Author's Note: Okay, here's the next part to the mini story 'There's A Ghost In The House'. You might have noticed this in the last chapter, but this mini story does have pairings. They are: Slight Kisame/Konan/Pain, and mainly Deidara/Kokoro/Tobi. But there's other pairings soon to come. Like mentioned Itachi/Sakura. And hears a warning for this part of this mini story: There's slight violence. But I wouldn't be 'Naruto' if there wasn't a little violence, right?


Naruto: The Crazy Chronicles:

There's A Ghost In The House, Chapter Two...


In The Corridors Of The Akatsuki Hideout...

Deidara, Tobi, and Kokoro were running through the very long corridors as the ghost seemingly followed them.

"Wait, why are we running away from a ghost, Deidara? We're S ranked criminals!" Kokoro asked as she ran right next to Deidara.

Deidara scowled at the girl and then continued running.

"Hey! Now's not the time for arguing Deidara Senpai, and Kokoro!" Tobi said as he ran.

Kokoro's anger completely faded away and she smiled and giggled.

"Oh Tobi, your so right!" Kokoro said.

Deidara scowled and gagged at that.

"(Tch...she makes me sick! Ugh...I like her so much, I can't stand it!)" Deidara thought.

It seemed that the ghost had stopped following them, and the three worn out ninja stopped running and leaned against one of the walls trying to catch their breath.

"...Did...did" Deidara asked as he started panting.

Kokoro took deep breaths and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I...I....think we...we lost...lost it." Kokoro replied.

Tobi was now shaking like a leaf while tapping Deidara's shoulder.

"D-D-D-Deidara...S-S-S-Senpai?" Tobi asked nervously as he glanced over behind them.

Deidara scowled and turned around.

"What are you..." Deidara said but trailed off when he saw a misty-like aura literally go through the walls and form the outline of a person.

Kokoro's eyes widened, Deidara nearly passed out, and Tobi started screaming in horror.

"IT'S BACK! TOBI'S SCARED!" Tobi screamed.

Kokoro then clenched her hands into fists.

Deidara was now frozen in horror again as the aura had fully made the outline of a person. But it was too rough looking to tell who the person is.

"That's it! Looks like I'll have to do something..." Kokoro said as she took a step closer to the ghost.

Deidara looked shocked and then he ran over to Kokoro and grabbed her shoulder.

"Wait, Kokoro! Don't do anything stupid. I...I don't want you to get hurt by that...thing!" Deidara said.

Kokoro sighed and turned around to face him.

"Deidara, why do you care about if I'm hurt or not?" Kokoro asked obliviously.

Then Tobi ran over and entered the scene.

"Yeah Senpai, why do you?" Tobi asked.

Deidara thought for a minute.

He did have a chance of telling Kokoro how he felt at that point. But then there was Tobi in the middle, and Tobi would surely spread the word of how Deidara likes her. Deidara probably wouldn't even be able to face the other members and Kokoro if they found out.

The ghostly aura continued to grow and the outline of the person got brighter.

"Uh...because..we're partners. And I don't want you to get hurt, I care about you..." Deidara said while fighting back a blush that was returning on his face ten fold.

Kokoro crossed her arms and rose an eyebrow.

Deidara then thought again for a good way to cover up what he just pointed out when he said that.

"It''s not how it sounds! What I mean is know..." Deidara said as the blush only got redder and completely noticeable.

Tobi then spoke up.

"Deidara Senpai! Tobi notices your face is all red, are you sick?" Tobi asked.

Deidara scowled at the masked man.

"S-Shut up, Tobi! I'm just tired from all this running!" Deidara snapped. But he was lying with the last part.

Kokoro simply hated it when Deidara would snap at Tobi, she then scowled and turned Deidara's head to face the ghost; which would cause him to stare in horror and not be able to move.

"Listen you two, let me handle this!" Kokoro said.

Deidara and Tobi knew what was about to happen next, so they took a few steps back.

Kokoro then pressed her fingers together and mumbled some stuff.

"Ninja Art: LIGHTNING STORM JUTSU!" Kokoro shouted.

Suddenly her hair started sparking with electricity, and it traveled down to her fists.

"TAKE THIS, YOU GHOST!" Kokoro shouted.

Kokoro then charged at the ghost with her hair sparking with electricity, and her fists roaring with chakra in the form of yellow lightning bolts.

"Wow, Kokoro's tough!" Tobi commented as he clapped his hands together.

Deidara smirked.

"(She sure is...Kokoro's tough AND beautiful, that's a pretty mean combination!)" Deidara thought as a small blush dusted over his cheeks.

Deidara then frowned and suspiciously glanced over at Tobi.

"(It's obvious that she likes Tobi though. Yeah...that's very obvious. Tobi aware of that?)" Deidara thought.

Meanwhile Kokoro then punched the ghost, but the ghost's hand grabbed her and threw her to the side, and she crashed into the wall.

Deidara and Tobi gasped.

"Kokoro!" Deidara shouted.

Deidara then scowled and glared evilly at the ghost with a angry aura surrounding him.

"You will pay for that..." Deidara said as he reached into his bag for some clay.

Tobi then turned to look at Deidara.

"Senpai, what are you going to do?" Tobi asked. "Can Tobi be of help?" Tobi added.

Deidara's hand mouths started chewing clay.

"Tobi, be a good boy and don't get in my way!" Deidara ordered.

Tobi nodded and stepped back.

"R-Right...Deidara Senpai...(I want to help him...but there's nothing much I can do. I could always use my sharingan.! I can't let him know my true identity! Not yet...)" Tobi said and thought.

Deidara's hand mouths finished chewing the clay and it turned into several clay birds.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The ghost wailed really loud as if it knew what Deidara was going to do.

Deidara then scowled at the ghost.

"You can wail, you can chase me, and you can bully the other Akatsuki members. But, when you mess with Kokoro, that's when I'll KILL you...WITH AN EXPLOSION!" Deidara shouted as the birds flew over to the ghost.


Meanwhile In The Hideout's Main Bathroom...

Kisame was banging his head against the bathroom door, and Konan was leaning against the counter with her arms crossed.

"Will you stop? Your annoying me, Kisame." Konan said.

Kisame then stopped banging his head and turned to face the blue haired woman.

"There, happy now? I'm not! We've been in here for over an hour!" Kisame complained.

Konan rolled her eyes.

"Well, it could be worse. I could be in that shower nude, and you could be forced to wash my hair for me." Konan said.

Kisame didn't know to respond to that, he just shuddered and walked over to the counter.

"I'm tired of all this, Zetsu. I'm going to go back to bed." Kakuzu's voice said.

Kisame and Konan perked up.

"Hey, Kakuzu's outside!" Kisame said.

Kisame then ran over to the door and started pounding it to death.


Konan then brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes.

Suddenly, Kakuzu opened the door.

"Kisame? Konan? What are you two...doing in here?" Kakuzu asked.

Konan then walked out the door.

"It's a long story..." Konan said as she walked out.

Kakuzu blinked.


Meanwhile With Zetsu...

Zetsu was walking through the corridors of the halls.

"I wonder what happened to that foul spirit...I hope it's gone..." Zetsu's white half said.

"Why are ya still talking, Zetsu? Didn't you get beat up when Kakuzu kicked you in the face for throwing away his ten dollar corndog?" Zetsu's dark half asked.

Zetsu's white half sighed.

"Well, that is not important! What is though, is the fact that we haven't seen the other members since we fanned out over and hour ago! Do you think the foul spirit kidnapped them, Zetsu?" Zetsu's white half said.

Zetsu's dark half scowled.

"Shut your annoying mouth, Zetsu! Man...your such a goody two shoes ! You ain't going to get anywhere in life like that!" Zetsu's dark half said really annoyed.

"FOR THE LOVE OF JASHIN, WILL SHUT UP?" Hidan's voice shouted.

Zetsu sighed and continued walking. But then suddenly, a rough vibration made him nearly lose his balance.

"(What was that? It sounded like a terrible noise!)" Zetsu's white half thought.

"ART IS AN EXPLOSION!" Deidara's voice shouted very loud.

Then hallway shook up really roughly as the sound of a big explosion was heard. It was soon followed by many more explosions.

Zetsu gasped and coughed as smoke drifted through the hallway.

"Cough...cough...What the heck was that?" Zetsu's dark half asked as he raised his arm over his mouth.

Zetsu's white half looked around through the smoke.

"It sounded like...Deidara! Maybe he's encountered the foul spirit!" Zetsu's white half said hopefully.

Zetsu then pressed his fingers together, and disappeared through the walls.


Back With Deidara, Kokoro, Tobi, And The Ghost...

Deidara panted and stood there nearly about to crash on the floor. He had marks all over him, and his hair was all down in his face with smoke in it.

Kokoro was still out cold against the wall behind the ghost, and the ghost showed no signs of being effected by Deidara's many explosions.

Tobi looked pretty worried under his mask and he walked over to Deidara.

" monster..." Deidara said in rage as he continued to pant.

"(This is not good. He's reached his limit, completely. I don't think he has any more chakra left...)" Tobi thought as he looked at Deidara.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee...heeeeeeeeeeeee...heeeaaa!" The ghost wailed as if it knew that it had victory in the battle.

And it was true. Deidara had made several explosions and used up almost all of his clay. But the ghost remained whole and the explosions had no effect whatsoever.

"Deidara Senpai, Tobi thinks you should give up!" Tobi said.

Deidara ignored his partner and just gave the ghost a glare that would kill. ...Although the ghost is already dead.

Suddenly, the ghost screeched and disappeared suddenly.

Deidara and Tobi blinked and then Zetsu came through the walls and walked up to the two.

"..." Zetsu glanced around at the area.

Tobi's face lit up under his mask.

"Yay! Zetsu made the ghost go away!" Tobi cheered.

Deidara stopped panting and brushed a strand of his hair out of his eyes to see the Grass ninja.

"You saw the foul spirit that's haunting our hideout?" Zetsu's white half asked.

Deidara sighed.

"Yeah, we did. It nearly killed Kokoro!" Deidara said as he clenched his hands into fists. "And I tried to beat it up with my art...but the ghost had an advantage; it's dead." Deidara added.

Zetsu sighed.

"Darn it! That stupid ghost escaped! Well...we should report this back to Leader Pain..." Zetsu's dark half said.

Tobi then glanced over at Kokoro.

"Wait! What about poor Kokoro? We should see if she's alright!" Tobi said.

Deidara, Zetsu, and Tobi then walked over to the out cold girl.

"...Kokoro? You alive?" Tobi asked as he tapped Kokoro's head.

Deidara growled and hit Tobi on the back of the head.

"Don't touch her, you idiot! Her hair and hands are still sparking with lightning!" Deidara said.

Zetsu then bent over by her chest to see if he could here her heart beating. He did, and he heard it beating.

"Kokoro is still alive, she is just knocked out from hitting the wall." Zetsu's white half said as he stood up.

Deidara sighed with relief.

"Thank goodness." Deidara said.

Zetsu then picked up Kokoro bridal style.

"I'll take Kokoro to her room. And you two, go inform Leader Pain about what you saw." Zetsu's white half said.

Deidara nodded and Tobi put his hand on his forehead and did a salute. Then they disappeared like ninja, and Zetsu went through the wall to get to Kokoro's room.


A Few Minutes Later In The Living Room At 10:58 PM...

All the Akatsuki members excluding Zetsu and Kokoro were in the living room with Pain.

"Okay, based on the fact that I heard explosions, high pitched screaming, pounding, and stomping You must have encountered the ghost?" Pain asked.

Kisame then spoke up.

"Me and Konan didn't see it. But we were certain it closed the bathroom door on us! Let me tell you, Konan may be beautiful, but it's hard to be locked in a room with her." Kisame said.

Konan glared at him.

Pain coughed.

"No comment to that...anyway! Kakuzu, did you and Zetsu see anything?" Pain asked as he looked at Kakuzu.

"Well...not really. But I found a ten dollar corndog that I lost, and Zetsu threw it away! TEN DOLLARS, LEADER, TEN DOLLARS!" Kakuzu shouted.

Hidan sighed and mumbled something about 'Jashin' and 'murder'.

"Eh...Hidan and Itachi, did you two see anything?" Pain asked as he looked at the two.

Hidan looked at Itachi and he held his head in his hands.

"Yes, I did. I saw something utterly horrifying..." Itachi said.

Tobi then interrupted him.

"Deidara's scrapbook that has pictures of Kokoro everywhere in big hearts?" Tobi asked.

Everybody looked confused at Tobi and then they all looked at Deidara suspiciously.

Deidara looked shocked and then he scowled and hit Tobi in the back of the head.

"You idiot! Keep your mouth shut!" Deidara shouted.

Tobi now had anime tears running down his eyes under his mask.

"Senpai! Tobi's sorry! Don't hurt Tobi!" Tobi said.

Hidan then smirked. He knew that he could lots of information out of Tobi very easily.

"Hey uh...does Deidara have more then just pictures of her?" Hidan asked.

The anime tears then dried up in Tobi's eyes and he smiled real big under his mask and giggled.

"Yeah! I've seen him take some clay and sculpt these figures of Kokoro-" Tobi said but was cut off by Deidara gasping in shock at what he said.

Deidara then scowled and started strangling Tobi as an anime vain appeared on his forehead.


Everybody sighed as Deidara continued to strangle Tobi who was shouting over and over again that he's a good boy.

In the end, nobody got to hear what Itachi had to say. Because the little scene with Deidara and Tobi lasted over eight minutes. And luckily, Zetsu entered the living room which caused Deidara to let go of Tobi.

"Zetsu! Is Kokoro okay?" Deidara asked as he ran over to the plant man.

Zetsu opened his mouth to say something but Deidara cut him off.

"She...she better not be dead! If you tell me she's dead, I swear on my life that I WILL make sure you die a very painful death!" Deidara hissed at him with rage in his eyes.

Zetsu looked speechless, and everyone else was wide eyed.

"Geez Deidara, the girl isn't dead! She had has a gigantic bump on her head. But it knocked Kokoro out very hard! She will recover soon. And she should wake up anytime soon!" Zetsu's dark half said.

Deidara's face lit up with joy at that point and he took off down the corridors to Kokoro's room.

Pain sighed.

"Anyway, it appears that Deidara can't explain what he saw. Tobi," Pain said as he looked over at Tobi. "Tell us what you saw, Tobi. What happened during your encounter with this ghost?" Pain asked.

Everybody looked at Tobi and he twiddled his fingers before talking.

" all started when me, Deidara Senpai, and Kokoro were in the corridors..." Tobi began.


In Kokoro's Room At 11:10 PM...

Deidara barged right into Kokoro's room without even closing the door behind him.

"Kokoro!" Deidara said as he ran over to her bedside.

Kokoro's room was pretty small, but it did have a bathroom like the other rooms. The only difference between it and the other rooms, was the fact that there was only one bed since Kokoro sleeps in there alone.

And Kokoro was laying on her bed on top of the blankets. She was still out cold, but it appeared that Zetsu had a warm rag over her forehead. He was probably trying to get some feeling back into her.

"..." Deidara smiled as he looked at the girl.

Kokoro looked pretty peaceful, her expression was real soft and peaceful. And she was lying on her back with her arms crossed over her chest vampire style. She was breathing, but she just was unconscious.

A bright pink color dusted over Deidara's cheeks as he extended his hand over to her face and ran his fingers over her cheeks. And his hand mouths were licking her real sloppy like a dog, even on her lips.

"(Hmm...Zetsu was right about her still being alive. That's a relief. But still...I feel real sorry for her. Kokoro is a very talented ninja, and she shouldn't have to waste her skills like this. The poor girl goes through heck around her and yet...she doesn't complain.)" Deidara thought.

Deidara then took his hand away and stared for a few seconds at her.

"(I feel real stupid for hiding my feelings for her. I really need to get this out of my system before I go crazy...)" Deidara thought.

He then sighed and gingerly traced her hands with his.

"Kokoro...when I first joined this organization, I never realized that I'd start liking a future female member if there ever was one. I never really knew what it felt like to...feel this way about a girl before. I only cared for my art and nothing else." Deidara said. " seems that's changed. I can't really explain this..." Deidara added as he looked that the unconscious girl.

".....I've always had a crush on you. Really, since you first joined. At first, when Itachi and Kisame brought you in I...I first labeled you as 'just a girl that I'm fine with as long as she doesn't get in my way'. But...after you put on that cloak, put on that ring, and me you and Tobi completed our jinchuriki capturing mission...that crush turned into way more." Deidara said as he blushed.

Deidara sighed and brushed a strand of her dark red hair behind her ear.

"Your simply amazing. Your such a talented ninja, it's unbelievable! And your very beautiful...the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I hate to show my 'soft side' and I don't like to show it or have anybody know..." Deidara said.

It was true, Deidara did think she was beautiful and talented.

Deidara then took a deep breath and exhaled as if he was about to do something very chancing.

"Kokoro...I wait, I love you. And...I just wish I could tell you that right to your face when your awake." Deidara said.

Deidara's face then turned bright pink at what he just said to the unconscious kunoichi.

"...How romantic, Deidara." A familiar voice said.

Deidara's eyes immediately widened at the sound of the voice and he turned around to see Itachi standing in the doorway.

Deidara scowled at the unexpected visitor.

He was hoping that Itachi hadn't heard all of that. He'd be too embarrassed to even leave his room if the one person that he simply despised and hated to have heard him confess his feelings to a girl.

"Itachi! You better not have heard any of that!" Deidara said as he planted his feet on the ground and pointed at the Uchiha.

Itachi crossed his arms.

"I heard every word. The minute you started, to the minute you ended. I was walking back to my room, but I just couldn't ignore hearing your little love confession." Itachi said.

Deidara gasped and then clenched his hands into fists as his face turned bright red from both anger and embarrassment.

"But...I can see that your embarrassed. I just might let this slide without telling anybody..." Itachi said as he turned around to walk out of the room.

But he felt a hand grab his shoulder and he turned around to see Deidara.

"Oh, so your just going to walk off? Itachi, you could tell everybody about this. Why are you gonna let it go huh? Just go spread the word and humiliate me!" Deidara shouted.

Itachi sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Please, your already humiliated enough; I had heard your confession. I'm not a guy that acts all immature spreading the word about stuff like that." Itachi replied.

If looks could kill, Itachi would be dead by Deidara's cold glare.

Kokoro then started groaning and Deidara dropped what was doing and ran over to her.

"Ugh...Deidara...Tobi..." Kokoro mumbled as she opened her eyes completely.

Kokoro gasped when she saw that she was in her room with Deidara and Itachi.

"What the heck is going on here? What happened to Tobi and the ghost? And why is Itachi still wearing night clothes?" Kokoro asked as she sat up.

Deidara then put his hand on Kokoro's shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Deidara asked.

Kokoro swatted away Deidara's hand.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine! But answer my questions!" Kokoro demanded.

Itachi rolled his eyes.

"Well...somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed..." Itachi muttered loud enough for them to hear.

Kokoro glared at Itachi and he sighed.

"Apparently from what I heard, you tried to attack the ghost but it threw you into the wall. And then it knocked up out cold leaving a bump on your head. The ghost disappeared and Zetsu took you to your room. And then Deidara..." Itachi paused at the lost part and then sighed as he looked at Deidara. "...Deidara came in here for the ghost. And Leader sent me in here for back up." Itachi lied.

Deidara looked shocked at that point. It was very weird. Why did Itachi lie? Was he actually helping Deidara or not?

Kokoro nodded.

"Oh...I understand." Kokoro said as she took her rag and placed on her nightstand.

Kokoro then sighed and leaned back against the pillow.

"So uh...we should probably be leaving, right?" Deidara asked.

Kokoro nodded and rubbed her forehead.

"Um...yes. If you two leave, I can maybe rest my head. It still hurts." Kokoro said.

Itachi then walked out of the room.

"Okay. See you later Kokoro." Deidara said as he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.


Outside Kokoro's Room...

Itachi was walking away from the door but Deidara stopped him.

"Wait, Itachi! What was all that lying back there?" Deidara asked as he walked up to him.

Itachi sighed and turned around.

"What do you mean?" Itachi asked.

Deidara growled and threw his hands in the air.

"You didn't tell Kokoro about me...confessing all that to her while she was out cold! Why did you lie and leave that out?" Deidara asked.

Itachi thought for a minute and glanced at the floor.

"...I don't know. Maybe I felt bad for you." Itachi replied.

Deidara was now caught off guard.

"What. Did. You. Say?" Deidara asked in a deadpan voice.

Itachi then crossed his arms and looked at Deidara.

"I guess I felt bad for you. I mean, it's obvious that Kokoro's head over heels for Tobi..." Itachi said.

Deidara deadpanned.

"Don't remind me..." Deidara mumbled.

"And it's obvious that she doesn't like you. But you love Kokoro, and Tobi well...I don't think he's caught on to the girl's feelings for him. Ugh...I hate love triangles..." Itachi said.

Deidara scowled.

"I sort of know how you feel in a way. I hate to admit this to you, but I like that pink haired girl named Sakura Haruno." Itachi said.

Deidara tilted his head.

"Pink haired girl...oh! I remember seeing her with the nine-tailed jinchuriki...wait! You like her? She's like...younger then you!" Deidara shouted.

Itachi crossed his arms.

"Anyway, that's why I covered for you." Itachi said as he started walking off.

Deidara blinked in confusion.

"But...don't get used to it." Itachi added as he walked completely out of Deidara's sight.

Deidara finally recovered from shock and scowled.

"What the heck was that? Itachi! What were you saying?" Deidara shouted.

But nobody answered him. What Deidara didn't notice however, was a ghostly aura flicker across the walls of the corridors.


The Next Night At Exactly 10:10 PM...

It was late at night in the Akatsuki hideout. Everybody was finally allowed to go back to bed after their 'ghost searching shift' as Pain called it. But a certain red haired girl named Kokoro was walking the floors of the corridors.

"I was sure I heard the same eerie noises from last night...I need to tell the leader about this..." Kokoro said to herself as she walked.

Kokoro had apparently just got out of bed because her hair was kind of messed up and she was wearing a sky blue short sleeved pajama top and sky blue pajama pants with pink dots on them.

She was walking through the corridors really paranoid of the ghost. Of course, she was never really one to believe in paranormal stuff like that.

Suddenly she bumped into somebody.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" Kokoro screamed as she fell to the floor seeing a shadow above her.

"Aaah! Kokoro, no need to make me deaf! scream loud..." Zetsu's dark half voice said.

Kokoro mumbled a 'huh?' and blinked to look in the darkness. She saw Zetsu standing in front of her.

" scared me to death!" Kokoro said as she stood up.

"Sorry little Kokoro. But we were just walking through the hideout to get to the living room. I heard some eerie calls and it could have been the foul spirit that's haunting our hideout." Zetsu's white half said.

Kokoro sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Yeah...I was going to tell Leader Pain about that. I'm going to gather up Tobi and Deidara first, I might be needing back up." Kokoro said.

"Okay....well good luck with that..." Zetsu's dark half said.

Then he walked off, and Kokoro noticed that she was in front of Deidara and Tobi's room. So she went in to get them.


In Deidara And Tobi's Room...

Kokoro stealthily walked into the room and closed the door behind her. She then crept over to Tobi's bed to wake him up. She probably was going to wake him up first, because she likes him.

"Tobi...Tobi? Are you awake?" Kokoro whispered as she tapped his shoulder.

And Tobi wasn't lying when he said that he sleeps on his stomach, because of that she couldn't see his face. That made her want to pull her hair out in frustration because she's wanted to see what was behind that mask ever since she met him.

"Tobi? Tobi? ...TOBI!" Kokoro screamed.

"Huh...what? Kokoro?" Tobi shouted.

Tobi realized that Kokoro was there and he quickly grabbed his mask and put it on at the speed of light.

"Tobi! Your awake, that's good!" Kokoro said. Although she was severely disappointed about not getting to see his face.

Tobi yawned.

"What's going on, Kokoro?" Tobi asked.

Kokoro then raised her arm and made a 'follow me' motion.

"Get up. I heard eerie ghost cries and I need you and Deidara for back up. (Oh, Tobi looks so cute! I wonder if his face is as cute....)" Kokoro said and thought.

Tobi then gasped and jumped right out of bed and grabbed Kokoro's shoulders.

"Kokoro! The ghost has come back and it's going to HAUNT us forever! Tobi's doomed!" Tobi shouted.

Kokoro stammered for a few minutes, she was kind of nervous at that point. Because she was so close to Tobi at that point.

"" Kokoro said nervously as a bright pink blush dusted over her cheeks.

Tobi tilted his head.

"Why is Kokoro's face all pink? Did Tobi say something wrong?" Tobi asked.

Kokoro laughed nervously and smiled.

" you didn't. Um...lift up your mask, Tobi." Kokoro ordered.

Tobi's eyes widened under his mask.

"W-why?" Tobi asked.

Kokoro thought for a minute.

"Er...not all the way off. Just lift up where only your mouth is visible." Kokoro said.

Tobi thought for a minute and then he did as he was told. Only his mouth was visible.

"Uh...Tobi did you what you said, Kokoro, but why-" Tobi said but was cut off by Kokoro's lips crash on his.

Tobi was really shocked at that point and was frozen as Kokoro wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

Deidara just happened to wake up at that point. He groggily opened his eyes and looked over at the two. And when he did, his eyes widened in shock.

"WHAT THE? WHAT'S GOING ON?" Deidara shouted as jumped up out of bed.

Kokoro then pulled away and gasped as her face slowly turned a bright red.

Deidara scowled and started trembling.

Tobi didn't understand what was going on so he just put his mask back over his mouth.

" need to get mad..." Kokoro said.

Deidara's hand mouths were now already chewing clay.

"I'm going to kill you, Tobi! I wake up in the middle of the night to see you kissing the girl I...know!" Deidara shouted.

Tobi was now panicking.

"D-Deidara Senpai, Tobi doesn't even know what's going on! Don't kill Tobi! Tobi's a good boy!" Tobi said.

Suddenly as if on cue, Hidan ran into the room knocking it down with a scythe.

"Hey, what in Jashin's name is going on in here?" Hidan asked as he waved the scythe around.

Deidara then scowled and pointed at Tobi.

"He was kissing Kokoro!" Deidara said.

Kokoro then pointed at Deidara.

"He gets way too jealous!" Kokoro said.

Tobi then pointed at himself.

"Tobi's a good boy!" Tobi said.

Hidan sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.


Deidara, Tobi, Kokoro, and Hidan gasped dramatically.

"Take this, you stupid ghost! RAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Zetsu's dark half voice shouted.

"Zetsu! This is far from working! Let me handle this!" Konan's voice shouted.

Hidan was wide eyed.

"Aha! That sounds like Zetsu and Konan! They must have encountered the ghost! Let's go back them up and get rid of that thing!" Hidan said.

Then the four took off through the door-less-doorway and ran through the corridors into the living room.

But the only question left is, will they be able to put a stop to this ghost? And what is the ghost's problem?



Wow that took a long time to do! I had to break it all up in a few days to kind of tweak this a little. I hope it was good. But this mini story is not over yet! It is still yet to be finished!

I'll try to update soon. But...the time is kind of undecided right now since I'm back working on 'The Sand Siblings Go On A Road Trip'. But I can promise one thing though, I WILL update when I have the time.

Read and review! They keep me alive and well! ...Uh...:/