Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. This is AU.

A/N: Okay main note, imagine Seireitei is like Hollywood…things will be explained in the chapters to come…chapter lengths will vary…

Headline: Another One Bites the Dust

Nanao Ise watched in dismay as the PA the company she worked for had sent to "watch" Shunsui Kyouraku only four days ago cursed at their boss…at their boss.

She had heard stories over the year she had worked there. Stories about how horrible it was dealing with the lazily handsome movie star.

They said he was lazy, demanding, unprofessional and impossible.

The tabloids were frequently reporting stories about his wild, booze filled nights and the string of girls he was always spotted with.

The Kyouraku family had produced six generations of stars, their talents and fields encompassing every area Seireitei had to offer.

It was rumored that the only people he ever listened to (when he chose to, that is) were his closest friend Jyuushiro Ukitake, and the renown director he worked with most, Genryuusai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

Nanao glanced down at the magazine beside her.

Another One Bites the Dust.

Shunsui Kyouraku's latest headline read.

The paparazzi had already caught wind of his loss of another PA. They claimed the affair had been brief but Kyouraku's obvious womanizing the cause of the end.


Nanao started at the sound of her boss's voice.

Shunsui sat and studied the young woman before him.

She couldn't have been in the business for more than a year at the most.

She was small and skinny and all business in her black pantsuit and glasses. But his experienced eye could see that with her raven hair released from its clasp, the glasses removed and some more feminine and flattering clothes, she would be a real beauty.

One side of his mouth quirked up.

This was going to get interesting.

She blushed as Jyuushiro greeted her with one of his smiles.

Very interesting...

A/N: review please, let me know what you thought…