Last time found our heroes and allies battling the Mark 2 Kurt Zisa outside of Central. It was a long and arduous battle, but the machine was destroyed. But then Reddik launched a sneak attack that left our heroes at his mercy. But then Travis saved the day by blasting the Hakonian with Linda's shotgun, forcing Reddik, Rakel and Pete to leave.

When everyone was alright, King Mickey appeared, not really there but his image did, saying that he had a protal that would bring our heroes home. Aiden asked to go as well. He left with our heroes, while the authorities of The State acknowledged Aiden as an honorary State Alchemist, with the nickname Keyblade Alchemist. 'Nuff said, on with the show!

Epilog: Prelude to the Nightmare

…Disney Castle…

"They should have come back," said King Mickey as he, Queen Minnie and Pluto paced back and forth in the library, "what could have gone wrong this time?"

"We did everything right," said Queen Minnie, "haven't we, Master Yen Sid?"

"I do believe that we did," said Yen Sid, "and yet Sora and his companions are nowhere to be seen. I'd venture to guess that we have underestimated the strength of the curse Maleficent used."

"Then they could be on another world again," said King Mickey, "in another universe, in another time even. If that's the case, we'd better get started on finding them again."

Just then Daisy walked in at a hurried pace, "are they back yet?" she asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm afraid not," said Queen Minnie in a sympathetic tone.

"Oh," said Daisy in a defeated manner.

"But we haven't given up," said King Mickey, "and neither should you, Daisy. We'll find them, if not now, then soon."

"I hope so," said Daisy, "oh, how I hope so!"

…Radiant Garden…

In Cid's workshop, said master mechanic, along with Leon and Yuffie, were anxiously awaiting news from Disney Castle.

"I hope Sora and the others are alright," said Yuffie, "being lost on an unknown world, it must be terrible for them."

"If anyone can survive on an unknown world," said Leon, "it's Sora and the others. They'll make it back."

"I hope you're right," said Cid, "otherwise I would have fixed the Gummy Ship for noithin'."

Just then Aerith came in, "any news?"

"Nothing yet," said Leon.

"What could have happened to Sora and the others?" Aerith asked.

"I'll bet that witch Maleficent is responsible," said Yuffie, "again. I'll show her a thing or two if I ever get the chance."

"Save a piece for me," said Leon.

"The only thing we can do is wait," said Cid, "and I really don't like waitin'."

…New Hollow Bastion…

"Once again, the Keyblade Wielders have been denied the chance to return home," said Maleficent as she sat on her dark throne, "they have been thrown across time and space to another world, and once again it will be up to you, Pete, to find and destroy them."

"I'll get 'em this time!" said Pete, "just you wait!"

"I'll look forward to your report of success," said Maleficent, "and now, what to do with these two?"

Kneeling before the throne was Rakel and the now conscious, and sane, Reddik. The backfired curse had left purple, yellow and green burns across half his body and most of his face, while his right shoulder and arm were partially paralyzed.

"I'll ask again," said Maleficent, "what is to be done with you two?"

Rakel was about to speak, but she caught a look from Reddik, a look that said he would do all the talking.

"Great one," said Reddik as he struggled to get to his feet. His wounds caused him great difficulty to get up, but he fought through the agony and stood, "I take full responsibility for the fiasco. I allowed a…personal problem to interfere with my judgment. Had I remained in control of myself, I would have utilized the full potential of the Mark 2 Kurt Zisa and destroyed the meddling brats once and for all.

"Instead, I failed to achieve victory and lost a valuable upper-level Heartless. If anyone is to be punished for the failure, let it be me and me alone."

"You're shouldering the blame for both you and Rakel," said Maleficent as she glared at him, "you care for her, don't you."

"Yes," admitted Reddik, "I have feelings for Rakel, feelings I'm not ashamed to confess."

"You should be ashamed!" snapped Maleficent, "this new order has no place for such feelings! Love will be exterminated once and for all when the hearts of all worlds are consumed by darkness!"

"It will be, great one," said Rakel, "it will be."

Maleficent stood up, "I have decided your punishments, and the two of you shall be punished for the failure. You, Rakel, are to go with Pete and find the Keyblade Wielders. Find them and destroy them."

"Yes, great one," said Rakel.

"As for you," said Maleficent as she glared at Reddik, "if circumstances were different, you would not be standing here alive. I would have seen to it that you would have died from your injuries, and that your death would be as slow and agonizing as possible.

"However, I cannot afford the loss of a still useful subordinate. You shall live, Reddik Darkstorm, you shall live to serve the cause, and only the cause."

"Yes, great one," said Reddik, "and thank you."

"I am not finished," said Maleficent, "you still need to be punished for allowing your insanity to take control of you. I've seen far too many valuable assets be destroyed because they could not control their own personal problems.

"You are to find a way to ensure that your other self never hinders your work again, ever! And as an added incentive, you are to finish your recovery from your injures, without taking away the pain of the wounds. I can tell that even now your wounds are causing you incredible discomfort, and that is with a pain-relieving potion. Imagine the agony you'll experience once the potion wears off, and you fail to receive another."

"Just thinking about it makes me hate the ones who did this to me even more," said Reddik, his voice dripping with rage. "I'll make that snot-nosed bastard who shot me suffer ten fold what I'm going through."

"That he shall," said Maleficent as she smiled viciously. "Now, go and carry out your duties."

Pete, Rakel and Reddik bowed and left the throne room. Once they were out in the hallway and beyond earshot of their mistress, Reddik collapsed to the floor, gasping in agony.

"The potion wore off," said Pete.

"It wore off before we got to the throne room," said Reddik through gritted teeth.

"Oh poor baby!" said Rakel, her voice heavy with sympathy. She and Pete helped Reddik up, "let's get you back to your room, where at least you'll be in a more comfortable environment."

"I'll be alright," said Reddik, "I can walk on my own. Just make sure I don't fall on my face."

Eventually he managed to get to his quarters in the castle and collapsed onto his bed.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Rakel asked.

"Nothing," said Reddik, "nothing that won't get you into trouble. I'm starting to see why Erika has no respect for Maleficent. She may be pure evil, but that gives her no right to punish those who are less pure than her."

"She's the boss," said Pete, "she can do what she wants and there's nothin' we can do about it."

"Maybe," said Reddik in a contemplative tone, "maybe. But there is one thing both of you can do that'll help make me feel better."

"What is it?" Rakel asked, "tell me. I'll do anything."

"Find Sora and those other Keyblade wielding bastards," said Reddik, "find them and kill them. I don't care how they die or how much they suffer, just so long as they're dead."

"That," said Rakel, "I can promise." she bent down to kiss Reddik, then got up to leave. She looked at Pete, "get your dogs ready. There's one thing I have to take care off, then we can leave." With that she hurried out of the room.

"Whatever dark god decided to bless me with a fantastic woman like her," said Reddik, "I'll sacrifice a million virgins to it."

"She's alright," said Pete, "I guess."

"There is one favor you can do for me, Pete," said Reddik, "when you and Rakel are out searching for the Keyblade Wielders, look after her."

"What do ya' mean?" Pete asked.

"You saw what happened when my other self took over," said Reddik, "well, Rakel has her own problems to. Rakel has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD. She usually has it under control, but in times like this, when her mind is full of anxieties over something she cares about, me, her obsessions can get out of hand. Right now she's focused on the task given to her by Maleficent, and Rakel will carry out that task to the end, even if it kills her.

"Your job, Pete is to make sure that Rakel doesn't kill herself. We really don't know how long it'll be before you catch up with Sora and his accursed companions. It could be weeks, months even. Rakel could be so absorbed into the hunt, she could skip meals or sleep for days before exhaustion or hunger forces her to stop. She could injure herself and not even notice it until it becomes life threatening.

"Do you understand what I'm asking you, Pete? You are to keep Rakel alive at all costs. Do what you have to do, but make sure that Rakel is still alive and well when I next see her."

"You can count on me," said Pete in a confident tone, "ol' Pete 'ill keep her safe for ya'!"

"You'd better," said Reddik, "because if I recover and find out that you allowed her to die or come to serious harm, you'll be the first I'll come after, and you won't like what I'll do to you."

"I…um…err…that is," stammered Pete.

"Oh just go already," sighed Reddik, "go help Rakel and leave me to be miserable." With that Pete left the room.

Once he was sure that he was alone and both Rakel and Pete were out of earshot, that's when Reddik began screaming from the pain. He had been concealing just how much agony he was in, and now that he was alone, he released his control.

As he writhed on the bed in sheer pain, Reddik cursed his other self for getting him into this mess. He cursed Sora and the Keyblade Wielders for interfering with his plans. He cursed Ed and Al and all the other State Alchemists for defending Arcadium Prime. He cursed Maleficent for sending him to that damned world in the first place.

And most of all, he cursed Travis Hampton for putting him into this situation. Reddik knew that the wounds caused by the backfired curse were worse than he let the others know. The effects of the dark magic would linger for several months, a year at the most, and because of the nature of the dark magic, no amount of magical Healing would speed up the recovery. And without any pain-relieving potions, the recovery time would seem like an eternity.

But Reddik was a patient man, and he knew that the pain wouldn't last forever. He knew that his body would recover, and when it did, everyone he cursed would taste his revenge.

Rakel also had her share of curses to dish out as she walked through the corridors. She to cursed the Alchemists of Arcadium Prime for interfering with the plan. She cursed Travis for shooting Reddik. She cursed Sora and the others for their meddling. But the one she cursed the most was Maleficent for sending Reddik to Arcadium Prime, and for separating him from her when he needed her the most.

Rakel silently vowed that if she ever got the chance, she would bring down Maleficent and ensure that she never returned from beyond, ever again.

But that would be for later. Right now, Rakel will do her duty to the mistress of all evil. She assist that blubbering buffoon Pete. She would find The Keyblade Wielders and destroy them. Then, once that was done, she would come back and get Reddik away from Maleficent, away from New Hollow Bastion and The Heartless. Even though it would mean forsaking her people, The Hakonians, she and Reddik would go somewhere where they could be alone, where they could be happy together.

But before all that could come to pass, she had someone she had to talk to.

In a sitting lounge in the castle, Rakel found three people; two boys and a girl, all of whom looked to be teenagers but, like Reddik and Rakel, were actually in their 50's.

The first boy was tall, about 5'10" with short curly blond hair and azure eyes. He wore a blue jacket over a white shirt with lacy sleeves, as well as matching blue trousers and brown boots. A black rapier with a jeweled encrusted handle was sheathed around his waist, giving him the appearance of an 18th century fop. He lounged in an overstuffed chair with his feet propped on an ottoman and a cup of tea in his hand.

The other boy wore green and gray warlock robes. He was of medium height with long spiky, naturally gray hair and coal black eyes. He sat in a chair reading a tome of dark magic, a look of deep concentration on his face as he scanned the ancient texts. Leaning against the chair was a black staff with silver symbols carved into it At a nearby table was a cup of extra sweet hot chocolate. Next to the cup were several snacks that were also heavily laden with sugar.

The girl had long indigo hair down to her waist and burgundy eyes. She wore a blue and yellow dress that accented a very sensual figure, complete with several bracelets on her wrists and orange stiletto heels. Her nails were painted blood red. She lay on her back on a couch, a look of blissful contentment on her face.

"Konrad," said Rakel to the fop, "Nikolai," she said to the wizard, "Katarina," she said to the girl.

"What is Reddik's condition?" the wizard, Nikolai, asked without looking up from his book. He reached over to his cup of hot chocolate, took a sip and put it back on the table, all without losing his place in the book.

"He's in for one long and rough recovery," said Rakel, "but he'll survive."

"Oh, that's good," said the girl, Katarina, as she sat up, "I hope he won't be sick for too long." She spoke in a voice that hinted at innocent ignorance, giving her the overall appearance of a total airhead.

"He's not sick, you ditzy diva," said the fop, Konrad as he got up from his chair. He spoke in a very snobbish voice, giving hint to an upper class upbringing. "Our comrade in darkness bit off more than he could chew, and he paid the price."

"Reddik didn't do anything of such!" snapped Rakel, "It's not his fault he got shot and his curse backfired. If anyone is to blame it's those wretched Keyblade brats."

"And I suppose we'll have to make up for Reddik's short comings," said Konrad in a bored tone, "just like that peasant to ruin my day."

"The only thing you high-born bastards have to do is keep Maleficent pleased," said Rakel, "If that involves doing extra duty for Reddik, and myself while I'm gone, then so be it."

"But we're already doing extra work that Ulrik and Erika should be doing," whined Katarina, "I barely have any time as it is for myself. I've missed so many boutique specials and sales, it won't be long before my wardrobe is no longer in fashion."

"We all know how much you love to make yourself beautiful," said Konrad in a disapproving tone, "I'd rip my own ears off so I wouldn't have to listen to you go on and on about how fabulous you are."

"Just be grateful that we have the opportunity to do our duty in the first place," said Nikolai as he turned a page in his book, "would you rather be dead, like Ulrik? Or in the dungeons, with Erika? I hear it won't be long before her spirit is completely shattered."

"I suppose you're right," said Konrad in a nonchalant tone.

"My clothes would get all ripped and dirty in the dungeons," said Katarina, "and I'd just look horrible in chains."

"Just as long as we're all on the same page here," said Rakel. She silently cursed whatever dark god decided it would be funny to put her among this peanut gallery. At the rate she was going, Rakel would have to write down her list of curses.

"And just where will you be while we're slaving away over your responsibilities?" Konrad asked as he sat down again.

"I've been given a different assignment," said Rakel, "I'm to go with that oaf Pete and find Sora and the Keyblade Wielders. I'm going to find the meddling brats and destroy them."

"Have you any idea where they can be found?" Nikolai asked as he reached for a cookie that had chocolate frosting on top.

"Not exactly," said Rakel, "the hobgoblin scientists have determined that there is a set number of possible worlds where the brats have wound up, as well as several possibilities of where they could go next if Pete and I don't catch up with them immediately. We have a list of worlds to look. It's a big list, but a finite list. It's only a matter of time before the brats are found, then their suffering shall be legendary, even in hell."

"So you'll be traveling a lot?" Katarina asked.

"It's a distinct possibility," said Rakel, "it was sheer luck that we encountered the brats on Arcadium Prime. But yes, Pete and I will visit several worlds that, even though we know they exist, we don't know what to find there."

"You'll bring back souvenirs, will you?" Katarina asked, "I just adore strange and bizarre knickknacks."

"I'll see what I can do," said Rakel, even though she had no intention of bringing back anything from her travels, except proof that Sora and the Keyblade Wielders were properly disposed of.

"Remember to take care of yourself," said Nikolai as he turned a page in his book, "you know what happens if you let your obsessions get out of hand."

"You don't have to remind me," said Rakel. With that she left the room and headed towards the entrance of the castle, were Pete waited with several Rabid Dogs, Snapper Dogs, Bad Dogs and Bully Dogs.

"Let's get this hunt over with," said Rakel as she summoned a backpack that carried everything she would need.

"Where to first?" Pete asked.

Rakel then summoned a scroll that had the list of possible locations and pointed to the one on top, "there, we'll start there first." She called forth a Dark Corridor. The canine-like Heartless went through first, followed by Pete and Rakel. The Dark Corridor closed up after them.

Maleficent stood on her balcony with her pet raven, gazing at the thongs of Heartless gathering around New Hollow Bastion, waiting to be unleashed upon the universe.

Just then a goblin servant walked out onto the balcony and knelt, "forgive the intrusion, mistress, but we have a situation. One of the sentries was killed."

"Killed?" Maleficent asked in an annoyed tone, "you dare disturb me on such a trivial manner?"

"This is no trivial manner, mistress," said the goblin servant, "the sentry was stabbed in the back by a blade unlike any found on this world."

Another goblin servant brought in a dagger with a 8-inch blade and an ornately carved wood and silver inlaid handle.

"Have there been any other deaths among the ranks?" Maleficent asked as she looked at the dagger.

"None, mistress," said the first goblin servant, "there is no sign of a greater attack. It would appear that whoever is responsible merely wished to send you a message."

"What sort of message?" Maleficent asked.

The first goblin servant handed Maleficent a sealed scroll, "this was found near the slain sentry, it has not been opened."

Maleficent took the scroll, broke the seal and opened it. She read the message; a brief but definite look of shock appeared in her cruel eyes, "Who else knows about this?"

"Only two other sentries, their superior officer, another servant and myself," said the first servant.

"Make sure it stays that way," said Maleficent, "or I will be in the market for a new set of servants and guards. Is that understood?"

"Completely understood, oh great and terrible one," said the servant. He bowed and left, as did the other.

"This has to be someone's moronic attempt at a particle joke," said Maleficent to her raven, "it has to be, my pet. For the alternative is utterly inconceivable." She read the scroll one more time before destroying it, but the words still burned in her memory…




Once again, Sora and his friends, now with Aiden, found themselves somewhere they didn't expect. They thought they would be back at Disney Castle, but instead they were on another strange world.

"Something must have gone wrong again," said Riku, "the curse that got us lost in the first place, it must still be in effect."

"But The King said they fixed it!" said Donald.

"Trust Maleficent to come up with something that not even Yen Sid can fix," said Sora.

"Should I be worried?" Aiden asked.

"Probably," said Kairi, "but at least we're not in a hostile environment. In fact, this place is quite beautiful."

They were in a large valley surrounded by tree-filled mountains. The valley floor was filled with flowers of all shapes and colors. The sky was a perfect blue that was darkening towards dusk as the sun was setting in the west.

"This definitely is an improvement on The State," said Riku as he sat down on the carpet-like grass, "no offense, Aiden."

"None taken," said Aiden as he sat down as well, "this place is almost like paradise. If we weren't supposed to be somewhere else, I wouldn't mind staying here for a while."

"I'm sure that King Mickey and everyone else is working really hard to find us," said Sora, while Goofy bent down to smell a nearby rosebush, "But since we're here, we might as well relax for a change."

"You said it," said Kairi.

But then, as the sun dipped behind the mountains and nightfall settled in, Sora, Riku, Kairi and now Aiden, sensed that something bad was about to happen.

"Now what?" Riku asked.

As if in answer first one, then two, then four, then dozens of Neo Shadows appeared around, as well as Darkball and Invisible-type Heartless.

"Apparently there's trouble in this paradise," said Aiden as he, Riku, Sora and Kairi summoned their Keyblades, while Donald and Goofy pulled out their weapons. They took up defensive positions as the throngs of Heartless surrounded them and began to close in…

The end of Volume 3: Rise of the Keyblade Wielder.

Didn't see that one coming, did you? But don't worry, Sora and the others will be alright. Their story will continue in the next volume of Beyond the Door to Light. Little do they realize, Sora and his friends have arrived in the world of one of the best cartoons from the 1980's, My Little Pony. I know there are some who will think this is a bad move for me, switching to a non anime, especially one for girls, but trust me on this, you won't be disappointed.

It should be noted that the name in the message Maleficent received, L. Lawlett, came from the awesome anime, Death Note, but that's all I'm using from that anime for now. I don't know if I'll do an actual crossover with Death Note, but we'll see what happens. Also, the message itself was inspired by the smash-hit show 'V,' which I really liked.

And so the story moves on. Stay tuned for Beyond the Door to Light Volume 4: Nightmares in Dream Valley.

See you then!