The Crystal Adventure

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon. I own Pokemon Heartgold since I bought it, and Platinum.

Kenshin: This game is pretty good. I've already procured my first badge!

Yusei: I miss playing Gold and Silver. It's probably been ten years since any of us first picked up Crystal or Silver.

TCM: Everyone, let's begin the chapter, or better yet the story. It entails the sequel to The Platinum Adventure. You guys have read that story right?

Manabu: I think some of us have. I know I did. But let's recap for those who can't remember, or are too lazy to reread it:

The story begins with a young 12 year old named Lucas heading through Eterna Forest. There he meets Cheryl, and she is invited to join him on his adventure throughout Sinnoh. During his travel he meets with plenty of interesting people, like Mira within Wayward Cave, the Gym Leaders, Yusei, Pokemon Sinnoh League Champion Cynthia, and Aura Guardian Riley who use to be the Sinnoh Champ. Lucas captures plenty of Pokemon as well as all eight badges, not to mention getting use to his Aura Guardian abilities, and by the time he defeats Volkner he already has a girlfriend in Cheryl. After stopping Team Galactic from changing the world, he continues to the Sinnoh League, defeats the Elite Four, and faces Cynthia in a final battle where he wins. Later he would help Giratina, Dialga and Palkia find three precious orbs of theirs, and then travel to Johto to challenge their gyms.

Manabu: That brings us to here, where Lucas has crossed over to the Johto region to face their gyms, with Shaymin as his only Pokemon. He also meets Elm.

Chapter 1: The Crystal Journey Begins: Who is This Red Head?

"Welcome Lucas! This is my lab!" Professor Elm says to the young boy. Lucas looks around in amazement at all the things around here. It is a little bit like Rowan's lab, but only slightly different. "I was hoping to run into you soon too. You know nowadays Pokemon are carried in Pokeballs. But before that we use to walk around with Pokemon."

"Uh, yeah. Some people still do that these days. I don't mind doing it." Lucas replies to the professor, having Shaymin flying over his head. With it in Sky Form this is possible.

"Pokeballs are great because you can carry many Pokemon with you without worrying about losing them, but walking outside the ball must have some advantages." Elm surmises. He then places Cyndaquil inside a Pokeball.

"Well I could walk around with a Pokemon and show the results." Lucas says, hoping to help the man out. A light bulb flashes over his head.

"Ah, that's an excellent idea! I'll let you take Cyndaquil out to see if there are some changes to its personality." Elm then walks over to Lucas and hands him Cyndaquil's ball. He holds his hand out and takes it, wondering how things ended up like this.

"Uh, okay. I guess now I've got a Cyndaquil!" Lucas shouts, holding the ball up into the air. "I'll name you Plue!"

"Check back with me on the Pokegear if you can form any special trait or bond with the Pokemon." Requests Elm as he holds out a blue device. Lucas takes the item and looks at it. He then opens it up and begins to register himself in it.

"So this is the Pokegear. I hear Poketch isn't built for Johto, is that right?" Lucas asks him as he continues. He then finishes up and straps the gear on his waist belt. "I probably shouldn't have brought this with me."

"Yeah, I forgot to mention it to you- Before Elm could continue, he hears a jingle at his computer, accompanied with the noise 'You've got mail'. He rushes to his desk and sees that someone called Mr. Pokemon has left him a message. He then turns to Lucas and states, "Lucas, an acquaintance of mine called Mr. Pokemon just left me a message. He keeps finding things and raving about his discoveries. I just got an email saying it's real. It's probably another Pokemon Egg, but we're too busy with our own research to go check him."

"Oh. Do you need me to go check up on this guy, Mr. Pokemon?" Lucas asks him, as he starts to get what he's talking about.

"Wow! You're rather bright, but that's what you'd expect from Sinnoh's champion! He lives up ahead of Cherrygrove City. Just follow the Pokegear's map and you'll find it." Elm says to him, pointing on the device around his belt.

"Okay, and then will you sign me up to the Johto League?" – Lucas

"Of course I will!" He replies. With that Lucas heads out the door, using the Pokegear's map while Shaymin flies behind him. On his way out he spots someone looking inside through the lab's window.

"So this is Professor Elm's lab…" That person says, looking into the window. He has red hair, which makes him look like a girl. Lucas reaches out to tap that guy's shoulder, and he turns around quickly while frowning. As he stares at the Sinnoh champ with his red eyes he tells him, "What are you staring at? Beat it!"

He then pushes Lucas away and runs off. Shaymin then says, "Well that was weird…Stupid weird…oh well."

"Yeah, it was…EH?!" Lucas quickly looks up at his flying Pokemon, realizing it can talk. "YOU CAN TALK!?!"

"Yeah. I can speak through telepathy. It's all thanks to me learning Psychic, thanks to you Lucas." Shaymin says to its trainer.

"But, why do you only talk now? You learned that last week." Lucas questions the grass hedgehog. It lands on his head and smiles.

"I only recently discovered I could do it. Not only that, but I'm always inside the ball." – Shaymin

"Ah, sorry about that. Maybe I should try that walking Pokemon thing." – Lucas

After picking himself up Lucas returns Shaymin to its ball and continues out the route to find Cherrygrove City and the home of this 'Mr. Pokemon'. But before he could continue he sends out Cyndaquil and walks with it. "This isn't so bad. How are you doing, Plue?"

Plue squeals as it continues to follow him, but then drifts off into a different direction. It spots a Sent ret nearby and notices how it has a small berry in its mouth. Lucas turns around to check on his Pokemon, and sighs when he sees what it's doing. "Plue, let's get going."

Cyndaquil isn't use to its name yet, so it didn't respond immediately. Lucas then walks over to it, and picks it up. Being shocked, Plue sets fire to its back, and forces Lucas to release it. 'This won't be as easy as taming Chimchar.'

After Lucas spoke with Plue, they start to get along more. But using Shaymin's telepathic ways of speech to translate helped Lucas know more about Plue. Apparently it likes being outside of the ball more than inside. It also likes berries.

So once Lucas recalled Shaymin he continues to Cherrygrove City. There he could see that the Pokemon Mart and the Pokemon Center are much different than the ones in his region. After resting for the rest of the afternoon he heads back out from the Pokemon Center to where Mr. Pokemon lives.

As they travel up the hill to reach this person's home, Lucas and Plue battle against several Pokemon and a trainer on the way. This would make for great training for Cyndaquil. By the time Lucas reaches Cherrygrove City it would already be dark. He could see his place hidden between a set of trees.

Lucas opens the door, once again wondering why people don't lock up at night, and spots the person inside. Next to him is the famous Professor Oak, someone Lucas recognizes easily. Mr. Pokemon looks at Lucas and says, "Ah, you must be Lucas. I'm the person who sent that email to Elm."

"Hi. You must be Mr. Pokemon, and Professor Oak right?" Lucas asks, pointing at the two older men in front of him.

"So, this is Lucas. I saw your match again Cynthia; very entertaining." Oak tells the kid. He rubs the side of his head out of embarrassment as he enters the house, Plue close behind him.

Mr. Pokemon heads towards a white shelf and grabs an item. He then hands it to Lucas, saying, "This is what I want him to see. A friend of mine in Ecruteak gave it to me. It's said that it's an egg you can't find in Johto. That's why I want Elm to see to it, since he's the best in studying Pokemon evolution. Even Oak here agrees."

"That's right." Oak says, entering into the conversation. "When I had heard you were coming here, I decided to stick around. I bet you want to register into the Johto league, right?"

"Yes, yes I am. I would like to, but he couldn't since he asked me for such an important task." Lucas replies, rubbing the side of his head. He then holds up his Pokedex.

"Here, I'll upgrade your Pokedex wirelessly." Oak says to him, attaching a device to the side of the dex. With it a light beeps out as it upgrades his Pokedex for the Johto region league. After a minute he removes it, and hands the Pokedex back to him. "There you go. You're now set."

"Thank you Oak!" Lucas says to him, showing little to no honorifics.

"Now, I better be off. I have a radio show in Goldenrod to do." Oak says as he leaves out the building.

"Yosh, I'll be on my way too. Have a good day!" Lucas says, leaving out with Plue behind him. He would head back to the lab in New Bark town, and deliver the egg to him.

But before he could, he receives a call. Lucas opens his Pokemon Gear, and looks up the number. "Hello?"

"Hello, Lucas!? It's a disaster! Uh, um, it's just terrible!" Lucas could hear ringing from the other end of the phone. "What should I do? It… Oh, no… Please get back here now!"

The phone then hangs up, leaving Lucas confused and wondering what that was all about. He then hangs up the phone and heads down the hill. On the way he spots a Spinarak, and with Shaymin's help he catches the Pokemon. He then continues down the hill and heals his Pokemon. Afterwards he continues towards New Bark Town, but runs into a familiar face.

"You right there!" A person shouts up ahead, stopping Lucas in his tracks. Lucas takes a good look at whom this person is, and he could see this guy is the same red head who was by the lab.

"Hey, you're that guy from the lab!" Lucas shouts, pointing at him.

"You got that Pokemon from the lab, eh? Such a thing is useless on you." He says to him, holding up a Pokemon in his hand. He then sends it out, bringing Totodile to the scene.

"Totodile? Yosh, then I'll use," Lucas reaches into his belt to grab Shaymin's ball, but gasps when he realizes it isn't there. He remembers sending it to Rowan with his other Pokemon when he came back from catching Spinarak. He then sighs, and chooses the outside Cyndaquil instead. "Let's go, Plue!"

The fire type squeals before crawling up in front of him. The red headed trainer shouts, "Water Gun!"

"Use Smokescreen and Rollout!" Lucas commands, having his Pokemon release smog to block Totodile's vision. With the moisture from the gator's attack it disperses the smog, but nothing could be seen there. Cyndaquil has jumped into the air while spinning, and lands on the gator's head. "Yeah, take that!"

"What the hell are you doing? Water Gun!" The red head commands, making his Pokemon use another attack. This one hits Plue and sends him into a field of flowers.

"Plue!" – Lucas

"Now, finish it off with Aqua Tail!" Totodile spins its tail swiftly, releasing a whirlpool of water around it. Totodile leaps up into the air and descends to Plue.

"Mud Slap!" Plue turns around and kicks up mud at Totodile. This distracts it enough for the echidna Pokemon to fire a ball of flame at him. Totodile lands backwards, its Aqua Tail attack negated. "Fight back with Flame Wheel!"

"Aqua Tail!" Totodile jumps back at Plue. The fire Pokemon releases flames from its back and spins around just the same as before, but this time it looks like a spinning wheel of fire. Totodile strikes the fire wheel with its water tail, and the result creates a steamy smokescreen. Plue while in Flame Wheel comes flying back at Totodile.

"Kaen Guruma!" Plue strikes the gator, and they both land before one another. After seconds of staring at one another, the flames on Plue's back go out. Both Totodile and Cyndaquil collapse to the ground. "Plue!"

"I can't believe I lost to someone like you…" The red head says as he returns the fallen Pokemon. He then runs past Lucas, bumping into him on the way. As he does he drops his trainer card. Lucas gets a glimpse at the name.

"Hey Silver, you dropped something." Lucas shouts to him, holding up his card. The hurrying trainer turns back and runs to Lucas. He then snatches the card from him.

"I'll concede defeat to you. But I won't lose again. Someday I'll be the strongest Pokemon trainer!" Silver tells him, heading north of Cherrygrove to escape him.

'He isn't taking him to the Pokemon Center?' Lucas thinks, watching the guy escape. He then shakes his head and looks down at Plue. "Plue, are you okay?"

The fire Pokemon nods in agreement and leaps up in his arms. "That's good. You did great."

So with Plue on his head the Pokemon and trainer duo leaves Cherrygrove City, moving on for New Bark Town to seek Professor Elm. He didn't have enough time to put Plue into the Pokemon center, and besides it only needs a night's sleep.

When Lucas reaches the place, he finds a group of police outside. Our diamond protagonist enters the professor's lab, and is immediately tackled to the ground by an Officer Jenny. "I've got you, thief! You thought you could return to the scene of the crime?!"

"Hey, let go! I didn't do anything!" Lucas tells her. He blushes a little as he feels her chest pressed up on his elbow. He's also hoping she doesn't damage the egg.

"Hey, what are you doing? That's the messenger to Mr. Pokemon!" Elm tells her, coming out from a crowd of policemen. Jenny looks up at the professor.

"So, he's not the thief?" She asks him, blushing out of embarrassment at her mistake. She then slowly releases the boy.

"You idiot!" The chief of police yells at Jenny, hitting her on top of the head with a jitte. "You don't attack others without thinking! That kid doesn't have red hair."

"Red hair?" – Lucas

"It's good that you're here Lucas. You see, a kid your age with red hair has broken in just now and stolen a Pokemon." Elm tells Lucas, who is brushing himself off.

"Stolen Pokemon…Red hair…what Pokemon was it?" Lucas asks him, looking up at the young looking professor.

"It was a Totodile." At that, a thought shocks through his mind. That fits the example of the boy he just fought against, Silver.

"Well, now that I think about it, there was this-

"Ah, did you get that item from Mr. Pokemon?" Elm asks, interrupting him once again.

Lucas sighs and digs into his bag, where he placed the egg in. He then holds it out to him, and a shocked look pops up on his face. "This is…this is amazing! This kind of Pokemon egg doesn't appear anywhere in Johto!"

"It doesn't?" Lucas asks, and then takes the time to pay close attention to it. He could now see it looks very similar to an egg he once received a long time ago.

"Well, I'll get started on studying this egg. In the meantime be on the look out for this kid. If you need a night stay you can visit Lyra Kotone down the street! I'm sure she'll let you stay." Elm tells him, taking the egg with his hands.

With that, Lucas leaves the building with Plue bundled in his arms. He then comes up to the Kotone residence, and knocks on the door. Out comes a young girl his age with brown hair. On both ends are ponytails that arc upward. She stares at Lucas for a bit before saying, "Eh, who are you?"

"Um, I'm Lucas. Professor Elm said I could stay here for the night since there isn't a Pokemon Center in town." – Lucas

"Is that so?" The girl picks up her Pokegear, which was attached to her pajamas, and calls the Professor. "Yeah, there's this boy here…really? Uh huh…uh huh…okay then, he can stay."

"Thank you." Lucas tells her, walking past her to go inside. Before he could she grabs his arm and reels him back in front of her.

"Not so fast! It may be cool with the Professor, but you have to show respect to me. This is my place and I won't have some stranger mess things up, got it?" She tells him, poking his chest with her right hand index finger.

"Yes Ma'am." – Lucas

"And don't call me Ma'am, I'm not that old. My name is Lyra Kotone." She finishes, and finally allows him entry into her home. Lucas walks inside with Cyndaquil in his arms, although it has fallen asleep.

After getting settled in, wearing the pjs that he normally packs and wears, Lucas places Cyndaquil on the couch while in a blanket. Before he could sleep he spots one of those telephone televisions. With it he could communicate with others from across the globe. 'Let's see, Cheryl will probably be at some random Pokemon center. I better just call mom…although, there's probably no one awake at this time of night.'

So with that thought in he joins Plue on the couch, and falls peacefully into sleep.


"ACHOO!" Cheryl sneezes out of nowhere. She then rubs her nose clean of anything that might have come out. At the moment she's in Oreburgh's Pokemon Center about to go to bed. 'I bet Lucas is thinking about me…I'll probably think about him when I challenge the Oreburgh gym.'

The Next Day in Johto…

"Yeah, time to get moving!" Lucas shouts as he runs out the door. Behind him follows Plue the Cyndaquil. The small echidna-like Pokemon is making good speed on Lucas' running shoes.

"Thank goodness he's gone." Lyra says as she watches him leave. She then looks back into the living room, and sees a photo. It has a picture of three teenagers, and a younger Lyra. One of the girls looks like a blue haired version of her while one of the two boys looks like he's dressed like Lucas.

Lucas and Plue head out to Route 29 to reach Cherrygrove. When he does get there, he is in for a weird shock: a man with silver spiky hair waving to him. "Oi! Lucas!"

"Eh? Eh?! Yusei!?" Lucas shouts, pointing at the silver haired trainer.

"Yo!" Yusei dashes to the young champion and stops before he could crash. "I knew I'd find you in Johto! How was your birthday?"

"That was more than a month ago." Lucas tells him, taking his hat off to scratch his head.

"Sorry for not giving you a present. This is to make it up." He says while handing the young trainer an egg he held behind him.

"Is that an egg? What's it for!?" Lucas asks, curious as to what it is. He takes the egg from Yusei as he hands it to him.

"It's the egg to a Pokemon I've had since the beginning of my adventure." Yusei tells the boy. He then holds his right hand up, and a Skarmory swoops down and grabs him. Yusei pulls himself onto the bird's back and flies off. "See you later! Also, be careful! There're a lot of trainers from Sinnoh who heard of you from the news!"

"What?" Lucas didn't quite catch that last part. Even as he holds the egg he seems to be upset over what he said. "I think he said something about trainers after me…oh right, I am the champion of Sinnoh."

With this thought in his mind Lucas continues up the hills of Cherrygrove. Since he sent Shaymin back it'll be like when he was just a beginner. Hopefully this egg he received will help him in upcoming battles.


"Torterra, Leaf Storm!" A torrential flurry of leaves come flying out from the giant turtle's tree. The leaves head to a dinosaur Pokemon, which receives the powerful blow. This is Cheryl's gym battle against Roark.

"Rampardos, Head Butt!" Roark shouts, commanding his Pokemon to slam its rock hard skull at the giant turtle. The dinosaur strikes, but it doesn't hurt much. Torterra then bites down onto one of the horns surrounding its skull, and shoves the Rock Pokemon to the ground. "What are you doing? Flamethrower!"

With its fire breath, Rampardos burns Torterra, but it doesn't let go. "Giga Drain!"

Vines come out from Torterra's spikes and wrap around Rampardos. It then drains the creature's energy. With it the tortoise can regain the energy it lost during the fight. Afterwards Torterra releases Rampardos. "Finish it off with Energy Ball!"

A ball of solar energy fires from the turtle's mouth, and blows the dinosaur away. The smoke clears from the explosion caused, and Rampardos can be seen lying on the side unconscious. The referee shouts, "Rampardos is unable to battle. Torterra wins! This match's winner is Cheryl of Floaroma!"

"Actually, it's Twinleaf now." Cheryl tells the man, hoping to get that straight now. She doesn't know why she says Floaroma anymore when she lives with Lucas' mother in Twinleaf now.

Kenshin: And that ends this chapter. I don't want to hear anyone talking about what was the reason behind Lyra's behavior. She just doesn't like being asked to do something at the last minute, like most people.

Manabu: I can already hear the hate reviews coming.

Kenshin: Oh fine, just put up the preview.

Manabu: Lucas reaches Violet City and battles Falkner. He then meets Jasmine, who joins him, and Lyra, who apologizes.