Kuki started skipping around moon base humming and grinning. People passed Kuki and couldn't help but grin too! Everywhere she went, everyone she saw grinned as soon as they saw her big smile.

Rachel was doing so important Soopreme Leader stuff and was soooper stress out but when she saw Kuki she just started smiling away! Kuki knew her grin was contagious and she liked it that way!

Fanny came around the corner and bumped into Kuki "Hey! What's the big idea?! Oh hello Kuki!" Fanny said and walked away with a grin on her face.

"Hey Kuki…" Wally grumbled, he had a bad day! Kuki grinned at him and then frowned remembering that her special smiles didn't work on the rest of sector V, they've gotten used to it!

She sighed knowing her 'magical power' never worked on the one who needed it most… "What's wrong Wally?" she asked not frowning not smiling, somewhere in the middle.

"Mum and dad said I had to baby sit Joey tonight…" he looked down. So…? Kuki thought Oh wait! Our…movie night! Kuki looked at him and smiled "We can just watch a movie with Joey!" she smiled.

Wally looked at her weird, then relaxed his face "Okay…" he said, something else was obviously on his mind. "Whaaaaaaaat?" Kuki groaned, she thought she already dealt with his frowny face.

"Why are you happy and smilin' all the time?" he asked looking up. Kuki looked hurt for a split second then frowned "Happy?" she muttered. "Hey! I didn't say I didn't like it!"

Okay I made this really fast (for me at least) and it's not too good but…=D