After travelling for several long hours, everyone in the car was getting bored, they weren't very far from Florida and Disney World.

"Are we there yet?" Sara asked squirming in her seat "Because I've really got to pee".

"Yeah we are here Sara" Grissom replied rolling his eyes "You're worse than the kids".

Sara glared at Grissom and then burst out laughing when she saw Grissom jump when a park attendant knocked on the window.

"Welcome to Disney World in Florida, may I see your reservations sir?" the tall young blonde man asked "I'm Lucas it's a pleasure to greet you, I see everything is in order, please follow the green arrows it will take you to your complex".

"Thanks" Grissom said rather high pitched as he was still recovering "Green arrows did you say?".

"Yes green arrows, have a pleasant stay" Lucas replied looking at Taylor and Lindsay "Oh here are your free maps and complementary hats".

"Thanks Lucas" Sara smiled and passed a hat each into the back of the car "Here girls put them on".

"Thanks mom, come on dad get going, bye Lucas" Taylor said from the back of the car as it was driving away.

"Umm bye" Lucas said waving at the car and then went to greet the next car.

"You could of warned me, that he was there" Grissom groaned "I almost had a heart attack".

"You're ok dear" Sara replied rubbing Grissom's arm "Right when we arrive to our rooms, don't unpack lets go and have fun".

"Yeah ok" Taylor and Lindsay squealed in unison.

Grissom pulls into their parking space and watches as Sara, Taylor and Lindsay run towards the hotel and reception leaving Grissom to carry all the bags.

"Girls wait, your dad has the booking reference" Sara said looking at Lindsay "Sorry I meant to say dad just to Taylor, Lindsay".

"If it makes it any easier I might as well call you mom and uncle Gil dad" Lindsay replied biting her lip "If you don't mind that is".

"No fine by me" Sara said smiling at Gil "Gil you ok hun?".

"Yeah it's ok girls I'll just carry all the luggage" Grissom said rolling his eyes "You just can't get the staff nowadays".

"Stop moaning and give the receptionist the booking reference" Taylor replied "Besides dad we want to go exploring".

Grissom walked up to the reception desk and handed the receptionist his booking form.

"Welcome to the Disney World Hotel, where we hope to make your stay most enjoyable" the receptionist greeted happily "My name is Hannah if there is anything I can do for you i'm always here and happy to help".

"Hi Hannah, yes can you get my mom a chair" Taylor asked looking at Sara "Oh and maybe something to drink".

"Taylor have manners, I don't think that is quite what Hannah meant" Sara said looking at Hannah "Sorry these two are very protective of me at the moment".

"Well wouldn't you mom?" Lindsay asked "You are after all six months pregnant".

"Oh congratulations, this must be your third child?" Hannah asks "what you having this time?".

"A girl, and after these two this ones a doddle" Sara replied smiling and stroking her abdomen "Lindsay and Taylor are non identical twins".

"Yeah but i'm oldest" Lindsay said folding her arms across her chest and pouting.

"Yeah by at least three minutes" Taylor replied gently digging Lindsay in the ribs "Just because your older don't mean you boss me about".

"How old are you?" Hannah asked both the girls.

"Fourteen" Taylor and Lindsay replied in unison "Come on dad time is a wasting".

"Lindsay, Taylor calm down" Grissom sighed "We are here for a week, sorry about that they are a handful".

"Well I suppose non identical twins would be" Hannah replied busying herself with paperwork.

Grissom looked over at Sara and looked at her eyes and knew that he had to play along, if only he knew what it was about.

"Ok thanks Hannah" Sara said smiling and walking over to the elevator "Come on girls".

"Hey what about me?" Grissom questioned looking down at the luggage.

"You will manage dad, besides we are helping mom" Lindsay said while walking towards Sara and Taylor at the elevator.

"Here let me help" Hannah said picking up some bags "I need a break anyway and as I said always happy to help".

"Thank you" Grissom replies and sighs "Something tells me this is going to be a long week".

"Maybe so sir" Hannah said "But it will be one you'll never forget or those two girls for that matter".

"That's what i'm worried about" Grissom replies "They all can be a bit of a handful".

Grissom, Sara, Taylor, Lindsay and Hannah entered the elevator and stand and wait for the doors to close.

"Ok we need floor three" Hannah said pressing the number three on the pad "Room three hundred and three, third one along the corridor".

"I hate these things" Sara groaned looking around the elevator "I would of preferred the stairs but with my bodyguards here".

"We only want what's best for you mom" Lindsay said looking at Grissom "Isn't that right dad?".

"Yes sure it is" Grissom replied looking at Sara "Sara you ok?".

"Yep will be when...oh finally" Sara sighed when the doors opened "Come on then".

Sara, Taylor and Lindsay ran down the corridor (well the girls ran Sara waddled) leaving Grissom and Hannah with the luggage, Sara and the girls went into the room exploring the home for the week.

"Wow look at the size of that bath" Lindsay said staring open mouthed at it.

"You could fit all of me in there without it being a problem" Sara remarked smiling "Can't wait to try that out later".

"Ok, so everyone's settled" Hannah asked from the doorway "Everyone got their hats and maps?".

"Yes thanks Hannah" Sara shouted from the master bedroom "See you again soon, thanks for the help".

"No problem, hey Taylor, Lindsay behave for your parents" Hannah said smiling at the teenagers "Don't lead them to insanity".

"We won't" Lindsay and Taylor both shouted from the bathroom.

Hannah closes the door and walked back to reception smiling, a few minutes later she sees Taylor, Lindsay and Sara walk through reception followed be Grissom.


Meanwhile back in Vegas Catherine looks over at Nick and starts to question him.

"Umm so Nick" Catherine said smiling "Who is the lucky lady?".

"I'm not saying, unless she feels she wants to" Nick looked at Catherine and started laughing "Look Catherine your interrogation of Taylor and Lindsay didn't work and it's not going to work on me either".

"Well i'm a CSI, I'll figure it out eventually" Catherine replied before grinning evilly "Or better yet I can beat it out of you".

"Warrick would you control your fiancee?" Nick said "Look i'm going now, you coming Greg I'll drop you off back home".

"Yeah lets leave the two love birds alone" Greg said "Hey we don't want to be telling Lindsay to expect a new brother and sister anytime soon, especially if we witness it".

"Greg, shut up" Catherine growled throwing a plastic cup at Greg's head.

"Violence will get you nowhere Catherine" Greg said looking at Warrick "Have fun Warrick".

Before Catherine could reach Greg, Nick pulled him out of the house and into his car.

"Greg you never learn do you?" Nick said patting Greg on his shoulder "Hey thanks for not spilling the beans about my girlfriend".

"No problem, when you going to tell the rest of them?" Greg asked "I mean why am I the only one that knows?".

"That's because you happened to come into the room when we were embracing" Nick replied chuckling "I will never forget the look on your face, it was priceless".

"Ecklie's face was just as bad" Greg replied also laughing "I mean you broke his heart, you took his girl".

"His girl, she wouldn't go near him with a ten foot barge pole" Nick said looking at his best friend "Fine we will tell them all when Sara and Grissom gets back, you think you can hang on that long?".

"I've been hanging on for a year, i'm about to lose my grip" Greg replied looking at Nick "Don't worry I'll tighten my grip".

"You better, cause if you let it slip to anyone" Nick said smiling when he saw Greg's worried face "Catherine won't kick your ass she will".

"Fine point taken, grip very tight" Greg replied "So do we hear wedding bells from you and your mystery woman?".

"Greg I wouldn't push your luck" Nick warned Greg "Or you will be walking".

Greg looked at Nick and pouted and pretended to cry "I can't walk in these shoes, they are new and boy do they hurt".

Nick pulled into Greg's driveway laughing waited until Greg was indoors and pulled off.


Meanwhile in Florida Lindsay and Taylor running after a giant Tigger , much to the dismay of Sara and Grissom.

"Aww look Lindsay it's Tigger" Taylor squealed pointing at the huge Tigger "Come on I want to meet him".

"You can't be serious Taylor?" Sara asked looking at her excited daughter "You're fourteen not four".

"Yeah maybe I am fourteen but god you have to love Tigger" Taylor replied turning to Lindsay "You coming Lindsay?".

"Yeah definitely because Eeyore is right beside him" Lindsay replied "I so want a cuddly toy of him".

"Ok girls go over and say hi" Grissom said smiling at the happy teens "We will wait over here".

"It amazes me how mature they both can be one minute and the next" Sara said pointing at the girls "They are running around after two people in a Tigger and Eeyore suit".

"Yes if it makes them happy" Grissom replied "I'm happy, now if you excuse me i'm going in the shop to buy ourdaughters a little surprise".

"Gil, what you going to get?" Sara asked "If your getting the girls something can I have a Winnie the Pooh bear please?".

"What was that about being mature one minute and childish the next?" Grissom asked walking into the shop.

"Hey mom, we got our photos taken with Tigger and Eeyore" Taylor explained looking at Sara "Yes before you say we do realise they aren't real".

"But one can dream" Lindsay said "umm mom where has dad gone?".

"I don't know he was here a second ago" Sara said trying not to laugh and give the game away.

"Ok, well we are going over the street to buy an ice cream" Lindsay asked smiling at Sara "You want one mom?".

"No thanks" Sara said smiling "be careful".

"Mom we are only just over the road" Taylor said rolling her eyes "Ok we will be careful".

"Sorry do you mind if I join you on this bench" a young women asked.

"No feel free" Sara replied looking at the women "You had a bad day?".

"No the best, just i'm tired" the women groaned rubbing her feet "I'm Kelly".

"Sara, pleased to meet you" Sara replied shaking Kelly's hand "So who are you with at Disney World?".

"My husband and two daughters" Kelly explained "Who are you with? Apart from those two lovely girls over there".

"My fiancée and my two daughters" Sara explained feeling her unborn daughter kick "Oh I best not forget this little one too".

"Oh congratulations" Kelly said smiling at Taylor and Lindsay "So how old are your daughters? Mine are thirteen and fifteen".

"Taylor and Lindsay are both fourteen, they are non identical twins" Sara said trying not to laugh "what's the names of your daughters?".

"Well my fifteen year old is Celeste and my thirteen year old is Paighton and they are crazy on Tigger and the rest of the gang" Kelly explained.

"Hi honey, got the girls their surprises" Grissom said looking around "Where are they anyway?".

"Over at the ice cream parlour, Gil honey I would like you to meet Kelly" Sara said looking at both Grissom and Kelly "Kelly this is my fiancée Gil, father of my daughters".

"Hello Gil, your daughter's are very pretty" Kelly said smiling at Taylor and Lindsay again "They are very polite".

"That they are" Grissom smiled he was getting used to the fact of Lindsay calling him dad "Maybe we should give the girls their presents Sara".

"Yeah ok, but where's mine?" Sara said pouting that made Kelly laugh.

"Anyway thanks for the chat Sara, see you around" Kelly said getting up off the bench "Good luck with this baby".

"Thank you Kelly" Grissom shouted after her "Taylor, Lindsay come over here a minute, please".

"Ok dad" both girls said in unison.

"I have a surprise for my three favourite ladies" Grissom explained as Taylor and Lindsay sat beside Sara "So first off Sara honey just as you requested a Winnie the Pooh, Taylor for you your very own cuddly Tigger and last but not at all least Lindsay you have your very own Eeyore".

"Aww thanks dad" both Taylor and Lindsay squealed in unison "Your the best".

"Thank you Gil" Sara said looking at Gil "But where are you going to sleep now? Now that I have my Winnie the Pooh".

"Oh great i'm sidelined by a stuffed animal" Grissom groaned.

"You will be fine" Sara replied smiling at Grissom "I'll share".


Once again back in Vegas Nick walked into his house he shared with his girlfriend.

"Honey i'm home" Nick announced loudly as he walked in through the front door.

"Hello, but sorry i'm not your type" Jim snorted and looked at Nick then Sofia "So this is the boyfriend Sofia?".

"Yeah, Nick's my boyfriend" Sofia replied smiling at a shocked Nick "So you have no need in doing a background check, as you already know him".

"Well this secret is getting, well not a secret" Nick said "I best tell Greg to relax, he's not the only one that knows now".

"Don't worry Nicky boy" Jim said "I won't say anything but if you do anything to hurt Sofia, so god help me I'll kick your ass, is that clear?".

"Crystal clear sir" Nick replied looking at Jim and Sofia "We finally got Warrick and Catherine together".

"What you mean together?" Jim asked looking at Nick "If I'm not mistaken they are dating".

"Well Warrick proposed to Catherine thirty minutes ago" Nick said smiling at the turn of events leading up to that point "Greg nearly had to go to Desert Palms for corrective surgery, oh and the best part is Catherine said yes".

"It's about bloody time" Sofia said happily "We are going to have two weddings then, Warrick's and Catherine's and Sara's and Gil's".

At Warrick's house, Catherine and Warrick were sat on the sofa having a quiet moment to themselves.

"So Warrick what would you like to do now?" Catherine asked stretching her tidy aching body.

"Food would be ideal, then who knows what else could happen, this is Vegas after all" Warrick stated snuggling into Catherine.

"Indeed it is" Catherine mumbled her head resting on Warrick's shoulder.


The week had passed smoothly Gil, Sara and the girls were travelling back from Disney World with a car full of cuddly toys that Sara, Taylor and Lindsay won. They were just on the outskirts of Las Vegas, Catherine, Warrick, Nick, Sofia, Greg and Jim are waiting in the driveway of Sara and Gil's house, Sara and Gil had no clue the team would be there to greet them.

"You know this is strange" Greg remarked looking at everyone on the driveway "Why are we stood on the driveway of Grissom's house?".

"It's because we have missed them" Catherine replied rolling her eyes "Plus they need to know about Nick and Sofia, I told you I would find out eventually".

"Yeah only because you threatened to castrate me" Greg said placing his hands on his private parts.

"I didn't threaten you Greg" Catherine said looking at Greg and pointing at him "You can be such a baby".

"Me a baby?" Greg repeated "Who was the one in the break room stomping her feet because I wouldn't tell you about Nick and Sofia?".

"You were stomping your feet Catherine?" Nick asked smiling "If you really wanted to know you could of asked us".

"I was not, I repeat I was not stomping my feet" Catherine said folding her arms across her chest "If you really must know my feet were hurting so I was stomping them to make them feel better".

"Well that's a excuse and a half" Warrick said looking at Catherine who was glaring at him "Oh look they are here, saved by the car".

Grissom pulls into the driveway, but only just as there was four other cars on it and six eager people waiting for them.

"How sweet is this a welcome home party" Sara said looking around the driveway "Are Nick and Sofia holding hands?".

"They sure are" Taylor and Lindsay replied at the same time before Taylor continued "Come on I want to see your mom Lindsay, you got her present?".

"Yeah, she absolutely loves Goofy" Lindsay said "I can't believe I won him".

"I thought Lucas won it for you?" Taylor asked looking over at Lindsay "I mean he really liked you".

"Taylor shut it will you" Lindsay whispered "Besides I could always tell your mom and dad about Callum".

"Sssh" Taylor whispered looking around the car then smiling at Lindsay "They were very cute brothers though".

"Yeah I know, I'm so glad we got their numbers" Lindsay said spotting her mom and Warrick and walking over to them "Hi mom, dad how you doing?".

"Oh Lindsay I've missed you so much" Catherine said hugging Lindsay tightly to her chest.

"Umm mom air" Lindsay groaned taking in a deep breath when released "Thank you".

"So Aunt Catherine I hear congrats are in order" Taylor said standing beside Lindsay "So you going to kill us then?".

"No I'm not going to kill you" Catherine replied slipping out of her shoes and looking at the teenagers "But I am going to get you and tickle you to death".

"Oh my god Lindsay run" Taylor shouted then giggling as she ran in the direction of the gate to the garden "Come on Aunt Catherine come on and get us".

"Watch it Taylor" Catherine said grabbing hold of Taylor around her waist.

"Get off that tickles" Taylor giggled wiggling out of Catherine's grasp "Aunt Catherine please it tickles".

"Fine" Catherine said hugging Taylor and stroking her hair "That will teach you to respect your elders".

"Mom?" Lindsay asked tugging her mom's arm "Where do you get the energy from?"

Catherine never answers Lindsay, instead Catherine grabs hold of Lindsay and starts tickling her, Grissom shouts from inside the house.

"Would you three kids, come inside?" Grissom said looking at Catherine "Catherine act your age".

"Touchy Gil" Catherine replied slightly out of breathe "Can't I have fun with my daughter and her best friend?".

Catherine walked back into the house and looked at Grissom, Sara tapped Catherine on the shoulder.

"It's ok he's not happy" Sara explained "Lucas the lad that greeted us and sent us off scared him".

"He shouldn't creep up on people in cars to say goodbye" Grissom said sighing "What I want to know who the hell was the guy called Callum doing there, is it their policy to say goodbye to people in twos?".

"It might be dad" Taylor said biting her lip and looking around the room "Excuse me a moment".

Taylor walked out into the garden and started muttering to herself, Sara knew something wasn't right with Taylor so quietly followed her outside.

"Dam it, how am I going to tell dad about Callum?" Taylor groaned "Mom, will be fine I hope, it's not that hard get a grip Taylor".

"Is this just for you or can I join in?" Sara said smiling as Taylor jumped.

"Umm?" Taylor said biting her lip again "umm, well you remember Lucas?".

"Why wouldn't I?" Sara replied "He was a very polite young man even though he scared your dad twice".

"Ok, anyway" Taylor said "while we were on holiday I met his brother".

"I take it that's Callum?" Sara asked then giggling.

"Mom this isn't funny" Taylor said "Well he asked me out and I said yes, but mom he's eighteen".

"Eighteen? Taylor your only fourteen" Sara said quickly sighing "Sorry carry on".

"Well Lindsay liked Lucas" Taylor said "Lucas asked Lindsay out, and that's why we have too many soft toys".

"How old is Lucas?" Sara asked nodding her head in understanding about the truck load of cuddly toys.

"He's also eighteen, they are twins, they spoilt us rotten, they want to come to Vegas to see us more" Taylor said frowning "But dad, he will scare Callum off".

"You will need to tell your dad" Sara said placing her hand on Taylor's shoulder "And Lindsay will have to tell Catherine and Warrick, I want to witness that when it happens".

"You're not mad are you mom?" Taylor whispered "I mean I really like Callum and he really likes me".

"I'm not angry, i'm glad that you have found someone that cares about you" Sara said "Just be careful, I think you know what I mean".

"Eww mom, don't worry I won't" Taylor said making gagging noises "Besides Callum is a gentleman plus he would get sent to prison for doing it".

"That's true, he sounds to be a very mature boy" Sara said nodding her head in approval "Aww my daughter is in love".

"Mom Sssh" Taylor whispered looking at the back door "you can so childish at times, but I'll allow it".

"Why thank you" Sara said looking over her shoulder "Come on everyone's looking at us".

"Ok, can we tell dad later about Callum?" Taylor asked pointing at the gang "I don't want two hundred million questions while everyone's here".

"We will wait, don't you worry" Sara said turning around and walking slowly towards the backdoor with Taylor "Besides I want to be the only one seeing his face when you tell him".

"What was his reaction when you told him you were pregnant?" Taylor asked hooking her arm threw Sara's.

"Put it this way, i'm glad he was sat down" Sara said laughing "He looked liked he was going to throw up".


It was now two months later, Taylor had told her parents about Callum and Lindsay had told her mom and Warrick about Lucas. Lucas and Callum visited their girlfriends several times throughout that two month period and had even found the time to help Grissom decorate and fix Caitlyn's baby furniture, finally after much debate the soon to be addiction to the Grissom family had a name.

During those two months Gil and Sara had married and Taylor changed her last name from Sidle to Grissom. Warrick and Catherine had a quick wedding they thought no point in waiting, Lindsay also changed her last name to Brown, it was summer break for both girls so they made sure that Sara stayed comfortable in her last month of pregnancy.

"Mom you ok?" Taylor asked "Is Caitlyn kicking again?".

"Yep she sure is" Sara replied groaning "You were never this active when I was having you".

"Just shows that I was laid back" Taylor said smiling at Sara "Wouldn't quite say that now".

"So is Callum coming to see you again?" Sara asked rubbing her expanding belly "I mean he's really keen on you, and he has spent so much money on Caitlyn especially all the Disney stuff".

"Well he thought carrying on the Disney theme would be a good idea" Taylor stated "I honestly don't know whether he did it for Caitlyn or himself actually?".

"Well I don't mind a bit" Sara replied "I did say I wanted a Disney theme for Caitlyn and guess I got what I wanted".

All of a sudden the doorbell rang, Taylor went to answer it and found Callum at the front door with a big Tigger and Winnie the Pooh in his arms.

"Hi Taylor baby" Callum politely said popping his head around the teddy bears to speak to Sara "Hello Mrs Grissom I come baring gifts".

"Callum I've told you plenty of times call me Sara" Sara explained looking at the two massive teddies "Callum and another thing we have asked you to stop spoiling Caitlyn"

"Sara, these aren't for Caitlyn" Callum explained placing them on the floor "They are for you and Taylor".

"Oh" Sara said rubbing her neck "Umm thanks Callum, do you have to go back up to Florida or would you like to stick around?".

"I don't have to go back for at least eight weeks, either does Lucas" Callum explained "He's over at the Brown's residence as we speak".

"I can't get used to the fact that I'm Sara Grissom and Catherine is Catherine Brown" Sara laughed and then groaned as Caitlyn kicked her once again "You can play soccer when you are older at the moment mommy wants her kidney where it is".

"She's not playing soccer mom" Taylor stated "She's going to do ballet and do girly stuff".

"What like you?" Callum replied "You beat me at basketball and Lucas at softball".

"I didn't say that I couldn't do those things I just don't want Caitlyn getting hurt, is that such a bad thing to ask for?" Taylor stated.

"No Taylor" Sara replied hugging Taylor "I think your going to fit into the big protective sister mode very well".


Three weeks later and Sara goes into labour, Sara held Taylor's hand while travelling in the car to the hospital Sara also hit Grissom a few times while Callum drove, which he was thankful for.

"Gil, I'm never letting you here me again" Sara screamed as another contraction hit "I hate...hate you!".

"Sara hate is a very nasty word" Grissom replied smiling at his wife.

"Gil now would not be the best time to piss me off" Sara snarled and then groaned just as another contraction hit "Caitlyn Rose Grissom get your ass out here and stop causing me pain".

"Mom can you let go of my hand just a bit" Taylor grumbled winching as Sara squeezed her hand tightly "Callum are we there yet?".

"Yes were here, I'm going to get a wheelchair and a nurse" Callum explained jumping out the car and running off in the direction of an unoccupied wheelchair.

"Owww" Sara screamed hitting Grissom hard with her free hand "Gil Grissom i'm going to kill you!".

"Ok Mrs Griss..sorry Sara your ride to freedom awaits you" Callum said giggling at the situation in front of him.

"Don't be a smart ass Callum" Sara groaned turning to her bemused daughter "Taylor honey can...can you? Oh crap my waters just broke!".

"Nobody panic" Callum shouted almost hyperventilating "Sara's water has just broke don't...don't panic".

"Callum stop hyperventilating" Taylor said slapping Callum and turning to her dad "Dad get your ass moving, if you hadn't noticed already your wife is in labour".

"Oh for crying out loud" Sara growled "Shall I just give birth here on the sidewalk?".

"No sorry Sara" Callum replied rubbing his face where Taylor slapped him "Onward".

Callum pushes a screaming Sara into the Labour and Delivery suite of Desert Palms while Taylor drags Grissom, Taylor being the only one of sound and mind gets her mom settled into her room.

"Hello Sara Grissom is in labour" Taylor shouted over the screaming from Sara.

"Well if you fill out these papers we can get your mom settled" The receptionist asked handing Taylor the papers.

Taylor promptly threw the papers back at the receptionist, the papers fell to the floor behind her.

"To fill papers out you have no chance" Taylor again shouted over her mom's screams of pain "If you hadn't noticed you have a heavily pregnant women about to give birth and unless you want to deliver this baby, get a doctor now!".

"Please go straight through to room two hundred, it's all ready and a doctor is waiting" The receptionist said laughing at the scene in front of her.

Taylor started shouting instructions to the two men walking slowly behind them obviously both in shock, while she tried to comfort her mom.

"Callum, dad get a bloody move on" Taylor snapped "Mom will have the baby before you ever get here".

Everyone in the waiting area, giggled as Taylor, Sara, Grissom and Callum went out of sight.

"Owww Gil I need you now" Sara cried in pain "Oh where the hell his he?".

Grissom spoke for the very first time since Sara announced at home that she was in labour, as he spoke Taylor rolled her eyes at Callum who coughed to hide his laughter.

"I'm here" Grissom said quietly "How are you?".

"If that's not the most stupidest...Owww question you have ever asked me" Sara snapped "How do you think I feel? I'm in labour you idiot".

"Umm mom" Taylor said smiling and pointing to Callum "Me and Callum will wait in reception and I'll phone the rest of the guys, ok love you mom, dad if you don't get a grip I'll kick your ass".

"Yes, yes sorry Taylor i'm focused" Grissom replied stroking his grey beard.

"You better or so help me god" Taylor said waving her fists at her dad.

Before Taylor could finish her sentence the Doctor walked into the room, Grissom smiled at the Doctor, the Doctor smiled back.

"Hello I'm Dr Francis, right Mrs Grissom I'm going to see how far along you are "Doctor Francis explained "Well your at seven centimetres now, so not got long now".

Thirty minutes later and Doctor Francis was getting scrubbed rub, waiting to deliver Sara and Grissom's baby. After having one last check Doctor Francis looked up at Sara from the foot of the bed.

"Ok Sara bare down and give me a real big push" Dr Francis explained encouraging Sara as she pushed.

Sara did as she was told and then the Doctor asked Grissom if he wanted to see his daughter's head being born, he agreed. Grissom took a look seen just a big blob of brown hair and fainted.

"Oh bloody typical" Sara groaned in between her contractions "I'm the one doing all the work and he feels it's time to collapse on the floor..owwww Gil".

Grissom starts to stir when he hears the cry of his tiny baby daughter, trying to stand up he looks at Sara and smiles, Sara smiles back ignoring the fact her husband was still kneeling on the floor.

"You did it Sara" Grissom said kissing Sara's hand "Oh i'm proud of you".

"I'm proud of myself" Sara replied looking at her husband "You were no help I might add, how's your head?".

"Sore" Grissom said as he sighed then promptly burst into laughter "Don't tell anyone".

"Don't tell anyone" Sara stated "I'm going to tell everyone".

Meanwhile out in Reception Taylor and the rest of the gang were waiting for any news, Nick, Warrick, Greg, Jim, Callum and Lucas were pacing the floor. Basically they were following each other like chickens, Catherine, Sofia, Taylor and Lindsay were sat in their chairs watching the guys and laughing.

"Guys you're pacing" Taylor said giggling as they all stopped and looked at her "You're making the Reception untidy, please come on sit down".

Without even bothering to question Taylor all six men sat down, well just about, when Grissom put his head in the door and noticed Warrick, Nick, Jim, Callum, Greg and Lucas hovering above their chairs.

"Caitlyn Rose Grissom was born ten minutes ago weighing a healthy eight pounds six ounces, mother and daughter are doing fine" Grissom proudly explained looking at the rest of his family.

"Dad why do you have a band aid on your forehead?" Taylor asked looking at Catherine and giggling.

"I don't want to talk about it" Grissom replied "Your little sister wishes to meet you".

Taylor walks with her dad from reception into Sara's room and gives her mom a big hug and picks Caitlyn out of her crib. Grissom left his girls alone and went back to the rest of the gang in Reception.

"Hi Caitlyn honey" Taylor whispered to the small infant "I'm your sister Taylor, don't worry about mom and dad they are good people, mom why does dad have a band aid on his head?".

"He fainted" Sara said in between giggles "He went to see Caitlyn's head being born and he passed out".

"Oh wait till I tell the guys" Taylor bellowed with laughter "This will keep them going for weeks".

"I know" Sara giggled but then was interrupted by the cry of Caitlyn wanting to be fed "Someone's hungry, here Taylor give Caitlyn to me, you may stay".

Taylor stayed in the room with her mom and her little sister and watched while Caitlyn nuzzled into her mom's breast and when full, fell to sleep, Taylor put Caitlyn back into her crib beside Sara's bed and climbed in beside her mom and both fell into a restful sleep.


It was now two years later, Sara, Taylor, Caitlyn and Gracie were on their way to their dentist appointments. Taylor was sat up front, watching everything Sara did, at sixteen she wanted to learn how to drive. Two year old Caitlyn and one year old Gracie were in the back buckled into their car seats.

"Momma" Caitlyn said loudly "Gracie just threw up".

"Caitlyn honey mommy can't pull over just now" Taylor explained grabbing Caitlyn's tiny hand.

Sara couldn't help but smile at her two year olds comment "I'll stop when we get to the gas station".

"But momma it smells" Caitlyn groaned "And I don't think it's just sick, she's pooped too".

"Caitlyn, mommy can't pull over just yet" Taylor replied turning in her seat to look at Caitlyn and Gracie "Might I suggest you open your window".

"Ok" Caitlyn said before groaning "Are we at the gas station yet it really smells in here".

Gracie just sat in her car seat gurgling, she only being one year old couldn't quite talk yet, but seemed to be enjoying the problem she caused.

"Five minutes ok?" Sara said "Can you wait that long?".

"Of course momma" Caitlyn replied smiling showing off her pure white teeth "Can I have some sweeties for being a good girl?".

"No, we are going to the dentist" Sara explained "Besides if you're good your dentist will give you a lollipop".

"Mom do you find it strange that when you go to the dentist" Taylor said "After he's done his check up he then gives an already hyper two year old a lollipop?".

"It is weird" Sara stated having a quick glance over at Caitlyn "But I'm not going to argue with a hyper two year old that has inherited our fiery temper".

"Yeah I just hope Gracie doesn't get it" Taylor said smiling as Gracie hiccupped "By the way did dad ever find his razorblades?".

"Yeah he found them in Gracie's diaper bag" Sara replied giggling "Caitlyn said she did it, I couldn't tell her off because I thought it was funny".

"You're not the only one" Taylor laughed "Caitlyn can pull some pretty good pranks and she's only two".

"Yeah and I wonder who taught her that Taylor Grissom" Sara said tapping Taylor lightly on the arm.

"Who me?" Taylor asks pretending to be shocked "You must be mistaken I'm an angel, it just so happens my halo slips on occasion".

"Your no angel Taylor Grissom" Sara replied winking at her daughter "But that was a nice try".

"Cheers mom" Taylor groaned folding her arms across her chest pretending to pout and be upset "Great to know who's look out".


Back at Catherine's house Grissom was trying to arrange a surprise birthday party for Sara with the rest of the gang.

"So Sara has no idea we are doing this?" Greg asked for the tenth time already.

"No Greg, hence the name surprise party" Nick said laughing as his friend "God you can be so clueless at times".

"I'm clueless you didn't even realise Sofia was pregnant" Greg replied "If that's not clueless I don't know what is".

"Look Greg when you find a women and live with her" Nick said looking at Sofia "Then you know when to be clueless and when not to be".

"Guys will you stop fighting" Sofia said turning to Grissom "God help me I'm going to have two kids at home not one".

"Be thankful you don't have three women at home" Grissom said rubbing his neck "I'm so thankful Caitlyn hasn't had terrible twos, Gracie is so bubbly it's cute and Taylor well Taylor is Taylor and don't get me started on Sara".

"I'm thankful I'm still a bachelor" Greg said smoothing out his shirt "Means I can flirt".

"How can you say flirt?" Warrick said "When your chat up line is, do I know you? If not want to get to know me better?".

"I've had several girls say yes" Greg replied puffing up his chest "And then the others just laugh in my face, but hey it's their loss".

"If you believe that Greg your more delusional than I thought" Catherine stated shaking her head and rolling her eyes "So when does this party start?".

"Well Sara is taking the girls to their dentist appointments across town and then she's coming here" Grissom explained "Hopefully Caitlyn won't be hyped up on sugar".

Everyone nodded and giggled knowing fine well what a two year old hyped up on sugar could do, back to the girls and Caitlyn was screaming while Sara was trying to stay awake.

"Momma, Gracie, Taylor" Caitlyn screamed "I want my daddy".

"Umm" Sara groaned "Caitlyn honey you ok?".

"No momma, why isn't Gracie crying?" Caitlyn sobbed looking around the car "Why is Taylor quiet? Momma what happened?".

"I..i don't know baby" Sara moaned looking out the car windscreen "Mommy can see people coming over too us".

"Hey you ok?" A young girl asked looking in the truck before turning towards someone "Adam get over here there's kids in the truck".

"Mommy i'm scared" Caitlyn wailed from the back seat "Gracie wake up!"

"How old are your children?" Adam asked the young girls boyfriend.

"They are sixteen, two and one" Sara replied sniffing "My sixteen year old and one year old aren't moving, please help them!".

"What's your names?" Adam asked trying to keep Sara awake.

"Taylor, Caitlyn and Gracie" Sara winched in pain holding her head "Owww my head hurts and my names Sara".

"Mommy I want daddy" Caitlyn wailed from her car seat "Taylor wake up, I need to go potty".

"Ok help is on it's way" Adam said turning to his girlfriend "Hey Rebecca see if you can calm down the little one in the back".

"Coming" Rebecca replied running up to the car and smiling at Caitlyn "Hi honey I'm Rebecca what's your's?".

"I'm Caitlyn" Caitlyn sobbed wiping her nose on her pink cardigan "Why isn't Gracie moving?".

Caitlyn tried to move in her booster and wailed in pain, rubbing her belly.

"Caitlyn baby, try and stay still" Rebecca said rubbing Caitlyn's hand "I tell you what I'll have a look at Gracie".

"Taylor too" Caitlyn sobbed still rubbing her belly "And my Momma".

"Ok darling, Gracie come on honey wake up your big sister is worried about you" Rebecca said to Gracie before turning to Taylor in the front seat "Taylor wake up so that Caitlyn knows you're ok".

Neither Gracie or Taylor make a sound Rebecca can see that they are still alive because they were both breathing, Adam noticed that Sara was slipping in and out of consciousness a possible sign of a head injury, Caitlyn looked ok on the outside, but on the inside it was a whole different matter.


At Catherine's house the gang are eagerly waiting the arrival of Sara and the kids, little did they know that they had just been in an horrific car pile up. Three cars and one large delivery truck, had crashed into each other, or quite frankly the truck smashed into Sara's car and then the other two. Everyone at the scene was trying franticly to keep Sara and Caitlyn awake, Taylor and Gracie had received the worst blows as the truck had hit their side first. A young Police officer had the sad duty of informing Grissom that his family had been in a car accident and may not have survived, he understood that it was always harder when it was one of your own.

"What is taking so long?" Greg groaned "Do you think Sara remembers to come here after the dentist?".

"Yeah she knows Greg" Grissom replied looking at the youngest member of his team "Are you eager to surprise my wife?".

Before Greg could reply at that moment the doorbell rang, Sofia goes to answer the door and sees Officer Grant at the door with tears in his eyes.

"Umm Sofia, is Gil Grissom here?" Officer Grant asks trying to keep control of his emotions.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Sofia asked something clicking in her mind "Is it Sara and the girls?".

"I would prefer to speak to Gil please" Officer Grant requested sighing once again and looked as if he was going to cry.

"Gil the door is for you" Sofia said quite alarmed.

"Tell Sara to come in" Grissom shouted from the living room.

"Gil it's… it's not Sara, you really need to come to the door" Sofia said looking at Officer Grant.

"Ok Sofia what's the panic?" Grissom asked seeing Officer Grant at the door "Officer Grant what are you doing here?".

"Gil, this is not going to be easy to say" Officer Grant said sighing before continuing "Sara and the kids have been in a car accident".

"You what?" Grissom shouted this brought the rest of the gang to the door to witness Grissom falling to his knees crying "How are they? Are they at the hospital?".

"Sara and Caitlyn have been taken to Desert Palms" Officer Grant explained "They are struggling to get Gracie and Taylor out their side of the car was almost crushed".

"Shit crushed!" Nick asked holding onto Sofia "By what?".

"A drunk driver in a deliver truck" Officer Grant stated looking at Grissom "I'm so sorry Gil there was no easier way to say it, if you want a police escort to the hospital we need to go now".

Gil just stayed on his knees sobbing, Catherine and Warrick pulled him to his feet and walked him to their car, the rest of the gang got into Greg's car and travelled silently to the hospital once they arrived at the hospital Catherine and the gang ran into the hospital and into reception following a very upset Gil Grissom.

"Sara Grissom where is she?" Catherine asked before Grissom could "Where is Caitlyn Grissom?".

"Are you family?" The Receptionist enquired looking at the large group in front of her "If not i'm afraid you will have to sit down".

"Sit down?" Catherine screamed pointing to Grissom "Sit down? His wife and three daughters could be dying and your telling us we aren't family, we are the closest family you will ever meet, now where are Sara and Caitlyn Grissom?".

"They are both extremely Ill" The Receptionist replied looking at Catherine and the rest of them "Mrs Grissom is in a coma to reduced the swelling in her brain and Caitlyn is having surgery to stop internal bleeding, I'm so sorry".

"Have my daughter's Taylor and Gracie arrived yet?" Grissom asked still sobbing his heart out.

"I don't know, please wait here and I'll get the doctor that's dealing with your family" The Receptionist explained before walking down the corridor and speaking to the senior doctor in charge. The Receptionist and Doctor walked back to the Reception desk.

"Mr Grissom, my receptionist Diana tells me you inquiring about your daughters Gracie and Taylor" The doctor enquired receiving a nod of the head "All I know is Gracie has been flown in from the crash site, her injuries are extensive, Taylor is still trapped and my team and the fire fighters are doing all they can to get her out".

"How bad is Gracie?" Grissom asked openly crying in front of lots of other men the Doctor included.

"I've been told by the paramedic with her that when that truck hit your wife's car" The doctor explained while wiping a tear away "That Gracie was the first to get hit, she's not breathing and they are trying to restart her heart".

"No!" Grissom screamed falling to the floor once again "No not my baby, she's only one".

"I'm sorry Mr Grissom, when I have news on your daughter Taylor I'll come and find you" The doctor said before briefly looking at the big group in front of him and wiping at his tears.

Grissom was sobbing on the floor, he couldn't believe that in a short space of time that his family were seriously Ill, he hoped none of them would be taken away from him.


The accident was all over the news Grissom and the gang were sat in the hospital reception, where they have been sitting for two days straight. Nobody had bothered to go home and change, they all decided that they were needing at the hospital, everyone said whatever else needed to be done in their life's would wait.

The TV was on in the waiting area and on the news was details about the accident.

News flash

Tragedy stuck two days ago too many families in Vegas, the Roberts family on their way back to Vegas from their holiday all tragically lost their lives at the scene. Terry and Kim Hudson also died tragically on collision, they were a happy new married couple coming back from their honeymoon, and two members of the Grissom family also lost their lives, everyone in Vegas sends their sorrow to their families and to Gil Grissom for his loss.

"It should of been me" Sara wailed hitting Grissom's shoulder "What did they do?".

"They didn't do anything honey" Grissom replied stroking soothing circles on his wife's back "We will miss Taylor and Gracie, but we have Caitlyn to think of".

"How are we going to tell her that her sister's are dead?" Sara said wiping at her face "How can a two year old understand that?".

"I know, I don't want to tell her either" Grissom replied looking at his wife "I mean when the team found out I've never seen them so quiet, Callum took it really hard".

"Everyone did Gil" Sara said sobbing once more into Grissom's shoulder.


Grissom and the gang were sat in the Reception area, when Doctor Frazer walks in and explains that both Gracie and Taylor had died five minutes ago. Taylor's heart failed her as it was still not one hundred per cent fit after her ordeal at fourteen years old and Gracie never regained consciousness form the accident at the crash. Doctor Frazer let the gang or he said 'family' into to see the girls. Catherine was the first to speak.

"They look so peaceful" Catherine sobbed "Why them? why our girls?".

"It hasn't sunk in yet" Warrick said rubbing his tidy face and letting tears flow " I mean last week Gracie walked, she had so much to live for they both did".

"Gil, I'm so sorry" Callum sobbed holding Sara's hand "I'm...I'm so sorry I've lost the love of my life".

"I want to kill the drunken idiot that hit the car" Lindsay screamed through her tears "If I ever get my hands on him".

Sofia walked over to Taylor and held her hand stroked it for a few seconds and then spoke.

"If my child is anything like you" Sofia said stopping to control her emotions "I'll be honoured, you were my friend, you were my girl were our girl".

Sofia kissed Taylor's head and then walked over to baby Gracie and held the tiny tot in her arms.

"Gracie you were too young to realise what effect you had on us" Sofia sobbed her emotions getting the better of her "Especially on me...I changed your first diaper and I helped your mommy bathe you i'm...i'm so sorry your my little angel and you will be forever in my heart".

End flashback

It was now the day of the funeral Sara and Caitlyn have been realised from hospital to attend Taylor and Gracie's funeral, the whole Las Vegas crime lab and Las Vegas Police Department turned up to pay their last respects to Taylor and Gracie

Grissom helped his wife and two year old daughter into the funeral car and then it made it's way to the funeral home, following the two cars in front carrying the bodies of Taylor and Gracie. There was several cars following, mostly standard CSI issued Tahoe's or Denali's and several police cars. Grissom turned and looked at his wife who was playing with Caitlyn's hair. Grissom then looked at the two cars in front of him, the cars then disappeared into the tunnel in front and that was when a loud bleeping noise rang in his ears.

It was then that Grissom realised it had all been a horrible dream, no not dream nightmare and he found he was covered in sweat and to find Taylor being fed by a nurse and Gracie being changed.

Caitlyn and Sara had been quite lucky, Caitlyn had bruises from her operation and the impact from her seatbelt and Sara was missing part of her hair and had bruises from the imprint of her seatbelt, Grissom was relieved to still have all four of his girls and was thinking of who to trust with what he just dreamt.


Sorry it took so long I've been Ill, but I'm all better now. I had to change an awful lot in this very long chapter, sorry about that. Just didn't know where to end it.

The updates will take longer now as I've got to try and think of where to go with this now, any suggestions are greatly appreciated, got to give me some credit I am only eleven and this wasn't my original story I just borrowed it, revamped it and reposted it on my mum's account.

Sorry for the long author's note I guess, just I like to talk.

Love Cody