Ok! So I am rewriting this story. It is ridiculously short, even to me, and I realized I had made a lot of spelling mistakes. So to make up for it, especially as I've been adding new chapters. I'm fixing it now.

Disclaimer- I do not own Legend of Zelda

Sitting here all the time was getting tiring, I don't know how long I had been here, but I do know my features had changed, and I was almost as tall as the doors now. I had been only about halfway when I was first brought here, and my so called master had recently brought more fitting clothes. My old ones had barely covered anything, anymore. How much longer did I have to be held prisoner here anyways? All I needed to do was defeat the one who looked like me right? Well, when was he going to get here? I wanna get out of this room! I wanna see the world I only have knowledge of. I want to see it for myself, to smell it, to taste it, to feel it!

Looking down sadly, he couldn't help but catch sight of his reflection. He saw a pale as the moon face, not that he knew what a moon was, with red eyes and long black hair down to his shoulders. If he looked closely enough he could see a hint of blue in his eyes and a little blonde in his hair. Seeing the sight many times, he looked back up. Trying to find a way out for the millionth time, looking for the slightest hint of a crack, or a hint of light. Or if he was really lucky, an open door!

Seeing nothing he screamed in frustration and stomped his way over to one of two doors. He grabbed the bars over it and tried prying them open, feeling the usual skin burning sensation, he ignored it until he hands were screaming in pain. He released the bars, looking down at his smoking and burnt hands. "Damn Ganondork!" He yelled to the thin air around him.

Storming back over to the tree he sat down on the rough sand using the tree as a back rest. He looked back down at his hands, watching new skin grow over the burns. When he was healed he sighed deeply. Reaching around his back with his, now healed, left hand he felt the handle of his sword, wondering if he should train some more or go to sleep.

When he brought his back to the front he caught sight of his bracelet, the one Ganondorf used to shock him when he was angry. He tried to slide it off his wrist again with no luck. The sound of doors opening, snapped him out of his attempts. Huh? Did the doors just unlock? Doesn't Ganondorf usually just send his shadow self? Why would he need to come through the doors?

Not knowing what I would encounter, I hid myself in the shadows. What I saw was something I would not soon forget. At first I saw a blurry figure about the size I was, with a moving, glowing light, flying over head. The closer it got the more defined it became. The figure was male, with a blue tunic on, and white leggings. He had blonde hair, slightly shorter than mine, with a green hat on top. He was tanned, where you could see skin, with what looked like blue eyes. The glowing light, looked like a fairy, if what I know is correct.

"Hey! Over here!" the fairy said. The male nodded and followed the fairy to the only other door here. He got to the door only to find bars over it, "It's locked Link," the fairy stated the obvious.

"Link huh?" Why do I know that name? I thought to myself. Oh well, now is my chance to get out of here. I raced to the opened door, only to have it shut in my face, I grabbed the bars again, hoping that this time, a miracle would happen, and I could pry them open. The bars burned my hands again, leaving me to heal again. During this whole escapade, I didn't notice but, the so called Link had snuck up behind me and put his sword to my neck.

"Turn around, slowly" He said, I did as he asked, and we both gasped once I did. We looked exactly alike, my head started to pound with the knowledge that this was the one I had to kill. This is who Ganondorf wanted dead more than anyone. But all I could say was , "I know those eyes." Then I only saw blackness.

There newly revamped chapter! Still not very long, but I didn't want to change the concept too much. Also it's still only the prologue :P