disclaimer: i don't own any of these characters

well this is a story about seth and idk where it will lead right now

Jared leaned down to hold Seth's hands above his head and gaged his mouth with duct tape. Seth screamed but it came out muffled by the gag.

"Shush Seth it'll go a lot faster if you stop fighting me." Jared said in husky voice. Seth continued fighting as Jared riped Seth's pants off and then his own. He put Seth's legs over his shoulders and rammed into Seth. Who couldn't scream and the tears that came out his eyes.

"Come on Seth I know you like it." Seth shook his head from side to side as Jared kept pounding into him. Seth started to black out but not before Jared slapped him and forced him to look at him as he finished. He pulled out and looked right at Seth with anger in his eyes.

"Don't black out again or I will leave you here the next time." At those words Jared left Seth in the shack and ran outside where it had started raining. Seth sat there, took the duct tape off his mouth, and put on what was left of his pants. He felt dead inside like living with out a soul.

"Why does he keep doing this to me." Seth said this out loud not realizing Jacob had come in.

"Why does who keep doing what?" Asked Jacob with an eyebrow raised and his arms crossed over his bare chest. Seth ran way from Jake not wanting anyone to see him after what had just happened.

Once he got home he ran into the shower not caring that the water was boiling hot. He cried as he scrubbed his skin raw and it healed as soon as it was about to start bleeding. It had been a month since he had stopped phasing but was still able to heal remarkably faster then a human. He hated Jared for making him feel like a whore and wish he hadn't told him anything about liking guys. Now when Jared felt like it he would go find Seth and force himself on Seth. Telling everyone would know about him being gay of he didn't let Jared do as he wanted.

"Seth are you in there?" Leah asked knocking on the door he had forgotten to lock.

"Don't come in." Seth could barley get out his voice hoarse from screaming into a gag as Leah walked in.

"You should lock it you kn- whoa easy there." She said as she caught Seth before he hit the floor.

Hours later Seth woke up in his room with a blanket covering him. He was only wearing black boxers with gray lines criss-crossing over it. He tried to get out of bed but he could barley sit up. Seth couldn't keep eyes open so he let them slip close and was swallowed up by the darkness once more. In the darkness of his mind he keep having flashbacks of Jared.