ZukAang Week Drabbles - Day 7: Liquor

A/N: NOOOOOOOOO! ZUKAANG WEEK IS OVER! *Sobs* As you saw the last prompt is liquor and I have had a few ideas for this one. :) So tell me what you think of them in a review!

The first one is set in the series in the future, the second one is AU set in modern day and everyone is the same age-ish (Because I said so) and the third one is again set in the series in the future.

Thanks to my ONE reviewer *More sobs* Luner Hale! I love you! And yes, the last story was sad - very sad. I nearly made me cry! :'(


Aang was slumped against the wall of his room. The seventeen year old was completely wasted, yet he was still knocking back slugs of whiskey from the bottle clutched in his hand.

He didn't know when his problem started. He was sad and depressed and lonely, and when he had gone to a bar one night with his friends, someone had offered to buy him a drink. It made him forget. So he kept drinking. But as it continued, he needed more and more of the whiskey to forget. And even now, almost so drunk he couldn't lift the bottle to his lips, he couldn't forget.

Aang made a noise like an animal in pain, throwing the bottle across the room, the glass shattering into tiny fragments, the amber liquid falling to the floor.

He needed to forget. But he couldn't. It wasn't normal. It couldn't be. Besides, he was married and had a child on the way. Aang couldn't spoil that.

Aang himself was supposed to have a family by now, or if not, he should at least be married. But he wasn't. He had thought about it, but he couldn't do that to Katara. It just wasn't fair. He couldn't be with someone he didn't love. But he couldn't be with the one he did love. Because Zuko was almost a father. He was in love with the Fire Lord.

On reflection, Aang had realised why he drank the whiskey, and why he couldn't forget.

The liquid he downed was amber, the same colour as the Fire Lords eyes. He drank to get as close to Zuko as he could, but at the same time, he couldn't forget because of the amber liquor taunting him, almost saying 'You can't have what you want'.

No, Aang couldn't forget. But sometimes, just before he collapsed from having too much to drink, he thought that he didn't really want to forget.


Spin the Bottle

Four of the five teenagers were giggling madly as they stumbled into Aangs room. The five teens, friends for as long as they could remember, had got their finals results back, and all of them had passed. In celebration they had all gone into town and then they might have taken their celebrations a bit to far. Toph, the sensible one, hadn't drunk anything, knowing it would be up to her to get everyone home.

'Let's play Spin the Bottle!' Sokka said randomly.

The other drunk teens agreed while Toph just grunted, sitting down anyway. Katara put a mostly empty tequilla bottle in the middle of the circle of friends and span it.

There was a series of good natured laughing and drunken teasing as Toph had to kiss Sokka, Sokka had to kiss Zuko and Aang had to kiss Katara.

The bottle landed on Aang and Zuko blushed, him being picked a second ago. The group knew the two liked each other, but both of the boys refused to act on it.

'Hahaha, Aang, you know you and Zuko are the seventh pair!' Sokka giggled like a crazy person. The two boys looked at each other in confusion.

'SEVEN MINUTES HEAVEN!' Katara cried, shoving the boys into Aangs closet, shoving a chair under the door handle so they couldn't escape. 'You can come out in seven minutes!'

The two siblings collapsed on the floor in a laughing fit and even Toph had to smile.

In the small closet, Aang forced himself to sober up slightly as his body was forced so close to Zukos.

'I ... erm ... Well.'

A blush spread over both boys faces as they looked at each other in awkward silence.

'So ... Wha-' Aang started to say until he was cut off, a warm mouth pressing over his. His eyes fluttered shut and he hummed in his throat, wrapping his arms around Zukos neck, he knees almost buckling as Zuko pressed him against the wall, deepening the kiss.

Their tongues tangled and Aang moaned at the taste of Zuko. He tasted like burning wood and mint, with a slight taste of the alcohol they had been drinking earlier.

Aang smiled slightly against the lips pressed against his. This was going to be a fun seven minutes.


Dresses and Undressing

Zuko was almost the colour of a tomato as he finished pulling on his outfit. Challenging Aang to a drinking contest was not one of the better ideas he'd had while they'd been going out together. Who knew the younger man could hold his drink so well?

And of course, there was the matter of their bet.

Zuko had been the one who had suggested it, obviously expecting that he'd win. The bet was, the one who lost would have to dress up in womens clothing. And give the other a strip-tease.

Again, not one of his best ideas.

He tugged the bra straps that we digging into his shoulders. This, Zuko felt, was quite possibly the most humiliated he'd ever been in his life. Sighing, he pushed open the bathroom door, and into their shared bedroom. Aang was lying on the bed, bored. He glanced up as he saw Zuko enter and his mouth flopped open.

Zuko looked ... beautiful. The black skirt he was wearing hung low on his hips and showed off his long white legs. The shirt was a deep crimson red and hugged his figure perfectly - not to mention the black bra strap that had slipped down over his shoulder, highlighting the pale skin.

Zuko felt his cheeks flush even redder. 'What?'

'You look ... ' Words failed the young Avatar as he sat up and pulled Zuko against him, kissing him deeply, fingers dusting over Zukos exposed hips.

'I take it that you like the outfit then,' Zuko said, still blushing, but a lustful gleam had entered his eyes.

'I like you no matter what you wear,' Aang replied, grinning as he lay back on the bed, tugging Zuko down on top of him.

As they lay together later, the clothes of both boys scattered around the room, Zuko smiled slightly into his sleeping lovers neck. He might have to try and get Aang drunk more often, if this is what came of it.

A/N: No, sorry, no lemon. :'( I couldn't work it in properly without it seeming random. BUT now it is the holidays and I have 2 weeks off to work entirely on my multi-chapter fic. :D So yeah, leave me a review, and tell me what you think!

Don't forget to pay homage to the awesomness that is ZukAang at least twice a day! Any less isn't good for you!