Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its world, you may also see reference of Twilight's shapeshifters and sadly I do not own that too, however, I shall take credit for the unfamiliar characters you read.

So this story has finally been revamped, it has been edited with the main female getting a new name because what was I thinking back then?!
I would also like to thank all those who placed this story onto their list even when it was in hiatus for so long! Thank you!

Read and comment!

Chapter One: Strange and Beautiful

In the small lounge room, in a small house, somewhere in the United States of America, was an odd looking group. Four male and a female. Their skin all relatively alike, sun-kissed or a russet colour, they ranged differently in height but seemed to be as built as one another. They all stared down at the piece of paper parchment on the coffee table, unsure if it was a stupid prank or reality.

Brian Bones. The eldest and tallest male frowned as his brown orbs studied his family. Parts of his skin were still dirtied with oil and grease from the local garage where he worked. He had an aura about him that none of the others dared to question or disobey, he was serious through and through but despite his cold personality, he cared for his family, although none of them was related to him by blood.

"This is a joke isn't it?" scoffed the dark skinned one standing with his arms crossed over his naked chest. Meraz McCay. His lips pulled into a smirk that he was known famously for. The only female wrinkled her nose in annoyance but said nothing as she glanced over at the hot tempered one of the group only to receive a sneer in return from the half-naked young man.

The larger built one laughed from beside Brian. His voice echoed through the sudden quiet house. His blue eyes shining with laughter although the situation was deemed to be a serious one. Augustus Vel. The clown. He looked like a model even as he dressed in simple jeans and a t-shirt. "Of course this is a joke!" he chuckled again as the atmosphere seemed to lighten, even just a bit.

The youngest looking male stood beside his best friend, looking from his smirking brother to his annoyed friend. His russet skin was slightly dirty from running around in the woods that surrounded their house. His naked chest shined lightly with perspiration. Linkin McCay. Youngest male of the group. "I don't know it did come with an owl, who the hell sends owls?" The others looked over to him, he scowled lightly as they stared at him as though he was insane, "What do you think?" he asked nudging his best friend.

The quiet and most observant one was the lone female. Annabelle Swann. She frowned as her best friend pushed her in the spotlight. She had an athletic figure as she grew up with these built men always running around and wrestling. Her feminine curves were hidden away with loose shirts and khakis, on rare occasions did she ever dress up; in fact, she never had an occasion where she had to wear anything fancy. "I think this..." she paused glancing down at the parchment again, "...Albus Dumbledore, is serious and very much real."

At such statement, Augustus and Meraz cried out in alarm at such an insane statement that came from the mouth of the sanest one in the group. Brian lifted a hand, instantly silencing the two and continued to stare at her. No one could explain the relationship between the eldest and the youngest, Brian and Annabelle, they had a relationship that couldn't be lovers but couldn't be siblings it was complicated but suited them fine as they both understood each other as silent as the two were.

"I think not," Meraz stated stubbornly believing there was no one by such name, "I wouldn't name my kid Albus in the first place," Linkin rolled his eyes at his elder brother "either his parents are insane or he's a fake,"

"No, he's real and so is his society. I mean, people like us exist right?" she logically stated as though it was the simplest thing in the world, "so there really isn't a reason to question whether or not his world of witch and wizardry exists because people like us, exist," the four simply stared at her blinking their eyes as though she had just sprouted six heads and was really a man all this time.

Annabelle fidgeted under their stare but Brian nodded, agreeing and when Brian agreed, it was an unwritten law. Linkin grinned to his best friend as she smiled back at him, "This is great! We're going to London, can you believe it Anna? London!" the three other males smiled knowingly at their two youngest.

"Even if this turns out to be a faux, we'll treat it like a vacation." Augustus suggested and the others simply nodded. They've never been on a vacation that was over the seas, sure they've travelled to the other states but it wasn't for pleasure but rather business and that took all the fun out of travelling.

And so Annabelle stared at the green scenery that rushed by as she sat still in a compartment on the empty red train. True to the letter that they had received several months ago, they arrived at London and rushed to Kings Cross station where they stepped through platforms 9 and 10, with a few gasps of excitement and surprise, there a red train waited for them. They each wore a magically reduced pouch that strapped magically onto their ankles.

You wonder at how they got this magical? Simple, Albus Dumbledore was thrilled to have them reply to him via his owl. He explained to them in his letters about the situation at hand and offered a place of schooling for their two youngest and for the rest of the months till the day they journeyed, Annabelle and Linkin studied. They poured over every spell book that they had bought after Albus telling them the location of the magical street to buy their needed textbooks and wands. They studied hard trying to catch up with the six years head start that the others they're age had.

Brian looked over at Linkin, who was mouthing words as he read off the page of one of his textbooks and he looked over at the silent girl who had found studying magic simple. In fact, as Brian thought about it, ever since she was young, education came to her so easily, as did everything else. Annabelle looked away from the window as she observed the rest of her family meeting the eye of Brian who gave her a smile.

"Link, do you need help?" she asked quietly to her best friend who was struggling to understand the spell that his 6th year peers was studying. Linkin nodded eagerly at her, practically shoving his brother who lay asleep on the seat off so his best friend and tutor could help him.

Meraz awoke with a snort and grumbled as he watched Annabelle glided over to where he was asleep only a few seconds ago to help his brother, study. He shivered at the action of studying and the word itself. "Lighten up brother, you're not gonna convert yourself to become a wizard are you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow that gained the attention of Augustus who had spent his time playing video games. Brian also became interested at Linkin's answer as he paused in his thoughts to stare at the embarrassed young man.

"O-of course not brother, it's just, I want to get this right" his answer didn't seem to satisfy them as they continue to stare him down. Annabelle hmm-ed from her seat beside him in thought as her eyes glazed over with her mind wandering beyond where they were. "It's just, I'm barely passing high school as it is, I thought maybe school here would be better for me, that maybe I'll pass something in life,"

With such an emotional answer, the other three sat back in their seats, Meraz stared at his brother in a different light. He felt bad for pressuring his brother like that but Meraz really loved being what he was, he took what his was seriously and had thought his brother would follow. Maybe he wasn't a good enough brother, maybe he didn't pay enough attention to his brother and now his brother is steering in a different direction from him, from his family.

"I think Link, you'll do fine at this school, I'm sure you're doing better than most of the students at Hogwarts. You've never attended this school and you're learning just fine sweetie," Annabelle always knew how to make Linkin happy. She always knew when to not speak and when to speak; it was a trait that the boys love about her. She could bring them up or crush them like a bug in a simple sentence or two.

Linkin smiled at his friend, appreciating her words of comfort and he believed because Annabelle had never lied to him and he believed her. "Hmm, I can't wait to get to see this Wartwot-," exclaimed Augustus who had thrown the video game aside as it couldn't keep his attention any longer. Brian rolled his eyes, the only sign of emotion he seemed to have besides having on a serious emotionless face. "It's Hogwarts, Gus," their eldest corrected. Augustus laughed bashfully at his mistake and nodded in gratitude to Brian.

The train slowly came to a silent stop, immediately ceasing any conversation at a town village with a sign at the station welcoming them to "Hogsmeade?" Meraz read, the name rolling off his tongue as though it was a foreign language. "They sure love pigs in the magical world huh," Linkin and Augustus laughed as Meraz chuckled. Annabelle smiled as Brian stared at his surrounded inspecting every one of the villagers that walked passed them whispering to each other at their strange clothing.

In fact, the five weren't really clothed at all; they were walking around half naked. The males all wearing khakis, no shirt and shoes as Annabelle wore a simple spaghetti strap dress that reached her knees, completely bare underneath her dress like the day she was born. "Hmm, if we follow the map that Albus had given us, we should reach the school through a shack," he looked at the others who nodded as they had all memorised the map and destroyed the evidence as requested.

Annabelle grew up, always attracting attention whether it was criticising the way she dressed and acted or praising her academic level. She always stuck out like a sore thumb and walking through Hogsmeade was no different. She itched to change and be away from these people, who frankly, just weren't like her who didn't understand her like her family did. Brian sensed her discomfort and patted her shoulder assuring her which gave her confidence a sudden boost.

The five stopped as they stared at the shack, the barely keeping it together shack that stood alone on the hill. Brian entered first seeing as he was the eldest as well as the leader, Annabelle followed after him and Linkin followed her as a best friend would. Augustus and Meraz sniggered silently together as they whispered to each other following the younger McCay.

Upon reaching the trap door that would leave them to Hogwarts, Brian turned to look at Annabelle as though this was the last time he would see her. She smiled up at him and he nodded. Each one of them stripped of their only clothing, standing before each other naked as the other. There was no embarrassment or shyness as they had grown to accept the fact and gotten quite used to changing in front of each other. They quickly shoved their piece of clothing into the pouch around their ankle.

Within seconds, the four young men and young woman that once stood before the trap door was gone and replaced with five large looking wolves. The largest one was Brian. He stood on four legs looking very large and intimidating at the size of a normal car. He was brown with a white underbelly, his eyes was exactly the same brown as it was in his human form, the same emotionless one.

Augustus jumped around in his spot with his tongue dangling on one side in amusement. He was smaller than Brian looking more like an overgrown dog on steroids than a large monster. He was a yellow coloured wolf with flecks of brown across his fur and a white tip tail.

Meraz grinned wolfishly from his spot beside his brother; he was the same size as Augustus. He was a dark brown wolf with a white streak running along his front legs along his chest and down his spine to the tip of his tail. Meraz was proud of his wolf form as he was seen to be majestic and a very handsome wolf.

Linkin yelped cheerfully in his wolf form, he was smaller than the other males being younger and so the same size as Annabelle but slightly bigger. His fur was a lighter brown than his brother and unlike his brother, he didn't have the white streak running across his body but rather dark brown fur along his back and a light amber muzzle with light brown paws and the tip of his tail was also a light amber colour. Linkin wasn't majestic looking or handsome like his brother but he was attractive with his odd coloured fur that Annabelle seemed to adore.

Annabelle was the smallest wolf in the group. She was only slightly bigger than the normal adult dogs. She had a light grey almost silver like coloured fur with brown streaks running through; although her front paws and ears were pitch black. Her fur was longer and silkier than the others as her tail was bushier and she held more of a feminine grace to her walk and jumps as a wolf. Annabelle was a very beautiful wolf.

Their pouch adjusted to their leg sizes and Brian headed down the trap door first followed in the same order as when they entered. Annabelle never felt her heart pounded so heavily against her ribcage, she was excited and yet there was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind about all this.