From home, to another house to start hospice, back to the hospital, what's next, back to hospice, another hospital? Bella thought to herself. It's almost over and your not here. I don't think I can hang on too much longer Jacob. I can't keep my eyes open. It feels like someone placed a boulder on top of my chest, I can't breathe with all of this pain. Where are you? They keep saying your coming but your still not here. Jacob, I'm so tired, please come fast. I won't be here Monday.

"Where is she?" Jacob rushed in the hospital corridor to find Bella's father and mother.

"Oh thank God Jacob you made it! She keeps asking for you every time she wakes up!" Renee threw here hands out to embrace him.

Hearing that made Jacob's heart drop. "Is she getting any better?"

"Her fever broke over night. It's a good sign. She's still really weak and she might be asleep when you go in there. Oh Jacob, she's getting the transplant on Monday! A doctor is arriving this morning, we found a donor!" Renee cried into his shoulder.

"Can I see her?" Jacob was trying to hold back tears.

Renee led the way and let the boy be with his girl.

What Jacob saw when he entered broke his heart. Bella tied to too many machines, her lifeless body didn't flinch when he said her name. A machine breathing for her, another one counting her heart beats, one giving her fluid, all into this withering body that laying before him.

He took a seat and scooted right up to her. "Bella, I'm here." He whispered into her ear as he lovingly stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. There was no response, no movement from her.

"She's been like this all morning." Renee choked. "I'll give you some space." She walked out the door wiping her eyes.

"Sweetheart, I got you help. Hang on, please stay." Jacob cried. "I found them and the good doctor is going to help you."

"How are you going to deal with Charlie? You know he will be less than pleased seeing you, or any of us for that matter." Emmett asked while four of the Cullen's lingered outside of the Seattle hospital.

"I'll talk to them. I can be the voice of reason, Jasper will be there to calm them down." Esme replied.

"Jasper will have to be there. There is no way Charlie is going to let you take one step through those doors. We did some pretty hard damage when we left the first time. " Emmett reminded.

Alice sighed, "We'll tell Charlie first thing that Edward's not with us. We are saving his daughter's life. It doesn't matter what happened in the past

"What do we tell them when they ask where the kidneys came from, or rather who the kidneys came from?" Emmett chuckled.

"We can tell them we got a donor in last minute. It's true." Alice replied.

"Half true. What time is it? When does Carlisle get in?" Emmett asked.

"No one needs to know the whole story besides us. He'll be here within thirty minutes. I'll go in with Esme and talk to the family. We need to get Carlisle in there as soon as possible and start. She's becoming weaker by the hour." Alice got out of the car and started walking toward the hospital. Esme and Jasper caught up with her.

"If the procedure doesn't work, are you, are you going to do what Jacob asked you to do?" Esme grabbed Alice's shoulder.

"I don't see it Esme, I can't see her being one of us anymore. Ever since Edward's been gone I don't have any visions any longer about her except of her being human and sick. I…I don't think I can. I don't think it's the right thing to do. I can't put her through this without having Edward around. There's no point of making her one of us anymore." Alice continued through the doors. "Lets go talk to the family. Carlisle will be here soon."

The Cullen's were greeted by silence and melancholy eyes when they entered the hospital waiting room.

"Alice? Dr. Cullen's wife? What….What are you doing here? How did you find out about Bella?" Charlie got up from his seat, stunned.

"Charlie, I'm so sorry about Bella." Alice hugged him. Jasper's effect was starting to work.

"Actually, Charlie, Jacob reached out to us about Bella and asked Carlisle if he could help out in any way. Charlie, Carlisle is the one that's going to be helping her." Esme said.

"He found a match at the hospital he has been working at. There…Well there was a donor….last minute." Jasper coughed and looked down at the floor.

It took Charlie to process what she was saying. "I….I had no idea you even knew what was going on. All the way from New York? God, I don't know what to say…Thank you of course. But…I got to ask, is Edward with you all?" Charlie took a step back and looked the three of the m over.

"No." All three responded in unison.

"Okay…Okay great. I mean good. I mean, I just don't want Bella to go through that again." Charlie let a hug sigh of relief out.

Just then Carlisle entered the waiting room along with Bella's doctor and a nurse taking notes down.

"Charlie, good to see you, I'm so sorry about Bella but I think we can help. The donor was completely healthy, no health problems. I believe if we can get Bella into surgery as soon as possible we will have a better chance that her body won't reject the kidneys. I took a look at her and the fever has broken, she is recovering well from the pneumonia. I think we can get her in this evening." Carlisle knew it was now or never but wanted to make it sound hopeful for the family.

"Are you sure, she just seems so weak. She has been asleep for so long?" Charlie shook his head.

Carlisle looked through Bella's doctor's chart. "We need to do this now. I don't want to wait any longer, not even a day more." Carlisle was blunt with the distraught father.

Just then Jacob walked out of Bella's room and met the four vampires in the waiting room. He visibly huffed and walked up to Carlisle, "It needs to be today." Jacob choked out before he walked passed him.

"Well…It looks like it's settled then." Charlie put his hands on his hips, "Please take care of my baby." Charlie was visibly shaking and his eyes were starting to water.

"We will do our best. She's in good hands" Carlisle put a reassuring hand on Charlie's shoulder.