WARNING: This is a shonen-ai those who hate it, please don't kill me. Rating may go up. OMGee!!

DISCLAIMER: Most of the characters are not mine. I hope I did though, then I would be the happiest person in the world-- or something...

Hello! I've been watching a lot of Get Backers nowadays and these guys (and I mean guys) are my most favorite shonen-ai couple! Whee!! Please enjoy!

This is dedicated to my friends: Reyna, Carz and Gillian (my co-shonen-ai/ yaoi fangirls) and Gee-ann (I know you'll love this!)

When something is missing, all you'll have to do is find it.

Missing. Something was missing. A piece of the puzzle that would never be whole again. He had to find him: Kakei Juubei, his best friend since he could ever remember. Ever since that time...


The sound of the gunshots echoed through the empty, dark alley. The criminal the police had been gunning for was finally found and now, he wants to play a little game of hide-and-seek. Officers Fuuchoin Kazuki and Kakei Juubei were the ones who got designated to the case and this was still their first time. The two of them were best friends ever since they were little. The went to the same school and graduated at the same year. They had a lot in common: they were both orphans (although Juubei had a sister named Sakura) and they were both isolated in their own worlds.

Kazuki was feminine. He liked his hair long and silky. Although cops weren't supposed to have long hair, he was permitted to do so because of his skills and the big boss, Makubex, had taken a liking to him. Despite this, Kazuki was strong and smart. He had a plan for every situation, including back-up plans and strategies.

Juubei was more physical and muscular than Kazuki (he was skinny, actually). He relies on his senses most of the times and goes by brute strength all the way. He's calm and precise and is always has Kazuki's back. Although he didn't say it, he cares for Kazuki. That's why, when Kazuki's family died in a fire, he didn't hesitate to let him stay in his house.

"Juubei, let's do a two-pronged attack! You go this way, you go the other, 'kay?!" Kazuki commanded. Juubei nodded without saying a word.

Panting, Kazuki ran to the left. He pulled out his gun and shouted to the criminal they were after: "If you just go with us silently, we won't have to hurt you!"

"NEVER!!" Kazuki sighed. They're all like this. He knew that the criminal was drugged to do what their boss wanted but this guy was particularly stubborn.

Still running, he could now see the figure of the criminal. Behind him was Juubei. Suddenly, Juubei pulled the trigger of his own gun. BANG! A direct hit to the left leg!

"Kazuki! I got him!" Juubei shouted to his comrade.

"Good work, Juubei! I'll go call back-up so---" Kazuki's words were cut by Juubei's loud shout of pain.

"Juubei, what's wrong?!" Kazuki ran to his partner's side. But before he could, someone had hit his head hard with something. His eyesight blurred and he was down to the ground. Before he lost consciousness, he heard Juubei's scream of pain again. After that, everything was blurry.

Coming back to his senses, the young 22-year-old had come back to the present. It had been a year since that incident. After Kazuki had woken up, he caught news that the syndicate who drugs the suspects abducted Juubei for thier own purposes. It broke his heart into pieces. Now, he was living alone in Juubei's apartment with one goal: get back what he had lost, Kakei Juubei.

First chappie done!

R&R please?