be believable. Say…you took a year off from UCLA to find yourself. They'll eat that up." Brandon chuckles and nods.

"What about you Dylan?" I shake my head.

"I don't need a story Steve. I have a girl."

Steve rolls his eyes. "Pussy whipped." He shakes his head and walks towards the club.

"Come on Dylan. You know I'm not going to do anything. There is no way I'd screw up what I have with Kelly for some fling." He explains feeling guilty.

I pat his shoulder, "I know man. But what kind of guy would I be even pretending to be interested. Especially in front of my girls brother?" I smile at him.

He nods as we follow Steve. "Good answer." He jokes and I laugh.

I stay back a ways and watch Steve. He's spoiled and he's not getting his way. It's entertaining as fuck.

"No entrance without ID." Billy tells Steve. I smile.

"I'm 21 bro…what is it going to take? 20…40…100 bucks?" He tries to bribe him.

"Come on Steve." Brandon says nervously.

I roll my eyes and move forward, "Hey Billy!" I smile.

"McKay man…how've you been?" We hug roughly and I pat Billy's back fondly.

"Good Man. Really good? How's Patty? The kids?" Billy smiles.

"Great…everyone's great. I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah been busy." I look towards Steve's shocked and jealous face and Brandon's wide eyes. "Billy these are my friends, Steve Sanders and Brandon Walsh."

"They're with you?" I nod and set my hand on Billy's shoulder. He lifts the clasp off the velvet ropes and lifts them up. "Have fun you guys."

Steve moves through them pissed off and Brandon smiles with a knowing shake of his head as he moves behind him. "Take it easy Billy." I call out and follow the guys into the loud club.

The club is popping and dark. Neon lights and strobes beat with the music around us.

I follow the guys as Steve heads straight for the bar. He orders a Vodka Tonic and asks Brandon what he wants. Brandon looks around nervously "Um…rum and coke?"

Steve looks at me, "I'm good man…driving." I look around and set my hands in my pocket. Steve nods and passes Brandon's drink to him and sips his own. I lead the guys to a VIP table over looking the dance floor. Steve sits astonished as he watches me kiss Chanel, the waitress on the cheek and I sit down.

"Friend O yours?" Brandon smiles looking suspicious.

I shake my head and lean back in my chair.

"Let me guess? You fucked her? Steve smiles and takes a drink of his cocktail.

Brandon watches me curiously. You can tell half of him is envious and the other half is worried about his sister. I tell the truth.

I shake my head, "It isn't like that bro. I've known Chanel for a couple years. She is married, has 2 little boys."

"Are they yours?" Steve laughs.

I glare at him and look at Brandon. Feeling I should give an explanation, "My dad." I lean on my knees and grip my hands together. "He helped build this club. Billy is a friend of his. Chanel has been here since it opened."

"You're dad owns this bar?" Brandon asks surprised.

I shake my head, "No…Tony does, but he's an associate of my father. They know I'm not old enough but…" I shrug, "My father has a lot of pull with these guys." I end it at that. I don't go into the fact that my dad gave them the money to open this club. I don't go into the fact that my dad has friends in very low places. Mob ties really. They don't need to know that.

"Well McKay…thanks." Steve says seemingly genuine. Gone is the jealousy it seems. The girls from the front approach us and Steve buys them all a drink. They flirt with us endlessly, Steve eating up every moment. Brandon smiles and acts appropriately but it's his manners. He doesn't engage like Steve does.

A brunette, pretty and thin sits on the arm of my chair. She leans her perky fake tits in my face and I move to the left away from them and look up at her. "So…what's your story?" She says loudly over the music.

"Don't have one." I say back.

The girl looks offended as I reach for my club soda and lean more away from her acting impartial to her, "What are you married or something?"

"Or something." I say as I get up. Jesus she's like a dog in heat.

"Don't mind him, he is pussy whipped on his woman."

She looks at me, her eyes softer, "Must be some girl."

I nod and give her a smile. "Come on ladies." Steve gets up grabbing two of the girls hands and pulls them on the dance floor. Brandon shakes his head with a laugh as his eyes follow them. The three girls dance around him. I sit back down.

"You're different." Brandon smiles at me.

"What you think I'm that much of a pig? Come on Brandon, you know this isn't my scene."

He nods, "I know. I knew you liked Brenda…or I knew you're in love with her but I mean…that girl." He breathes out and looks over at the brunette. "I won't lie and say she isn't making me waver."

I laugh, "Don't be ridiculous Bran. You would never cheat on Kelly. Especially with a girl like that."

Brandon nods, "I know. What can I say brother we have it good."

I nod too, "We do." I blow out the breath I'm holding, "Something is wrong with Brenda, I don't know how to fix it." I feel like maybe now is a good time to talk to my friend about it but to my disappointment, Steve makes his way back and tries to flag over the waitress to order another drink. He leaves his Harlem on the dance floor but waves like an idiot at them.

"What's wrong with Brenda?" He says overhearing me.

I sigh looking between both guys, "I don't know. She's acting weird. Jealous and picking fights with me?"

"Dude…my sister is crazy about you. Maybe it's just hormonal, her period." He jokes. TMI as Steve makes a face. I don't mind it and obviously Brandon is used to having a sister. Steve being an only child looks horrified.

I shake my head, "This isn't about her time of month Brandon something is going on and I don't know how to make it better."

Brandon gets up and sets his hand on my shoulder, "Brenda is fine…you and Brenda are fine. Stop worrying. I gotta take a piss." He walks away in search of the bathroom and I sigh out loud. Steve gets up and moves to the seat next to me.

"What's happening?" He looks over at me with a sincerity I have never seen from Steve.

"Well today, I was talking with Kelly and she came over and got all pissy with me. I guess I didn't answer your invitation about going out tonight the way she wanted because she threw Casey in my face at lunch and walked away from me not even letting me apologize to her." I look at Steve, his concerned eyes brighten and he smiles.

I shake my head, "I don't know why I'm telling you this."

Steve chuckles, "You don't think I know about relationships? I went out with Kelly for a year."

I looks at him as his expression gets serious. "I know what love is." He reaches for his new drink and takes a sip.

"You loved Kelly?" I ask him.

He looks at me and shakes his head like it should be obvious. "I like Brandon. He's my best friend these days but I won't lie that it didn't sting he was going out with her. Kelly was my first love. I lost my virginity to her. You don't forget about your first love even if it doesn't work out. I'm happy for her and Brandon. He's good for her and she needs that constant in her life. She's never had that before. And it doesn't take a genius to know that you are in love too, you love Brenda." He says it like its the most obvious thing in the world.

I swallow hard not say anything. "You told her yet?" He eyes me and I shake my head.

"Brenda is being insecure Dylan. Even the beautiful ones get insecure. Have you slept together?"

My tongue licks my lips but I don't say a word. "You know me better than that." I do not talk about my conquests in the locker room. Steve know's this.

He nods, "Well…I'll take that as a no. Look. Brenda is a great girl. I'm assuming she hasn't slept with anyone yet and you have. You might not brag about it but we know you have. She does too. Seeing you with girls probably drives her crazy. If she isn't sleeping with you, how the hell can she hang on to you?"

"That's ridiculous. I'm not with Brenda just to sleep with her."

"Does she know that?"

"I think so?" I lean back in my chair.

Steve chuckles, "Tell her Dylan…tell her you love her. Tell her she's the only one. Tell her no other girl comes close to her."

I stare at the seriousness in his face, "Just do it. You'll feel better and so will she. Show her that your relationship is secure. Before someone else swoops in. Someone better than you." He looks towards Brandon as he approaches and sits down. Steve looks at me and I get it now. Steve made a mistake with Kelly. He didn't show her or tell her what she meant to him and now she is with someone who does. I nod and take a sip of my soda. Who would have thought Steve would help me in my issues with Brenda?

The night goes along and all I do is think about her. I'm miserable not being able to talk to her. To see her. After watching Steve make out with one of the girls all night, we finally talk him into leaving. I drop off Steve and drive to the Walsh's. The house is dark.

"See you brother." Brandon climbs out of the car and I follow.

"You think maybe you can ask Brenda to come out?" My eyes plead with his and he smiles. He nods and goes into he house leaving me on the porch. After too many minutes I knock softly. I stand nervously with my hands in my pocket as the front door opens.

"Hey Bren." My eyes follow down her slim frame in her night shirt and I take a deep breath, fuck she looks edible. "How was your night?" I ask shyly.

She crosses her arms across her chest and looks down then her pretty eyes meet mine, "It was good…yours?"

"Miserable." I say truthfully.

"Why?" She eyes me curiously. I look out to the side to find my courage.

I shrug a little, "I kept thinking about you. If you were still mad at me? If you were changing your mind about being with me?"

"No…that's not it!." Her face falls and she grabs my hand. I hold it back firmly, she pulls me to sit with her and begins telling me exactly what Steve said. She is insecure. She feels like because we aren't sleeping together she can't hang on to me. I can't believe what I'm hearing, I can't believe Steve is right, Steve of all people. She thinks she doesn't deserve me. Which is so ridiculous. I'm the one not good enough for her. I tell her. I tell her from my heart. That I'm the mess she is perfect.

"You're not a mess Dylan…you are wonderful." She says her light eyes bright in the porch light. I smile and lean in to kiss her gorgeous mouth. The kiss if soft and a promise of love. Steve's advice clouds my mind. "I don't care about other girls Brenda. You're the only one I see." And that's the honest truth.

She surprises me as she gets up. She crosses her arms and looks out to the street. "There is just so many." She breathes. FUCK FUCK FUCK I haver never been embarrassed of my past but that was before I met her. If she only knew that none of them hold a candle to her. She talks about seeing me at school with Kelly. She thinks we looked good together, that someday I'd realize it. No no no if I was interested in Kelly I would have bagged that already. I've known Kelly since kindergarten. I wouldn't say that out loud but that's the honest truth. I don't look at her like that, I never did and now that Brandon is in love with her I would never. I softly set my hands on her arms. Rubbing them up and down gently. My face in her hair. She smells like coconut and a scent that's all Brenda. I'm a sucker for scents. And Brenda is my favorite one. I kiss her head and tell her exactly what Kelly and I were laughing about. We were laughing about being in love. The word is easy to say and it doesn't go unnoticed by her as she turns suddenly to look into my eyes.

"Love?" Her face is a mixture of happiness and surprise. I smile happy she heard it.

I take both her hands and hold them firmly in mine. "Yes…I love you. I have since the day you walked into that classroom, adorable and shy. I've loved you for 7 months Brenda and I've wanted to tell you every moment of these last 5 weeks since we've been together." I look into her eyes. They pull me in deeper. "I love you." I repeat.

"I love you too." Tears fill her eyes as she smiles. My heart doing some weird flutter that I've only ever felt with this girl. I kiss her with the passion that is built up inside of me. My tongue plunging her mouth gently. My fingers are wrapped in her soft hair and I feel like she owns every fiber of me. She moans and my dick twitches. Kissing should not be this good. I kiss her neck. Her scent overwhelming me in an amazing way and my hands find her ass as I give it a gentle squeeze. I'm aware I'm groping and kissing her senselessly on her front porch so I break free and catch my breath as I lean my forehead against hers.

"We may not be sleeping together yet." I exhale and emphasis yet, "But Christ if this is how it is only from kissing you…I don't know if I'm quite ready for it either." I'm lying and she knows I'm lying. I can't wait to be inside her. It's literally all I think about. She jokes with me knowing it's true and I can't help my eyes as I take in her lack of clothing. The night shirt is modest but short and her luscious legs are screaming to me touched. They are also screaming to be wrapped around my head or my waist but I keep that to myself.

Brenda invites me in and we settle in her sleeping bag. I squeeze her to me and tell her I love her again. She tells it back to me and I once again feel warm everywhere. Hearing her say it back is a dream. A really really good dream I hope I never wake up from. Sleep finds me easy and I wake up to Brandon shaking me awake.

"Come on bro…it's 7:00 in the morning…lets head upstairs before my parents come down." He speaks in a hushed whisper. I nod and move slightly as Brenda opens her eyes. I turn her towards me.

"Morning." I whisper and she smiles. Her hair is in a wild disarray and it's the cutest thing I have ever seen. I kiss her fully on the mouth. Tongue and all not caring about morning breath or her brother groaning from above us.

"I'm not getting any younger. But if you want to tell my parents about your relationship this way let me know, I'll grab a front row seat. Big Jim will be trilled." Brandon jokes and Kelly giggles. I realize maybe everyone is awake and I'm making a spectacle.

She rolls her eyes at Brandon and I peck her wet lips one last time before untangling from her. Brenda reaches her hand for me and I take it willingly.

"I'll see you at breakfast." She whispers and I nod with a wink. I get up and Brandon pushes me towards the foyer.

"Come on Romeo." He jokes as we silently climb the stairs. When we make it back into his room he throws a t-shirt and sweatpants towards me. "At least act like you slept over."

I grab the items and begin to change. Something Brandon said clouding my mind. "You talked about your parents downstairs. You don't think your parents will be happy when they find out Bren and me are seeing each other?" I ask curiously a slight fear comes over me then and its new. I have never cared what parents thought of me, not even my own.

Brandon shrugs like its not a big deal. "I don't know. Brenda never had boyfriend before. Not a real one anyway."

"But." I look at him seriously as I pull the t-shirt down my chest, "Your parents like me right?"

Brandon looks at me and shrugs again, "I guess, they haven't said anything to make me think otherwise."

I take a deep breath and look down towards the bed. There is movement now from downstairs and a gentle knock rings out on Brandon's door. Cindy Walsh peaks her head in and smiles when she sees me.

"Oh hi Dylan." She says nicely. "I didn't know you were here. I'm about to get breakfast on if you boys are hungry." She smiles a kind smile and it makes me smile back.

"I'm starved." Brandon says in an instant.

"Thanks Mrs. Walsh." She smiles and opens the door further. "Brandon you didn't get the cot out? Did you make Dylan sleep on the floor?" She says concerned.

"I was fine Mrs. Walsh. We got home and we just crashed." I say the lie coming out without hesitation.

"Yeah mom. We didn't want to disturb the girls downstairs or wake you up." Brandon explains further. Cindy nods with her kind eyes and smiles again.

"Okay as long as you were comfortable enough. Breakfast should be ready in 20." She leaves then and closes the door behind her and I look at Brandon and smile.

"Your mom loves me." I say with a grin.

Brandon laughs and walks around his bed. He grips my shoulder tightly. "She likes everyone…she's not the one you should be worried about." He jokes and then heads towards the door. I think for a moment. Trying to find a time when Jim Walsh looked at me funny or acted judgmental. I couldn't think of a time but then again, I didn't have much interaction with Jim.

"You coming?" Brandon says over his shoulder and I reluctantly nod.

All this time I've been scared to tell my best friend that I was in love with his sister. All these months afraid of ruining my friendship, not having the girl of my dreams. Now that I had it, I wondered if I was worrying about the wrong family member. As I descend the stairs Brenda passes. Her smile is wide and gorgeous. Then my eyes find Jim's. Who is standing by the front door with a newspaper, I assume he just collected from the porch. He eyes me seeing Brenda looking at me.

"Good morning Dylan." Brenda says with a knowing stare.

My eyes find Jim's and I'm met with curious eyes. "Morning Bren." I say quietly, my eyes falling on my girl again.

"You sleep well?" I ask nicely.

Her grin widens, "The best." I smile a little hoping the hot feeling in my cheeks is not blushing bright for her father to see. She leans in and kisses her fathers cheek, his eyes are on mine still. "Morning daddy." She says happily.

"Morning baby." He looks at her, "Don't you think you should put more on." He takes in her attire. Brenda laughs.

"Daaad." She rolls her eyes and moves past him.

My feet hit the bottom and soon I'm feet away from Mr. Walsh. "Morning sir." I say with confidence.

"Dylan." He says strongly. He looks towards the kitchen at Brenda, then back at me, his mind is working overtime. I smile politely and move past him without another word. I take a deep breath knowing Jim Walsh doesn't like me. He saw something just then and now I'm worried. I wonder when Brenda will tell them we are going out? Will she tell them? All this time I feared Brandon when Jim is the bigger threat. Maybe I'm being stupid? Maybe he was just surprised I was there? I shake my head feeling lame. I'm overreacting. Jim doesn't even know me. He doesn't know my feeling towards his daughter. I try to tell myself it's fine over and over. But as all of us sit around the table eating breakfast. My eyes finding Brenda's numerous times as she smiles and talks animatedly with the girls and her family. I can't help but notice the stink eye I get from Jim every once in a while. He's sizing me up. He's noticing our looks. He's noticing when I look in her direction she is already looking at me. Our lingers too long. I realize in that moment Brandon wasn't the problem. He wasn't even a glitch in the big picture. If anyone was going to show me just how much I'm not good enough it will be Jim. He sees me as a threat. I feel it and in that blissful morning in the Walsh kitchen I'm scared to death at what's to come. It's a nagging feeling I can't seem to shake no matter how much I tell myself I'm tripping out.

Sooooo My best friends sister is moving along. Next up Palm Springs weekend. And there maybe another speed bump in these two blissful new relationship. Hang in there kids. Jim Walsh is about to be Jim fucking Walsh. Hit review and tell me what you're thinking.