
The Undertaker (Mark Calaway)- Bitter and lonely since his divorce, afraid to love again and lashes out at the newest diva to the roster

Summer Hardy- Youngest of the Hardy family, excited and looking forward to her career in the WWF

Matt and Jeff Hardy- Looking out for their sister, helping her out with each step of the way

Dawn Marie- Doesn't like Summer at all, wants her to leave the WWF so does everything possible to get her to quit

Additional main characters- Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kane (Glen Jacobs) and Ashley

Additional Summary: When Summer Hardy enters the world of the WWF she's happy and very excited, her brothers are supportive and want her to succeed in every possible way. But along the road she encounters many problems with the WWF divas, they're not too fond of her wrestling style and hate how she becomes a fan favourite quickly. So to knock her down a few notches they start to cause trouble and spread vicious rumours about her, causing Summer to lose some valued friends along the way. Not to mention she encounters major problems with the Deadman himself, he quickly takes a dislike to Summer and starts causing her trouble wherever she goes. Rumours are getting more vicious and nobody believes Summer that they're not true, she loses a lot of friends along her road to fame... Will she quit or will she stay to make people see sense?

Authors Note: Hey guys and gals, I did post this story before but it didnt get the response i'd hoped for so i took it down. But i've written a few more chapters now so it should be able to get some response... Hopefully :)
It's a story with Undertaker in as always, but he's not exactly friendly in this story.. not sure how ya'll will take to this story but i will hope it is successful. I will try to keep this one updated more frequently as i've been writing it for weeks now and it's still fresh in my mind.

This story is when it was the WWF days, it was the best time and everybody could get away with more back then before it turned PG... bastards! The crowds were crazy and every kind of match was legal so it was much better and easier to write about, But there are still characters from the present WWE like Ashley, Jillian etc. :)

Anyway hope you will enjoy this little story, and thanks to everybody who is still reading The Most Unusual Duo, views are still high and it's still being favourited and put on alerts so thank youuu! :)

"This is it Summer you can do this" she said as she pulled her luggage out of the trunk of the car and set it down on the floor. She'd just arrived outside the arena getting ready to debut for the very first time on Smackdown. Summer Hardy had finally made it to the WWF after years of gruelling hard work and dedication to the company. 5 years worth of training had finally paid off and now here she stood at the age of 25 getting ready to start living the dream. The dream she'd had since she was 10 years old, to walk down that ramp into an arena with thousands of fans cheering and chanting her name.

Summer had met and had been trained by many wonderful people, but the ones that stood out were Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio and non other than her own brothers… Matt and Jeff Hardy. Never being one to gloat, Summer didn't tell many people she was related to them, yet she was never ashamed of that fact either. She loved both her brothers very much and they'd looked after her through all the bad times.

Since losing their mom at a young age, Summer had taken on a lot of responsibility in keeping the family together. Being the only female in their tiny fragile family she kept all 3 men under control and keeping the spirit alive. But always did as she was told whenever her father gave her a task to do. Matt and Jeff always did as they were told just like Summer did, only occasionally screwing up but they were always put back in their place by their father and his belt. Summer knew he didn't mean any harm as he loved all 3 of them, but he wanted them to turn out as respectable young adults, not failures. Being beaten didn't have any mental or physical scarring on Summer; she just learnt to appreciate the smaller things in life and never once got herself in trouble at school or during college.

Matt, Jeff and Summer had all made their father proud when they all took a big interest in wrestling and did everything in their power to become professional wrestlers themselves. Matt and Jeff being the older two, left home before Summer could, as she was only 15 and too young. So Matt and Jeff set out to live their dreams and start training properly and soon got themselves into minor wrestling companies and Indy federations who travelled across the US. That was when they got their big break and soon ended up signing contracts to head into the WWF.

Summer was proud of her two brothers and watched them on the TV every week noticing how popular they were becoming with the crowd. They got louder fan applause and more cheers than any other superstar and it was incredible. When it reached their 5th year in the company, the Hardy Boyz were the most popular duo to ever set foot in the WWF. And that's when they wanted to bring Summer into it.

She'd started training when she turned 18, just learning the basics. Matt and Jeff had built their own ring in the backyard and it became very popular with some of the lower rank superstars. They flew to Cameron North Carolina with Matt and Jeff during their days off to have a good laugh with friends. That's when Summer started meeting some familiar faces she watched on TV every week and soon trained with them. Learning how to bump and make a fist punch, how to pin, run the ropes and how to dodge. It was hard work and took a lot out of her body, but she was willing to continue to start learning all the high flying moves that her brothers did. They flew around the ring using moonsaults and hurricanranas and Summer definitely wanted to be a part of it.

So Matt and Jeff taught their little sister everything she wanted to know and soon found themselves looking at what they thought could be a new WWF diva. They both thought that Summer could be what the WWF was looking for in women's talent and soon found themselves talking to their boss Vince McMahon. He liked what they were talking about so he told Matt and Jeff to bring Summer along with them one time to show him what she's got.

With that being said Summer became excited to be a part of the WWF but was still in the training process back home. But word had gotten around and Summer found herself standing in front of Shawn Michaels one day.

"Are you looking for my brothers?"

"No sweetie I'm here for you, I've been appointed your new trainer"

"Matt's just down the cor-… wait, what?"

"I'm your trainer"

"Are you sure?"

"That's what I've been told, unless you've got a secret twin sister somewhere"

"Sorry it's just a bit shocking really, am I dreaming?"

"Not that I know of, unless you always dream about me"

"I think I'm dreaming, but I'm pinching myself and it's not working"

"That means we're in reality sweetie, so shall we get started?"

Summer always cringed when she remembered that memory, she sounded like a complete dork but she was just star struck, it's not everyday you get to meet one of your idols. But soon after that conversation, Summer calmed down and trained hard with Shawn, and he'd certainly given her a workout she'd never forget. It was constant moving around the ring, bumping techniques and exercises that strained muscles Summer thought could never be strained or bruised. But she was covered in bruises and cuts she was finding for weeks and never remembering how she got them all in the first place.

Training with Shawn had been a lot of fun; he'd given her plenty of tips and advice on how to make it in the business without screwing up. He'd also shown her a lot of the ground techniques in wrestling and how to wrestle your opponent on the ground. Whereas when Summer met Rey Mysterio he'd taught her everything he could about how to fly around the ring and be as flexible and quick paced as possible. It was incredible and Summer felt privileged to be training with such incredible wrestlers.

When all the training was over, Summer felt ready to meet Vince to give him a taste of what she had to offer to the women's division. It was lacking talent completely and Summer wanted to be the one to change it all and make it her own. Sunny, Sable and Chyna had paved the way and made it easier for women to get a kick during wrestling, but the divas of today were prancing around the ring in their underwear and not wrestling. It wasn't what the fans wanted to see, so Summer was going to change that.

And that's where today came into it; it was going to be her debut match in the ring. It wasn't going to be televised though; she was just going to wrestle a dark match to warm up the crowd. She didn't know who her opponent was going to be yet, all she knew was what she was going to meet Vince and plan her match in the ring with her opponent. So she strolled along the car park after locking her car up and headed towards the back entrance where the security guard was waiting.

Pulling out her pass she showed it to him and he smiled, "Ahh so you're Summer"

"Yep that's me" she replied with a warm smile.

"Your brothers have been going crazy inside, anxiously waiting for you to arrive"

"Well that sounds about right"

"I'll show you around if you like?"

"Yeah that would be nice thank you" the security guard smiled and then walked with Summer down the corridors to find the place where her two crazy brothers were staying.

"My name is Tom by the way," the security guard said to Summer who smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you"

"So is your name actually Summer or your ring name?"

"It's my real name, I haven't thought of a ring name yet" that caused Summer frown a little as she had forgotten to think about a name to use.

"I like Summer, you should use that"

"You think so?"

"Yeah I really do, unless you're gonna be another wannabe"

Summer snorted and said "Nope certainly not"

"Good, you should be called Summer as your ring name"

"I think you're right, using a ring name wouldn't feel right, I want to head into this business as Summer and I want to be known as the girl who is real"

Tom smiled at her comments and said "Well you make sure you stick to that goal Missy otherwise I'll come after you"

"Ooo I'm afraid" Summer smiled at his raised eyebrow but Tom soon smiled. Even though she'd just met him, it was like Summer had known Tom forever as they could talk like best friends. But Tom soon stopped outside of a dressing room and knocked on the door. He waited for a while before the door swung open to reveal both Matt and Jeff fighting to stand in the doorway to talk.

"I was here first" Matt said shoving Jeff to one side "Like hell you were" Jeff replied shoving Matt straight back. But they stopped when somebody cleared their throat; they looked up to see Summer standing there with her hands on her hips. "You two still behaving like children?"

"He started it" they both said together pointing at each other, Summer rolled her eyes and said "Yeah, yeah I believe ya" Jeff smiled and shoved Matt again, but before he could respond to it, Jeff came bounding out of the room and pulled his baby sister into a hug.

"Hey no fair" Matt said shoving his brother so he could hug Summer as well. "Guys kinda need oxygen here, unless you want to make me move with strings tonight I suggest you let go" they both let go so Summer could breathe again.

"Sorry about that" Matt said and then smiled.

"All is forgiven" Summer replied smiling.

"So was your flight ok?"

"It was alright, a bit uncomfortable as most flights are but I'm just happy I'm finally here"

"Was dad alright when he left you?"

"He got a bit emotional when I leaving the airport but I'm sure he's fine now"

"I think we should call him"

"I promised I would when I arrived, so he'll be thrilled to hear your voices again"

"We'll call him later sweetie, but first we need to go and see Vince"

Summer looked up at Matt and said "Now?"

"Yeah, you alright about that?"

"I'm alright, just nervous"


"Well what if he doesn't like me?"

"Sweetie he's bound to love you, what's not to like?"

"I don't know"

"Stop worrying sis you'll be fine" Jeff said putting his arm around her, Summer smiled and said, "I love you guys"

"We love you too but we better get moving, Vince isn't one to wait for people" with that being said, all 3 of them walked out of the locker room to head to Vince's office to find out Summer's future WWF career path.

Matt, Jeff and Summer made it to Vince's office and stood outside before knocking. "You ready?" Matt said to Summer who exhaled and said, "Yeah lets do this" Matt smiled and then knocked the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in!" Vince barked to them so Matt opened the door to head inside with the others.

"Ahh afternoon Matt, Jeff what can I do for you?"

"Well sir me and Jeff have brought somebody who you'd love to meet" Vince raised his eyebrow but then was made to smile widely when Matt and Jeff stepped aside to reveal their baby sister who looked frightened more than anything.

"So you must be Summer Hardy" Vince said leaning back in his chair smiling at the young beautiful woman in front of him. "Yes sir" Summer replied quietly suddenly going shy.

"No need to be scared of me kiddo I ain't gonna bite" Summer smiled a little at that but was still really nervous. "Take a seat and we'll start to discuss business" Summer did as she was told and sat in the middle of Matt and Jeff who were very protective of her. Vince could certainly see how close all 3 of them were and knew if something happened to Summer there would certainly be trouble.

"Well Summer I've certainly heard much about you from your brothers here"

"Nothing bad I hope" Vince laughed and said "Nope not one bad thing, all I've heard is wonderful things about you and your goal to revolutionise the women's division"

Summer shot Matt a small glare, embarrassed that he'd told Vince her goals. "That's nothing to be ashamed of Summer, I'm quite happy that you've got that goal in mind"

"You are?"

"Of course, even I can see how the women's division is a landslide and needs rebuilding and I think you've got the potential to do that, given time I think the fans will take to you and follow your every step" Summer smiled again, happy that Vince had taken a liking to her.

"Now we just need to find you a suitable opponent for tonight"

"What exactly is happening?"

"You're going to be wrestling in a dark match before the show airs live just to see what the crowd response is, I'll be watching from the top of the stage and if I like what I see then you're contract will be waiting for you when you come back to the gorilla" Summer shot Jeff a confused look about that and he smiled and said "It's just slang for backstage sis, when you stand behind the curtain to go onto the stage it's called the gorilla position" Summer nodded and turned back to Vince who was still smiling, "So what do you think? We got a deal?"

"Yeah of course, I couldn't turn down something like this"

"Matt tells me you've wrestled with the likes of Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio?"

"Err yes I have wrestled with them, they trained me and taught me everything I know"

"Have you worked with any other businesses?"

"I worked with Matt and Jeff at a couple of Indy federations but that was just to get the feel of the ring and the crowd"

"And how did the crowd take to you?"

"Quite well I'll admit, I just came out to wrestle, I didn't prance around the ring. Just got down to business"

"And what is your preferred style of wrestling?"

"I was taught ground wrestling by Shawn and high flying with Rey"

"And you're trained safely to do that?"

"Vince she can leap around the ring without getting hurt she's fine, when you watch her you'll be amazed" Jeff interrupted as he was getting annoyed with Vince's safety mumbo jumbo.

"I'm sorry to keep worrying about it Jeff but you know how much crap I'm getting off the board"

"What crap?" Summer said without realising and then covered her mouth. Vince smiled a little and said "We're getting a lot of shit from the board of directors, so many people have complained about the violence in our programming. Parents are going crazy saying that their kids shouldn't be subjected into watching violence"

"Then why do they let their kids watch it in the first place if they're just gonna copy the moves? We all watched it when we were younger and didn't go around the streets putting people in the figure four lock and hitting people with chairs"

Vince laughed and said "I know Summer but it's a big lawsuit and soon we could see some big changes in the WWF" Vince sighed at that, hating that his empire could change and possibly turn PG. He shuddered at that thought but said "We've just gotta keep going, get down and more dirty to try and shake this off. Anyway lets get you set up with your opponent for tonight"

"Who is that exactly?" Summer asked curiously. Vince looked at her and said "Well from what you've said, you wouldn't take too well wrestling against some of the divas as they can't even take a bump properly, so I was thinking maybe Jazz or Chyna"

Matt and Jeff had wide eyes at that and Jeff said "You're putting her against Chyna? No offence but she'd squash Summer"


"Sorry sis but she's huge, doesn't play too well with the other divas, she's the first ever diva to face the male superstars"

"Well put me with them then, I love the lucha libre and the cruiserweights"

"Sis you're going way over your head here"

"Actually that's not a bad idea"

"What?" all 3 of them said together looking at Vince like he'd grown another head.

"Vince you're not serious? Putting our sister out there with a male superstar"

"I am serious actually Matt, if she's got the talk, why not walk the walk?"

"That's just Summer exaggerating as usual" Matt said trying to laugh off the situation but in return got a glare off both Jeff and Summer.

"I'm not exaggerating Matt I think I can keep up with the guys"

"I know sis but I'm just worried"

"Well we wont know if we don't try, so lets find you some opponents" Vince said rubbing his hands together but this time Jeff said "Whoa slow down Vince, how about a tag match? That way Summer can be with a partner against another diva and a superstar"

"I like that idea, but what other diva would want to be put in a lucha libre match? It wouldn't suit them"

"Plus they're not trained" Summer said adding to the conversation.

"Exactly, so who could you find?"

"Well how about Summer is paired with Rey Mysterio against kai en tai? That way they're all lightweights and can easily warm up the crowd with the quick pace" Summer smiled at that but looked at her brothers, Jeff looked happy but Matt looked worried.

"Matt I'll be alright, I know you love me and are very protective but I want and need this breakthrough to be successful" Matt eventually smiled at her words and held her hand. "I know sweetie, alright I give in. Lets make this match official" Summer smiled widely at that and then looked back at Vince who again was smiling widely.

"Alright we got ourselves a match," He said rubbing his hands together again, happy that another great plan was coming together.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Matt said for the hundredth time to Summer as she was stretching her legs. "Matt I swear if you ask me that one more time" Summer replied as she got up off the floor to start doing squats.

"Sorry sweetie you know I'm worried" Matt replied as he watched her warming up.

Jeff was also standing by and said, "Don't worry sis I've got some duck tape in my locker and I know how to use it" he looked at Matt whilst saying that and then smiled at Summer's grin. "Now that I'd love to be apart of"

"You come anywhere near me with that duck tape" Matt said threateningly as he narrowed his eyes.

"You'll what? Give us a wedgie and steal our dinner money?" Jeff said and snorted at Matt's moody expression. "Lighten up bro and roll with the punches, our little sis here is gonna be huge" Matt had to smile at that, but turned his attention to the voice he heard down the corridor.

"Hey lil girl you ready?" it was Rey Mysterio, dressed in his ring gear ready to go. He'd spent the day with Summer, practising the match until it was near perfection. Kai en tai fell in love with Summer and were soon falling over their own feet with nerves whenever they practised a move, afraid that they'd hurt her. But she'd reassured them for the millionth time that she'd be safe but they still worried. Eventually though, the match was planned and they were all pretty excited to share it with the fans.

"Ready as I'll ever be Rey" Summer replied as she stopped doing squats to stand to her full height. She was just a few inches taller than Rey but they didn't care, they were happy to be paired up. Rey smiled and said "You nervous?"

"Just a little bit"

"We'll be fine lil girl don't worry" Summer smiled but then turned her attention to a group of guys who were heading towards her. When they'd finished practising the match, Summer had to do the traditional WWF thing and introduce herself to everybody in the business: wrestlers, divas, writers, managers, stage crew, sound crew, ring crew everybody who did something she had to go and introduce herself. It was quite exhausting and she didn't get round to meeting everybody.

Although she'd met quite a few people she was still struggling to remember everybody's real names as well as their ring names. But the group who were heading over to her now she recognised some members but the one that stuck out was Shawn. "Hey sweetie, we've just come to wish you good luck," Shawn said standing next to Summer and then pulling her into a hug.

"Thanks Shawn"

"Not a problem sweetie, you nervous?"

"Yeah a little bit"

"Don't worry, that'll go soon and it'll all be adrenaline like you've never known it"

"You reckon?"

"Oh I know it will sweetie, everybody feels it" Summer smiled a little but then somebody cleared their throat and everybody turned to see Vince standing there looking at them. "Boss" some of them said and he smiled in return.

"Shouldn't you all be prepping for your matches?" he asked them all as he noticed that Summer had attracted quite a big crowd from the roster. "Yes boss" some of them said and walked off after giving Summer some words of encouragement.

"They weren't bothering you were they?" Vince asked going over to where Matt, Jeff, Shawn, Rey and Summer were standing.

"Nope they were being really friendly"

"Ahh I see you've stuck to traditions then?"

"Yup as promised"

"So you've met everybody?"

"I've got halfway, there's such a lot of people it's exhausting walking around every inch of the building to meet everyone" Vince smiled and said "So you've introduced yourself to every wrestler and diva?"

"Not exactly" Summer said twiddling her thumbs out of nerves. "What do you mean not exactly?" Vince asked confused as he noticed her nervousness. But she cleared her throat and said "I'm kinda scared to introduce myself to Kane, the Undertaker, and Triple H"

Vince laughed and said "Those dopey clowns aren't to be afraid of, sure they look menacing but they're gentle giants really, especially Hunter, he wouldn't hurt you. He'd just give you words of encouragement. But Mark and Glen might be a little harder to crack"

"How come?"

"Well Glen will be happy to talk to you as he'll respect you've come to introduce yourself but Mark…" Vince trailed off which nerved Summer even more.

"And Mark…" she said back to him trying to encourage him to talk.

"Mark is the toughest person to crack; he's all about respect so tread carefully around him. He's technically the leader of both the women's and men's locker rooms. Any problems then you see to him. But I don't want to rain on your parade with this stuff now, just promise me you will attempt to go and speak to them"

Summer smiled a weak smile and almost squeaked out "I promise"

"Good, now go and focus for your match with Rey over there, I'll be out shortly to watch" Summer nodded and then turned to head over to Rey slightly baffled by Vince's words. She had watched and admired the Undertaker's career since she was little but never once thought she'd meet him in person. And now she had to go and introduce herself to him, it wasn't something she had against him, but his size and height surely threw her off a little as he could tower over her.

Plus he didn't walk around with a smile on his face, from the stories she'd heard he sometimes shouted at people and always got his way. That was something she wasn't going to approve of but she had no choice in the matter, she had to go and say hello otherwise he'd think she was some snobby little stuck up bitch who thought everything of herself.

"Eugh stupid Vince" she muttered as she walked over to Rey who was stretching by the tunnel to head to the gorilla position. "What's up lil girl?" Rey asked hearing her mumbling.


"Then what was with calling Vince stupid? I know we all say stuff but you've known him for a few hours and you're already calling him names"

Summer smiled but then said "He was just querying me about the whole introducing myself to everyone thing"

"I remember that, WWF tradition"

"Yeah well he asked me if I introduced myself to everybody and I said I hadn't said anything yet to Taker, Kane and Hunter"

"Ahh the big dogs, don't worry lil girl they wont hurt you, they're friendly"

"I know that but being a lil dot like me is kinda worrying, plus I've heard Taker shouts a lot"

"Yeah he does that a lot but only when you piss him off, other than that he's as friendly as everybody else. Always giving out advice and tips"

"I'm just worried is all, I'm not keen on getting my head bitten off if I say something wrong, when's the best time to catch him?"

"I'd say after his match, he's showered, clean and getting ready to relax with a couple of days off. So go and say something after the show"

Summer nodded but then listened when Rey said "Anyway we need to focus lil girl we're up now"

"Okay lets do this" she turned to Matt, Jeff and Shawn and said, "I'll be back soon"

"Good luck sweetie you'll be great" Shawn shouted as they walked through the tunnel up to the gorilla. "You guys ready?" one of the producers said to them both and smiled when they nodded.

"Yep lets go" Tai en Kai's music died down and then Rey's started. The crowd was cheering loudly and Summer could feel the adrenaline building. "Wow Shawn was right," She said to Rey who smiled and said, "Lets go, follow my lead!" then they burst out from behind the curtain to a huge applause. Some fans were confused as to who Summer was but she didn't mind, she was just amazed to be out in the arena with this many fans.

"And introducing their opponents, Rey Mysterio and Summer!" Tony Chimel said down the microphone making the crowds cheer even louder. Some were whistling at Summers outfit, which consisted of a pair of navy baggy pants and a pink t-shirt and her black and red trainers. It was an outfit she knew would make her stand out from the other divas and hopefully get noticed, and so far it was working. She walked down the ramp with Rey and slid under the ropes and saluted the crowds, who happily saluted her back and took thousands of photos.

But when the music died down, the lights dimmed to block the crowd out and the screen went blank to indicate it was a dark match. The cameras weren't rolling so nobody in the back could watch, but as planned Vince stood on the top of the stage going unnoticed by the fans.

Summer remained focused though and was going to start with match with Funaki who looked wary but knew he had to continue. They started out in an elbow tie up but Funaki took Summer down to the mat but she wriggled out and got him in an arm bar, but he reversed it to a headlock, which slowed Summer down, but she didn't quit.

She fought him off and then he pushed her into the ropes, where she bounced off and jumped over him when he crouched down but then quickly turned around and kicked him in the head. He went down for a while and the crowd cheered loudly for Summer who ran a hand through her hair and smirked as Funaki got back up. They quickly got into another elbow tie up but Summer managed to take down Funaki into another headlock but he got to his feet and took Summer down with a headlock. But she wrestled out of that and managed to take him down with a deep arm drag.

Funaki looked at Summer as he held his arm but then stood back up and held out his hand for her to shake. She did just that and then carried on with the match with the fans cheering and applauding for their respect. They wrestled on the ground for a few more minutes using different judo moves on each other and submission moves before getting to their feet. Funaki made Summer run the ropes and caught her quickly for the spinning head scissor take down. Summer span around so fast she made herself really dizzy as well as Funaki. But she got back up and clotheslined Funaki until he couldn't stand anymore and quickly rolled over to his tag team partner to get the tag. So Summer did the same and tagged in Rey who received many cheers of approval.

Summer stood on the outside apron holding the ropes watching the match with real interest. Rey flew around the ring with Taka with high-flying moves, both monkey flipping each other and using the ropes to gain more momentum. The crowd were going completely crazy and Summer could hear some fans chanting and calling her name. She tried to fight the smile off of her face as she had to come back into the ring to finish the match with Rey.

So she climbed up to the top term buckle and crouched down waiting for both Funaki and Taka to turn around, they did just that and so Summer jumped and flipped in mid air and then came crashing down on Tai en Kai. The crowd went crazy at that and started cheering louder when Rey jumped from the top rope with a frog splash for the pin one two three!

Rey's music started and he held up his and Summer's hand in victory as the crowds took thousands of photos of them. "How'd you feel lil girl?" Rey asked over the applause and Summer smiled and said "Amazing!" Rey laughed as he pulled her into a hug before exiting the ring to go backstage. Their duties had be fulfilled, the crowd was ready and raring to go for Raw to go live on air in a few minutes time and Summer's debut was successful.

Summer and Rey walked back into the gorilla with a round of applause by a big group of people waiting for them. Vince was amongst them with a big smile on his face, Summer's contract in his hands. "Ready to sign your life away?" Jeff asked his little sister as he led her over to Vince.

"Nooo don't do it, he'll own your soul forever!" Shawn said pretending to shake and act frightened.

"Yeah don't do it Summer, he'll chain you up in his office"

"And then whip you, he's got a big collection now" all the guys were laughing at that and Summer couldn't help but grin as she stood in front of Vince and took the pen that was in his outstretched hand.

Summer signed on the dotted line and felt her whole life change in that moment… she was now an official WWF diva.

"Welcome to the WWF Summer, you're in for one helluva ride kiddo"