Dino closed to the school roof and joined Hibari's side at the railing. The boy was looking down at the entrance and fields with a stern, focused expression.

"Watching the Go Home club leave?" Dino asked.

Hibari said nothing, his gaze unwavering.

Curious, Dino followed Hibari's line of sight to have his eyes lead to Yamamoto. The trainer and student sat in silence as Hibari stared at Yamamoto hit, run, and cheer.

"He's good." Dino said with a gentle smile. "He barely needs this practice in order to lead your team to victory."

Again, Hibari didn't respond.

Dino glanced at Hibari's softening features than at the happy Yamamoto down on the baseball field.

"He'll probably be a pro one day." Dino chuckled.

"Do you ever shut up?" Hibari asked.

"Why are you fascinated by him?"

"Who ever said I was?"

Dino hesitated and calmly looked at his apprentice. "Don't tell me you want to fight him or something. That poor guy."

"Shut up or I'll bite you to death!" Hibari said as he quickly pointed a tonfa at his master.

The man gulped and put his hands up as though caught by the cops.

"Why so passionate...?" he mumbled.

Hibari then turned away with his cheeks tinted a very light pink. When he glimpsed back over the railing at the field, Yamamoto and his team were gone. He could feel something in him shatter. As though possessed by wrath itself, he suddenly attacked Dino and only stopped when the blond was begging for mercy.

"What the hell was that?!" Dino shouted with bruises and blood spotting his body.

"Because of you, I couldn't see the end of his game. Die." Hibari growled while raising his tonfa.

Dino yelped as Hibari swung the weapon down. Thankfully, the assault was interrupted by Yamamoto stepping out onto the roof.

Then as though possessed by obedience itself, Hibari dashed to Yamamoto and asked why he was there.

"I heard your voice and wanted to see if it was really you up here." Yamamoto said, adjusting the strap of his duffle bag on his shoulder and the position of the cap on his head.

Hibari's face brightened at the taller boy's words. This slight appearance change was visible to Dino, though the oblivious Yamamoto was clueless to the unexpected delight shown by the cruel Disciplinary Committee leader.

"You came to see me?" Hibari asked monotonously. "How stupid."

"I'm sorry." Yamamoto laughed. "I couldn't help it."

"Did you even stop to think that maybe I didn't want to see you?"

"No, I didn't. Sorry. That was very inconsiderate of me." Yamamoto said with kind eyes. "Could you ever forgive me?"

Hibari blinked as his heart skipped a beat. "I'll think about it." He answered.

"Really? Thanks, Hibari-san. You're nicer than I thought!" The younger boy spouted happily. He paused then asked, "Hey, were you watching me play?"

Hibari scoffed. "Why would I do something boring as that?"

"Because it would really encourage me to play better if I knew you were watching me, Hibari-san. I like having friends there to root for me." He gave a sincere smile before waving goodbye. "I've got to go now. Come see me at one of my games, okay? Bye, Dino-san! Bye, Hibari!"

When Yamamoto was out the door and the sounds of footsteps padding down stairs were heard, Hibari lifted a futile hand and waved an unseen goodbye to the other boy.

"Goodbye." He whispered absent mindedly.

Dino smirked. "What was that, huh?"

"What do you mean?" Hibari snapped.

"You seemed kind of awkward talking to him."

"Did I?"

For a long while, the two stayed silent. The sky became an orange canvas with strokes of purple and gray clouds gliding across its surface.

"Is it love?" Dino asked once he summoned the courage.

"What was that?" Hibari questioned back.

"Do you like Yamamoto?"

There was no reply.

"You acted like that." Dino began. "As though you were in love or something."

Hibari pointed his tonfa at Dino once more. "Didn't I say earlier that if you don't shut up, I'll bite you to death?"

Dino ducked away from the weapon and snickered quietly to himself. A moment's pause and the tonfa was put away. Another rest then Hibari started to talk again.

Reluctant, Hibari asked, "Have you ever liked anyone?" His tone was harsher than the question.

"You need to learn to be gentler with a subject like this." Dino joked.

"Have you or have you not? If you haven't then leave."

"I have." Dino said, looking to the thin grey clouds that glazed over the firmament.

"What was it like? Your first love?" Hibari's eyes were half-lidded and serious as though he had been pondering the topic for a long time, though his speech remained uninflected and stiff.

"It was when I was younger than you are now," Dino began, sitting on the ground and leaning against the roof railing. "There was this beautiful girl named Isabella. She had long, golden hair, the biggest, cutest eyes I had ever seen in my life, and an insanely sweet smile. It made my heart jump every time I saw it. I indulged in that love so badly that I saw and talked to her every single day. Naturally, with my good looks, she turned out to return my feelings and we dated for a while, but then we saw one another so much that we grew sick of each other. To this day, I hope I never see that bitch again." Dino closed his eyes and played out scenes of his pleasant youth in his head.

Hibari let out a grunt of acknowledgement, but most likely he wasn't really listening.

"Why Yamamoto?" Dino asked, fidgeting with his fingers as the dusk air started to settle in.

Hibari's pale skin turned a light red. "I don't have to tell you that." He muttered.

Dino laughed. "Fine, I'll tell him how you feel if you don't tell me why."

"Tell him and I bite you to death."

Dino let out a louder laugh before grinning widely. "I'm glad…" He said. "that you feel comfortable telling me, your tutor, this. It's nice getting to know you."

"What in the world are you saying?"

"Just that it's nice that as your personal teacher I get to know you better than anyone else. That you and I can exchange secrets. That there's things the cold, quiet Kyoya will only let me know."

Hibari frowned. "Now I want you to forget."

"Why?" Dino said. "You can't back out of intimate relationships like these! What are you going to do next? Divorce Yamamoto?" Dino was going to snicker at his own joke, but was stopped when a tonfa ruthlessly connected with his jaw.

"Hey! Aren't I injured enough?" He pouted.

"Didn't I say that I'd bite you to death for talking?" Hibari held up his weapon once again.

"Wait! Wait! If you don't hit me, I'll help you!" Dino exclaimed, flailing about with fear.

Hibari pulled his tonfa back to his side. "Help me with what?" He asked, a bit of excitement raising inside him, though he wouldn't let it show.

"I'll help with your Yamamoto problem." Dino promised sloppily.

Hibari paused then somewhat relaxed his guard. "Alright." He said. He crossed his arms. "How will you go about doing that?"

"Well," Dino said after recovering from the fright. "You have to tell me what made you fall for him first."

"…I see." Hibari snarled. "In my opinion, it's fairly romantic. It happened something like this…


Yamamoto, Gokudera, and Tsuna sat in a circle with their legs Indian style and food in front of them.

Gokudera lay down in the grass and sighed, "Wow, tenth! You were right, eating out here is great!"

"Yeah, isn't it enjoyable getting some fresh air?" Tsuna said before taking a bite out of some of his meal.

After they had finished and were making their way back to class, the area they had eaten in was sprinkled with wrappers, rice, and other bits of trash. Hibari came upon this which cause fury to rage inside of him.

"You three!" He roared, anger looming mutely in his voice.

The trio froze up before looking behind their backs and at the livid Disciplinary Committee leader.

"What do you think you're doing littering on school grounds?" Hibari hissed, fire sparking and crackling in his eyes.

Gokudera and Tsuna swallowed fearfully and hurriedly cleaned up the mess without looking at the forceful delinquent. Yamamoto completed the task as he hummed and picked up piece of garbage after piece of garbage. As Gokudera and Tsuna made their mad dash away, Yamamoto strode after them.

Hibari huffed proudly.

Out of nowhere, Yamamoto stopped to look at Hibari.

"You know," The baseball fanatic said. "Though you can be an insanely scary person, Hibari-san, you might be too cute for me to be that afraid of you." He then smiled goofily. "I'm glad I'm the only one who's noticed how adorable you are." Then he jogged off to join his friends.

Hibari's eyes widened and his head filled with irritation. He scowled at the figure of Yamamoto trotting into the distance.


…For days after that I couldn't take my eyes or mind off him. Eventually, I think I somehow found myself a little infatuated. Though for the first month or two I may have confused the feeling for murderous intent."

Dino raised an eyebrow and mumbled, "Yeah, that's really romantic."

"But," Hibari said. "I hate this so much, I can't stand it. This love has been getting on my nerves. For weeks I've been trying to avoid that kid and get close to him at the same time. I don't get it. Help me now or I'll bite you—"

"—To death. I know, I get it!" Dino said while rolling his eyes. "It sounds like you have a head start to getting him. He thinks you're cute."

Hibari grimaced. "I don't want to get him. I want to get over him. Weren't you listening?" He said coolly.

"Are sure about that? It's a great experience when the one you love loves you back." Dino said, smiling ear to ear.

"I don't go searching pleasure so blatantly like that."

"You don't?"

"I don't have time."

"But aren't you like a lion in the sense that you bite things to death and sleep most the day?"

"Shut up."

"Come on, Yamamoto called you cute, remember?"

Abruptly, Hibari's usual flow of cool was blocked and his whole body flared red as he vividly remembered Yamamoto's deep tone when talking to him. This lasted for only a second or two until he regained his clam. He looked to Dino. "He can seriously like me back?" He asked drearily with half-lidded eyes.

"I swear it." Dino said, crossing his fingers.

A/N: After this story is completed, I'll merge it with I Consent, Not Age.