Ok, look. I just finished The Angel Experiment. You know, the first Maximum Ride book? I totally fell in love with Fax. So I decided to do a one shot of Fang's point of view when Max kisses him. If I get things wrong, just tell me. You can flame if you want. I don't own anything.

I hit the ground. Hard. I can barley feel anything. My head is throbbing. I can taste blood, and I don't want to know where it's coming from.

I can feel Ari grab my head. I prepare for the worst. I thought he would just throw me somewhere, where I'm out of his way.

That didn't happen.

Instead, he smashed my head against a rock. Once. Twice. After the third time, I thought dying would be the right objective. I close my eyes, and my vision gets blurry.

I can here Max screaming for Ari to stop it. Then, suddenly, he stops. I just lay there, not sure if I wanted to live or die. If I died, the pain would be gone, but I would not be able to see all my friends. If I lived, I could see all my friends, but I would be in pain.

I didn't have to make that decision. Max runs over, and grabs my head, checking if my neck was broken or not. I hope not.

"Fang, you have to wake up." She whispers, trying to stay strong. It's not working. I can hear the whimper in her voice.

"He looks really bad. He should see a doctor." Gazzy comments.

"We could carry him." Iggy says. I can feel him checking over me with his hands.

"Where to?" Max asks. "It's not like we can check him into a hospital."

I managed to chock out, "No hospi'l"

"Fang!" I can here Max sigh with relief. "How bad."

"Pre'y bad." I try to shift to one side, but it hurts like hell.

"Don't move!" she yelps.

I feel something in my mouth. I hold out my hand and spit the object into it.

"Tooth." I mumble. "Feel like crap."

Max smiles. "You look like a kitty cat." She says, making whisker motions on her face. I look at her sourly.

"Fang, just live, ok?" she says, her voice cracking. "Live and be okay."

I close my eyes. Suddenly, I can feel her lips on mine. She kissed me.

Trying to look like I'm not totally freaking out, I lick my split lip. "Ow." I say, staring up and Max with shock.

Nudge and Gazzy were gapping at us. But only they saw it. Angel went to go get water, and Iggy was, well, blind.

I slowly move into a seating position. "Man, this feels pretty bad." I say. "I'm going to kill Ari"

I lied. The pain was really gone.

OK! So, I hope you guys liked it! Like I said, if I got things wrong just tell me, because I only read the first book. You can flame if you want, whatever. I read that people who say don't flame or most likely to get flames. And, please, review!