He shouldn't be watching her.

He should be 1.2 miles away, in the safety of an MI9 hospital compound, in the comfort of a bed worth more than an average person's monthly wage.

It was borderline creepy, and if he was honest, the distance was hurting both of them inexcruiciably. He could feel the squeeze in his heart when he saw the shaky smile she directed to Stewart as he asked out upon the dance floor, he would have sworn her eyes were glittering with tears and it took all his strength to not go over to her and take her in his arms. To hold her, to love her.

He watched her partner lead her onto the the dance floor, the stunning red dress she wore all those months ago, gracing her body once more, enchanting every male in her vicinity almost as much as her wit and intellect. The tear from the fight on the rooftop not mended, but rather amended to form a stylish slit down the side and oh heavens above, if seeing that didn't make his heart race that bit faster. But it was the adornment in her hair that had him physically halting at the enterance, stumbling that final step, causing his breath to catch, making some form of support a necessity.

Because it was a rose.

But not just any rose, his rose.

She found his rose.

She had kept his rose.

(And all he could hope was that she would do the same with his heart).

Her words while under the influence were on replay in his mind, taunting him, mocking him. I'm afraid that you'll be a dream, that you won't be here, with me. I'm afraid that I'll never be in your arms like this. And if there was one thing he desired above all else, it was that he would be able to grant that wish of hers.

But was it her wish, or was it untruths spouted out of the mouth of an intoxicated individual?

(Could he really let his heart hope in such a way?)

He saw her falter in the grip of Stewart, it was the smallest stumble, but it was what was needed to break the camel's back, he watched her as she shook her head, walking backwards, out of the confused agent's grasp, before spinning on her heel and sprinting away. Away from the ball, away from the music, away from all of it. He stood still as she ran passed him without a passing glance.

He knew where she was going.

And without a moment's hesitation he followed her.

The sky was dark above her, the faint light emitted by the stars doing nothing to calm her nerves, the slight breeze producing nothing but goose-bumps along her arms. Her heart rate was still elevated, her mind was all over the place, it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It wasn't Stewart's fault, poor man, but to be dancing in another's arms, surrounded by all those people, when all she wanted was everything she could never have was just too much. She had to leave, had to escape the room that was suffocating the life from her body.

But of all the places to run to, her sadistic mind had to choose the one place she didn't think she would be ready for.

She knew where her feet mindlessly walked in an instant. The rooftop, that spot (the spot where she felt her heart break, the spot where she saw her future crash and burn in a spectacular fashion. The spot where the love of her life risked his to save hers, where he disappeared over the barricade surrounding the roof so that she would live. That spot.) She leaned on the barricade for strength, any amount of it, because she was just so tired. She pulled out the rose from her hair, letting it loose, smelling it, before flinging it behind her with such force. She had found it when she returned to her room that fateful day, and she kept it, torturing herself with it's beauty and presence, knowing that the one who was to give it to her could not. He could not because of her.

Maybe Stark and Frank were right, maybe she wasn't ready for the mission as she thought she was. She would have sworn that Oscar was there during the rescue, holding her, comforting her, awake and alive. She read the reports though, it was Agent Harry who was responsible for her safe return, an agent whom she was never able to meet, being deployed the next day. It meant she had no sense of closure, the agent not here to be thanked or to quell the hope that remained alive within her.

And when she woke from her state of unconsciousness, in the same room as Oscar, she knew that she was imagining everything. (But there was that small part of that just wished.)

She crumpled to the ground, resting her back on the barricade and drawing her knees closer to herself, unable to hold herself up against the weight upon her shoulders, the emotion too much to bear. Carrie would kill her for ruining the dress again, but she didn't have it in her to care. Because he wasn't here with her, making her laugh, urging her to dance. She didn't realise that she had started crying until the droplets fell from her eyes onto her arms where she had rested her head.

"So, I have yet to ask, how did you get the rose to maintain it's condition? I'm surprised you even found it."

And suddenly, her heart could see the beauty in everything.

"Oscar?" It was more of a gasp of something than the utterance of his name, but at that moment, the hope that permeated her being, the smile that was fighting to be unleashed, it was everything he wanted. She rose unsteadily with slow, soft movements, almost afraid that he was a mirage and that anything too quick would cause him to disappear.

"Hey." He looked down bashfully holding the rose she had thrown away those moments before, suddenly unsure of what her reaction would be, unaware of how his months gone would have affected her.

But that was all she needed before she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around him. There was a desperation that rivalled nothing else, the need to feel physical proof that he was real, alive, in front of her. And he was. It was his arms that caught her, her momentum almost enough to knock them both over, it was his laughter, his sweet melodic laughter, that rang in her ears as he swung her around. His scent engulfed her, his heat warmed her very soul, the feel of him underneath her fingertips almost too much to bear.

"You're here? You're okay?" She had yet to move out of his embrace and so the words came out muffled, hiding the quiver that would have been heard, hiding the fear that had encompassed her life for what seemed like eternity and a day. The euphoria that he was here, with her, so overwhelming yet underpinned with the fear that it was another dream, another day without his presence.

He gazed down at the top of her hair, perfectly in love with the way she was still holding him, her hands unable to remain still, needing to feel him underneath her palms. He couldn't hold it against her, he after all, was the exact same. Running his fingers through her locks, the temptation to press a chaste kiss to her temple too great to resist, but the sigh that escaped her lips at the slight pressure made his heart swell with an emotion he could only describe as love.

"Yeah I'm here." It was soft, holding so much meaning than just his physical presence and she knew it. She couldn't help but look up at him, smile bright and eyes glistening with unshed tears as she confirmed that, yes, he was here, she wasn't dreaming. "Hey, hey. It's fine." And it truly was, he was alive and well and wrapping his arms around her as though she were the most precious thing in his life, as though he would cease living without her by his side and she revelled in the feeling it sparked from within her. His hand rose, cupping her face and she leaned in instinctively, seeking his heat and warmth. "No, no, Rose baby, don't cry." His calloused finger wiped the hot tears rolling down her face; she didn't realise that she was crying - she was surprised she still had tears left - but seeing the worry in his eyes, she attempted to with no avail.

He rested his forehead on hers, his eyes closed, unable to watch her cry. He knew they were tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of release, but by George, was it a heart wrenching scene.

"Don't do that again. Please Oscar, just- don't." Her voice was raspy, the toll her emotions were wreaking upon her finally showing up as cracks in her armour.

"No, don't you ever ask me that Rose." It was fierce and determined, the thought that she could possibly think he would agree with her unbelievable. "I will never stand by, knowing you're in danger." His voice was gruff with emotion, the pang of pain at the thought of enduring what she had gone though, almost too much.

"I don't think I could survive that again, not losing you like that."

"I will never leave you, okay Rose? Not unless death decided to take me away, and even then I'll be kicking and screaming to be by your side. So you better be sure you want it this way."

"More than I've ever wanted anything else."

And here in his arms, his warm breath fanning her, the soothing sound of sweet nothings passing his lips, she felt peace for the first time in the longest time.

He insisted that they resume their dancing lessons, a teasing smile on his face as he pulled her close and her lack of resistance, her matching smile

They swayed in time, eyes refusing to leave the other, emotions too raw and overwhelming to be hidden from the other.

And as the night progressed the fear of it all ending grew within them, the inevitable ending drawing closer, and the uncertainty of how they would continue on with their relationship gnawed at them.

He had decided to teach her how to spin, and she was helpless to his request.

She couldn't stand it any longer: he was so close, so very attainable, but she had always been so afraid to take the final step.

And she refused to be afraid any longer.

As he pulled her back from the spin, she was flush against him and she stopped, a poignant pause between the pair as they both decided to go over the precipice.

She rose on her toes as he bent down, colliding in with him, the force pulling them together too strong to deny any longer.

He felt her let go of his hand, and he braced himself for a push away, for a look of confusion on her face, fear that he may have just ruined their friendship. But he couldn't find the strength to pull away, deciding instead to enjoy the feeling of her soft lips against his own for as long as possible. He felt her hands drifting upwards, flat against the planes of his chest, not knowing that she was revelling in the feeling of him underneath her. He felt her hands curve over his shoulders, rising higher, tangling in his locks of hair, her nails running against his scalp, sending tremours through his body at the sensation.

And he knew that she had been waiting for this just as much as he had.

Years of unbridled passion and repressed feelings releasing themselves in that one moment, the desperation taking both of them over. The feeling of the cool satin against his fingers was a sharp contrast the heat building within him and thoughts flashed through his mind, wondering if she was running as hot as he felt.

His hand pulled her that much closer towards him; he didn't know if she realised that she was making these soft moans, but she was and the effect it was having on his was undeniable.

They pulled away, breathless, her eyes still closed, immersed in the glorious bliss she was feeling, his open, watching her reaction, smiling at her expression. She opened them up slowly, blinking a few times, her heart so much lighter now, and she reciprocated his smile, words not needed at that very moment.

Years had been spent building up to that moment, countless near death experiences almost stopping them achieving their dreams.

But now, here in each other's arms, they were happy.

And they were home.

"So, would I get your father's approval?" They had given up the pretence of dancing some time ago; the acknowledgement that they no longer needed a reason to be so close, knowing that they just could be, was more than enough for the both of them.

"Huh?" Her mind was hazy, her responses slow, all her being was dedicated to the man in front of her, holding her. Her nerves were frayed, unresponsive to anything but his touch, and to his touch they were so, very sensitive. He chuckled softly at her reaction, unable to resist placing a small kiss on her forehead.

"His list. For your future spouse. Would I pass his test?" The words seemed to penetrate the fog that was taking up residence in her mind, because she smiled that the statement, memories of that conversation replaying in her mind.

"Oh that. Yeah you should pass, especially since it was based off you."

"What? Wh- Rose?" He couldn't dare let his heart wish for that, it would seem ridiculous that someone like her would habour feelings for him for such a period of time, he could barely understand why someone as Rose would feel anything romantic towards him at all. He was not blind to his faults, he was aware that he did come off as arrogant, distant, cold. Why someone as warm as her, some as gifted as her, would hold a torch for such a broken teenager, for a less broken man, would make no sense in his mind.

"The list was based off you. I came home one day after a mission one day and he just knew something was off, so I told him. I told him about this amazing boy who can speak multiple languages, had a love of history, but also understood all my technical jargon, who would get excited with all my ideas and... I told him about the boy who was so scared of the world, a world who had been nothing but abusive towards him." Rose took a shaky breath, scared to look him in the eyes, afraid of what she would see in them. "I told him about my friend, and I told him that I wanted to be there for him, forever if I could." She took a breath, her heart beating a million miles an hour. "And he took one look at me and told me to marry the boy."

"Rose." It was all he could say, no other words could escape him, the emotions clogging up his throat, stopping the flood that wanted to be unleashed.

"I love you Oscar, I have for the longest of times now and I fear I may never stop." He could see fear in her eyes, the expectation of rejection and his mind was blank. He had no words to soothe her, no words in existence could possibly express everything he felt for the petite woman in his arms.

Crushing his lips against hers, he desperately sought out all she had to offer. He tilted her head softly but firmly, the new angle achieved making it more easier to kiss her more thoroughly. The moan that attempted to escape her lips travelled through him, setting fire to his soul.

She pulled away first, the urge to breathe too strong to ignore, but he couldn't stop- he wouldn't stop- he peppered kisses everywhere he could. "I love you too Rose. For years. Gosh, it was agony trying to hide that from you and Carrie, trying to appear like I was just a friend when all I wanted to do was take you into my arms, like this. To kiss you, like this. To love you, like this."

She whimpered at that, his mouth playing havoc with her nerves, his words with her mind and heart.

"Oscar..." and he pulled away, eye locking, expressing what words couldn't. He leaned forward, brushing his lips against hers, a smile lighting up his face as he took in her glazed expression as he pulled away. Pouting at the way he was looking at her, a smug smirk on his face as he enjoyed the effect his touch was having on her. "Come on, you still owe me dancing lessons."

He paused, unsure if she was being serious, not wanting to stop being affectionate with her, showing his love for her in any way he possibly could, for anything. But she stood there, arms out and a smirk of her own in place, teasing him the way he had her. Playfully rolling his eyes, he walked up to her, resuming the dance, swaying side to side, enjoying the feeling of her in his arms, so warm and loving. They remained that way for a while, time not a factor in the bubble they had created for themselves.

"I can see what's happening." He could feel the vibrations of her voice through his clothing, and he pulled away looking at the smile on her face.

"What?" He was so adorably confused, but Rose just continued onward.

"And they don't have a clue."

"Who?" All these cryptic messages by Rose weren't making any sense.

"They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line: our trio's down to two."

"Oh." And he finally understood, understood what she was singing, who she was singing about, the dazzling smile brightening up his life evidence of it.

"The sweet caress of twilight, there's magic everywhere, and with all this romantic atmosphere..."

"Disaster is in the air." She laughed at the line, disaster being a pretty apt word to describe the last few months and what they had to endure.

"So can you feel the love tonight?" And he couldn't resist leaning down and showing her his feelings, wanting to make sure she knew exactly how loved she was by him. The kiss was slow and languid, there was no need to rush it, but he instead relished in the feeling of it all, of her, of them. She pulled away chuckling softly to herself, the warmth that surrounded her heart of having him here, having him alive - of having him in love with her - was making her feel so light.

"The peace the evening brings, the world, for once in perfect harmony, with all its living things."

And that evening could only be described as perfect, but as all good things go, even this had to be brought to an end, however temporary the hiatus may be.

"We better go join the others." There was a reluctance in his tone that made her pause, actually contemplating leaving the building with him at that very moment.

"Yeah, just... give me a second." And detangling himself from her, he walked towards to the door, ready to join the others.

He paused at the door, turning to watch his Rose who was supposed to be behind him, but was instead watching the stars, a soft, secret smile gracing her face. And with the moonlight glowing, making her face shine, he had never seen her more beautiful.

"So, are we not heading off to the ceremony, because I distinctly remember Carrie threatening you if your presence wasn't noted there." She didn't hear him come up from behind her, so distracted by her thoughts, but feeling him behind her sent butterflies throughout her.

"No we are." She turned her head towards him, pushing up on her toes so she could give him a quick kiss before turning back.

But he wasn't standing for anything brief and quaint; over seven years he had pined over his best friend and now she was here, and she felt the same, he could barely contain his feelings.

Capturing her lips with his, he plundered her mouth. She was intoxicating in the greatest of ways and he was a willing addict, eager for his next hit.

"Oh, well." She was flustered, overwhelmed by everything, and oh so very happy with the turn of events. "Wow. I don't think I could ever get used to that." She turned to look at the cityscape bathed in moonlight again, but he leaned down, whispering in her ear, distracting her from the task.

"We could always practice until you do." And his words sent shivers down her spine, the thought of it all, and she could finally do that, intoxicating. "You're shaking. Is it too cold? Here wear this." She didn't have the strength nor the desire to tell Oscar that the cold wasn't the cause of her shivering, not when he was taking off his suit jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders. Being immersed in his scent the way she was at that moment was heavenly, it was perfection. "I like it on you, a lot." The gruff timbre of his voice sent shivers done her spine once more, and she knew that he found out the cause for her shaking. She could envisage the smirk on his face, already planning on how to use it to his advantage.

"Come on, we better go now." And he turned to go again, but she called out to him. "And Oscar -" He stopped and turned, looking at her, curiosity spiked. "I love you." The almost childlike smile was dazzling, the need to restrain her emotions, to hide it all was no longer there and now she felt so free.

He grasped her hands, pulling them to his lips, just grazing them, but sending fire throughout the both of them just the same.

"We should join them. Now." The urgency in his voice telling Rose that he may not have the strength to stand by such convictions if they were to remain together, alone, for much longer.

And so, with a small nod, they went to join the world.

They weren't sure what to expect when they rejoined the group of agents who had dedicated quite a significant portion of their lives on a mission close to the hearts of both agents involved. The moment they met the group was one they approached with joy and trepidation.

Neither of them were expecting the looks of confusion and wonder which had seemingly placed the group in a trance.

(Though, in hindsight, it should have been expected. None knew of his early release, none knew he would be here. None knew of the role he played in bringing down THIK.

Except one.)

Oscar nodded at Stewart, his eyes expressing his words could not, thanking him for bringing him back to life, bringing him back to Rose (though, he had a feeling that the two were synonymous with one another). Carrie was the first to snap out of the daze that all the group had fallen into and hugged Oscar with all her strength.

"You don't get to do that again, you hear me? I don't think none of us could handle it if you do." She had referred to the entire group, but the undertones of her message was clear, I don't think Rose could handle it if you do.

"I make no promises, except that I'll always try and be there to protect you."

Stewart did end up winning the award for 'Best Tech help,' but Rose, in the embrace of Oscar, found herself more than a winner that night.

The ceremony was winding down to an end, when Stark walked onto the stage. She watched him, curious as to what his speech would be on, and it seemed her attention wasn't the only one's he comandeered when taking those few decisive steps. When he reached the podium, he cleared his throat his throat before speaking.

"I know that this is out of the ordinary, but, given the hectic nature of the past few months, the Head and I agreed that a special award would be given tonight." He paused for a moment, and in all honestly, Rose thought she could hear actual emotion in Stark's tone. "We all put our lives on the line daily with our line of work and we all know the risks that our job entails. But this agent went above and beyond what she was expected to do in our time of crisis, and so with that, may we all welcome Rose Gupta to accept the award for Exceptional Bravery on the Field."

She approached the stage, shocked that they would even consider her actions to be worthy of such an award, one which had been given twice before in the history of the organisation. She walked on stage, still surrounded by bewilderment and confusion.

She took in Stark's amused expression, the quiet laughter of the congregation and she had no response, no answer as to why everything seemed to be playing out as it was.

"Does this mean I get to walk you down the isle after all? Because I am expecting him to ask for my blessing."

His words made no sense, nothing was computing, she had no idea as to how this was all fitting together. But the smile on Stark's face, the love that was radiating from Oscar and warming her soul, that was all she really wanted, all of what she would ever need.

She lifted her hand to shake Stark's extended one, and when she did all the pieces of the puzzle instantaneously fell into place.

She understood everything.




She was still wearing Oscar's suit jacket.

(And she felt all the better for it.)


And that, my friends is the end of an era. I really took my time on this, but now it's finished and I'm all emotional. I started this story way back in 2010, almost five years ago to the day (I may be 3/ 4 days off), and I would like to think that my writing has improved vastly since then.

Seriously though - five years. When I started this journey MI High had a fiction population of twenty-something, now I am finished it is over 400.

I'm so proud of this fandom.

To all my favouriters/ followers/ reviewers, I loved each and every one of your comments, to the one's who came towards the latter half, to the ones in the former half and stopped commenting, to those who supported this thing right through from its inception. I love you all. Every word of encouragement made this story that much more special to me. It was my first, and I will never forget the fandom, the OTP, the lovely, lovely, amazing people who supported me through it all.

I really do still love this pairing, so don't think you've seen the last of me. I am working on something(s) which I hope you will enjoy.

So Keep Calm and ship Roscar :)

Until next time my pretties.

Because there is a next time.