Hey, it's BananaBabe903 and DisneyLover903 here to deliver you a great story! :) Naturally, I write one chap, she writes the next, I write the next and so forth. This is our joint account, so check out our REAL accounts as well!

This chap will be written by MOI! 'Tis actually a Prologue, but whatever, right? :) Please R&R!!!!!!!! And I know you Doctor Who fans tend to not review, but please do, because it is greatly appreciated even if it is just a "good job". :D

Disclaimer: I do not own anything you see below... except for the characters I made up but that's another back-story, Perry the Platypus!

Write on,

BananaBabe903 and DisneyLover903


Cold, thick snow made Jenny's blood freeze as she hurried along the icy planet. It was beautiful, actually, the soft blanket of snow dancing on the globes and tall structures—it quite reminded Jenny of a place she once knew… or a place she never knew—Gallifrey.

She crossed her arms over her chest and continued walking. The Ood had called her here—called her in a vision whilst she slept. They whispered her name and asked her to come, all of the Elders holding hands in a circle amongst each other… and her father… he was there as well… she saw laughter, such an evil laughter, and her father, unlike she had ever seen him before looked scared. Frightened. Chilled to the bone.

And I can see why, Jenny thought to herself as she spotted Ood Sigma, or at least, whom she thought to be Ood Sigma. He was chilled to the bone in this hell of an icecap. She waved, hoping it was Ood Sigma, for she could never tell one Ood apart from another. The Ood blinked once, which Jenny thought was a sign to tell her to follow him, because soon afterwards he began walking towards a dark tunnel. Jenny reluctantly followed.

They soon reached a small room, Ood Elders holding hands in a circle, candles illuminating the room… but even in the dim light, Jenny could tell that one thing was missing from her vision: the Doctor.

"Is the Doctor here?" she asked, cocking her head slightly as Ood Sigma led her into part of the circle. She grasped the slimy hands on either side of her and tried not to wince. On the weird factor in all things she had ever done, this was on top of the list.

"We are alone, dear Time Lord," Ood Sigma informed.

Jenny threw her head forward. "We?" she asked for confirmation. He blinked once in reply. Suddenly, the Ood started chanting and Jenny saw several images.

First she saw a blonde pretty girl in a white nightgown, outside on her balcony, staring at the stars. She sighed heavily and then took a sip of water. Next, there was another blonde haired (dirtier blonde) girl in her pajamas reading a textbook underneath her blanket with a flashlight—from what Jenny could tell it looked like a Math book. Then there was an African-English boy typing something up on his computer, pushing his glasses up on his nose. Next was a girl with brunette, frizzy hair that was sighing heavily and using her holographic keyboard and typing up what seemed to be a Facebook status. There was then two girls in one scene, one Asian and one Mexitalian (Jenny had learned the word from UrbanDictionary) chatting over White Chocolate Mochas at a thousand miles per hour. Another snippet was a brunette girl and a dark-haired boy, siblings probably, sitting in a dark cell in ragged clothing, an older lady (their mother) lying on the floor in the center, bleeding. After that scene was a very attractive guy with black hair making out with a girl with barely any clothes on, on his couch. The next scene was someone in a cat-suit spinning down from the ceiling on a rope attempting to steal a rare jewel.

The last scene was what made Jenny's two hearts stop. There was her father, lying on the floor, shattered glass surrounding him, people in magnificent gowns hovering above. He was bleeding, and his eyes were closed.

From what Jenny could tell, he was dead. She opened her eyes, pulling back from the rest of the Ood. "That's—that's my father," she whispered. "He's dead? He's going to die?" The Ood blinked at her, until one of the Elders (the one that looked the oldest) spoke in a haunting tone that Jenny would never forget.

"Time is falling apart

It's ripping at the threads

Only one man can save the universe

Or everything will be dead

All evil shall awaken

All good will disappear

And every mystery that was solved

Will now become unclear.

He will die at four knocks total

Only few can save his fate

Eleven children of Time themselves

Can purely save the day."

Jenny was bewildered and hypnotized at the same time by the haunting prophecy. "So, what I'm supposed to do is find the 'Children of Time', scattered throughout time and space to save my father in time?" her voice was shaky.

The Ood blinked once. Jenny huffed in frustration. "Can you reply without blinking?" cried Jenny. She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'm just, um, kind of overwhelmed right now." Her voice was on the edge of sounding hysterical.

"How am I supposed to find these children?" Jenny asked the Ood. Ood Sigma rose from the circle and handed her a telephone. It was already ringing.

"Hello?" the voice sang at the other end. It was airy and happy. Flirtatious, almost.

"Um, hi," Jenny said, quite unsure of what was going on. "Who is this?"

The voice on the other end chuckled. Definitely a male voice. "Isn't that what the person receiving the call is supposed to ask?" he teased.

Jenny laughed awkwardly. "I'm Jenny, uh…" her brain scrambled for a last name. "Jenny… Anomaly. What's yours?"

"Captain Jack," the man informed. "Captain Jack Harkness, pleasure to meet you."

There's the chap! :) Next chap will be written by the loverly DisneyLover903! :)

Love you all!
