Disclaimer: I don't own soul eater.





"Lullaby, and goodnight, go to sleep my darling~" Chrona sang softly to the infant in her arms. The little girl however was not swayed by her mother's singing. She waved a plump arm around reaching for her mother's hair. She laughed and squirmed a little. Chrona sighed.

"Please go to sleep Allegra." She told the infant in exasperation.

"Now Chrona, why would you want her to sleep? Her brothers and sisters are going to be visiting soon." her husband's voice echoed from the doorway. Chrona turned to see the golden eyes that belonged to her spouse.

"Kid, I don't want her to be cranky." Kid chuckled. He ran a hand through his black hair that now sported three complete sanzu stripes.

"You are such a good mother." He approached her and tipped up her face.

"But I prefer it when you call me Death." He pecked her lips lightly. Even after centuries, hell, even millennia of marriage she still blushed when he acted romantic. It was just another thing the current Death adored about his wife and bonded.

"Come on. Azalea just arrived. She's eager to see the baby." He smiled and led Chrona from the nursery.

They made their way to the entrance hall of their mansion. Chrona was practically tripping over her long skirt while cradling her newborn in her arms. She had to stop herself from jumping when her eldest child flung herself at her parents. The white werewolf Cynia was giggling at her friend's antics.

"Chichiue! Hahaue! I missed you."

"We missed you too darling and you as well Cynia." Kid said, petting his daughter's long dark hair. He then smiled at his adopted daughter Cynia. The orphan werewolf had been cared for by Kid and Chrona after the death if her parents, Eruka and Free.

"Let me see her!" Azalea shrieked. Chrona smiled and gently handed her daughter the bundle in her arms.

"Oh, she's so cute! Her name's Allegra, right?"

"Yes." Chrona smiled. She laughed a little. Chrona fiddled with her thick braid of pink hair. It was honestly the only way she could manage it. Much to her husband's chagrin, her hair was an unruly mane. It was hopeless case, but she refused to cut it. Having it short reminded her of the days she was a tool, having it long represented her freedom. So Kid relented and allowed her to grow it out without comment.

"Hi Allegra, I'm your big sister. Oh wait until the others see her, she's adorable!"

"Maria's going to be so mad she isn't the baby anymore." Cynia chuckled, showing off her fangs.

"She'll get over it. All the others did. Though Meitrice had a hard time with it."

"Well when you think about it, the twins didn't have a hard time since there had been two of them. Junior is 'too mature' to care about stuff like that. Maka got over it pretty quickly once she saw the baby." Cynia smiled at her surrogate sister. They chuckled at each other remembering the antics of the younger children.

"I do get it; I remember the days I was babied by them. It was fun, especially since I could guilt them into stuff because I was illegitimate!" Azalea chirped.

"We're right here darling." Chrona said sullenly.

"Don't worry Hahaue! No one would ever mess with the Dark Mistress, let alone her own daughter." Chrona grumbled. She hated that title. After a hundred years of age, Chrona had been dubbed the Dark Mistress for many reasons. Chrona was still a Gorgon and part witch. Her sword was dark and consisted of her black blood. Then there was her familiar the dragon Serafina. Chrona got the mistress part for having a child out of wedlock. Not to mention she was the bride of Death, hence, she became the Dark Mistress.

"Where is Serafina anyway? I haven't seen her in awhile."

"She's sulking because I wouldn't let her play with Allegra."

"Man, for destruction incarnate she's really just a house pet." Azalea remarked.

"Serafina is an extension of myself, so naturally she would love you children like I do." Azalea snorted.

"So does she have a thing for Chichiue too?"

"Azalea…" Chrona sighed. She then turned to her flustered husband. He was flushing a little. He scratched his nose, contemplating.

"Well, does she?"

"Kid-kun!" She shrieked, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment.

"Ah, Chrona, I told you not to call me that in front of the children."

"We ain't children no more, Chichiue." Snickered Cynia.

"What, is it a sex nickname or something?" Asked Azalea coyly. Chrona's face turned bright red. You could see the steam coming off her flushing cheeks.

"Azalea!" Kid snarled, just as flustered as his wife. His adorable little angel had become quite the little troublemaker as she grew. How that happened, they'll never know. Perhaps she spent too much with Black*Star.

"Oh come on, all of us know you two have a healthy sex life it's nothing to be ashamed of. Frankly, if you didn't you wouldn't have eight kids." Chrona fainted.

"Azalea!" Azalea giggled at her father's stern voice. The front doors flew open and pair of twins came tumbling in.

"Chichiue!" They both screeched.

"Girls!" Kid shouted staring at his pride and joys. His symmetrical daughters, Patricia and Eliza.

"What's wrong with Hahaue?" Asked Eliza. Kid gestured roughly to where Azalea was giggling madly.

"Onne-chan! Stop upsetting Hahaue!" Protested Patricia.

"Why? It's so much fun!"

"What happened to that sweet baby girl that I used to hold in my arms?"

"She grew up, Chichiue!" Kid sighed dramatically. He scruffed his hair.

"You're a piece of work Azalea."

"I know." There was a loud crash outside and Azalea laughed somewhat obnoxiously.

"Sounds like our brothers have arrived. Junior! Metietrice!" The twins shrieked going out to greet them. Chrona held Allegra out to Azalea. Azalea enthusiastically grabbed her baby sister.

"I'm going to find Serafina. She'll be unhappy if she doesn't see the kids." Chrona lifted her skirt enough to run and scrambled up the stairs. She vaguely heard her two sons bickering up a storm. Chrona adored her sons. Most of her children were girls so her boys were novelties. Junior was a carbon copy of his father, minus the neurotic tendencies. Meitirce was her darling little boy. She adored him. The twins mirrored each other in appearance and personality. Azalea, well, enough said. Maria had loose curls like her grandmother, her namesake. Her little Maria was like her mother, quiet and timid. Maka was exactly like her namesake. She was bold and studious. It made Chrona a little sad to know most of her little babies were grown with little babies of their own.

She found her pet dragon in her bedroom. Serafina was curled up under the bed, pouting. Chrona knelt down and beckoned the dragon with her hand. The dragon glared at her with her red eyes and turned away. She added a small burst of black flame in defiance. Chrona sighed with a smile and beckoned her again. Serafina slowly crawled her way to her mistress. She wiggled her way out from under the bed and hopped on Chrona's shoulder.

"That's a good girl. I knew you would want to see the children." She felt Serafina's tail thump against her back repetitively. Chrona smiled and scratched her head.

"If I didn't know better, I would think you're more dog than dragon." The thumping stopped as the dragon scowled.

"Come on, Sera, it was a joke." The dragon stared at her for a moment before nuzzling her.

"That's my girl." Chrona walked into the hallway and stopped. Just outside the bedroom she had shared with her husband for centuries, was a portrait of the Spartoi. She gripped Serafina's wing. No matter how many time she had seen this painting, it still made her sad.

The portrait had all of her old friends. Soul, Maka, Black*Star, Tsubaki, a younger her and Kid. All of the people, who had passed on in all the years that had passed on, stared at her, frozen in time. Their smiles were joyful and determined. It was hard on her, like how it had been hard on Kim. The last she had heard of Kim, she had had her second daughter leave home. She had never recovered at the loss of her husband Ox. Chrona looked down, she was fortunate to have a husband as immortal as she. She yelped when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her tiny waist. She proceeded to squeak with a pair of silky lips brushed her neck.

"Ow! Serafina!" And indignant male voice snarled. Chrona turned to see her husband rubbing his bitten nose. She could hear Serafina hissing from her shoulder.

"Serafina bad girl!" The dragon lowered her head apologetically. Kid smiled at his wife but the smile vanished when he saw the portrait.

"You miss them don't you?"

"Yes, I suppose I do." He smiled a little.

"I miss them too. They were our friends." Kid patted her hair.

"Things change, especially for immortals."

"I know but it doesn't make it hurt less." She whispered. She felt her pet rub her face against her cheek.

"Not all change is bad. Is the change of having children bad?" He asked with bemused expression.

"No, not all! I love them!"

"I love them too. Being immortal has its perks too. We live long enough to have a huge family. Chrona, you have been my wife for longer than any human has been alive. With you, I have had eight, beautiful children. I love them and I love you. We get to watch our children grow and have children of their own. Azalea is a grandmother, and you a great grandmother. We have the dream of many a shinigami, a large family. Chrona, I'm sad we lost our friends but they live on in our memories. But if we can't be happy with them, we'll be happy with each other." Kid kissed her gently.

"You have made me the happiest man alive."

"You made me the happiest woman."

"I'm glad. You more than deserve it." He put a hand around her. Kid winced when Serafina nipped him.

"Come on, Maka will be here any minute." Chrona smiled back and accompanied him down the stairs to the living room where their children had congregated. Serafina let out a pleased yip before leaping off her mistress's shoulders. She flew over to the children and was immediately fawned over.

"Serafina!" Chrona laughed at their mood boost. She saw Junior walk up to her out of the corner of her eyes.

"Hahaue, congratulations on a healthy baby girl."

"Thank you, Junior."

"Yeah, she's real gorgeous, Hahaue!" Meitirce chimed in.

"Hey, no congratulations for your Chichiue?" Kid asked half-jokingly.

"No way, you didn't contribute nearly as much as Hahaue."


"I mean, you actually did what? Two minutes of fun time to make her?"

"It was seven minutes, thank you!" The room got quiet. They heard the doors get kicked in.


"That's Maka, I'll go greet her." Chrona mumbled, retreating to the entryway. When they returned everyone was sitting in the exact same positions Chrona had left them in. She sighed a little as Maka looked upon her siblings.

"Why're ya all just sitting there like statues, did Aza-onee-chan say something inappropriate again?"

"What do you think?" Asked the gleeful suspect.

"I'm thinking yes. Oh, right, where's my new little sister?"

"Here she is!" Chriperd Eliza.

"Aw she's so cute! What's her name Hahaue?"


"What a pretty name, hi Allegra, I'm one of your big sisters." Chrona smile at the warm scene before her. She had been a child who thought she could never be loved and yet her she stood. Now she had a husband who had loved her for centuries and eight children who all admired her. It was strange to thin k herself the same person who so long ago had been a child locked in a cage by her own parent. Chrona sighed. Her father, she missed him often. She missed all of them, especially Maka and her two half-brothers.

After the incident with her mother and Noah, her father had married his long time love Marie. After their marriage they had two sons, Hector and William. They were afraid of her and when they were older they judged her harshly. Chrona didn't mind, she still loved her brothers dearly. She had lost contact with them before they had died but she still had gone to their funeral. Funerals, such an awful things. They were just reminders that she had lost another person dear to her. Kid saw her unease and wrapped an arm over her shoulders.

"EWWWWWWW!" Husband and wife turned to their children. It about six of them were actually yelling, the boys had refrained and naturally Allegra could not do so. It was running joke among the now grown children that their parents were very passionate. As such, Azalea had started a joke that whenever her parents displayed excessive affection, they would voice their disgust. It irritated the parents but amused their offspring. Chrona couldn't help but let out a shy laugh.

Eventually the time with their children came to a close. They all had families and homes of their own to return to. They all left on their own means of transportation, waving goodbye to their mother, father, and sister. Chrona waved back solemnly, feeling her heart break a little with each new departure. Kid reassured her. He understood what she felt for she felt it too. No matter who was leaving whether it be their first born Azalea, their son Junior, or their adopted daughter Cynia, it was hard to be separated. It was the duty of the mother to let go when the child was grown and able to sand on their own. That fact didn't make it any less hard. Her thoughts were broken by a thoughtful gurgle produced by her infant daughter. Chrona had one more child to raise and it would be her hope that Allegra would be fine as her brothers and sisters.

Because just like all of them, she was…

A Child Born of Love.











Princess: I'm really sorry! I have a good reason I swear! I hit my head a little too hard and got myself a concussion, so no computer or brain stimulating activities at all! It still hurts and I'm typing this despite the painful headache. The video will be up once my concussion is cleared which will be a few weeks –sorry- but I'm doing my best. My birthday is next week too so fun times for me and I welcome any reader gifts, hint, hint. Due to the nature of this chapter the comments will be put after the reviews.


WikiSorcerer: Yeah the last chapter could have ended better and so could have this one but I did my best.

Kiko Gorgon: I would love that, go for it

Mikitsan: You're right; BTW you're one of the few who like Jacque

Visitor: Well the thing is Kid is in a position of authority and is expected to marry a pure blooded female to make up for his own human heritage and maintain the shinigami bloodline.

PandaxWaffle: And here it is

Fantasticpanda101: Me too T.T

KIE-CHAN : It's funny because Cynia is actually adopted by Chrona and Kid in the future

dino kid: sorry…. (Goes to hide in a corner)

makenshiCrona: Thank you

KlonoaDreams: Well not really he had always intended to bring Maria back for himself they're choosing to use the body to bring Maria back to her family

Primi-Tan: Thank you, thank you. yes, yes he does. As for Chrona, it's getting pretty crowded in there.

kittirasi: love you too

animeaddict411: Well she wasn't really accepted, just by the royal family which is sort of saying, accept her or else.


So this is the end of the tale of Kid, Chrona and their baby Azalea. This actually brings a few tears to my eyes in thinking now it's over. I truly enjoyed taking this journey with you all and I'm surprised I got this far and went this long. To be completely honest what really surprised me was the fact I wrote a thirty four chapter fic in a matter of months. I think I had a very close relationship with my readers this time around I hope you'll follow my work in the future. So thanks to all my readers who have been with me from the relative beginning to the end.

I would like to say I think I inspired many KidXChrona writers with this piece and I hope you all keep writing because I enjoy reading your work as much as you enjoy mine.

So goodbye ya'll this is your princess signing off for the last time in this fic. Good Luck! 3