Danny stared out the window of Vlad's castle as he wondered where he was and why he had decided to invite him, his mother and his idiotic dad here. Danny's mind couldn't help but think that there was something out of place, something that had yet to be exposed. Curiously, his mind wondered to something he hadn't even noticed until now… He hadn't seen Vlad all day.

Why haven't I seen him trying to flirt with my mom? Hell why haven't I even crossed his path all day? Danny said to himself.

He yawned as he watched the sun set and the sky turn from its many colors of red, blue, violet, yellow and orange to a dark and mysterious black with speckles of glowing white, silvery light. The moon hadn't risen yet but he knew it would soon enough so he moved from his place by the window as if he was being pulled by some unseen force. Silently he walked down the stairs and into the dinning room. He didn't see his parents there so he decided to check the living room they had been in earlier when they had first arrived. They weren't in there either and he felt his heart start to race after all where could they be in such a place?

He quickly, but silently ran up the steps to the next huge floor and went to his parents bed room. He knocked and when no reply came he cautiously opened the door not wanting to know if they were doing anything or not. He found the room just as empty as the dinning room and the living room. He ran to his room and found a note on the door and he prayed to god that it wasn't something bad or urgent.

Dear Danny,

Sorry for not telling you that we decided to go into town, but we thought you might be sleeping and didn't want to wake you. Your father and I decided to go and ask some locals if they have noticed anything strange or unusual lately. We hope you get this note because we don't know exactly how long we'll be gone for, but we know you're capable of looking after yourself, even though I worry sometimes, but that's a mother thing. Anyway we love you and we'll try to be back as soon as possible so don't worry and please be careful.

Love always,

Mom and dad

He felt a sense of relief reading the note and walked inside his room calmly letting his racing heart slow down some. He folded the not and put it under some clothes he had stuffed in the antique dresser/mirror he had in his room. Mumbling under his breath that he got the room specifically set up for a girl and cursing some about that fact he slipped into the adjoining bathroom and took a shower. He let the warm body run over him as he remembered back to the events of earlier that day when they had first arrived.

He was board out of his mind waiting to get to Vlad's castle and just wanted to go home to his friends even though he was happy to get away from Sam who was bent on asking him out even if he didn't like her like that. He sighed as trees flew by and it seemed as if an eternity had flown by as well. His sister wanted to stay home, thank god, to study and do who knows what else that was embarrassing to him. However he got stuck with his idiotic dad who seemed to never shut-up. As his dad, Jack Fenton, continued on talking about stories he had told Danny more then five thousand times in the past Danny just blocked it all out just staring out the window of the RV. His mother was reading trying as best as she could to ignore her husband, but occasionally told him to shut-up which pleased Danny a lot when an hours worth of silence had started. Unfortunately like everything else though the silence had to come to an end and his father would start up again.

"Dad! You've told that story twenty-five times in the last half an hour! Can you please just be quiet?" Danny snapped finally annoyed to the breaking point with his dad's continuous talking.

His dad had kept his mouth shut the rest of the trip and Danny was happy that the headache his father had given him had gone away. When he saw that they were finally at Vlad's castle he sighed with relief even if he hated Vlad it was nice to know that the castle was large enough for him to just walk away from his father and mother and explore and not have to listen to their jabbering. When they knocked on the door a maid had opened the door cheerfully and let them inside where another maid, a guy, was dusting some stuff and he seemed much paler then the maid whom answered the door. Danny dismissed it though and was being led to his room along with his parents. He hated the room he got with the vanity on the other end of the room and the dark purple curtains and the dark midnight blue satin covers on the bed. It was a chick's room! Danny whirled around to ask the maid if he could have a different room, one that was a little less feminine. The maid shook her head and said no, but never gave a reason why when he had asked. He grumbled and shut the door softly even though he wanted to slam it shut. He had unpacked his things and flopped down on the bed staring at the ceiling for what seemed like forever. That's when he got up and looked out the window and watched the sun's course through the sky. That's how he ended up to now.

Danny's mind finally came back to reality and shut off the now freezing water and dried himself off. He changed into his clothes quickly before moving back into the bed room that he hated being in. Now he was even more board then he had been earlier, so he opened his bed room door and walked downstairs into the still empty dinning room before moving to the living room. He was greeted by a familiar silver haired man sitting in a chair near the fire, whom seemed to be reading.

Vlad. Danny said to himself before sitting down on the couch and watching the flames flicker back and forth.

He continued to think and Vlad seemed to smile as if he knew what he was thinking about. After all why is Vlad awake now? He let his mind drift off as the pieces started to slip together. As they slipped together Danny's eyes widened and Vlad seemed to have not of even noticed. Danny didn't even realize that he wasn't even reading anymore and Danny jumped up off the couch as Vlad stood up.

"You're a vampire!" Danny yelled glaring at him.

"My, my now aren't we smart." Vlad said teasingly and cruelly.

"Why are we even here!? Why do you invite us!? Was it so you could take vengeance on my father again and try and take my mother!?" Danny yelled as Vlad walked closer to him.

Danny walked backwards and could feel ringing in the back of his mind; he soon felt the wall behind him and soon realized he was trapped. A vampire could run just as fast as him and he couldn't go ghost for whatever reason that he couldn't figure out.

"Now, now Danny just calm down and relax I'm not interested in trying to win your mother over anymore." Vlad said his voice sounding velvety, calming and hypnotic.

Danny looked away knowing exactly what not to do when confronting a vampire and he already broke one of them. He didn't realize how close Vlad was anymore which wasn't a good thing. He looked back and noticed that Vlad was only inches away from his face and had one hand against the wall on either side of him. Danny felt his face get hot and he didn't know why.

"Why would I want your mother when I can have something far better?" Vlad whispered in his ear almost seductively.

Danny gulped and felt his heart race and the closeness of Vlad making him more and more hot. Danny pushed Vlad away easily as if the vampire let him do so at his own will.

"Too close!" Danny yelled glaring even though he still felt hot.

"Now don't be that way Danny, you know you're not going to win against me I'm far stronger and faster then you could ever possibly be." Vlad said narrowing his eyes to a glare.

"Then why was I able to push you away?" Danny hissed.

"Because I let you." Vlad said sweetly and Danny thought he was going to pass out.

Danny felt weak and shaky, he didn't know why but he did, he soon figured out the feeling. It was pure fear. He had never felt so scared in his life! Vlad smiled and walked closer to him once more. Danny tried to run but with the wave of Vlad's hand he went flying backwards into the opposite wall that he had been standing near. He had hit the wall so hard that the wall had splintered and cut his shoulder deeply. Danny screamed in pain which made Vlad jump back in surprise, he hadn't meant to throw Danny into the wall that hard. Soon the smell of Danny's blood filled the room and Vlad went wide eyed. Vlad started to shake, but it wasn't because he was afraid it was because the smell of the blood was overpowering him. Danny got up as a tear slid down his cheek and he held his shoulder.

"What the hell!?" He yelled and half cried.

Vlad didn't answer but leaned against the wall for support and Danny knew just from that what was going to happen next. He ran to the door and up the stairs as fast as he could and didn't look back. Ignoring the pain he felt he ran into his room and slammed the door shut using both arms. Danny yelped in pain again as the pain shot through his shoulder, he locked the door and backed away and laid down on the bed. He waited for the wound to heal and as he did he heard banging on his door. He knew it was him and so he decided to just hide under the blankets and hide unaware that he had opened his window and never shut it. Danny soon felt a cool breeze blow in and he looked towards the window wide eyed and quickly got up and shut it and closed the curtains before jumping back into the bed awaiting the sun to rise. He didn't notice the ice blue eyes staring at him from the other side of the room. Vlad walked over to the bed were his prey lay and began to climb over the sleeping boy. Danny pulled the blankets over him tighter around him.

He felt someone climb onto the bed and start crawling over him and he knew the only person it could be.

"Go away!" He yelled, but Vlad didn't do as he said.

"Not going to happen my little pet, your parents won't be back for a long time its started to snow and the roads are iced and snowed over making it impossible to get here. It's also impossible for anyone to leave and the storm is said to go on for a month and you'll be the only one here because neither of the maids are going to last even three more days Daniel." Vlad said using Danny's name instead of his nick name.

Danny couldn't believe it and found the presence of Vlad get off the bed and Danny was relieved. Vlad however wasn't planning on leaving not yet, not until he got what he wanted. So he ripped the satin sheets and blanket from Danny's small form and tossed the blankets to the other side of the room and climbed back onto the bed once more.

"I get what I want and what I want is you my pet." Vlad said as he flipped Danny on to his back so the boy was forced to look at him.

"I—I'm not your pet!" Danny stuttered feeling defeated.

"But you are Danny, and you always will be! Because you're never going to leave this place and you're never going to leave me nor are you ever going to die." Vlad said and Danny went into shock as he felt Vlad's lips touch his gently.

"Never?" Danny questioned his breath a whisper against Vlad's lips.

"Never my love, never." Vlad whispered back as he pressed his lips to Danny's in a sweet kiss and Danny couldn't resist the urge to kiss back.

To be continued…