Marly's Pov-

"Despite the lies that you're makin,
Your love is mine for the taking.
My love is ,just waiting
To turn your tears to roses…

I will be the one that's gonna hold you,
I will be the one that you run to.
My love is a burning, consuming fire

No, you'll never be alone!
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark."

Marluxia mouthed the word to his favorite song as it blasted into his ears from his light-pink earphones. He looked up at the slide show the photography teacher had put up on the projector: 'Students, today you will travel around the schools and take pictures of other students, locations in the school, and nature in the surrounding area. You will have the entire day to do this project, and your other teachers have been informed on the matter.'

Boring, boring, boring…Marluxia stood up and walked out of the classroom with his camera and paced up and down the school "Well, I could go into the garden club's ((which he was a captain of)) rose bushes and take some pictures of them…Or I could go around the school and scare the shit out of freshmen. Decisions, decisions…" He grinned manically and walked to the library.

Zexion's pov-

"Lexaeus! Are you even listening to me?!" Zexion glared angrily at his best friend, who was standing about two feet taller and was wearing a light brown t-shirt and faded black jeans. The brunette looked down at him "Oh, sorry Zex, didn't see you there…" Lexaeus laughed at the bluenette who was wearing a older Linkin park shirt and dark black jeans. "What were you saying?" Zexion gave him another glare "I was talking about the photography project! We need to do something for it…"

Lexaeus shrugged "We could…" He ran a hand through his hand quickly and then snapped his fingers "…Go take pictures of Axel and Roxas making out behind the school!"

Zexion sighed "We would most likely get failed for that Lexaeus…What about…Oh! The Asian Culture and Art departments are having students reconstruct old Chinese vase thingies…"

"…'Thingies?'" Lexaeus looked at the bluenette "since when do you use words like 'thingies?' But I suppose we could go take pictures of them…I bet Xaldin has already finished with a perfect replica..." Xaldin was the student-leader of the art department, he had a lot of experience in old Chinese artifacts, because that's where his family had immigrated from.

Zexion nodded at Lexaeus "Alright let go-"as he turned around, he ran into the chest of a pink haired man, and was knocked onto his ass "Oww…" He looked up to the man "Sorry…" as soon as he opened his eyes, there was a quick flash and a camera clicked, and the man was gone. "Umm…" Zexion looked up at Lexaeus "What just happened?"

Lexaeus shrugged and pulled Zexion back up onto his feet "I think you ran into Marluxia."

Zexion looked at Lexaeus again "Who?" The brunette sighed deeply "He's the captain of the gardening…squad I guess, he's in our photography class, remember?"

Zexion remembered seeing a blob of pink hair occasionally in their class "Yeah I guess… Lets go take a picture of Xaldin's vase"

Marly's pov-

Marluxia around the corner of a book case two rows down from where Lexaeus and Zexion had been standing 'Who was that guy? He's kind of cute…" as the two walked out of the library, Marluxia stared at the smaller ones' ass. He walked over to one of the 'Librarian Helpers', (A school program that has students work off their fines instead of paying them) Larxene, who was currently jamming a copy of 'War and Peace' into the bookcase. Larxene finally succeeded in sticking the book into the shelf, then turned to see Marluxia "Hey Marly! What's wrong?" Marluxia and Larxene had been friends since first grade, when she had beaten Marluxia up because he had said her hair looked like 'A cockroach that was dyed an ugly throw-up yellow color.'

"Did you see that blue haired kid who just walked out of here?"

"Was he short?"

"Did he have a big tough looking guy walking next to him?"


"Was he wearing a dark red 'Hybrid Theory' shirt?"

"Nope, never saw him." She laughed as Marluxia's hopeful expression disappeared and was replaced by a pout. "His name's Zexion I think, I have World History with him."

"So, Zexion's his name…It even sounds cute!" Marluxia squealed.

"*Cough* Flaming Queen *cough*" Marluxia glared at her and stomped out of the library.

Ok! Maru/Zeku fanfic:D!

It takes place in 'The Highschool that Never was!' *Dramatic Music!* . just kidding, the real name is yet to be decided…

There will be lots of pairings in this story! It's mainly told from the point of view of Marluxia and Zexion!

The song at the beginning was Whispers in The Dark By Skillet :D And it mentioned roses soooooo…. *shrug*

Sorry if you hate it!