Author's Note: I don't own Harry Potter, although I wished I owned Draco ;)
Hello again! So I'm starting this story and only really know how it'll end...mostly. Hopefully it'll grow into something good. This is the beginning of something epic I hope, read and enjoy! Let me know what you think...I'm not a huge fan of how I started this off.

"You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you. You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you. Help me, I broke apart my insides, help me I've got no soul to sell. Help me, the only thing that works for me, help me get away from myself. I want to fuck you like an animal, I want to feel you from the inside. I want to fuck you like an animal. My whole existence is flawed. You get me closer to god. You can have my isolation, you can have the hate that it brings. You can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything. Help me, tear down my reason, help me it's your sex I can smell. Help me, you make me perfect, help me become somebody else. Through every forest, above the trees, within my stomach, scraped off my knees. I drink the honey inside your hive. You are the reason I stay alive." -Closer

Don't touch me….No….rough hands. I'm frozen. Trapped. How did I get here?

Wet running down my cheeks….is this real? Where are you to save me? Harry? Ron?

I love you…come find me. Take this away.

No….please don't touch me….get away from me! Worthless…frozen.

Can't fight. Can't scream. Can't disappear.

I want to disappear.

I want this to end.

Will this ever stop?

Don't touch me…No…please…don't touch me…


Hermione Granger wanted to leave. Vanish. Blink her eyes and have the scene before her disappear altogether. This couldn't be happening, it really hadn't come to this…..but it had. Only minutes ago she had ran with Ron Weasley and Harry Potter back from the Shrieking Shack after collecting the final memories of Severus Snape. Had everything really happened on this night? In a blink of an eye she recalled everything. Arriving through the passage in Hogsmeade, battling their way through Hogwarts, searching for the lost Diadem, the fire in the Room of Requirement, going into the Chamber of Secrets to retrieve basilisk fangs, kissing Ron… All this had happened and yet it seemed so far away. These last few months had seemed like a dream. And suddenly now the future was here, staring them in the eye, about to be decided.

And for the first time this night Hermione was able to slow down and look at everything. And she suddenly felt like crying. She stood as still as she could, trying best to gain control as she gazed around at the Great Hall at the brave few who had fought so bravely to resist the dark forces trying so eagerly to put them down. Enemies and friends. Young and old. Even the injured stood with pride as if understanding that now, after everything, they were all in this together, to the end. And she hoped the end would work in their favor. Yet as her eyes fell upon the fallen bodies of comrades against the marble floor she felt resentment for all of this. She had known there would be losses, but living the reality was harder than she ever thought possible. Blinking back tears she told herself that the time for tears was later, now it was the time for war and courage. Yet looking over at Mrs. Weasley crying in the arms of Mr. Weasley over Fred's dead body made her look away. She wanted to comfort Ron but she knew she didn't have the strength of mind to help him at all.

And now they were running out of time. Voldemort had already declared he'd wait an hour in the Forbidden Forest for Harry to show himself before he unleashed everything he had on Hogwarts. Worst of all was she and the boys had yet to devise a plan. Still it seemed everyone's mind was elsewhere. Hermione clasped her shaking hands before her and took a deep breath to remain composed. She needed to find Harry and figure something out. Time was running out and she hoped Snape's memories may help them in some way. They had to have some significance….She looked around quickly but saw no sign of Harry, only everyone gathered together trying to come up with their own battle strategy. It was then it clicked in her head… he would want to go somewhere safe and view Snape's memories. And the only place with a Pensieve was Dumbledore's office. Hermione glanced quickly back at Ron and his family, thinking about telling him where she was going but she didn't want to get in the middle of their grieving. He was already intertwined between his brothers. She could sneak away, the Death Eaters had already left the castle anyway. All she would do was find Harry and sort everything out, come out with some kind of plan, and hopefully they'd be able to win this war.

Hermione drew her wand instinctively as she made her way through the crumbling school, past fallen enemies, as she made her way up to Dumbledore's office. She tried her best to keep her mind blank as she did this, no one was here to distract her anymore. She feared that if she gave herself time to think she would end up bawling her eyes out or breaking down completely. Instead she ran, hoping that could stabilize her as she suddenly found herself in front of the golden gargoyle that guarded Dumbledore's office. She took a deep breath and realized quickly she didn't know the password. She bit her lip in thought as she began to call out, hoping Harry would hear her, "Harry! Harry!" She frowned and knew that alone was useless, "Please…I need to get up there." As she said this the gargoyle gave a small shudder and she thought it was about to move but then it stood still. It was then she knew she wouldn't be getting up there anytime soon. Hermione sighed as she turned her back to the guarded door and slid against the wall until she found herself sitting on the ground, eyes closed. She'd just wait here for Harry….he'd come out eventually. But how long would that take? They had no time…She took a deep breath and tried her best to remain calm as she looked up and saw someone clad in black disappear into the girls bathroom. Her eyes widened slightly…a Death Eaterbut why are they still in the castle? She thought to herself as she slowly stood up. She had to do something, she couldn't just let a Death Eater roam around the castle.

Wand raised she walked forward slowly, somewhat unnerved to have seen a Death Eater here and not with Voldemort in the forest. Should she even go after them? Could she take on one her own? If anything she hoped to at least stun and bind them to bring them to the Great Hall. And worst case scenario she would run and lead them to the Great Hall where they would be no match for everyone then. Or….she could get killed. No. That wasn't an option anymore. Harry and Ron were counting on her. She would stop this Death Eater from doing whatever it is they were up to and everything would work out. It had to. Hermione silently tip toed towards the bathroom and peered in. Clearly some battle had been done in there. She saw the mirrors across from her on the sinks and looked in for any sign of a person hiding in the bathroom. Nothing. Hermione took a deep breath as she slowly stepped in, pressing her back against the wall as she peered around the sinks and saw nothing. The only place left was the actual stalls. Thinking quickly she moved out slightly and fired a curse at the wall at the end of the row of stalls to try and draw the Death Eaters fire but there was nothing. She even waited a few moments and checked for any signs of feet and saw none. Someone could still be there…waiting. With another bout of courage she moved from the wall and was prepared to try a different charm when a voice hissed behind her.

"Immobilius!" Hermione heard the cold voice and chills ran up her spine as she realized who it was. She tried to control her breathing as she became frozen in midair, suddenly terrified and angry at herself for making such a stupid mistake. This was it now. She couldn't even scream. No one would find her….Her eyes widened, one of the only working muscles within in her as Lucius Malfoy moved slowly around to stand in front of her, his icy gaze meeting hers straight on, "Silly little Mudblood lost her way…and I thought you were much too smart to fall into a trap." Inside she was screaming at herself, she had been so foolish to go after him. Those eyes had her trapped, and the small, slightly revolted smirk on his face made her sick. Was this her fate then? To die by his hand?

"You came into my home and caused an uproar…for years you have worked alongside Harry Potter and that pathetic excuse for a wizard Weasley, making my sons life hell. You have gone against the natural order….and have survived so many times. Countless times you have helped foil the Dark Lords plans, and yet you have remained alive this entire time…do you know why?" Lucius Malfoy spoke in a low voice, his eyes never leaving hers as he brought his wand up and pointed it at her throat, "Luck. Sheer luck that you escaped. And what joy it would give me to watch the light fade from your dirty Mudblood eyes. Disgusting eyes…." Hermione felt tears well up in her eyes but didn't want them to fall, she didn't want to give him the satisfaction. He moved in closer and examined her.

"Where is your savior now? Soon he'll be dead, just like his parents, just like you…" He hissed softly and Hermione knew then her fate. She was going to die. Silently in her head she began to say goodbye to everyone in her head, wanting to close her eyes and forget the man before her. Push him back. Her thoughts briefly went to Draco Malfoy, the one whom she had helped saved only an hour or so before. She felt sick, "But I don't plan on killing you Mudblood. At least not the way you expect me to….you see I have come to realize that heroes die nobly. And you….you who has helped ruin so many of our noble deeds deserves to have that same ruin…I have been waiting to return to you the favor you so generously extended to me. I could never give you such satisfaction in death." Hermione's eyes widened at his words, terror beginning to flow through her. Maybe she should want to die, maybe whatever he had planned was worse. Could he truly hate her that much? She always knew she had helped Harry….but apparently that help hadn't gone unnoticed.

"I want to show you how dirty your blood truly is," He spoke angrily as he moved closer and ripped her wand from her hand, casting it aside. He waved his wand and she fell hard onto her back against the ground. She wanted to scream, to escape, but that was impossible. He had complete control now. He cast the spell once more to ensure her limbs were paralyzed. Her eyes widened suddenly as he knelt down beside her, casting his black cloak aside, and it was then she realized what was happening, what he wanted to do. Hermione tried screaming again but it died against her frozen lips as now tears spilled over. This wasn't happening, this couldn't be happening, "You will learn your lesson Mudblood." And with that Lucius Malfoy was over her like a shadow, dominating and terrifying. Hermione squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to will her limbs to move but they wouldn't. She felt him grasp at her legs and force them open further….felt him against her, his hot breath against her neck. This was certainly worse than death. The tears on her cheeks moistened her wild hair as his angry hands grasped at her, bruising her. GET AWAY FROM ME! She cried out within her own head but it was nothingness in her mouth. Over and over again she pleaded, cursed but there came nothing. She couldn't affect him, not in the least, but everything he did she felt on her flesh. He tore at her shirt and grasped her hard, tears blinding her vision that she wished she didn't have. Where was Harry? Where was Ron? She wanted nothing more for them to come and save her, even if it meant them seeing this.

She thought maybe he'd simply go away, or torture her. But no…he would destroy her first. She knew now he wanted to kill her soul, extinguish all hope and light within her. And she felt him rip into her, tear away her innocence and she was lost. That one moment she had hoped she would give to the man she loved was taken away from her. Hermione felt the spell begin to wear off, her limbs loosen, but she was still paralyzed, now drawn up and disappeared inside of herself. She could scream but her voice was gone. Emptiness set in. He pushed as hard as he could and forced away all shreds of light left inside of her. He had taken her. And left instead something small and hollow, soon to grow and course within her, and burning pain. Such pain…he was not gentle. He wanted her to hurt, to bleed. The curse vanished and she lay lifeless under him as he finished, her eyes wide and vacant now as she stared off to the side, in another place, another world. Hermione Granger was gone.

"I trust you will not be interfering again…" He said darkly as he pulled his pants up and stood up, looking down at her as he grabbed his cloak. Slowly Hermione closed her aching legs, wanting to be hidden from him but she knew that was pointless now. Her eyes simply stared up at him, begging for some sort of pain he could inflict, or wound he could cause. Any distraction from this. Even death…And now she did truly feel dirty, worthless, "I told you I wouldn't kill you. I'll let you kill yourself." With that Lucius Malfoy smirked evilly down at her before turning his back to her to leave. He stopped suddenly and turned back around, gazing down at her with dark eyes before bringing his foot back and colliding it hard with her ribs. Now Hermione's silence evaporated as she let out an ear piercing scream, her bones fracturing with the blow. Lucius Malfoy looked down at her one last time, pain etched on her face, and he smiled contently before leaving her alone on the bathroom floor.

Hermione's eyes locked to the ceiling as she listened to his footsteps fade away. The numbness that had entered her mind suddenly vanished as everything came crashing down hard around her. It was suddenly hard to breathe as she sucked in air deep into her lungs, finally unable to control herself. She burst into racking sobs that echoed off the walls, resounding around her, reminding her of her pain. She didn't care that she was exposed, she simply cried, the pain in her ribs and between her legs impossibly vivid. This night had already been hell, but now it had gone beyond. She had lost herself. Her soul had been taken away. And there she lay, empty, sobbing, alone, no one there to save her from herself.


Draco Malfoy wanted to hide. Even better he wished he didn't exist anymore. He didn't want this, he had never wanted this. He gripped his wand tightly with a shaking hand as he walked through the castle, knowing he had to go outside and meet all the other Death Eaters and Voldemort in the Forest. But he also knew he didn't want to do this. He wanted it all to end. Goyle had left him at some point, angered, upset, Draco couldn't blame him. Barely an hour ago they had watched their best friend get burned to death in the Room of Requirement as they were flown to safety by Potter, Weasley, and Granger. Draco cursed under his breath at the thought. He may hate them but part of him hoped they would win, even though he truly believed it impossible. This war would end it all, either way. He'd either end up in Azkaban or Voldemort's slave…and he didn't want either. He wanted to run. He didn't want to see the faces of the dead when he closed his eyes. He breathed heavily as his footsteps quicken, trying to block everything from his mind and remembered the duty he was bound to do, the duty that made the Mark on his arm burn. As he thought of these things he frowned, a frown that deepened when he heard an ear shattering scream come from the floor above.

Normally he would have thought nothing of this. It was a war after all…suffering was everywhere, he had grown accustomed to it over the last few months. But this scream chilled him to the bone, it was pure pain. And the last thing he wanted to do was go into the Forest with the rest of the Death Eaters. So instead he hopped on a different moving staircase and heading for the direction he heard the scream, desperate for anything to stall where he was being forced to go. He reached the floor and gazed down at Dumbledore's office door with sadness. Another mistake to bring him back to reality. He forced the look of sadness from his face and regained composure as he walked quickly down the hallway, looking for any sign of some sort of battle, hoping it would buy him some time. His paced slowed as he reached the girls bathroom, the door ajar, and the sound of sobbing coming from inside. Draco froze…should he go in? He gripped his wand and inhaled as he quickly rounded the corner into the bathroom and spotted someone curled up on the ground and pointed his wand at her back.

"Stupe…." He began to say but froze suddenly. Hermione Granger turned and faced him, still sobbing as she tried to curl up and hide herself from his view. She grasped at her ripped open shirt and tried to pull up her pants that had been forced down. Draco looked at her in somewhat shock as she struggled to back away from him, wincing in pain as she did, "Granger?" He said softly as he tried to look into her eyes and not the rest of her exposed body. He took a step forward but she simply moved back. He realized then she had no wand and so he lowered his.

"Go away…" She whispered in a barely audible low voice through the tears she tried so hard to stop from falling. Her shaking hands moved to properly pull her pants back on but when she tried to button her shirt she gasped with the white hot pain that shot through her ribs, "Please…. I can't fight you…" She whispered again and looked away from him, still shaking. Even though he knew he hated Granger, something about seeing her so helpless made him feel slightly…bad. He didn't want to. She was his enemy. And he knew for a fact she would attack him right now if she could. But he supposed he owed her, if anything.

"I'm not going to fight you Mudblood," He muttered as he went closer to her and knelt down. Her eyes widened in fear, he reminded her so much of the man who had just done this to her. Those eyes….they were his eyes. He reached out a hand hesitantly to touch her ribs, he knew they may be broken but as he did she let out a scream.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Another flow of tears came with these words and suddenly he understood everything, all the pieces fit. His eyes widened slightly but he tried not to show anything, the last thing he needed was her thinking he actually cared about what had happened to her….yet part of him did. Someone had taken this all too far.

"Merlin…who did this?" He asked softly as he looked into her eyes. Hermione stopped crying, the question itself surprising her. Could she tell him? Could she let him know that it was his father? As much as she hated Malfoy…she couldn't do that to him. The look in his eyes betrayed what he was trying to hard to convey.

"I…I didn't see him…they covered my eyes…" She lied quickly and wiped at her eyes to clear her vision and he nodded slightly, unsure of what to do. She looked back into his eyes as he raised his wand and she pushed closer to the wall and he sighed.

"For Merlin's sake Granger I'm not going to hurt you!" He said somewhat angrily and she nodded slightly, "Episkey," He said as he pointed his wand at her ribs, the bones quickly wrenching back in place and she let out a yell and grabbed his wrist for the pain. Both their eyes widened slightly at this reaction and she recoiled her hand quickly, "Accio Wand," He said as her wand flew into his opposite hand and he handed it to her. He waved his wand one last time and her clothes fixed themselves, her hair going back to it's normal place, even some of her pain vanished. He stood up and offered his hand to her, "Come on Granger, you have to get up. I won't hurt you…I promise." She raised her hand and placed it in his, the hand of the son of her rapist. She took a deep breath as he pulled her gently to her feet. She had only taken his hand because something in her knew he wasn't like his father. His eyes didn't hold the malice Lucius Malfoy's did, they held the complete opposite.

"Why are you helping me? You hate me…" She said softly as she looked up into his eyes. And for a moment the world was quiet. There was no war, no pain, no death. Just Draco and Hermione, standing a foot apart, still. He listened to her words and knew of all the torture she had endured and he felt the pain with her. His hand reached out very slowly and lifted her chin, his touch soft and careful.

"I may hate you, but I could never hate you enough to stomach that." He said back in a dark, low voice as their gazes held for a few more seconds before he stepped away from her and turned away. Suddenly the feelings of emptiness and sadness began to flood back as she watched him go. No matter who he was, she didn't want him to leave, she needed someone to keep her sane. But she knew he couldn't stay.

"Malfoy!" She called his name and he turned back slightly to look at her. She thought of a million things to say to him but only one seemed fitting enough for this very moment, on the brink of destiny, "Stay safe…" Was all she could manage as tears filled her eyes and he nodded, silently returning the words before he turned and walked out of the bathroom, leaving her alone. His eyes closed at the thought and he words as he walked down to join the others in the forest. Hermione's hand touched the spot on her chin that his fingers had brushed and she fought back more tears as she decided to return to the Great Hall where she could be around people and maybe forget some of the horror in which she just was subjected.


And in the end, good had triumphed over evil. Hermione felt as if the events of that night had happened years ago, decades…everything had changed. Hogwarts was being rebuilt, Death Eaters were being put on trial, funerals were being attended. All of this happened within the course of a week, so much to take in so little time. Yet every time Hermione closed her eyes she thought of what had happened with Lucius and it made her sick. She couldn't sleep…she could barely eat…he truly had made her wish she was dead. Yet she had found the time to bring her parents back home and restore their memories, she needed to see them. But she was silent about what had happened. When Ron asked where she had went that night she told him she just needed some space and he didn't question that. He and Harry had noticed her change in her attitude but they too were feeling after effects….the war had drained them all. Yet the three friends gathered together at the Burrow for the short month before they would all return to Hogwarts to finish their education the right way. Hermione acted empty for the first few days she was there but one thing caught her attention in the Daily Prophet: Draco Malfoy was going on trial the next day for being a Death Eater.


Draco Malfoy clasped his hands together to keep them from shaking, he couldn't show weakness, he couldn't be afraid. But he was. Two Azkaban guards kept hold of his arms as they led him down into the bowels of the Ministry of Magic towards Courtroom Ten. Draco knew this place, he had been there before when his father was tried and put into Azkaban. Now it was his turn. And he knew he would lose. He never resisted, he never dared tried, and in doing so he was just as bad as the rest of the Death Eaters. He may not have been a murderer, but he was damn close. And he kept his face a mask as they entered the courtroom, all the seats filled to watch him reach his fate. The Wizengamot all sat dressed in purple as they watched him. The guards led him up to a stand where magical chains came up and locked his hands and feet to where he stood.

Hermione Granger leaned forward in her seat as Draco entered. He looked worn…there were dark circles under his eyes and a small sneer on his lips. She cursed under her breath. Why was he making this so difficult? If only he showed how much he didn't want this then maybe she wouldn't have to intervene. Either way his nonchalance wasn't going to help him. And if he couldn't save himself, she would at least try. When the back of her head questioned why she wanted to help Draco Malfoy so much she stifled the question. Yes he had helped her…but she wanted to fight for his innocence. She knew that somewhere, deep inside of him, was something good, if anything, and he had let her glimpse into that truth. She wouldn't let him die in Azkaban for hiding it either.

"Draco Malfoy, are you aware of the charges against you?" The new chief Wizengamot wizard asked as he leaned forward as he looked into Draco's eyes. The boy simply nodded and the wizard continued, "Alliance to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, use of the Cruciatus Curse, attack on Hogwarts castle and its students, attempted murder, and accompanying your fellow Death Eaters. Is this correct?"

"Yes…" Draco said in a low voice, his eyes at the ground. The Wizengamot whispered to one another as the chief wizard raised an eyebrow at this. Hermione's eyes closed, this wasn't going to be good. Draco didn't care about his fate now. True, he didn't want to be jailed…but what else did he have left? His mother was dead….and that alone killed him. His father had been automatically taken to Azkaban. His life was over anyway, finished at eighteen.

"Do you feel no remorse for your crimes?" The wizard asked but Draco was silent, he didn't plan on fighting, "Are you still loyal to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Another question that was followed by silence. Draco looked up into the man's eyes however, trying to convey his thoughts without words: I was never loyal to a monster like him,"Is there anyone in this courtroom willing to speak on this Death Eaters behalf?" As if waiting for these exact words Hermione jumped up and all eyes were on her, surprised. Everyone had known the part she played in Voldemort's downfall. The most piercing gaze was a set of gray eyes which she avoided at all costs. The chief wizard looked slightly surprised and motioned her to come down and take the stand.

"Draco Malfoy doesn't deserve to be sent to Azkaban," As Hermione said these words a flurry of whispers broke out in the courtroom, the Wizengamot even began to speak with one another, and still she avoided the gray gaze piercing into her, "He may have been an accomplice in many of these crimes, but Draco Malfoy is not a true Death Eater. He was merely a victim of circumstance."

"Continue with your rebuttal Ms. Granger…" The chief Wizengamot said and everyone fell silent as they waited for her response. Draco looked at her in disbelief. Who the bloody hell did she think she was? She didn't know him….and she had no right confessing everything she thought he was to a room full of people….but most of all he was scared she understood the truth of it all.

"He was raised to believe Voldemort was right in all his ways, in a place where an child would believe what their parents told them. Yes he did try to kill Albus Dumbledore, but he couldn't go through with it. He feared for his own life and the life of his family. The only crime Draco Malfoy is guilty of is cowardice." That alone caused more whispers but Hermione continued, saying how he had helped her, telling about visions Harry had seen, she did everything to try and get Draco off. It seemed as if she had spoken forever when the chief Wizengamot finally raised his hand for silence.

"You do understand Ms. Granger that if we let Mr. Malfoy off and he murders or performs any act of violence it will be on your hands? Can you accept that?" He asked darkly as he gazed deep into her eyes and she met that strong-set gaze.

"Yes, I am fully aware."

"Then by verdict of the Wizengamot, Draco Malfoy is relieved from being sent to Azkaban and allowed admittance back into Hogwarts to end his education. Ms. Granger shall watch over him and report back to the Ministry as to any abnormal activities," He said this all in an official voice but it changed when he looked back at her, "Do not make me regret my decision Ms. Granger…" When he said this, Hermione nodded, looking sincerely into the wizard's eyes, "Court dismissed." And with that everyone began to stand and move out of the room. Hermione's heart was racing wildly as she tried to fight her way through the crowd and leave before Draco was freed and had a chance to catch her. She still couldn't believe they let him off, thank Merlin she had stepped in…she didn't want him being sent away, not even he deserved that. Although reporting back to the Ministry was hardly her goal for this whole situation…she still had done what she had come to do. And finally as she made her way through the doors she breathed a sigh of relief as she began to walk down the corridor. Her eyes widened as a hand tightly grasped her wrist, spinning her around to face its owner.

"And what in Merlin's name do you think you were doing Granger? Pulling a stunt like that?" Draco Malfoy hissed these words through gritted teeth, his eyes furious as his hand still grasped her wrist tightly. Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, but she wasn't afraid.

"I owed you didn't I?" She pulled her hand away from his grasp, and his eyes softened slightly when he saw slight bruising on her neck, reminding him of what had happened the night of the battle, "Thank you…" She whispered as their eyes met silently, he knew she was thanking him for helping her that night. And for a moment they were silent in their gazes. He wanted to respond smartly, to hurt her, but something in her sincere, truthful eyes made him think better of it. Instead he nodded at her once more, just like on that fateful night, and took off once more. Hermione rubbed her wrist and looked down at Draco's fingerprints appearing against her pale flesh and didn't know how to feel. She was now forever marked by the Malfoy men. And with this thought in mind she made her way back to the Burrow, to Harry and Ron, to the silence she had promised to keep within herself.