Just kinda turning everyone gay, aren't I? XD The wonders of fantasy land.

Mrmikezabini227 - The animagus thing reminds me of the "perfect" mary sues when I first started RPing. You know, the ones that had color changing eyes, already knew all the magic, red hair, and was a flying unicorn/female deer animagus... No making him a werewolf is a part of my plot, sorry. I don't think I'll be using Terry Boot, either. I'm thinking Eric/Blaise, but I haven't decided completely yet. Do you like them? I could see Blaise with someone Asian.

Utena-Puchiko-nyu - Someone for Remus? Man, I already have so many couples! XD Remus/Alec? That's kinda pedo of him. I dunno if any of the ancients would want some simple werewolf. (Like any of my couples could really happen anyways...XD) If I pair Remus they won't get much attention.

Chapter Nine No You Girls

Harry slowly crept down the stairs of the basement, large breathing heard bellow. He had to be quick, the Order was due to arrive just at sun rise, and Harry had waited until just before so that Remus would be asleep. He stopped in front of the beast, trying not to wake him and raised a knife, cutting a small wound into his arm. He took a cotton swab and slowly raised Remus's lip, wiping it along the beast's teeth. He applied the saliva to the wound and flinched at the horrible burning that started instantly. He was infected. He dropped the lip carefully and quickly but quietly left the room before Remus woke up.


"I think I'm gunna be sick." Ron said, pulling his head under the pillow as he heard his name ring out bellow. Edward smiled, stroking his back gently.

"It's just your family..."

Dad's going to be pissed. The twins are going to make fun of me. My little sister will be so disappointed. Percy will think I'm a fag! Ron thought to himself, frowning. Edward sighed.

"Love, you are a fag. And so is your brother, Percy, for that matter. He's checking out Jacob right now." Edward informed and Ron raised his head in surprise.

"Fine." He sighed and stood out of bed, heading downstairs before his mother walked up there and caught him in bed with Edward. Edward followed him with a soft smile, looking at the Weasley's curiously. They all looked alike, and there was a ton of them, just as Ron had told him. Mrs. Weasley hugged him tightly and the family surrounded him, happy to see for themselves that he was safe. He looked up past the sea of red heads to see that Lucius was talking to a skinny blond woman stiffly, explaining to her what had become of Draco. He face became horrified, then pissed and she reared back, slapping him across the face.

"This is all your fault! You gave him your faggot genes!" She screamed and everyone turned to stare. She blushed in embarrassment and turned to storm out. Lucius sighed and shook his head. His dignity was just flying away these days.

"Well uhm..." Mr. Weasley said awkwardly, looking over at Edward. "Is this one of your vampire friends?"

"Oh, yeah." Ron said, breaking away from his mother. "This is Edward, everyone." He said, looking up at the vampire, who smiled at them. Percy was now thinking dirty things about him, while Mrs. Weasley had already guessed what he meant to Ron. "My boyfriend."

There was silence, then suddenly Mr. Weasley began to laugh awkwardly, though quickly shut up when no one else did.

"You're into gay vampires?" Bill asked.

"Well...you're into veela!" Ron retorted then turned and fled, red faced. Edward took in all their thoughts, feeling a tad over loaded as they wondered about him. He turned and followed Ron, sighing as the boy threw himself on his bed.

"They actually took it pretty well, Ron."

"'You're into gay vampires!'" Ron quoted and groaned and Edward laughed softly.

"That's hardly the worst thing they could say to you." Edward reminded.

"What are they thinking?"

"Uh...your mother is amused. Your father is shocked. Your little sister is pissed at the vampires are gay. The twins are plotting to use this against you somehow...Percy is jealous, It's really not that bad. I think they'll be pretty good with this, actually."


"Yeah." Edward smiled. He laid down on the bed and leaned in, catching Ron's lips and kissing him passionately. Ron returned the kiss with a sigh, wrapping his arms around him, melting into it. "Ron, you make it really hard to control myself, you know..."

"Well...that's not so bad. Why don't you take me somewhere and give in?" Ron purred and Edward considered it a moment.

"No, that wouldn't look good to your family. Tonight, love. I'll make you mine." He promised. "Carlisle believes I won't make the same mistake as Jasper, and I do, as well." Ron nodded with a slightly nervous smile and Edward leaned in to kiss him again.

"So this is your wizard?" Alice asked and Edward looked up with a smile.

"Yes, Alice. This is Ron, my lover." He told her. Ron raised his eye brows at the word lover, then smiled. Edward smiled back.

"How sweet."

"Ron?" Hermione called from the other side of the door, knocking. "Are you alright?"

"Yes 'Mione..." Ron got up and opened the door, letting her hug him.

"I'm so happy to see you!" She cried. She looked up at Edward and smirked slightly. "This is your boyfriend?"

"Yeah. This is Edward and his friend Alice. This is Hermione." He told the vampires the last part, and they all greeted each other. Edward turned his head to smirk at Alice's dirty thoughts about the girl. All it took was a pretty girl and Alice was always thinking dirty things. Edward had been her friend a long time, almost as long as she had been friends with Jasper.

"Well I have to get back downstairs."

"Yeah, I'm coming, too." Ron told his friend. He smiled up at Edward and accepted a kiss from him before taking off.

"Well...off to the house." Edward said, heading out the window with Alice.


"You slut." Jasper growled in Draco's ear, watching the blond twist his body around to kiss his jaw softly. He moved his hips quickly against Draco, moaning softly. "Fucking little whore."

"Mmhhhmm." Draco encouraged, far to gone to retort with any dirty talk of his own. "Jas..." He sighed, holding onto the arm wrapped around his waist, moaning in pleasure. Jasper groaned as he finished and laid back, letting Draco slid between his legs and push inside him, moving against him eagerly. He groaned a moment later and came then flopped down on his chest next to Jasper, grinning happily. Jasper was just leaning in for his turn when suddenly Draco wasn't himself anymore.

His mind went from the wonderful sex he had just had, however, to the wonderful food that awaited him bellow. He jerked to his feet and took off running, snarling at an equally far gone Neville, who raced with him down the stairs. The other vampires jumped in their way, trying to keep the meal for themselves! Draco shoved Jasper and Carlisle off and tackled the wonderful food, biting into the closest flesh and drinking hungrily. Neville joined him on a leg and he tried to kick him away, while the other vampires attempted to pry them both away.

When the body was drained Draco flopped back happy and content, full of wonderful sweet blood. He blinked as his head slowly cleared and he heard Neville whimpering. He looked at him, pressed to Emmett's chest, then looked down to see his dead mother laying on the ground. Draco's eyes widened and his scream of horror echoed across the mountains.

"Draco, shh." Jasper said softly, and he shoved him off.

"She's my mother!" Draco screamed and Jasper looked at him in surprised. "I just killed my mother!"

"You weren't alone!" Neville cried. "I'm so sorry, Draco!"

"She would have been just as dead without you, Neville." He shook his head, putting his hands over his face. "Oh God, oh God!"


"Jacob!" Embry cried out from outside, his voiced distressed. Jacob jerked where he stood next to Harry, meeting Hermione and ran off outside, the boy following him quickly. "Jacob the new vampires just killed a woman! A blond woman!" He cried and Harry gasped. Jacob snarled.

"You see!" He yelled at Harry angrily. "You kept holding me back, and look what happens?" He snarled. "This is all your fucking fault, Harry!" He suddenly became a wolf and tackled Harry to the ground, digging his claws in. Embry pulled him back quickly and Jacob jerked away, swiping him away. He turned and ran as Lucius hurried out to begin healing Harry's wounds, who slowly slipped into darkness.


"Paul you have to protect my Godson, please." Severus begged his lover, clinging to his shoulders. Paul frowned at him reluctantly, but nodded. When Severus looked at him with those onyx eyes, he couldn't say no.

"I'll do my very best, babe. For you." Paul leaned down to kiss him softly and Severus nodded. He knew that Narcissia hadn't been the nicest person in the world, but she had loved Draco. Draco was going to be very upset for a long time for killing her in such a horrible way. But still, the boy did not deserve to die. Narcissia was fully aware of how newborn vampires act. She was foolish to go there.

He hoped nothing happened to his Paul...but he didn't want to go help and end up Draco's next meal.


"There was one wound that scarred for some reason. And I am afraid it is a Mark." Lucius said softly to the adults, looking up at them. Severus frowned deeply and Remus gasped.

"A werewolf mark? Jacob is able to mark?"

"Perhaps he is. I do not know how else Harry could have gotten this."

"It looks more like a knife wound then a bite." Severus said, examining Harry's arm. "There's a full moon tonight. We will find out if he is marked. It is to late for the potion. We'll have to start setting up to cage him."

"Oh Harry." Remus sighed, hoping he wasn't a part of this somehow.

Harry opened his eyes and stood once the three walked out to start on his cage. He couldn't let them tie him up. He had to try and fix this mess before anyone died. What was Jacob thinking, going to war when Voldemort an the Volturi were on their way? This was so stupid. It was just that dumb bitch Narcissa that had gotten killed. He slipped out of the window and began to jog towards the Cullen's home, hoping he'd make it in time.

Nearly two hours later he arrived, glad the wizards hadn't caught up to him before he got there. He hadn't used any magic so they couldn't trace him easily. He felt sick and tired, probably from the werewolf infection, but he had to press on. He came up to the house and could tell it was empty, the door open and swaying. He headed around and heard a snarl.

Edward held Jacob against the back wall by his throat, Emmett started to help, but Embry jerked him back. It looked like it had just started. Draco and Neville were being protected by Paul, who snapped at Quil and Leah as they tried to get closer. The two growled at their traitor friend.

"Stop it!" Harry cried. Jacob looked up at the sound and Edward dropped him, shocked. He turned to look at Neville and Draco, who didn't react like he had expected, looking surprised, but not looking like enraged beasts. "Stop fighting!"

Jacob looked at the vampires as he changed to his human form, then at Harry, confused. "Harry? Why aren't they attacking?"

"I-I'm infected, Jacob. I'm a werewolf now. Lucius confirmed it after he healed my wounds..."

"Infected? By me?" He said, shocked. He had attacked his lover and infected him? He had thought their bite wasn't infectious!

Harry thought for a half second, then nodded. "I suppose so..."

"Oh God." Jacob cried. "I'm no better then these blood suckers!" He said. Edward looked down at him, deep in self pity, then up at Harry, knowing very well he was lying. But this fight was not good, with the approaching danger. He nodded just slight enough for the new werewolf to see. Harry moved forward and wrapped his arms around Jacob's neck.

"Jacob please stop this. Narcissia was a witch. She knew young vampires are dangerous and she chose to come here. It was a horrible accident. Please love, come home." The alpha nodded in defeat and Harry stood, leading his lover away. The rest of the pack followed their heads lowered in shame that their own leader had turned a human into a beast, just as the vampires did.

Edward looked around at his family and sighed slowly. "Well good practice for when the Volturi come..." He said weakly. He was grateful for Paul protecting Draco and Neville. He would have to thank him later. He had not expected the hot headed werewolf to help them. Jasper and Draco embraced as Neville stroked Emmett's face, making sure he was alright. Carlisle walked with the two female vampires back into the house, and Edward decided it was safe for now. He headed back to the wizards house, finding them all spreading out across the near by land, looking for Harry.

"Lucius." Edward called, coming up to the man in the woods. "Harry just arrived at our home and stopped the fight by telling Jacob he turned him into a werewolf." He explained quickly to the man.

"He said that?" Lucius asked in surprise. Maybe Harry wouldn't turn into a monster that night, then?

"Yes, but he was lying to protect us. I saw his memory of him walking into the basement and infecting a wound with Remus's spit." He explained and the blond frowned.

"Then we will have to let them know. If the wolves let him run free, he'll attack someone." Edward merely nodded. He didn't want them to informed, they could turn right back around and attack them again, and time was running out before Voldemort would arrive. Alice had said he will come first, followed shortly by the Volturi.

"I suggest you prepare everyone for Voldemort's arrival. I imagine you and Severus will be targeted first. Next to Harry, that is." He told him. "Carlisle, Alice, and I will all be here to protect everyone when he arrives. Paul as well, I am sure." He said. "Draco and Neville are going to be protected by Esme, Jasper, and Emmett. I doubt they'll be targeted unless our family is their objective. It's within our rights to turn a mate." He explained who Lucius nodded, over taken with information.

"Thank you, Edward. What a mess this has all become."

"Yes." Edward agreed. "I'm going to go spend time with Ron." He turned and went to get the red head, who was still looking for Harry. Edward informed him of what had happened and hugged Ron tightly to his chest. "Don't worry, my love." Edward said softly. "I'll be with you the whole time they attack. And should anything happen to you..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe. "This is full of vampire venom. I will push it into you to save your life." He explained and Ron scowled.

"That won't help with the killing curse, love." Ron told him. "Can I see it?" He took the needle from Edward carefully and looked at the venom inside. He had never seen vampire venom before, it was a very dangerous thing. The only thing separating him from the needle was the cap. He looked up at Edward's face. "I trust you, Edward."

"Don't worry. I will step in front of you for the killing curse. I have no heart to stop." He assured. "It stopped long ago." He stroked his cheek gently, the other going around his waist. Ron leaned up to kiss him, sliding the syringe into Edward's pocket.


Draco buried his face in Jasper's neck, sobbing dryly into him, as he could no longer shed tears. / He laid on top of Jasper on their couch. "Draco my love..." Jasper sighed, having no idea what to say to him. He didn't want to hear that his mother had been foolish, nor that he couldn't be expected to control himself. He simply had to get it out. He looked up as an eagle owl tapped on the window and knew it was Draco's. He reached out and opened it, letting Draco take the letter, smiling at how careful the boy was with his pet. Jasper had had to handle to nervous bird the first time, because Draco was scared to use his new vampire strength, but he was learning just how soft he had to be with living things. The bird flew off and Draco opened the letter. It was from his father, telling him that he certainly did not hate him, that Narcissia would not hate him, either. That everything would be fine.

Draco sighed and set the letter aside, shaking his head. "He says he still loved her. He was bisexual, just loved Carlisle once he saw him again." He told Jasper.

"He may have loved your mother, too. Emotions are not black and white, my love." He said, kissing his temple gently. "But I promise I'll only ever love you."

"Not that girl Alice, too?" He asked and Jasper let out a laugh.

"Alice is the biggest lesbian I've ever met. She could get straight girls into bed." He laughed and Draco snorted.

"Good to know. Shame though...she's kinda hot..."

"Shush that talk." Jasper scolded. "I hope I'll be able to keep you safe..."

"Well if they kill you, I'm going with you." Draco said. "I killed my mother, can't see my father...I'd rather be dead if I didn't even have you." He said and Jasper just sighed, stroking his hair back.

"Just relax, love. I'll try very hard not to leave you..."


"I'm so sorry, Harry..." Jacob looked at Harry with watery eyes, unbelieving of what he had done. Harry felt horrible for lying to someone who loved him so much, but everyone he loved would be dead if he kept this fighting up. "I attacked you like a monster!"

"Jacob, it will be alright. I know you were just upset." Harry said, wrapping his arms around him, leaning in to kiss his forehead softly. "I love you so much, Jacob."

"I love you, too. I just...I never wanted this. I never meant to blame you, or..."

"I know...you need some rest..."

"No rest tonight. You think you'll turn under the full moon?"

"Yes." Harry said right away. "You're right...Jacob I can't hurt anyone."

"I swear I won't let you. Come on, let's head to the woods so you don't go crazy on my dad or something." He said, standing up.


"Wow, someones happy." Paul grinned as Severus suddenly attacked him as he slipped into the man's room. He kissed his dark haired lover back passionately, holding him tightly.

"I want you, Paul. I want you before we might lose each other." He said, pulling him backwards towards the bed. "I-I want to take you."

Paul frowned at the words for a moment. "You want to dominate me?" He questioned. True, Severus was very tall for a human, making their height difference less off. But Paul was much stronger. It just seemed...weird to him.

"Yes? To much of a man to have your lover on top of you?" Severus asked and Paul quickly shook his head.

"No, love." He assured. He pulled off the shorts he wore, naked other wise and smirked as Severus blushed. "You sure you don't want me to...?"

"No." Severus shook his head and shyly pulled off his robes. Paul growled at him hungrily at the sight of Severus's body, smiling when the man came towards him at the encouragement. Severus laid down on top of him on the bed and reached for the drawer, drawing out lube. Paul laughed softly.

"I don't really need that. Maybe just a little on you."

"You're not invincible..."

"No...but my wounds heal immediately. I'd hardly notice." He assured. "Unless you really want to waste time on it for my muscles to just go right back into place..."

"Fine, fine." Severus agreed, slicking himself up a bit before awkwardly positioning himself, blushing more then he had in his whole life. Paul laid there relaxed as he gripped himself, guiding towards the other man's entrance. He missed and Paul sighed deeply.

"Enough of this." He grabbed Severus and flipped him over. Severus began to argue but he silenced him with a kiss. He slid up the other man's hips and pressed down, pushing Severus inside himself, who groaned loudly in pleasure. "Guess I'll just have to bottom from the top, with you so nervous." He grinned and Severus sighed.

"Please stop talking..." Severus groaned and Paul laughed.

"Oh, love you, too, babe." Paul began to move his hips a moment later, smiling as he bounced on his cock. "Mmm, you've got a pretty big dick for someone who has never used it." He grunted, shifting his hips to get hit at a better angle. Severus couldn't last long, built up tension and desire causing him to come moments later, growling out Paul's name. The werewolf grinned, kissing him softly then pulled away, his hips sliding up to Severus's face. "Finish me." He ordered, and watched in enjoyment as Severus wrapped those wonderful lips around him. He groaned, pumping his hips just slightly. Severus bobbed his head, gripping the werewolf's muscled thigh's. They tensed then a moment later Paul let out a loud yell as he finished.

"Damn...gotta remember how good you are at head..." Paul said, flopping back on the bed happily. He turned to look over at the other and smiled.

"We'll be okay, babe. I'll snatch that Godson and his lover up myself and take them to safety if I have to. We'll all live together as a family." He assured and Severus smiled slightly.

"Well be one misfit family."

"I like the Misfits."

"The who?"

"Them, too."


"Just go to sleep." Paul laughed, stroking his cheek.

Next chapter will still be this night, at least at first.