Quick notes before I start. Someone mentioned to me that Phineas and Ferb are 10 and not 14 like I said last chapter well too bad I'm gonna say there 14 and besides it makes more sense to me that they are young teenagers. Thanks for all the review I have gotten to this point.


Phineas and Ferb knocked on the door of the Johnson house and Jeremy answered. "Oh hey you guys are Cadace's little brothers right? Phineas and Ferb? So what are you working on today?" he asked.

"Actually that's what were here about. Mind if we come inside to talk to you?" Phineas replied.

"Ok I'll help you if I can but you guys are gonna owe me one for this," Jeremy said showing the brothers inside and up to his room. "So what do you guys need my help with?"

"Well Jeremy it pretty simple I guess. In short Ferb here has a crush on this girl but we don't know the first thing about impressing girls, but I figure if any knows anything about that kinda stuff you do," Phineas explained.

"Oh ummm that's what you guys need advice on," Jeremy answered getting nervous.

"Ya and I mean there's no one girls like more then you Jeremy so you must be really good at impressing them," Phineas said. "And with your help Ferb will be on a date with Vanessa in no time."

"Listen Phineas I'd love to help you guys but the truth is I don't know the first thing about girls," Jeremy replied shamefully.

"What? But all the girls like you and Candace is even more obsessed with you than she is with busting us," Phineas exclaimed.

"Yeah I know but the truth is I don't really know why all those girls like me. I think its just cause I look good. Truth is I don't have a clue what they like about me. That why I'm always worried with Candace. I just have this feeling that one day I'll do something wrong and she'll stop liking me because of it. Listen I'd really like to help you guys but I'm just not sure how." Jeremy showed them to the exit and Phineas and Ferb both left disappointed.

"Well that was surprising, he always seems so confident in himself. Well I guess that kinda explains why he never actually asked Candace out even though she clearly likes him. I always wondered about that. Anyway is there anyone else we can ask about this kinda thing." Ferb just stared at him blankly. "I know how about we ask your dad for advice." Ferb glared at his step-brother. "Ok maybe not my best idea but what are we gonna do then?"

"Silly boys don't you know if anyone knows what girls want guys to do for them its girls," said a new voice appearing on the scene, it was Gretchen and all the other Fireside Girls.

"Oh hey Gretchen," Phineas said. "Say where's Isabella isn't she normally with you guys?"

"Oh that's not important right now. What is important is that you come with us back to our club house so we can begin planning."


Agent P burst through the wall into Doofenshmirtz's lair. "Ah Perry the Platypus what an unexpected surprise and by unexpected I mean unexpected," Doofenshmirtz said laying on his couch watching TV. "I mean seriously Perry the Platypus I just helped my ex-wife and daughter move I ache too much from lifting boxes to be evil today. Come back tomorrow and maybe I'll make a platypus destructinator or something." Perry made a confused face and just left feeling very odd.


Back across town at the Fireside Girls club house. "Ok Phineas, Ferb," Gretchen started. "The truth is there is no simple answer on how to win a girls heart. How to do it depends on the girl your trying to win. So Phineas first you have to tell us what girl you like."

"What? No, I'm not the one with a crush, Ferb is," Phineas explained. "Ferb tell them about her."

"Well ok," Ferb said pulling out a picture of her. "This is Vanessa Doofenshmirtz. She's really cute, really smart and really fun. And she just moved in next to Isabella."

Gretchen whispered sometime to one of the Fireside Girls and she scampered off. "Alright then," she said. "Come Phineas, Ferb, we will go meet Isabella at her place and from there we can begin some recon on the target to figure out how Ferb can impress her."


Isabella sat by the pool in her backyard sunbathing in her swimsuit. "Wow Isabella you look beautiful," Phineas said appearing next to her.

"Oh thanks Phineas," she replied blushing.

"Your so beautiful I don't wanna share you with anyone else." Phineas picked up Isabella and dove into the pool. Suddenly he was a merman and the pool was an ocean. "Let's run away together Isabella and be together forever and ever."

"Isabella wake up," came the voice of Gretchen. Quickly Isabella snapped out of it and saw Gretchen, Ferb and Phineas were now standing around her.

"Hey Isabella looked like you were having a nice dream hope we didn't ruin it for you," Phineas said.

"Ah yeah it was very nice," Isabella said blush although Phineas didn't seem to notice. "Gretchen," she whispered, "what's going on?"

"Isabella you did hear Phineas wrong this morning. They are trying to figure out how to impress a girl but because Ferb has a crush on your new neighbor not because Phineas likes you. Sorry chief," Gretchen whispered back.

Isabella sighed, "Yeah I should have known better but you can't blame me for hoping." Isabella looked back up at the two brothers and thought for a little. "So Ferb this girl you like is my new neighbor?" Ferb nodded. "Ok I got an idea then. I'll talk to my mom and see if we can have a pool party to welcome the neighbors while she is here we can get to know her better and figure out a way to impress her." Ferb smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"Sounds like a plan to me Isabella," Phineas said.


Vanessa lay on her bed in her new room. Heavy metal posters already covered the walls and black out paper stopped light from coming in the windows, on her dresser sat the little Mary McGuffen doll her father gave her and she later stole from a 5 year old. Dear god was she bored. If only Ferb had been around after all its not like she knew anyone else who lived around here. The phone rang and Vanessa ignored it eventually hearing her mom pick it up down stairs and talk to someone.

"Vanessa honey," her mom called up.

"Yeah mom what is it?" she answered.

"Find your swimsuit if you can, the neighbors are having a pool party next store and invited us to join them."

"Ok mom." Vanessa got up from her bed and began sifting through her cloths to find her swimsuit. At the very bottom of the pile she finally found her black string bikini. Quickly she changed into the skimpy suit, honestly Vanessa wondered if it was too small and showed off a little too much but it was the only one she had right now anyway so it didn't matter. Grabbing her towel Vanessa headed down the stairs and over to the next door neighbors pool. Getting past the gate Vanessa scanned the crowd searching. She saw a lot of people some she had never met, some she had met but didn't really know and finally one she knew. Standing off to the side of the pool in his green bathing suit was Ferb. Vanessa took a long look at her green haired friend, he was shorter then her still but taller then most his age, thin with a slight layer of muscle from working with heavy machinery and of course that cool green hair, her second favorite thing about him. "Hey Ferb," she said running up to greet him. Ferb turns to see her and his eyes widen. Ferb looks up and down Vanessa real quick clearly checking her out.

"Hey Vanessa," Ferb finally replies after getting over how she looked. And that was the thing she liked the most about Ferb his cool British accent she just thought it was so sexy, even if he was a few years younger.

"Hey Ferb, who's your new friend?" asked a red headed boy joining them with a Hispanic girl.

"This is Vanessa our new neighbor," Ferb explained. "We met a while back. Vanessa this is my step-brother Phineas and that's Isabella. This is her house."

"Its very nice to meet you Vanessa. Me and Phineas were gonna play a game of Marco Polo in the pool. Do you and Ferb wanna join us?" Isabella said.

"That's cool but I think I like to catch up with Ferb a little bit, but we will defiantly join you guys later." Phineas and Isabella headed off toward the pool together leaving Vanessa and Ferb alone. "Listen Ferb I gotta go to the bathroom real quick I'll be right back," Vanessa said. She hurried off leaving the British boy alone. Ferb quickly found a glass of water and splashed it on his fast only to have it evaporate. Dear god he had remembered her being hot but not this hot. And that bikini was so small on her it was amazing, it was like she was wearing strips of black duck tape. Ferb shuck his head and composed himself, he couldn't let his hormones control him especially not if he wanted anything serious or lasting with her.


Isabella silently watched Phineas as he stumped around trying to find her and the other kids. He was so very cute, there he was shirtless and sexy with the body she always dreamed he had under that shirt thin with light muscles. She hoped he had noticed her swimsuit and her body. She had a small pink bikini on that, according to her friends who helped her pick it out, showed off her cute butt and also her nice developing breasts. She would give anything to have Phineas notice her the way she did him. Suddenly Phineas was in front of her staring into her eyes. His hands were on her hips and he pulled her closer and closer until finally they kissed. The waves washed over them as the sun set over the ocean but their lips did not part.

"Ha I got you Isabella." Isabella was waken from her day dream to find Phineas had tagged her. "Now your it," Phineas said. Quick to hide her disappointment in how it was just a day dream Isabella closed her eyes and began counting.


That was chapter two I hope you liked it. I feel like I was getting a little sexual toward the end there but I don't think it was too much at least not yet. Tell me what you guys thing are you ok with me kinda sexualizing the romance or want it kept more PG. Please review and give me all your thoughts.