History 101

SM owns all…. I swear if I did own though I'd share with all of you *winks*

A/N: to my fans I am sooooo sorry I have been neglecting this and this seems to be one of my well liked ones as well…

Chapter 3: Clubs are Sin filled

Isabella POV:

I was outside the club I was told to meet Alice and Edward at they said that they got us on the list to get in and I was getting tired of jut waiting for them so I walked to the door man and smiled at him
"Isabella swan" I semi shouted he opened the rope and all the other girls who were looking at me looked like they were going to shred me for just walking in. I dressed in the dress that Alice left on my bed I think. It was the shortest red dress that I think Alice owned because there was no way I owned something like this. The heels that I was wearing were a death trap waiting to happen the red heels that wrapped up my leg anyone would think were sexy I thought they were meant to kill me. I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink I grabbed my drink and sipped it heading to a table waiting for Alice and Edward I looked to the floor and wanted to dance I finally finished my drink and headed out to the dance floor to dance by myself I was into the beat when I felt arms around me I spun and saw the guy from class Michael I was disgusted so I moved to go back to the bar I finally got the bartenders attention and mouthed
"A Rum'n'Coke please" he looked at me and nodded and served me as I paid for my tab another person put there hand out with a twenty and said to the bartender
"I'll have what she's having" I looked to my side and saw the sexy Dr. Whitlock looking intently at me I felt my stomach for the first time tonight
"Hello" I blushed bright and I swore in my head to whatever god there was that Alice actually dressed me right for once.
"Isabella?" his words I could actually hear them dripping off his tongue I wanted to lavish in them but as soon as the bartender came back with our drinks I walked toward a table thinking he wouldn't follow I settled and as soon as I looked up there he was with two others males.

"May I introduce you Ms Swan to my buddies, Jacob Black and Emmett McCarty" I smiled and shook each man's hand. I was shocked he could shout loud over the music after about ten minutes of each of us just staring at one another I spot Alice and Edward making there way in I smiled and waved they came up to the table and Alice jaw dropped and mouthed to me 'is this him' I nodded smiling giving the men what looked like secret girl coding.

"Emmett, Dr. Whitlock, Jacob, these are my friends Alice and her boyfriend Edward" I made the rounds shouting. As soon as they shook hand and we ordered another round of drinks I made myself known that I was going to go dance to Alice, I don't think she cared her face was combined to Edward's and I think it was making everyone a little uncomfortable. I walked away from the table as the song that I knew came on swaying my hips I made my way onto the dance floor with everyone being in the masses letting the music take me over as the song came on remembering some of the lyrics mouthing them

There's a place downtown,
Where the freaks all come around.
It's a hole in the wall.
It's a dirty free for all.

When the dark
Of the night comes around.
That's the time,
That the animal comes alive.
Looking for
Something wild.

I felt someone holding on to my hips and I could feel there guidance and them pulling me back and swaying with me along to the music I feel free and not clumsy for once I let there hands slide up my body reacting strangely as the music progresses

And now we lookin' like pimps
In my gold Trans-Am.
Got a water bottle full of whiskey
In my handbag.
Got my drunk text on
I'll regret it in the mornin'
But tonight
I don't give a
I don't give a
I don't give a

There's a place downtown,
Where the freaks all come around.
It's a hole in the wall.
It's a dirty free for all.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.

There's a place I know
If you're looking for a show.
Where they go hardcore
And there's glitter on the floor

The songs still going and the arms move my hips twisting me to face the stranger and I gasp as im met face to face with my history professor, Dr. Whitlocks hands have been up and down my sides and i've been turned on by my own professor this is going to end bad or im going to end up in soo much trouble. My body continues to move under his hands grinding my body with the song along against his body letting his hands travel.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.

Lose your mind.
Lose it now.
Lose your clothes
In the crowd.
We're delirious.
Tear it down
'Til the sun comes back around.

N-now we're getting so smashed.
Knocking over trash cans.
Eurbody breakin' bottles
It's a filthy hot mess.
Gonna get faded
I'm not the designated
Driver so
I don't give a
I don't give a
I don't give a

I feel his hips against mine and something bulging I feel the drinks taking over my body I shouldn't have had three drink I think I'm going to end up regretting this happening to with drawl out of his classroom I don't want to leave his class he's a good professor I don't want this I close my eyes as the song progresses enjoy the last moments I have of this song with him

There's a place downtown,
Where the freaks all come around.
It's a hole in the wall.
It's a dirty free for all.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.

There's a place I know
If you're looking for a show.
Where they go hardcore
And there's glitter on the floor.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.

Oh, oh, oh!


Oh, Oh, Oh!


Right now! TAKE IT OFF!
Right now! TAKE IT OFF!
Right now! TAKE IT OFF!


I feel myself turn in his arms and instantly get brave swaying and dipping dangerously sliding up against him feeling his hands slide and hold on to me tight I feel my breath leaving me more. I want this song to last longer I know its ending soon

Right now! TAKE IT OFF!
Right now! TAKE IT OFF!


There's a place downtown,
Where the freaks all come around.
It's a hole in the wall.
It's a dirty free for all.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.

There's a place I know
If you're looking for a show.
Where they go hardcore
And there's glitter on the floor.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off

I feel his hands drop and I feel myself instantly needing air. I smiled and winked at him and walked toward the door looking at Alice and Bella at the table still lip locked and looking for Dr. Whitlock's buddies and they seemed to disappear or leave there buddy behind. I walked out the door to get air, I was flushed from that dance that I didn't know if I wanted to go home or if I wanted to go to a quiet place and get coffee and think of what I just did and how many shades of wrong that was.

I walk outside and following me like a lost sick puppy is Dr. Whitlock. I'm beyond speechless because I don't know if he's now stalking me or if he's just in need of air as I am.

"Dr. Whitlock ummm" I couldn't form any words after his words and he looked to me
"Ms. Swan please call me Jasper" I looked at him and I wished he wouldn't have said that to me I don't want to know his first name I don't wanna be on a first name basis with my teacher.
"Well, then please Ja..asper " I had stammered like a challenged person "call me Bella" I had smiled a bit I continued on "Where did your friends disappear to?"

"they have families and can't be out and they must have felt uncomfortable with your friends and there mighty intense love they have" Jasper had laughed and he had a sexy laugh the way it made his body move and I couldn't help but stare at his body.

"oh well yea, Alice and Edward have a very Infectious love life and it seems to make them miss there classes quite often" I smiled up to the professor I can't believe I'm outside a club talking to sex on a stick Dr. Whitlock, god if your there please let me be dreaming.

"I see is Miss Alice a student of mine Miss Bella" I can hear a bit of an accent but I can't quite define It. I frown and nod my head and look up he's laughing

"That's why you leave a seat open" he laughed. I nod.

Jasper's POV

I walked into the club that night with a straight head thinking I was going to get my mind off that infectious brunette that has been invading my mind all day and when I walk in and walk to the bar I'm immediately assaulted with this fine brunette that looks exactly like her ordering a drink and I figured ill start out the night right and buy this lady a drink I set the twenty down and say

"ill have what she's having" I grabbed the same drink when she turned around and there was the infectious brunette student I've been drying to get my mind off of
"Hello" she blushes and I can't help but enjoy that shade on her as well as admire the outfit that has been put on her body I know she doesn't dress her herself she must have a friend that picks out her clothes because something about the way she wears them makes her unsure of herself and besides her in heels seems wrong when she collapsed the other day I knew she wasn't the heels type of person. She walked away from the bar and I wanted to follow her and I did bringing Emmett and Jacob behind me they mouthed to me 'whose that' I mouthed back 'the student' there eyes widen and nod in approval and they walked with me toward her and she lifted her head and smiled.

" May I introduce you Ms Swan to my buddies, Jacob Black and Emmett McCarty" she shook there hands she was soo eloquent and she smiled and as her friends approached the table she smiled and I could tell the two girls exchanged something through mouthing out and nodding I assumed they were talking about one of us I didn't know
"Emmett, Dr. Whitlock, Jacob, these are my friends Alice and her boyfriend Edward" they nodded after ordering drinks Edward and Alice instantly locked into this intimate that connection so my friends whispered that they were going to leave soon I looked to the brunette Ms. Swan and saw that she had told her friend that she was gonna do something she finished her drink and went on to the dance floor. I followed, my friends patting my back I knew they wouldn't have a fun time waiting for me. The song started and I could see her enjoying herself I didn't know the words but apparently she did and I just followed her at first until the beat became infectious to my hands and they slid up and down her body as she swayed against me and I felt my body react I knew what we were doing was wrong but I was already two beers in and 4 from Emmett's house before we left to come here.

Her body was moving so seductively that I decided to turn her around I don't think she knew who she was dancing with I saw her gasp I wondered what was going through her mind but when she ground against me I knew she wasn't doing her normality when shes out dancing. She was into the music, into me I guess. It was instantly getting hotter when she spun and dipped and slid against my groin and I swore I knew I was going to hell and I had to have this dance finish fast I knew this was illegal she was my student I was her professor but tonight it didn't feel like that. It felt like a man out with his girlfriend. Woah buddy girlfriend I barely know this girl? I felt myself getting harder against her swaying I know she can feel it and I know shes probably thinking hard about this whole thing and when the song stops my arms drop and shes looking flushed and she leaves the dance floor. She walks toward the door. And out the door I feel my heart sink to my feet.

I followed her I don't know if I did it to get answers or because I was feeling dangerous and wanted to be near her more.

"Dr. Whitlock ummm" I heard her lips form my last name I wanted to hear her say it in another context maybe moaning it while im on top of her. I mentally slapped myself and smiled to her
"Ms. Swan please call me Jasper" looking into her brown eyes there full of promise and she looks so flustered I don't know what she's thinking but I want to know I want to know a lot more about her I want to ask her to come to my house to have a beer but I know that's Inappropriate
"Well, then please Ja..asper " she stammered with my name its so cute well adorable that she had problems calling me by my first name I know i'm her professor but I don't want to be formal with her not outside of a club that we just did the most informal dancing in "call me Bella" her words continued to form as she looked at me with the same intense stare "Where did your friends disappear to?" she questioned me.

"They have families and can't be out and they must have felt uncomfortable with your friends and there mighty intense love they have" I laughed thinking about her two friends I had just met and there intense love connection in front of my two closet friends I saw Ms Swan laugh as well.

"oh well yea, Alice and Edward have a very Infectious love life and it seems to make them miss there classes quite often" her friend misses classes I wonder if she's a student of mine? I ask

"I see is Miss Alice a student of mine Miss Bella?" I asked

"That's why you leave a seat open" I laughed and she nodded.

"Jasper, don't you have a family to go home too like your friends?" she asked me and I looked down at her I wanted to come closer to her and wrap my arms around.

"No Ms. Swan I don't" I looked into her eyes pulled her close and kissed her without thinking and what shocked me she returned the kiss and relaxed against me and while I was outside this club I realized I just entered uncharted territory with this one kiss my whole life is going to hell in a handbag and I could care less.

Isabella's POV

he kissed me .GOD. He can kiss damn i'm so going to hell i'm going to be in deep shit and I wanna keep kissing him I want to kiss him forever and ever. What am I going to do

"Ms Swan may I tempt you in night cap at my house?" his voice full of accent and all I could do was nod. I am going to hell i'm going to have to transfer universities. .GOD. His lips, while he's not looking at me I touch my lips and they tingle. I think I just left everything I ever knew back in that club. Sin is looking good and comes in the form of this beautifully sexy man who is taking me home with him.