AN: Hola! So I was listening to 'With Arms Wide Open' by Creed and I got the idea for this fic, I'm not 100% sure where it's going but I have a good idea, so let me know what you think. I will give you candy. :D

Oh BTW everyone is human!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except my new sexy copy of NEW MOON 2 DISK!!!! Haha the only person here I own is Alexandria. She is my sexy love toy. Haha. Everything twilight belongs to the wonderful Stephanie Meyer, who probably lives like 2 miles from my house! Haha!

"I'm pregnant." she told me, tears forming in her deep brown eyes.

Leah Clearwater never cried.

"Your . . . . your pregnant? with a baby?" I ask stupidly.

"No, with a monkey, Yes a baby you idiot" she snapped at me, back to the old Leah we all know and hate.

"How? When?" came out of my mouth before I even knew what I was saying. Of course I remember how and when, so I have no idea why I ask.

"Oh don't tell me you were to drunk to remember." I had a feeling she was remembering it just as I was.


Tonight is the night, the bon fire. the council has one every other week to talk about what is happing on the Rez but all of the kids and teenagers just go to hang out and cut lose. There is always a huge party after down by the old cove. Lots of booze and loud music, always a good mix.

After getting dressed in jeans and an Old Navy shirt with the sleeves cut off, I went to meet my dad downstairs. He was on the council so he had to be there early to help set up. which translates to "Jacob has to do all the work" but I was cool with it. I mean one day I will be on the council and have people to do that for me too.

When we got to First Beach, we found that most of the stuff was already set up, after looking around I saw one of my favorite youngsters, Seth Clearwater. He was such a fun and hyper kid, he was only 14 but when your father is best friends with someone else's father, you tend to become friends too but that was not always the case.

Take Leah for example, She was Seth's older sister and I hated her. She was always a bitch to everyone. The only time she was even semi-nice was when she was drinking and that is only because she is too busy making out with everyone, male, female she doesn't care. I think kissing is as far as it ever went since she never left the post bon fire party with anyone.

Well not since Alex, but that turned into a big thing. Alex is short for Alexandria, she moved up here from Phoenix, To live with her grandparents when her mom and dad died. She was half and half, half Native and half well, white. So the fact that Leah had left with another girl, after making out with her all night was the talk of the Rez for months, until they finally came out and told everyone they were dating. They seemed happy, until 5 months ago they broke up. They were still good friends, so I guess it was a mutual thing, even now Alex was with Leah and Seth.

After I tell my dad that I was going to say hi, I walked over and rubbed a hand over Seth's head.

"What's up small fry? ladies? how you doin Alex? looking good." I said as I stood with the three

"What do u want Jake?" Alex ask rolling her eyes.

She was shorter than me by about three quarters a foot; she was only 5'3 to my 6'. looking at her I can see why Leah liked her. She had dark brown, almost black hair. Her Eyes, like burning emeralds, lips that just begged a man to try and kiss them. That was to say nothing about her body, she may have been small in height, but she was very well portioned. Too bad she was a lesbian. too damn bad.

"Well Alexandria, as always I want you, you know it. Everyman here does." I said laughing, already knowing what she would say. Same thing she always said when anyone ever talked about sex with a man.

"Eww penis…gross "She said as I had to chuckle at the way she said it.

"We all know Al, next time he talks about wanting you just kick him in the balls" Leah said from next to her.

"So black, where is your precious Bella? off with the Casper's?" Leah continued, Casper was what everyone here called any of the Cullen's, since they were so much paler then most white people.

"No idea," I said as I walked over to sit on a log by the drift wood fire that had been set to burn as everyone started to show up, little did I know that Leah was watching every move I made as I walked away.

Bella, my best friend and the woman I am in love with, where was she now? France? China? London? her boyfriend, Edward Cullen was very wealthy. He could take her anywhere she wanted to go and he did. Every time I invited her to do something, he would surprise her with a trip. I wished she was here but she wasn't, so I had to do what I always do. Suffer though this bon fire and then go the post party to get plastered.

After 3 hours of playing nice and having 'fun' the teenagers slowly started leaving. All the adults knew what went on after these things but they acted like they didn't.

As I made my way down to the other side of the beach I could already hear the familiar beat to 'I can tell you wanna fuck' by the 504 boys. As I turned the corner I was handed a glass, after taking a drink I discovered it was beer. Chugging it quickly, I walked over to the cave that was hidden in the wall of the cliff.

Grabbing a bottle of I have no idea what, I walked over and sat by the water drinking bottle that I soon found to be Vodka. I finished the bottle and somehow managed to stand up. I took two steps before I was being pulled away from the crowd of drunk teens and into a dark cave. As my capture let me go, I fell on my ass, and she turned on a lantern. When she turned around I saw that it was Leah, she was almost drunk, but I could tell she knew what she was doing, just as much as I could.

As she looked at me she got on her knees and got on top of me, I could see how hot she was. Long brown hair, brown eyes, plump lips. and a killer body. Having her on top of me made me get so hard that it was starting to get painful. So without any more hesitation, I ran my fingers into her hair and pulled her close to me.

As I kissed her, my hands found their way up to her breasts. Rubbing them through her shirt was not working for either of us. At the same time we both started taking off her shirt and once her bra and shirt were off, my mouth latched on to her nipple, making her moan. I moved my lips to her other nipple as she managed to roll us over so I was on top and she was taking my shirt off. Kissing down her belly, I got to the top of her jeans and unbuttoned them with my teeth. Once her pants were off; I started kissing her thighs, I could smell her excitement, it was so tempting.

"Jacob! stop teasing me!" she moaned getting somewhat angry with me. I happily stopped teasing and when on to pleasing, running my tongue up the lips of her pussy, as I slid my tongue inside her while my fingers on her most sensitive spots. After a moment I switched them, so that my though worked her clit and my long fingers slide inside of her. After licking and sucking on her center for a minute or so. My fingers found that magic G-spot and I fiercely rubbed it as she came hard right onto my waiting tongue.

"My turn. On your back Black" she said rolling me over and taking my pants off. Soon they were added to the pile of our clothes. She had my whole hard rod in her mouth and I was amazed.

"Mmmm 11 inches, who knew you were packing?" she said seductively before taking it again.

She was working her magic and I swear after two minutes of her mouth, I was almost exploding. Just as I was about to cum in her amazing mouth, she stopped but to my surprise she did something better. She got on top of me again and my cock slide easily into her still wet slit.

I rolled us over and started thrusting hard, kissing her neck and lips as she moaned loudly.
My hands moved down and ran over her clit and with that she was cumming soon. I felt her already tight inner walls clench around me as I started cumming in her. I collapsed beside her exhausted and she did something else I never expected, she curled up next to me with her head on my shoulder and hand on my heart.

"You tell anyone this and I will kill you. I don't really hate you as much as I let on Jake. In fact I like you. Don't let it go to your head though Black." She said as she fell asleep in my arms. After watching her somewhat shocked, I soon joined her thankfully, in a dreamless sleep.


"You mean, we, you and me, are going to be parents? to a baby?" I ask still dumbfounded.

"Ya that is what normally comes when you are pregnant" Leah told me, and did another thing that was not like her, she showed fear.

"I'm scared Jake." She said as she sat next to me and I looked at her. I just had to comfort her, so I put my arms around her and pulled her to my chest.

"I know Le, so am I." I said before it even register in my head and I kissed her head. In that single moment I felt something different for Leah and when Bella decided to show up.

AN #2: Sooooo ok be nice, This is my 1st twilight fic and my first Lemon. So click on the pretty green button that says 'submit review' and tell me what you think. Should I do the next chapping in Bella POV or Leah's? Let me know!!

A/N 3: like the spelling and grammer here???? thank my sexi awsome the best beta in world, Nikki0422. she is an AWSOME writter! go read her shuff! :D