chapter 5

rights and good nights

the shadow stirred. the hollow watched as the shinigami slept its clawed hands decending slowly, its mission almost completed. the hollow needed a host thats what the man said yes that is what he said to bring its brothers and sisters to the soul society so they could play. the hollow decended turning into black fog he fused with the soul reaper and the sleeping form of Rukia just stirred slightly before falling back into pleasant dreams.

Ichigo closed the door quitley so no sound was made but alas his father seemed to have a six sense.

"ICHIGO!" his father flew across the room boots aimed for his sons head. the teen just stepped to the side as his father flew into the door and fell into unconciousness.

Ichigo just sighed before smiling, his family never changed. Yuzu was asleep on the couch leaning on Karin her twin was sleeping aswell. Ichigo went up to his room, rest was out of the question as he had some homework for school to finish and would be on hollow patrol soon. strange enough he suddenley remembered a conversation with the new squad 14 captain.

" looking forward to home ichigo?" asked the amber eyed shinigami who leaned back into his office chair. Ichigo sat across from him nodded wondering the real reason why he would be here.

" I here that you have been to Huneco Mundo and i was wondering if you noticed anything strange?" Lees eyes suddenly became serious as he ficked through a folder. Ichigo thought for a second, he did go back to the hollow homeworld to visit Nel Tu now the current queen of Huneco Mundo and he did get a strange feeling that he was followed for a time but he dismissed it when he returned nodded again and answered.

" There was something.." the captain looked up from the folder a dark brow raised slightly. "... i dont know what but i felt a prescence it was weak but it was there." Lee relised something then and asked.

" was it a hollow?"

"maybe" Ichigo was not sure but the energy reeked of hollow but something else as well. He watched Lee closely of all the captains he was the strangest, he looked around early twenteys or late teens with a kind caring face, his hair slicked back and cut short made him look younger than he was but the eyes held unfathonable memories and emotions.

"Well go home Kurosaki-Taicho enjoy your holiday and i will see you next week" the guy smiled then before turning his attention back to the folder. but Ichigo remained seated he had something to settle.

" Sorry for asking Wadey-Taicho but are you European?" Lees head snapped straight towards him shocked at the question.

"Yes i come from the western soul society. i was transferred when we heard you lost captains so here i am"

Ichigo shook of the memory as he lay on the bed before finishing his home work.

Mel felt nervous hand brushing her black bangs. she had resieved her captains message about her Bankai training and was told to meet him in the training grounds. ever since that battle with Kenpachi she had avoided him, she felt ashamed that she lied about not knowing Bankai. ten years ago she learned it.

"aw mistress should not be sad" a very cenile voice cut into her mind.

"I lied Yami how can i bear to look at him"

" all he wants is the best for you and plus Li Matsuei is near" the cat purred "show both of them how we fight tooth and claw"

Mel nodded and turned onto her heel and looked straight into the eyes of her captain zanpaktou already drawn a calm look etched his face with a hint of a smile.

" dwell in the shadows Li Matsuei ( peacefull decendant)" gold energy burst from the blade and showed its true form. the blade lengethened and curved to the tip.

Mel felt the power but it did not faze her, she was former 6 squad captain of her majestys royal guard and now she faced the former number twelve.

"BANKAI" Lee covered his eyes as dust blasted into the air. the air became dense and darkened black reitsu tearing the ground apart until the dust settled. Mel now stood slimmer her body covered in black plated armour that clamped tightly to her skin. a tail cracked like a whip swung back and forth, its tip edged with a slim blade. Mel clicked her claws.

" eternal show Yami Neko ( black cat)" Lee smiled finnaly she shows her Bankai. both lept at the same time.

Unohana Retsu sighed looking through a photo album. she smiled at one which was Kenpachi and Lee arguing over a cake which Yachiru was eating happly. the next was herself and Mel both smiling at the camera. the next one shocked her a little as it was Lee and herself kissing. damn Yachiru, she could tell the culprit due to the low angle of the camera. though she wondered who spiked their drinks that night.

Ichigo sneezed.

looking back to the album she found her favourite picture. she called it her family picture. She sat between Lee and Hanatarou (who looked terrified as Kenpachi was glaring at him) Yachiru had her arms wrapped round the squad 4 seventh seat smiling brightly. Mel was behind her captain wearing sunglasses and blowing bubblegum. kenpachi was beside her glaring at Hanatarou. last was Isane who was blushing brightly behind her captain. a motly group yes but they stuck together. then she felt the explosion.