
"Yeah Bones?" He smiled down at her, squeezing her hand in his own.

She leaned against him, smiling up into his face. "This is our third date right?"

He felt his blood redirect. "Uh huh.."

She pressed her lips into his neck.

He drew in a strangled breath and cleared his throat, stepping back. "Bones. There are children around!"

She grinned. "So maybe we should go somewhere more private?"

"But we haven't gone on the granddaddy of all roller coasters yet." He replied half heartedly.

She ran her hand along his belt, stopping at his belt buckle.

"Ok, yeah. Let's go." He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the park towards the SUV.

Brennan smirked. She totally won. Ok, so maybe they'd officially waited three dates. But he was caving first.

All of a sudden she was pressed up against the SUV, his hand in her hair, the other on her butt, his tongue in her mouth, making her delirious as her body instantly heated.

She curled her fingers into his hair.

He chuckled and moved his hand up her shirt, his thumb sliding inside her bra to rub against her nipple.

Her legs felt like rubber. She pressed her hips against his, feeling his excitement, and the only thought in her head was that she wanted him, here, now, and she'd beg if she had to.

He opened the passenger door and pushed her inside, shutting it as soon as she was sitting on the seat.

Their eyes clung through the glass, and he smiled at her dazed expression. She thought she'd won.

He wasn't done yet, as he'd just proven.

He walked around the SUV and got in the drivers side, buckling his seatbelt and fiddling with the air conditioning before turning the vehicle on and driving out onto the road.

"So. My place or yours?" His asked casually.

She gritted her teeth. "Yours."

"Sure. So are we going to see Gordon Gordon later?" His hand caressed her knee, sending tingles up her leg.

"How about tomorrow?" She gasped.

"Why tomorrow?" He checked his rearview mirror, pulling into the pull off lane.

"Because maybe I won't have the nightmare tonight, and then I won't have to go at all." She replied, biting her lip as he continued to stroke her thigh with his long fingers.

He just raised his eyebrows and turned onto the exit that led to his place.

She gathered her wits and slid her arm across the center console separating them, putting her hand on his lap.

The SUV swerved. "Bones!"

She moved her hand slowly against his erection.

"Bones, this is a federal vehicle... OH. Jeez Bones. You can't do.... that. I'll get in trouble. I'll lose my job... I'll..."

She squeezed his hard-on gently, and he hit the horn and stepped on the gas simultaneously, his jaw dropping open. "BONES."

"Maybe we should turn the siren on?" She asked politely.

"Can't. That would be abuse of ....."

She moved her hand some more, firmly stroking him..

"I'm going to hell. I'm going straight to hell!" He said, flipping the siren and lights on.

He had her shirt undone before they even got the apartment door unlocked.

His mouth was everywhere, teasing, tantalizing.

She pushed his shirt over his head and sucked on his collarbone, her hands on his belt buckle.

"Oh god Bones, are you sure?" He whispered against her neck, as he tugged her slacks down.

"I was sure four years ago Booth." She groaned, finally getting his belt opened, her hands now on his zipper.

He kissed her thoroughly. "I guess we've got a lot of time to make up for." He picked her up and carried her down the hall to his room.

She stretched out beside him, running her eyes down his naked torso appreciatively.

He ran his hand over her hip. "You're beautiful. So beautiful. You should never wear clothes."

She laughed. "That would be highly unpractical if I were the only one to be naked."

"Hmm, yes. I'd have to shoot a lot more people wouldn't I." He muttered, his eyes glinting mischievously.

She ran her hand up his thigh.

He laughed and pulled her against him. "Ready for round two?"

"Say it again Booth."

"Say what?" He played dumb.

She pinched him.

"I love you Bones."

She pressed her lips to his and straddled him. "You were correct in your hypothesis. Making love is far superior to having plain old sex."

"I love it when you admit I'm right." He grinned, placing his hands on her hips.

She leaned forward, pressing her lips to his ear.

"I love you."

Angela was waiting in her office on Monday morning with two cups of coffee when Brennan walked in.


"Angela, good morning."


Brennan sat in her chair and turned her computer on, taking a sip of her coffee. "MM. Thanks Ange, I needed that."

"You ARE going to tell me why you weren't home all weekend, and why you look positively LOVED this morning. Don't try to weasel out of it." Angela warned with a determined smile.

Brennan shrugged. "I was at Booth's."

Angela leaned forward. " I know. And?????"

"And what?"


She grinned. "And it was a tie, but I definitely won. Several times."

Angela clapped her hands and giggled. "Excellent! Was he as good as I said he'd be?"

Brennan leaned forward, dying to tell her best friend at least this much.. "Better."

Angela let out a tiny squeal. "I'm so happy for you!"

There was a cough at the doorway. "Morning Angela."

Angela jumped up. "Booth! I must say, you look very relaxed today." She grinned at him knowingly.

"I am. Thank you." He smirked. " Bones, let's go. We've got a case." He smiled at her. "Bring Hodgins, he's gonna love this."

Brennan stood up, grabbing her coffee to take with her. "See you later Angela."

Angela smiled and waved, giving Booth a saucy wink. "I totally knew. I totally knew! Damn, I'm good."

Booth looked at her curiously as she headed for the door. "Knew what?"

Angela walked out. "That you'd be a magic man. I'll go tell Hodgins to grab your field kit Bren."

Booth rolled his eyes and held out his hand to Brennan. "Ready to get to work?"

"Of course. As long as we get to play later."

"Did you just make a joke?"

Brennan nodded. "A reference to a popular quote."

"It was funny."

"Thank you."