This will be the last part of my three part story. I want to point out that on my first lemon; I meant to say inches instead of feet. I am sorry for that mistake and will try to not make it again. Let me get started with the first chapter of My Younglings.

A Normal Day Part 1

Four years later

Those who have attended school have heard the story. They know the history and know of his powers. They know that it is not a lie for the living example is also the head mistress.

They know of a mysterious dragon known only as the dragon god.

Only a few select dragons know where to find this powerful being lives. They have promised a long time ago not to reveal the hide-away unless it was urgent.

They know of the beach that has the device which raises the portal that leads to a castle.

The dragon god's castle to be persises.

A castle that has never fallen and its army never been defeated

Inside this castle lives two dragons, one male and one female

The female is an ice dragoness with blue scales colored like the deep ocean and a lighter set of blue scales on her underbelly like the clear sky. She wears a necklace with a pure aquamarine gem and a neck brace that she almost always wears. For it was a gift from her one and only love, the male dragon that lives here.

The sun was shining in the morning sun when she made her way out of the main castle to the gardens. She has always done this in the morning as the smell of the flowers always put her at a sense of ease.

The gardens had a rich collection of various flowers. Though it was possible to water them all with just a simple turn of a mechanism, the dragoness like to do it on her own. It was not the result that put her at ease, it was the process.

Every now and then, she would take a quick glance at the balcony that had the window that lead to the master bedroom. She knew that inside that room, her mate was still sleeping on their bed like he always did in the morning. She would imagine him just lying their without a care to the world. It was one of the reasons that she loved him.

Inside in the same bedroom, there was a male dragon that was still sleeping on the bed. His golden scales sparkling in the sunlight while his large black wings were shining like the midnight sun. His horns also shined like they were pure diamond as well as the new horn-beard that was growing due to getting in the age of adulthood.

This was the dragon god

This was a legend in his right

His name is Spirit

He may look like a normal dragon but deep down he has a power the likes this world has ever seen. He has the ability to harness the powers of all elements in the world and channel then to a level that only guardians are able to reach.

Slowly Spirit gets up from his restful sleep. He would usually be up at this time of day but he was not idle during those four years since he had returned to the Dragon Realms with the help of his partner of his heart Richard.

The first two years was spent learning how to control his dark element powers. He only had a crash course in those abilities and they sometimes catch him by surprise.

The last two years was spent getting ready to train Rayde to be the next fire guardian. Spirit went to the far corners of the Dragon Realms looking for the best places to go. It was the reason that he was so tired when he got back home since he had to sometimes fly during night almost nonstop.

He lets out a yawn and makes his way over to the balcony to get some morning air. His sword tip tail slowly dragging on the ground. He opens the window and steps out and looks out at the open sky. He starts to feel of happiness washing over him as his breath in the fragrances of the blooming flowers. He also was able to smell the scent of his mate in conjunction with the other smells. It was still the same after all these years and it was one of the few things that gave Spirit a sense of peace.

He opened his wings and proceeds to glide down to the gardens. He made a smooth landing and just stands at the perimeter of the garden area and watches his mate water the flowers.


Just the thought of that word sends a flood of memories crashing through his mind. He remembers the night he first meet her, The day that he finally realizes his feeling for her, and finally the day that they made their partnership official.

His one and only mate, Krystal

I think that this might be one of my better openings. This is only part one of the prologue and I hope to get the next part done as soon as I can.

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