Summary: It's been months after Stryker almost tried to turn Rogue into a killer. Everything was supposed to be fine, no drama and no fighting. Until Rogue suddenly starts getting the urges to touch people, this need to suck them dry; to commit murder. Scared of hurting her friends she convinces Logan to take her to the one person that knows how it feels; Victor Creed.

Disclaimer: I do not own Victor, Rogue, or Logan. Because if I did, I'd do very naughty things to them… Logan and Victor I mean. xD

Pairing: Rogue/Logan for now.

Rated: M for language, violence, and sexual content

Bad Things

Chapter 2: Reunion of the Odd Kind


"Logan, please don't do this."

"You wanna' do it, Marie?"

"Well… no… but-"

"But nothin', now move over."


"Don't make me move ya' myself."

"If ya' don't… I'll make it worth yer while."

"Don't give me that look."

"What look?"

"That 'I'll fuck ya' good tonight if ya' do what I want' look."

"Is that a no, Logan?"

"Jesus Christ, Marie." He growls and brushes a hand through his hair giving me an aggravated look. I just smile, running my fingers over his chest and down to the buckle of his jeans, pulling myself flush against him. He looks down at me and I smile playfully, toying with the buttons of his jeans. Getting on my tippy-toes I'm able to nibble and kiss along his jaw, earning me another low and primal growl. He hasn't had sex in almost over a month now, I could totally break him.

"Please, Wolvie." I whisper, blowing across his ear.

A murmur of a curse falls from his lips before he breaks, grabbing my face and kissing me hard. I can't help but giggle in triumph and kiss him back, welcoming his tongue. I have finally driven him crazy and I knew I had to get us to a hotel room (or at least the truck) before he took me right here in a stupid bar. I'm about to lead him away when he suddenly rips away from me, glaring at me. Oops.

"Stop it." Damn it!


"No kid." KID! He called me kid! I feel like letting out a cartoonish tantrum yell and hit him but I don't. I have to remind myself that sometimes he doesn't even realize he's saying it; it's almost like a pet name. Yes a pet name… Aw how cute he has a pet name for me! "We need the money."

"Then can't we do somethin' else?" I don't want to watch him cage fight. Even if he can't get hurt it still makes me wince every time someone punches him. "Like… like…"

"Look, this is fail proof. Take all our money, bet it on me, I win, and we rake in our winnings." That was a great idea but… "Marie, I'll be fine, ya' know that." I know.

"Fine." He smiles and bends down to kiss me but I shake my head and pull me away, "Nu-uh, mister, I might be agreein' with ya' but I ain't happy 'bout it. So there, no sex for you." He gives me a hurt look but I stand my ground, crossing my arms over my chest.

He sighs, "Fine, whatever, be like that. Now if ya' will excuse me I'm getting' us money so you don't starve to death or freeze from the cold." Then he heads to the cage and I huff walking to the table where I can place my bet. Damn Wolverine, trying to make me feel guilty for not wanting him to fight. Geez.

Sighing I place our cash down, "All on The Wolverine." The man nods and takes the cash and I head to the bar, taking a seat on a stool. I swerve around to face the cage as the ref walks in to announce their current champion, "The Steel", and his newest opponent, "The Wolverine". Silly man had no idea what my Wolverine was going to do to him.

Sadly, Logan has to make it look real so he lets the guy get in a few hits. Wincing I realize I can't take watching the man I love getting beat up so I head outside into the crisp cold of Canadian air. I take a deep breath and lean against the brick wall, closing my eyes.

About a week ago Logan found Victor's scent and so far he's been able to follow it without any trouble. We thought the snow storms would wash away the smell but it hadn't. According to Logan it was because Victor's stench was even too horrid for Mother Nature to handle but I doubt that was the real reason. I never thought he smelled bad, but then again I never had Logan's sense of smell long enough to know.

I open my eyes just in time to watch a man drag a woman behind the bar. Gross. For a moment I remember all the disgusting truckers trying to hit on me and make me sleep with them for a ride. Before I realize what I'm doing I'm walking down the alley and towards the other two. I damn my X-Man as I come up behind and tap the fat drunkard on his shoulder. "Excuse me."

He turns around, assessing my size before grinning. Sure a five feet seven inches petite girl might not be too threatening, which is what makes him speak this next sentence, "What baby? Wanna' join?" I glance behind him to the girl against the brick wall. She was scared shitless, that was too obvious.

"Actually no, I want ya' to myself, sugah." I give a wink and force myself not to gag. Then, as he approaches, I pull off a glove and reach out to grab his face. I don't expect this drunken loser to be so strong, but apparently that ain't just fat under those clothes, because he pushes me up against the brick wall quick and easy. Fuck. He's got my arms poised where I can't touch him and my only other skin that is showing is my face, and I'm so not kissing him.

I curse trying to help the girl now, mostly when she decides to take this time to run out of the alley. Stupid- "Ya' smell good."

"Ya' don't." He laughs and nuzzles my neck through my scarf. Ew, ew, ew. How did I always get in these predicaments? Oh right, being stupid. I open my mouth to call Logan, knowing he'd hear me, but the man's hand covers my mouth. Oh and guess what? He's wearing gloves! Just my luck.

"Now, now I don't need ya' giving us up." Oh lord.

I suddenly feel his hand on the zipper of my jeans and I stiffen. Okay this isn't a joke anymore. Logan!!! I know I could get away if I release control to Rogue. Hell, she's begging for me to let her go so she can drain this bastard. But I can't. If I do I might not get control back. I needed Logan, or someone, to help me.

As if answering my prayers the man in suddenly ripped away from me and tossed to the ground. I smile into the darkness expecting to see Logan but instead I'm met with a blur of wild blonde hair before something warm hits my shirt. The familiar smell of iron enters the air and I tense. Logan wouldn't have killed the guy (probably) and Logan wasn't blonde.

Two moments later there isn't anymore sound of shuffling, only my heart beat and the huffs of someone breathing. I had better eyesight then a normal person but not well enough. "H-Hello?" Then I hear it, the familiar growl, as my savior runs from the alley. Wait!

Tripping over my feet I run out of the dark alley and into the glow of the street lights just as someone roars away on a motorcycle. No way. It couldn't be… could it?

My heart beating with excitement now, I run into the bar, forgetting about the blood splatter on my shirt. I don't notice the people staring at me either as I look for Logan. He's stepping down from the cage, counting his money. "Logan!" At the hurried, shrill sound of my voice his head snaps up. He must see the blood first because he suddenly pushing through the crowd, almost knocking people over to get to me.

He grabs my shoulders, checking me over, asking something about me being okay. "I-I'm fine- Logan! Logan!" I finally pull away when he won't answer and he looks at me.

"What? Why do ya' have blood on you?"

"Never mind that! We have to go-"I'm pulling him towards the door, and he's not fighting me until we're at the truck and I'm climbing in.

"What's wrong, Marie? Talk to me."

"V-Victor! Can you smell him, Logan? I think he was here!" I can hear the pure excitement and anxiety in my voice. Sniffing the air he frowns before looking around. So he can! Because he's taking so long I reach over and turn on the engine before grabbing his leather arm and urging him in. "We gotta' hurry Logan- He's just left- He went that way!" I point to the right of the road as he starts to pull out before stopping. What is he doing!

"Marie, where is that blood from?" Oh for God's sake.

"A man from the alley. He tried to rape me 'cause I tried to save a girl but someone saved me and killed him! I think it was Victor!" It had to be. That growl and the blonde hair. Sure it was longer and wilder then before but that could happen.

He blanches, "What- A guy tried to rape you?"

I sigh, "Logan, please, that is not the point! We gotta' find Victor before he gets away. He was on a motorcycle." I can tell my lover wants to ask more questions but he obeys, turning and speeding down the road. I stare out the windows, my heart beating wildly. If that was Victor then I was one step closer to possible control!



I just wanted some fucking alcohol. I thought I'd be safe too. After all, they left a long time ago, I shouldn't have to be worried about ever seeing them again unless I go to New York, and I have no reason to go there.

The moment I pulled into the parking lot of the bar I could smell them, my brother's stench and Rogue's smell. I had half a mind to pull out. I washed my hands of them, remember? I reached for the key to start up the bike when, damn my luck, Rogue stepped out of the bar. I cursed myself silently as I watched her, she not even noticing my presence. Something was different about her though, she smelt different… almost more animal like. But that wasn't possible.

Then some drunk human and a dumb frail stumbled by her and down the alley. I shouldn't have been surprised when she went after them. I didn't even realize I was following behind Rogue until I was at the entrance of the alley, shielded by darkness as I watched the girl attempt to save the frail human. And when it turned on her and the man grabbed her I almost laughed. Idiot, that's what happens when you try to help filthy humans.

The human frail ran by me and I grabbed her quickly, pulling her close. Her eyes widened in fear and I smiled, "Ya' are very heartless, child. She tries to save ya' and ya' run?" Her eyes widen in panic and she opens her mouth to speak but I don't let her, hitting her hard before dropping her beside some parked car. If an asshole looking for a lay finds her then he could have his fun, I don't really care.

Instead, I turn back just in time to see the man reach to unzip Rogue's jeans. I've had enough. Growling I stalk into the alley and rip him away from the girl before stabbing my fist through his body, crushing his chest as I gripped his heart, ripping it out him. Blood splatters and I drop the heart, turning to look at Rogue. Even though it hasn't been too long since I've seen her last she looked… so much different. She was trying to look at me through the darkness and I realize I can't stay here.

I just saved her. God dammit, why did she make me do shit like this? I did not save people, snarling I run from the alley, hearing her sweet voice behind me but ignoring it. Instead I jump on my bike and speed down the rode, dying to get away.

As an hour passes and I'm still riding I debate on just continuing on, until I know I'm safe, but safe from what, exactly? It's not like they'd come after me. James wouldn't want Rogue around me and as far as she knows I turned on her, remember? Unless… he told her… Nah, he knew better then that. Then, when my stomach growls I've made up my mind.

Couldn't go hungry.

I pull into the parking lot of some random diner and shut off my bike, just sitting there for a moment. Something in my gut was telling me to keep going but my stomach was louder. So I head inside, taking a seat at the bar. A pretty waitress, about mid thirties or so, comes up to me, donning a smile despite the slight fear on her. I know I look scary (more then usual anyway), but I don't really care. I also realize I have that man's blood on me but ignore it.

"Yer safe as long as I get my food." I mutter. Understanding the warning in my threat she nods pulling out her pad and pen.

"What can I get you?"

I glance at the menu, "The breakfast platter, with extra bacon and sausage, and coffee." They didn't serve beer so coffee would have to work. She nods and head off and I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath as I try to center myself. I needed to calm down. They weren't following me, and I wouldn't see them again. It was just a weird coincidence, yeah that's it. When I look back up she's setting down my coffee and I take a long gulp, uncaring of the scalding liquid burning my tongue.

A few minutes later my food is here and I scarf it down. I'm halfway through my pile of eggs when a sick scent enters my nose. No. Without even hesitating I drop my fork and jump from the bar, heading to my bike. I had to get out of here before they-


I see her before she jumps me, wrapping her arms around my neck in a tight hug. Shit. I growl, smelling her sweet scent before finding myself and pushing her back. She stumbles and almost hits the ground but Jimmy catches her. She gives me a hurt look but I ignore it.

"Leave me alone." I push past them and head to my bike but stop when I feel the touch of her gloved hand on my bicep.

"Victor- I know you helped me, thank you-"No, don't thank me. Don't fucking thank me. I rip away from her touch and mount my bike before starting it. I don't look at her hurt face or my brother's aggravated one as I move to drive away.

"I need yer help."

I stop. God dammit. Putting my foot down to balance the machine as I finally look at her, "I don't help anyone, now leave me alone."

"Ya' helped Logan save me." I glare at my brother who just shrugs casually, glancing at Rogue.

"Biggest mistake of my life." She just shakes her head and bravely gets in front of the bike, gripping the bars next to my hands. Fucking kid.

"I can't control myself anymore, Victor." She whispers. Her voice is strained with pain and I growl, glaring at her. "I-I want to kill people- I have this need to kill and I can't stand it." I smell and see the tears prick at her eyes and for some reason I don't think they're fake.

She has a need to kill… I frown looking at her closely before glancing at James, "A doctor at our school thinks it has to do with the procedure Stryker put her under." I look back at Rogue, "She's afraid she's turning into the killing machine Stryker tried so hard to create." Fuck, they're trying to make me guilty.

Well it won't work.

I would have already left if she wasn't in the way, "I need ya' to help me control it."She whispers.

"Hate to break it to ya', but I ain't the person to go to for 'control'."

Her hazel eyes lock with my amber ones and she swallows, "Yer my only hope."


Chapter Three Done! Yay~

Thanks to Comic-cake, jackmansgrrl, and addicted2fic for reviewing me! I don't know why I haven't been getting many reviews but whatever; at least some people love me! :3