AN: Once again I am extremely sorry if anyone is actually still reading this story out there, but the end is in sight. Plus I'm home for the summer so I'll be writing this non-stop. And I have a great oneshot waiting in the wings. This chapter is longer so I hope that makes up for me not updating in awhile. Once again, I'm super sorry! Please read, review, and's your feedback that makes me feel good keeping this up. I was going to stop, but I think (especially after this chapter) I need to finish. Enjoy!

We all have our horrors and demons to fight. But how can I win, when I'm paralyzed? They crawl up on my bed, wrap their fingers 'round my throat. Is this what I get for the choices that I made? God forgive me, for all my sins, God forgive me, for everything. Don't go, I can't do this on my own. Save me from the ones that haunt me in the night. I can't live with myself, so stay with me tonight. If I let you in, you'd just want out. If I tell you the truth, you'd vie for a lie. If I spilt my guts, it would make a mess we can't clean up. If you follow me, you will only get lost. If you try to get closer, we'll only lose touch. Yet, you already know too much, and you're not going anywhere. Tell me that you need me 'cause I love you so much. Tell me that you love me 'cause I need you so much. Say you'll never leave me 'cause I need you so much. -Don't Go

As Hermione's eyes opened, she realized suddenly that she was still in Draco's arms. She wanted to protest. She wanted to yell at him. But she found herself feeling better than she had in days. The emptiness was being pushed back and she felt more like herself. She moved closer to him and buried her head in his chest, his arms tightening around her, "You're a horrible bastard, and I hope you realize that." She mumbled the words against him but she knew he heard.

"I do," His voice was soft as he brought up a hand to smooth her wild curls. He didn't understand any of this either. He was ruining his own plan to protect himself. It was easy…distance himself to make this easier for the both of them in the end. But he was weak, he was always too weak… "I don't think we can keep doing this Granger." His voice was soft, but still guarded. And it was these words that made a fire grow in Hermione's chest. She swiftly moved up to press her hands against his chest and stare into his ice-cold eyes. But there was something there, hiding beneath, and she wanted to bring it out.

"Stop. Just stop. Can't you make up your mind as to what you want? I'm not some object that you can use whenever…" Her own words were too much for her to bear. Her eyes widened slightly, her breathing increased. Draco moved his hands to gently cup her cheeks and keep her eyes locked to his.

"You are not an object. You're stronger than that now and you know it…" At his words Hermione took a deep breath and sat up in bed, her eyes still watching him carefully as he sat up on his elbows.

"What happened when you were back home?" Hermione was no fool. After the weekend he had gone away home that was when he had suddenly changed. She knew it was all connected somehow, and Draco knew that she wouldn't let it go. She was too smart and determined for that.

"Nothing of importance." With these cold words he stood up and walked over to his window to gaze out at the grounds. She wanted to scream in frustration. Did everything have to be a game of cat and mouse?

"You can't keep shutting down on me Malfoy…not after everything. Is it how much I care about you that scares you? Or how much you care for me? Because I do…I care about you Draco and I want to help. Not because you saved me so many times, but because you aren't just my enemy, not anymore. You're fighting something too, I can see it in your eyes. Let me help…please." Draco listened to her plea and he was terrified to turn around and see the truth in her eyes, the tears shining there. Because he was scared…deathly scared. And for once he was able to admit to himself why. With that he turned around and their eyes met. Hers were so full of bravery…and his were simply lost. Because there, right then, Draco Malfoy realized just how much he cared for this girl. More than he had ever felt for anyone else.

"Hermione…..I've made a huge mistake…." He knew this was his truth now. And he knew there was no turning back from here.

Once again Ron found himself in an old classroom, sneaking around behind the backs of all his friends with a girl who was supposed to be their enemy. Yet passion had found him again, he couldn't deny he wanted it. He wanted her. And they found themselves together more and more….passing secret notes and planning future meetings. It was beyond the need to distract each other, it was something more. Ron felt more than passion for this girl, and she felt the same. But words were not always exchanged, not in meetings like this. Now they were far apart, backs to either other, as Pansy pulled on her skirt and began to button up her shirt. She glanced over her shoulder at Ron's bare, muscular back as he pulled his shirt over his head, messing up his wild red hair. Pansy frowned…not even finishing buttoning up her shirt. Her heart was heavy and her mind was full.

"Ron?" She spoke his name and it seemed to affect both of them. She had never said it. He was always 'Weasley' and nothing more…she had been fighting her feelings for so long. He turned when she spoke and looked at her in somewhat surprise. He had been waiting for this. He had wanted to hear his name pass through her lips.

"Yeah Pansy?" He had spoken her name before, in times when it was right. And now it truly was. She stood and turned around, Ron's eyes went to hers and remained there, wanting to find answers within them. He hoped she wasn't going to end this. She had become such a big part of him since that night in the broom closet. And even though she masked her feelings he felt that she felt similar, or at least he hoped.

"What is this? That we're doing…." Her words were cautious, careful. She needed to know if this meant anything to him, but the subtle things he did proved it must. Brushing her hair behind her ear. Holding her hand when they had some time alone. She felt something more and it scared her. Admitting it to Draco had been hard enough.

"Um…" Ron was at a loss for words because he wasn't sure of the answer himself.

"If I wasn't a Slytherin….or a Pureblood on the wrong side…would things have been different?" At her words Ron felt himself walk over to her. She looked up into his green eyes with something deep and beautiful reflecting in hers. He couldn't help but wrap his arms around her and she was powerless to resist as her arms snaked around his waist.

"Maybe things can be different. I mean, we're here aren't we?" At this he pulled back slightly to grin down at her, and she smiled slightly back, "And I wasn't planning on going anywhere anytime soon."

"You weren't? But what about Granger…." Pansy still harbored jealousy for the girl even though she knew that she was currently occupied by Draco. Still Pansy couldn't forget what had brought her and Ron together. And lately she had been worried that she was merely standing in…that his heart still belonged to Hermione. Ron's brows furrowed at her statement.

"I only see one girl in front of me." The truth in Ron's eyes shone bright, and Pansy knew this. A sigh of relief left her lips and she rested her head against his chest for a silent, comforting moment.

"I care about you more than I should…." Pansy's voice was barely a whisper against Ron's chest but he heard it none the less. His arms pulled her closer and trapped her against him. Something that had once seemed so wrong was now perfectly right. And it felt right too. She had wanted this, unlike Hermione who had tried so hard to distance herself. This was fate.

"I think I'm falling in love with you Pansy." Ron's words were soft as he spoke them, but they resounded within the girl in his arms like nothing she had ever heard before. The Slytherin girl who was taught to be made of stone. Tears formed in her eyes but she refused to let them leave her eyes…she was a Parkinson after all. But no one had ever cared for her; no one had ever loved her. She knew lust and passion, but this was so much more.

"Ron…" She whispered his name and pulled on his shirt until their lips touched. This kiss was not one of need, or meant for pure passion. She wanted to show him that she felt the same. It was gentle and caring. A single tear fell from her eye and she couldn't stop it. But his lips found it and brushed it away before kissing her once more, "I don't want to hide anymore." Words whispered on her lips. He nodded…it was time to make this more than secret meetings. Their relationship had grown and they with it. And right then Ron decided he would tell Harry. He would tell everyone. He loved Pansy Parkinson and she loved him.

Harry had just returned from flying around the pitch with Ginny and as he entered the Common Room, Ron stood there as if he was waiting for him to arrive. Lately Harry had gotten used to the absence of his best friends. Hermione was always off doing something, or avoiding him because of his proximity to Ron who was also acting strange. Although strange hardly covered it. Other than class and at night, Harry barely saw Ron, and the fact that he skipped meals worried him. Something was going on, and it was time to confront it before it was too late, "Hey mate, do you have a minute to talk?"

"Actually I was waiting for you to come back, there's something I want to tell you." As Ron said this, there was no fear in his eyes, rather an excitement, a happiness almost and this eased Harry's worries. The redhead was still elated from his meeting with Pansy and it showed.

"Yeah? Is it about why you've been sneaking around and avoiding me?" Harry tried his best to sound nonchalant, and luckily Ron didn't seem to feel attacked by him, if anything his excitement to reveal the truth was building.

"It hasn't been on purpose mate…I just needed to wait until the right time to tell you." Ron paused as a grin spread across his lips and Harry looked at him in silence, awaiting an answer.

"So? What's the big secret?"

"I'm in love with Pansy Parkinson!" Ron exclaimed with a broad grin as he held open his arms, gauging Harry's reaction. Harry's brows furrowed for a moment in thought, it wasn't as if he hadn't gone through this scenario in his head, after all he had seen Ron and Pansy on the Marauders Map countless times. And Malfoy and Hermione too for that matter. But that was something he tried even harder not to think about.

"You're aware that this makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever right?"

"I figured it wouldn't but she's not like you think she is Harry!" At Ron's words, Harry crossed his arms and looked at his friend somewhat skeptically, "We started talking a few days after Hermione dumped me and then she shagged me in a broom closet….and then…"

"Wait….she shagged you in a broom closet? Blimey Ron how did you keep that one from me?" Ron's face turned scarlet at the statement and Harry couldn't help but smile slightly. Maybe this was more than he thought. After a slight pause, Ron began to talk quickly again.

"It started off us just trying to take our minds off Malfoy and Hermione…but then we started to meet more and more. We didn't always shag or anything either….we talked too. She's just so…different than anyone I've ever fell for you know? She's bloody smart too…cunning that is. She's not just some heartless Slytherin prat…it's more than that." Ron looked at Harry and finally he could see that what Ron said was complete truth. He really did care about this girl.

"Well she must be something if you've been skipping out on food for her."

"Oh I've been getting stuff from the kitchens, and sometimes she brings me things too. I'm not that mental…" Ron grinned and Harry returned it.

"I'm glad you're happy…" Harry nodded but his smile slowly vanished. He knew what had to come next. Only one part of this wound was healed, there was another to deal with, "I think it's time we went and talked to Hermione."

"You reckon she still thinks I hate her? She's been avoiding me like I have Dragon Pox…"

"I think she's ready for us all to be friends again. We obviously can't get by without each other. She misses you though. And I think there's a lot more going on with her than she's been letting on. And it might have something to do with Malfoy." At the mention of the Slytherin's name, both boys exchanged silent words. Ron still hadn't forgotten the strange bond Draco and Hermione seemed to have during the beginning of the year. And Harry knew how close they really have been.

"Well no time like the present right?" And with these words, Ron and Harry left for the Head Boy and Girl's dormitory.

"Anytime you're ready." Hermione said assuredly as she sat on a couch in the Common Room, hands politely in her lap, and amber eyes carefully watching the boy in front of her as he paced back and forth.

"You might be waiting awhile then, Granger." Draco said back softly, glancing her way as he pushed his white-blonde hair from his eyes. This was becoming a problem. After this morning and his realization, he knew he couldn't keep lying to her. But the truth scared him even more. And she was trying to be patient, but even that was hard.

"You know, you're really just making this harder than it has to be. Whatever is going on surely can't be that bad…." At these words he glared slightly at her and she shot one right back, "I think you underestimate what I consider 'bad.'"

"This is not easy Granger." He spoke through gritted teeth yet still she didn't seem to understand. Smart as she was, she was still so blissfully ignorant.

"Try me?" At her words, Draco looked into her eyes and saw something there that drew him close. Hermione reached out and took his hand into hers. The gesture alone made time slow for him. Instead of pulling away and continuing to pace in front of her, he sat beside her.

"I…." Draco began to say but it was almost as if the words didn't want to come, "I….fuck….I can't." He closed his eyes, not wanting to see her disappointment. He hated not being able to do any of this right, for either side. He couldn't keep splitting himself into two Dracos. And Hermione could see this reflecting in his face, and even though she wanted desperately to know what was happening with him, she knew he was battling it too. And he just needed her there. So she lifted her hands to cup his cheeks and his eyes opened to wearily gaze at her.

"It's ok Draco…" Hermione's words were a whisper against her lips as she moved closer to him, slightly hesitant, but willing nonetheless. He wouldn't push her away, not when he wanted this too. It was her lips that found his first, careful and soft. His arms came around her and held her close, while her hands moved from his face to rest against his chest. This kiss was much too gentle for Draco's taste…he had tried for so long to be cautious and sweet with her in times like this, but he wanted so much more. He wanted to show her all the passion that was threatening to overtake him. Tentatively he deepened their kiss, his teeth grazing her bottom lip as a shudder ran through her. Hermione moved closer to him, wanting his touch, wanting to slip away, but there was still always a darkness lurking in the back of her mind. Her hands tightened on the material of his shirt as if trying to hold onto herself and this moment. Draco saw it as a passionate gesture, a want for more, and so he careful pressed into her, moving her back and easing her down onto the couch, his body now over hers.

Hermione's grip on his shirt tightened, one hand releasing to move around him, an almost forced attempt to keep her mind locked into now. Draco straddled one of her legs with his, one hand supporting himself, lips still working against hers. But he was lost in growing passion now, his own control falling away as his hand moved underneath her shirt and allowed his fingers to caress her warm skin. It was then Hermione Granger lost her resolve. Tears began to slip from the corners of her eyes. She knew Draco was there, she tried to remember that, but she felt Lucius Malfoy there too. His piercing eyes full of hate, his rough hands on her, his white blonde hair. And suddenly Draco turned into his father. It was no longer his hands exploring Hermione's skin in the most caring and natural way he could, but rather his father's intent on bruising. He could feel her stiffen under him and he pulled back suddenly, his grey eyes shooting open and yet Hermione only saw Lucius's eyes. She let out a small cry, frozen in place as she had been back in the bathroom. Draco moved off of her, not letting any part of him touch her. Worry etched across his face.

"Hermione….Hermione I'm so sorry…." He didn't know what to say to help her, he felt beyond guilty. And lately she had seemed so much stronger…Her eyes closed and she began to take deep, calming breaths, but she couldn't stop herself from shaking, "You're here, in the Common Room, with me. And you're safe. Open your eyes…come back to me." Draco's voice was soft, and Hermione could hear the emotion etched in his voice. She took a few more deep breaths before slowly opening her eyes to look into his. He wanted to comfort her somehow, apologize, but it was him who was frozen now.

"I'm sorry…." Her voice was a whisper as she looked up at him, blinking back tears. But his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Why are you apologizing? I made a mistake…I didn't mean for things to get so intense…"

"Just….give me a moment?" At her words, Draco nodded and moved to the other end of the couch as Hermione slowly sat up and refocused herself as best as she could. She knew she was safe, but she could feel the hold that night still had on her. She couldn't even kiss Draco…which was something she wanted despite how strange it still seemed. But she began to understand one of the reasons why it still haunted her….she never got her redemption. She hadn't faced Lucius afterwards. And she hadn't even told Draco. The secret was still heavy in her heart, and maybe after she let it go, she could fully begin to heal, "I feel better…" She offered him a slight smile and he didn't return it.

"That's bullocks," He moved slightly closer to look into her eyes, trying to decipher something deep within the depths, "Why can't you let him go? He can't hurt you anymore…I won't let him. And you shouldn't let him win."

"It's not that easy…" Hermione said without looking at him, he didn't know. And if he did…she wondered if any of this would change, maybe that was what scared her the most.

"Then make it easy. I swear to Merlin if you ever told me….If I ever found out who…." Draco's fists clenched at his sides and to his surprise, Hermione's warm hand covered one of his fists. He looked down at their hands for a moment before meeting her gaze.

"But have you ever thought about where we would be if this never happened? I would still be Head Girl, and you Head Boy…but you would still hate me for who and what I am, and I would despise you for your blind intolerance. We would still be enemies…." Tears formed in her eyes again but for different reasons now, and he shook his head.

"No…it might have happened anyway. Don't try to make this ok, it's not. You bloody well know it's not…"

"You never would have seen me for anything other than a Mudblood…but that night you saw me. You stopped looking through me. You saw me," Draco's other hand came up to cup Hermione's cheek at her words and their foreheads touched, eyes closing, "And if I had to go through that to finally see you too, then I would do it again in an instant." Tears now fell from her eyes and Draco was speechless at her words, at such a raw showing of what she felt. His thumb brushed her tears away.

"I would've done this all different….I would've found you so much sooner. I've saved you so many times in my head. But I was still always late…And I will never forgive myself." Draco whispered the words, scared of them himself, and Hermione pulled back to gaze into his eyes.

"Draco…" His name on her lips again, truth between them yet the biggest truths still hidden. And she touched her lips to his again. But he kept his distance and kissed her softly, innocently, like a new beginning for them both. Their kiss was interrupted by a loud knock on the door to the Common Room and Draco grudgingly pulled away from Hermione and opened the door where Harry and Ron stood waiting.

"Mind moving out of the way Malfoy? We're here to see our friend." It was Ron who spoke first, and as they were concentrating on Draco, Hermione wiped her eyes properly and walked over. She met Ron's gaze and knew he wasn't here in anger, but in forgiveness. Draco didn't respond but instead stood almost protectively in front of Hermione who he glanced back at and she placed a hand lightly on his upper arm.

"It's ok…I need to talk to them." At her words Draco nodded before shooting a sneer back at Harry and Ron.

"I'm going upstairs. Pull any shit and I'll make you regret coming here." Draco said the words harshly and neither Ron nor Harry quite knew how to respond. They didn't understand why he said what he did. His eyes met Hermione's for a long moment before walking back up to his room and shutting the door.

"What does he think we'll do? Make a mess of his chairs?" Ron said with a slightly confused look on his face as he glanced at his two friends.

"I think it's more than that Ron…And that's why we should clear the air." Harry was the one who spoke and instantly both Ron and Hermione turned red. She was worried that Harry knew much more than he was letting on.

"Ron, I'm sorry. I truly am. I didn't mean to hurt you but I just couldn't handle a relationship at the moment. But I don't think that it should change our friendship. We've been through so much after all…" Hermione spoke fast and they all shared a smile at her last statement, "You're my best friend."

"And you're mine Hermione…" He offered her a small smile until Harry elbowed him sharply in the ribs, "Merlin! Oh right…I was a git to you. I overreacted. Honestly I don't know how I've gotten this far this year without you. I'm sorry too."

"Well now that's out of the way, might as well get everything else out while we're here. You first Ron." Harry looked over to Ron who turned slightly scarlet before cautiously looking at Hermione.

"I…well I…" He began to stutter and Hermione crossed her arms.

"Oh just out with it Ron, I know what you're going to say."

"You do?" He looked at her with surprise and she merely sighed.

"You've been sneaking around school with Pansy Parkinson…I've known for weeks. But I'm glad you've finally told someone about it." Harry and Ron both exchanged looks at her words.

"You knew? But why didn't you say anything?" Harry asked and Hermione smiled sadly.

"It was Ron's business, not mine. We were all so caught up in other things…but I've realized that maybe all we really needed was each other this whole time. And I'm sorry I wasn't properly there."

"But you aren't mad?" Ron asked her hesitantly and she shook her head.

"At first I was only sad…I still cared for you. But I knew you needed to move on. And if she was going to help you, and not hurt you, I wanted you to have that," Hermione smiled at him and he returned it, "It's moved beyond broomclosets hasn't it?"

"I love her…" Ron said softly, not wanting to meet Hermione's eyes, "I know it doesn't make sense. But it's complicated. And she feels the same." He didn't have to explain to her, she knew perfectly well where he was coming from. But love? Now that was something she hadn't considered. Was what she felt for Draco some form of twisted, tortured love?

"I understand Ron, I really do…"

"I figured you might say that. I bet you understand it plenty…anything you want to tell us Hermione?" As Harry spoke. she found everywhere else to look but his eyes. He knew something alright.

"Not that I know of…" She said quickly but Ron shook his head.

"You mean to tell us that there's nothing going on between you and Malfoy? That Harry hasn't been seeing you two together on the map all the time? We're not complete oafs you know."

"Well you shouldn't be spying on me Harry…" Hermione shot back but Harry interrupted before she could say anymore.

"Spying? No. Watching out for you when you refused to talk to me? Yes. We just want to know you're safe and ok. Just give us the word and we'll pummel that ferret like he deserves. He hasn't hurt you has he?"

"Merlin, no!" Hermione exclaimed quickly, not wanting to start something out of nothing as they always did when it came to Draco, "The truth….well I don't think I can tell you the whole truth, not just yet. But I will say this. Something happened to me the night of the Battle. Draco found me and helped me. If he wasn't here this year…I…I don't think I would have made it. I know this hardly makes any sense…but I need him around. And he needs me. I care about him." She exhaled deeply at the end of her statement, feeling somewhat lighter but knowing she was hardly off the hook.

"Do you love him?" It was Ron who spoke, his voice low and his eyes dark. There was still a bitterness there, she saw it.

"I…I don't think I do. I don't know. There isn't exactly a name for what he and I have. But he's changed, and you both need to know that. Hopefully one day you'll be able to see it too." She wasn't sure how to tell them about what happened to her, or the true extent of her and Draco's relationship, but she did what she could.

"Are you happy?" Ron looked back at her and their eyes met. Hermione thought for a moment and then a small smile graced her lips.

"I am. Happier then I was. I feel more like myself every day." At this. Harry smiled and Ron grinned at her. It wasn't perfect, but it was something. It was telling of their friendship.

"Maybe we weren't meant for each other after all." Ron said this was a smile and with that, air finally cleared, the three friends all sat down and began to update each other on what had been going on the last few weeks.

Draco….My son….Draco's eyes shot open as he heard the words of his father echoing through his head, calling him into reality. He had gone upstairs and closed his eyes, wanting to find some sort of peace before talking with Hermione again. She needed time with her friends and he needed time to think. After their conversation he knew he had revealed the truth to her and himself. He had to tell her everything, he had to fight. But now here was his father again, calling him into action. Draco shut his eyes once more but the voice only gained force. Draco….come to the Manor. Come now…Despite everything, he knew he had to go. He couldn't hide from his father, he never had. Because he knew of the consequences if he did. Instead of ignoring his father's voice, which he knew would be impossible, he got up, grabbed his wand, and headed down to the Common Room.

Hermione, Harry, and Ron were nowhere to be found. He found a note sitting on a table, it read: The boys and I went to grab an early dinner. You were asleep when I checked on you so I didn't want to bother you. I'll bring you something back. –Hermione. His was grateful she was with them, not only because she would be getting a proper meal, but also because he had a chance to sneak off without question. With dark thoughts in his head, his face stoic, he left the castle and headed towards Hogsmeade to Apparate to the Malfoy Manor. And he knew he could never be ready for whatever would greet him there.

As Draco passed through the protective wards set around his house and then stepped into the foyer, he felt a chill sweep through him. He could have stayed at school with Hermione. But instead he chose to step back into his own hell. In silence he walked into the dining room where the remaining Death Eaters sat, his father sitting at the head of the table where Voldemort once occupied, "Draco, you have arrived," Lucius motioned towards the empty seat at this side and Draco took it, all eyes on him, "We were discussing the final preparations for our attack on Harry Potter."

"When will you need my assistance?" It was now Draco had to slip away from himself, become someone, something, darker. He met his father's gaze with stone in his eyes.

"In three days' time we plan to enter by cover of darkness into the Forbidden Forest. You will wait for my signal and then you will lure Potter and his friends out to us by taking the Mudblood. He has proven to be impulsive on many other occasions, he will come. But you must alert him as to where the Mudblood has been taken. Either allow him to follow you or have Zabini or Goyle allude to it." Lucius spoke nonchalantly, yet Draco had his fists clenched under the table. Did his father really expect him to deliver Hermione to him?

"Of course Father. But using the Mudblood may cause complications. She's the only really intelligent one out of all of them, they may need her in order to be led there properly. The Weasley girl is romantically involved with Potter, taking her may be better incentive." Draco said this all with perfect calm, praying his father would agree. With a few glances at the other Death Eaters, Lucius finally spoke.

"Very well, the Weasley girl it is. Begin preparations Draco, your time for redemption has come," At these words, a few Death Eaters mumbled something under their breath and Lucius shot them a dangerous look, "My son knows the importance of this mission and he will not make another error. If anyone has anything to say otherwise, please speak," He had grabbed Draco's shoulder, which appeared as a gesture of confidence, but in reality he was digging his fingers forcefully into his flesh. Still, Draco refused to show it. When no one said anything, Lucius released his son's shoulder, "Good. Meeting adjourned. The House Elves will begin serving dinner shortly," After these words, Lucius leaned closer to Draco, "I'd like to speak with you in my study." Draco merely nodded and stood up with his father, following him out of the room and upstairs into his private study.

"You wished to speak to me alone father?" Draco asked, trying to sound as clueless as possible, but he had a good idea what this would be about, and he couldn't deny the slight fear building up in his chest.

"Close the door," Lucius Malfoy said in a low voice, his back to his son. Draco shut the door behind him and stood still, awaiting his fate, "Take off your shirt," Draco didn't have to be told twice, and he fought to keep his hands from trembling as he undid the buttons of his shirt. He knew how this would end. He dropped his shirt to the floor and stood bare chested, the burnt, marred Dark Mark exposed on his arm. Lucius turned and his eyes went straight to the Mark, "Do you have an explanation for this?" His voice was edged with venom, and Draco had to look away.

"No Father…."
"Did you do this to yourself?" Lucius took a few steps closer and Draco kept his eyes to the ground. But at this question he wanted to meet his father's gaze. He didn't want this. He didn't ever truly want this supposed 'glory.' And he knew that now…he had only ever been tricked, brainwashed into thinking this was right. That this was anything close to love.

"Yes." Draco's voice became somewhat surer and just as he said the words, Lucius's hand came up to slap him hard across the face. He stumbled slightly but once more stood upright. He wouldn't go down easily, not this time. Lucius grabbed Draco's forearm and dug his thumb into the injured Mark, and still Draco did not wince even though the pain was enough to make him scream.

"Turn around," The older Malfoy hissed and Draco turned, putting his hands against the door, waiting. This wouldn't be the first time this had happened. Lucius raised his wand and moved it through the air towards Draco's bare back and, like a knife, a slash cut itself across the pale flesh of his back. Draco gritted his teeth as his eyes began to water from the pain. He could feel his warm blood begin to drip from the wound. Lucius repeated his action, once more, twice, three times, pain shooting through Draco's body as his nails dug into the wood of the door he gripped, blood trickling down his back and onto the floor in small drops. It was times like this he truly missed his mother. She would have stopped him. She would have mended his wounds and told him how much his father really loved him. But she was gone. And that was a lie. It all seemed so blatantly obvious now, "Be ready in three days," Lucius spoke after the fifth slash of his wand, and Draco shakily moved back from the door and grabbed his shirt, unwilling to look into his father's eyes, "You will not disappoint me again Draco." And with these final words, Draco gingerly put his shirt back on, made his way swiftly out of his house, and Apparated back to Hogwarts.

After dinner, Hermione had said her goodbyes to Harry and Ron. She wanted to spend time alone with Draco, a thought that made a blush come to her cheeks, and she was sure that Ron wanted to see Pansy as well, especially now he had told his friends. As she entered the Common Room, she barely had time to register what was happening as Draco's arms came tightly around her, "I'm sorry if this is too much….but I need you right now. I need to tell you everything." She was surprised for a moment, but then wrapped her arms around him. He let out a wince and squeezed her tighter, he hadn't healed his wounds, merely cleaned them up.

"What happened Draco? Are you ok?" Her voice was soft and she tried to pull back to look into his eyes but he buried his head into her shoulder, pressing his lips to the warm skin of her neck. He really did need her….more than he could ever have realized. And he wouldn't keep hiding this from her. He needed to tell her everything. He pulled back then and began to unbutton his shirt, her eyes widening, "Draco…I don't think…" But before she could get scared, or think he wanted something from her, he turned around and showed her the gashes on his back. Immediately her hand flew to her mouth in shock, "Who did this!" She demanded as tears formed in her eyes for him, she knew there was so much more he wasn't telling her.

"When you were at dinner I went to the Malfoy Manor. My father saw what I did to my Dark Mark. This was my punishment." He tried to keep on his mask, but his eyes betrayed him, especially because of the caring look on Hermione's innocent face.

"No….No he's in Azkaban….He went there after the war…." She shook her head, not wanting to believe what he was saying as a tear ran down her cheek.

"He was in Azkaban…but I broke him out last weekend…" It was now Draco who couldn't look at her, he felt too ashamed. This was all so hard to admit. Hermione felt her chest tighten. The man who had ruined her life, tore away her innocence, he was free again. She couldn't speak, and so Draco stepped back towards her, "I didn't want to come back here Hermione….not after I buried my mother. No one came…everyone else was dead or didn't care. But I did come back. Maybe I had to make sure you were ok," He smiled sadly at her, but the tears kept falling down her cheeks, "I started hearing someone calling me. I thought it was the Dark Lord…so I burnt the Mark to try and silence him. But it didn't stop. Then in my dreams I visited my father in Azkaban. He told me all of these plans…how I would break him out. How I could regain my honor and save the family name. How he would be proud…so fucking proud of me," Draco was beginning to lose his reserve, angry tears threatening his eyes, "I knew he wouldn't get out of my head until I did it. And yet at night I still held you in my arms didn't I? We went through so much these last few months and I still did it….I broke him out. He called together the rest of the Death Eaters…they're at the Manor now. They…they're going to come here. They want to kill Potter to avenge the Dark Lord. They want to lure him, you, Weasley, and all your friends into the Forbidden Forest. I'm supposed to take Ginny as bait. And my father….he sensed me thinking about you….I'm…I'm supposed to kill you…." Draco choked out the words and Hermione was trying to keep herself together.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could've helped….I could've done something." At these words Draco moved closer and cupped both her cheeks with his hands.

"No…don't you dare say you could've stopped me. Don't blame yourself! I did this because I'm too fucking weak…too caught up in trying to win over my father to see anything else. Even a beautiful thing standing in front of me. But you have to know how hard this was…A year ago I would have done this blindly. I would've have second guessed a thing. But ever since that night in the bathroom…I saw what my side was doing, it was even more real to me then. Something changed. This was the hardest decision I ever had to make…not because of right and wrong, but because of you." Hermione's tears ceased at his words, her hand coming up to touch his cheek.

"You have changed Draco…I can see it. You are such a better man now." At this, he moved away from her, turning his back.

"Better? A better man never would have done it. A better man would have ignored it all. I'm still no better than my father. I still have his blood flowing through me. I'm weak…and now I'm trapped."

"You are nothing like your father…" Hermione's voice was dark, the truth heavy once more in her heart. Draco turned to look at her, sadness and anger in his eyes at everything.

"How? How am I any different than him? I'm going to help him kill you Hermione!" Draco shouted the words but she remained calm, her eyes meeting his with bravery within them.

"He already killed me once, I won't let him do it again."

"What do you mean…" Draco's voice lowered at her statement, something in her voice terrified him. He began to understand what she may mean, but no, he couldn't believe that. Yet she wanted him to know the truth now. She wanted him to know everything.

"He…he was the one that night in the bathroom…:" Her voice was barely a whisper on her lips as her eyes hesitantly met his. Draco shook his head, tears once more filling his eyes. He couldn't believe it, he couldn't. Tears began to fall from her eyes as she moved closer to him, trying to pull him into her arms but he began to shut down, pushing her away, "Draco…" She whispered his name but as she did he took off out of the Common Room, thinking of the truth of it all. There were no more secrets now, no lies. The truth came screaming out, and it would either damn, or save them all.

AN: Let me know if you liked it! More soon, I promise.