This wasn't supposed to happen

Disclaimer: I wish I did own Twilight!

This is just little one-shot about Jake and Leah. In this Seth was the one who imprinted on Nessie, and Jake and Leah imprinted on each other!

Hope you enjoy and review!

I knew this wasn't right! We weren't supposed to be soulmates. Bella was supposed to be with him, and Sam with me. But I guess nothing goes like we want in life.

If world was rational, as it should be, without vampires and werewolves, I would be with Sam. And Jacob and Bella would be together.

But because vampires and werewolves exist, Edward and Bella belong together, and that's why everything fell from what it should be. Edward turned the Fate upside down. And because of it, Jake and I were left alone. Before we imprinted on each other, and everyone were surprised. Even we.

We weren't supposed to be together. We both know that. But because Bella and Sam are happily married, we were left alone.

And now when I'm walking on the aisle with Seth. We both see it in each others eyes.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

I notice Bella's bloodsucker, Edward looking at me pained. Even he knew this wasn't supposed to happen.

I love Jacob, more than anything, and he loves me. But we both know the truth.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

I smile at Jacob, which brings big smile to his lips.

It had been three years since Bella got her evil spawn, Renesmee. They all got their happily ever after, including Jacob and me.

I notice Sam and Emily. They smile at me.

I smile back, because there weren't any harsh feelings between us anymore. Because I imprinted on Jake.

I know everyone could see my little bump. Our little Jake or Lee, as Jake puts it.

We are happy and we will be. We know we can have forever with each other, because of what we were. We could move on with the bloodsuckers.

Edward smiles at me, when I walk past him. He knows I call them bloodsuckers, because of our jokes. Now we were friends. Friends with vampires was something I could've never imagined before. Before my imprinting.

Jacob looks nervous as I finally reach him with Seth.

''You should know by now, Jake, what I need from you'', Seth says as he passes me to Jake.

I grimace, while Jake laughs. ''Don't worry, kid. I'll take good care of you sis'', Jacob says back with a laugh.

Seth goes to his seat next to Renesmee, Bella and Edward. Seth imprinted on Nessie, as Seth calls her. Nessie takes his hand and they smile to each other, when the priest starts talking.

I smile brightly at Jake.

''You may kiss the bride'', the priest finally annouces, and I feel Jake's soft lips on mine.

''I love you, Lee'', he whispers.

''Love you too, Jakey.'' He grimaces. He hates being called Jakey, but he lets me do that because he loves me.

We go to party, after everyone hugs us, and wishes their luck.

We are happy and when we dance we think names to our baby. Of course we had already decided the first name, for boy and girl. Sarah and Harry. After our dead parents. My dad and Jake's mom.

But the middle names were harder. I wanted Seth for boy and he wanted Billy. I wanted Rebecca or Rachel, he wanted Isabella or Bella. We fight about it, and after the song ends we laugh at our bickering. Then Seth take me to dance, while my mom dances with Jake. I see Bella and Edward dancing. Renesmee dances with Sam. They are laughing.

We are laughing.

I catch Jake, and he winks at me.

I love you, we both mouth at the same time.

After the song ends, I dance with Sam, while Jake dances with Emily.

''You look beautiful, Leah'', he says.

''Thanks.'' I don't know what else to say, so we keep quiet. It was uncomfortable silence between us.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

The band starts playing song named This wasn't supposed to happen.

When I saw you the first time

I knew you were the one

But life tore us apart

You got someone new

And I was left alone

You know how much I loved you

Why did you left?

You were everything I needed

But you decided I wasn't good for you

This wasn't supposed to happen

And when I see you with her

I feel so lost

At your wedding

I feel so alone

But someone catches my eye

Maybe I was wrong

When I thought you were the right

But still this wasn't supposed to happen

I watch you dance with her

I watch you smile at her

I watch you kiss her

I watch you miss her

I watch you catch her

I watch you protect her

And I know everything I went through for you

Wasn't for my happiness

It was all for you

This wasn't supposed to happen

We were supposed to be together


And every night I cry for what I lost

And I know this wasn't supposed to happen

So why am I falling in love again?

He makes me feel good again

I'm not lost anymore

I'm whole

This wasn't supposed to happen

But it did

And I'm going to make myself happy with him

Jake smiles at me and the same thought crosses our minds.

This wasn't supposed to happen but we have to make it as good as possible.

When the last song ends Jacob whispers in my ear:

''What about Rabella or Rebella? And Selly?''

I smile. ''Sounds good, darling'', I whisper back.

Thought crosses my mind.

Maybe this was supposed to happen, so we can cherish each other the way we never cherished Sam or Bella.

What you think about it? Did you like the song? I wrote it! :)

Tell me if this is good or bad or something else!
