Title: Sickness

Author: Alexandria Kanaras

Rating: M

Pairing: Peter/Olivia

Summary: Olivia jumps for a variety of reasons. Sometimes for a case. Sometimes for a lesson. Sometimes for a realization.

Disclaimer: Not Mine

Warnings: None that I can think of.

Spoilers: All aired episodes just to be safe but it was started before Jacksonville.

Author Notes: A little what if idea that grew out of control


The call came obscenely early on a Tuesday morning. She rolled over and answered 'Dunham' on automatic. Walter's voice on the other end confused her though and the words were jumbled and backwards until she sat up and focused on what he was saying.

"Peter won't wake up...' the cold pit of fear that settled in her stomach stilled all thoughts that raced forward. 'I can't get him to wake up."

"Is he breathing?" Olivia listened as Walter continued repeating the same broken phrase through a veil of tears and made herself silently count to five before issuing a sharp. 'WALTER!" Thankful as his voice stuttered to a stop and allowing her to ask again softly 'Is he breathing?"

"Yes. Yes... He's breathing. His heart rate is normal. His breathing rate is normal. Everything else is normal. He just won't wake up."

"I'll be there in 10 minutes."

She made it in 8.

Walter opened the door to the house and Olivia barely glanced at him, moving through the house to the couch. Saw Peter stretched out over it with a blanket curled around him tightly. She knelt beside him, one hand going to his shoulder. His skin was warm with sleep but not with fever. "Peter." She shook him lightly, saw his eyes flutter but not open. "Peter!" His started, his eyes opening and he stared back at her with wide confused eyes.

"Olivia?' he blinked, watched as she gave a relieved sigh and leaned forward like a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders. 'what are you doing here?"

"Walter called me. He said he couldn't wake you up."

"What?" He sat up, glancing around the living room. The surprisingly bare living room. Walter no where in sight. They found him counting sheep upstairs, Peter casting a surprised glance towards Olivia. Saw the confusion on her face as she glanced around and back towards the stairs.

"He opened the door... he let me in." She watched as he reached out, gently touching her hand. Revealing the keys in her hand. "Shit...' She closed her eyes as the boundary slammed into her, ripping her consciousness back across the void. The pain burned through her and she woke up screaming. Staring up at Walter's concerned eyes.

"Agent Dunham... Where did you go? Where was it?" She struggled to sit up. Her right hip screaming in pain at a phantom injury that no longer existed.

"Where is Peter? Is he okay?"

"Peter...' Walter's face fell before he scrambled to his feet, helping her up to her own. While telling her what he knew... which was just a little. "Peter went to bed around 10 last night after having a single beer. I tried to wake him to tell him of a dream I had but was unable too."

Olivia followed Walter into Peter's bedroom, saw Peter's still form laying in the middle of the bed. The sheet pulled down to around his waist, leaving everything else bare. His breathing was even and steady. Olivia crossed the distance, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Peter." He didn't stir and she couldn't ignore the panic that was settling into her bones. He wasn't a deep sleeper, who could be with Walter filtering around with access to everything. "Peter." She tried again before reaching over and gently touching his arm. Shaking him didn't stir him either and Olivia reached over for the phone. 10 minutes later the room was filled with EMS workers. One gripped her elbow, pulling her away from the main action. Started asking questions she tried her best to answer while keeping one eye on Walter and the other eye on the rest of them. One was starting an IV the other was placing wires across Peter's chest.

The EMS workers seemed as dumbfounded as the rest of them, eyes glancing between them as nothing they did seemed to affect Peter at all. Questions of drug use, alcohol abuse, had he been sick lately. Anything at all. Growing more and more confused when nothing was fitting.

She turned as she heard the front door opened, watched Astrid as she came up the hallway. Her eyes wide with confusion at the mayhem going on. Olivia didn't remember calling her but figured Walter probably had and gestured Astrid over towards where he was standing. She came to her instead. "What happened?"

"We can't wake up Peter." Olivia said simply, though it wasn't a simple matter. Everything was happening to fast and she couldn't deal with it right now. She wasn't sure she could deal with it at all.

A glance to Walter saw him in the same near panic that he had been in from the beginning. She was used to him ordering people around, arguing with what they were doing but this time... he wasn't doing anything. He was standing there quietly, staring at nothing. She glanced back to Astrid when the younger woman's hand settled on her arm.

"Olivia...why don't you go with Peter in the ambulance. I'll take Walter with me in the car." Olivia nodded in agreement, following the EMS workers downstairs towards the truck. Climbing into the back and sitting where they put her.


"Olivia?" Olivia blinked, staring at Peter in surprise as she turned in place.

"What happened?"

"You said that Walter called you and told you something was wrong with me."

"How did I...' she trailed off as realization dawned over both faces. "What did she say?"

"She said that Walter wasn't able to wake me up and she came over to check on me."


The waiting room was moderately full, a reminder to the three of them that they were not the only ones with a loved one in the hospital. Olivia turned her attention towards where Walter was standing, muttering mostly to himself before his attention turned on her and he crossed back to the chairs and sat once again. "You said that you jumped... which one did you go to."

Olivia winced at the pain that sliced through her at the reminder, answering his question even though she didn't see the point in why that was important right now. "The other one."

As far as they had figured out she 'jumped' between three worlds. This one, the other(the one with peter) and the third(the one that had Bell). They still hadn't figured out why yet but she wasn't sure that she wanted too either. All she knew she tended to do it more when she was in 'between' planes. As Walter described it. She would be more likely to 'jump' when she was going to sleep or waking up. Her mind was less focused and it was easier to 'crossover'. She didn't understand it because when she went there she 'suppressed' the other Olivia but they didn't come to her world.

If it happened when she was awake she would hit the ground. Like she had earlier or she would 'sleepwalk'. Walter thinks that she 'jumped' as soon as she entered the house.

"Peter Bishop?" The three of them stand and the doctor frowns slightly at the mismatched group. "You're his family?"

"I'm his father... Walter Bishop... this' he grabbed Olivia's arm, pulling her forward. 'his partner and this is a very dear friend of the family. Please feel free to speak freely."

"We're not certain what is going on with Peter. Physically he is fine. It would just appear that he is in a very deep sleep."

"Can I see him?"

"Of course... but be brief." The doctor watched as they entered the room, frowning when the blonde, Peter's 'partner' slumped over. The young black girl just managing to catch her before she hit her head on the chair.

"Walter." The girl gave a cry of alarm.

"She's never done this twice in a day."


Olivia felt a hand on her arm, pulling her back sharply. "Whoa!" She blinked away the fog and noticed she was shivering despite the heat. "Easy there. Are you okay?" She was guided to a sitting position.


"Yeah. Are you okay?"

"Where am I?" Olivia watched as his eyes furrowed together before he let out a sigh.

"You're not my 'Liv."

"No... what are we doing here?"

"We got a weird call, a man was looking for you. Named Peter Bishop... but he's been missing 20 years."

"20 years?' Olivia shook her head before wincing as she felt the pull, resisting it caused more pain but she had too. 'what do you mean missing?"

"He was kidnapped from his bed. He wasn't kidnapped in your world." Olivia shook her head, could feel the sweat break out over her skin as the pain increased, she ignored it.

"Where is he supposed to be?"

"Right over there." Olivia turned, saw Peter meet her eyes. Saw her Peter in him. He moved towards her, kneeling before her. Charlie stepping away as Peter's hands framed her face. Looking in her eyes before down her body.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't know. I think I'm trying to find you."

"What do you mean find me... I'm right here."

"No... you're' she shuddered, trailing off as the tension took hold. Slamming her back into her own body. She woke up violently.


"Easy... easy. Shit." Astrid tightened her grip on Olivia's head, keeping it from hitting the floor in the midst of her seizure. "Why is this happening? This has never happened before."

"She's fighting her return." Walter said softly as he injected the Valium into her thigh though they both knew that it wouldn't work. When she continued to seize Walter shook his head in dismay and glanced up into Astrid's scared eyes. "She's going to go into Cardiac arrest."

"Get her on the bed!" The doctor treating Peter ordered and they both decided to let them take over care. Stepping back so they could lift Olivia onto the closest stretcher. 3 more agonizing minutes went by before she jerked like something hit her before finally stilling.

"Back up!" Astrid yelled, all jerking away from Olivia like she would explode two seconds before she jerked up screaming like the world was ending.

"OLIVIA!" Astrid stepped forward, stilling the woman's screams and her movements. Usually Peter handled these types of returns.


"He's fine. He's still sleeping."

"No... I saw Peter... he,' she trailed off, confusion settling over her face before she reached up both hands and scrubbed them through her hair 'I saw him.. he was there... where was he?"

Astrid reached one hand out to steady her as she slid off the bed, glancing around. "Why can't I remember? I usually remember."

"You had a seizure." Astrid said softly, watching as Olivia's eyes darted back towards her. "A long one."

"I need...' Olivia fought to find the words she needed to say but everything was so hazy, like the world was dimmed at the edges. She jerked with the flashes, Peter's face in front of hers. Concern edged around his eyes. His hands on her face, holding her eyes. Squeezing her eyes shut did nothing to stop them and she felt Astrid grip her arms as she swayed before staring up into her eyes. 'I need to see Peter." She watched as Astrid nodded, felt both of the younger agents hands tighten on her arms. Noticed then that she was swaying and steadied her feet before glancing around the room. "Peter. Where is he?"

"He's right next door. I'll take you too him." Astrid murmured softly. She wasn't used to this overly emotional Olivia and the few times she had seen her Astrid wasn't the one that dealt with her. That responsibility always went to Peter.

"You need to get back in bed. We need to run some tests." The ER doctor said softly, surprised when she turned on him with anger around her eyes and etched across her face.

"No TESTS!" The vehemence in her voice startled all of them, including herself but Olivia couldn't stop the words from flowing. "I'm tired of your tests and your guesses and your endless games!" Walter turned ashen, watched as Olivia turned her eyes on him. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS!"

"Olivia... come on. I'll take you to see Peter." Astrid said softly, watching as the tall agent spun on her before relaxing slightly and nodding. The doctor didn't try to stop her again, just followed her movements as she walked into the hospital room where Peter Bishop was laying. She sank onto the side of his bed and gently took his hand

"He's cold." She whispered after a few moments and the doctor frowned, reaching out and touching his other hand. Shocked at the coldness.

"Get some warmers in here!" A fresh set of vital signs revealed a slowed heart rate, temp of 95.5 blood pressure dropped to 80 over 34. He didn't disturb the woman sitting near his patients hip because something told him that unless he forcibly removed her she wouldn't go anywhere and even under force she wouldn't go quietly.

Astrid retreated back to where Walter was still standing in the other room. "Come on."

"She's mad at me."

"You know she is always a little... emotional after a jump." He nodded, "She's scared about Peter. Come on."


2 hours later had Peter warmed with outside help and Olivia still sitting stock still beside him, gently holding his hand. Further tests had revealed nothing. "Oh god...' Olivia twisted, leaning over the sink as the vomiting started. Astrid gently rubbing her back, 'he's not here." She said as she was trying to stop the sudden chills.

"He's right here. He's here Olivia."

"He's there! In the first one. I saw him."

"The one with Bell?"

"Bell." Astrid watched as her face set into anger "If that meddling bastard had anything to do with this."

"The universe is punishing me." Walter said softly, watching as Olivia turned towards him with narrowed eyes. "For taking something that wasn't mine to take."

"What are you talking about?"

"I took him."

"You took who?"

"I took him.' Walter said as he pointed towards the bed, saw as Olivia's eyes widened. 'He was always a sick boy. Some days he could barely walk and then he just...' Walter hung his head to hide from the stares. 'he died."

"Who died Walter?"

"My boy...' Olivia watched as the tears started but couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"So you kidnapped a Peter from anther reality?" The outrage was clear in her voice and Astrid casts disbelieving eyes on Walter was well, "And what? Now Peter has to pay the price for it?"

"No... no, he shouldn't have the same problems you do... there aren't two of him. He should have just crossed over."

"Then why didn't he?"

"I don't know...' Walter trailed off, 'Bell was always so much better at this than I was,' Astrid winced as Olivia took a step towards him before crumpling towards the ground. Just barely managing to catch her twice in as many hours.


Olivia's head jerked slightly, raising as if fighting off sleep before her eyes focused on the passing of the scene outside the car window before looking to her left. Charlie sitting beside her with his eyes on the road.

"Take me to Bell."


"The towers... take me to the towers." Charlie glanced over at her, saw the set of her jaw.

"You've never come twice in a day."

"I don't have a lot of time.' Olivia said with annoyance dripping over every syllable of her words, 'so stop asking questions and take me to Bell."

"There is no need to yell at my receptionist Olivia."

"Why is Peter in this reality?" Bell frowned before hanging his head slightly.

"I was afraid this would happen one day."

"I'm only going to ask once more. Why is he here?"

"He never belonged to your world. In your world he died. Walter told you this yes?"


"So there was an... echo left of him in this world. A hole where he should have been. What I fear is happening is that is the world is trying to repair itself by bringing Peter back into this world but he's resisting. He wants to stay where he is."


"For you." Olivia didn't react to that and Bell was mildly impressed.

"Fix it."

"I can't... only Peter can."

"Where is he?"

"I don't know. Where would you go?"


The lab was deserted, still covered with tarps and covered in dust. Peter was sitting on one of the steps. Olivia knelt in front of him, gently set her hands on his legs. "I'm so cold. Everything hurts. I feel like something is pulling me."

"You have to let go."

"What is going on Olivia? They said that I was kidnapped but I wasn't... everything is different. Nothing makes sense."

"It's a long story. One I'll tell you when you come home."

"What do you mean home?"

"You jumped."

"No... it wasn't like you described. I just woke up here... in the apartment but someone else was living there. They were as surprised as I was. I don't know how they didn't call the cops but I guess my confusion seemed real."

"It was real."

"Nothing makes sense here." He reached up, gently touching her face. "You're so different here."

"I know." She felt him trace a faint scar that was over this one's forehead that didn't mark her own before his thumb skirted her cheek. "Come on, let go. Trust me."

"It's gonna hurt? Isn't it?"

"Like hell."


Olivia opened her eyes to screaming. Peter's screaming. Noticed that she was laying on a gurney again. Felt the pinch of the IV in her arm and pushed at the blankets holding her down. Dragging her IV pole into the next room to see Peter holding his head and both eyes squeezed shut.

"That hurts like a mother humping bastard." Olivia nodded, feeling the pain in her hip ease slightly with her continued movements. "Ugh...' she set her hand on his shoulder, felt the shudders still going through him.

"Remember last night, the feeling you had before you went to bed." Peter glared up at her and saw the seriousness on her face. "Any feeling. The feeling you had when you...' she trailed off trying to think of something.

"When you saw Olivia go down the first time." Astrid supplied, watched as Peter jumped back to that moment and then saw the pain leave his face. Watched as he took another deep breathe.


"How do you do that?"

"Don't have much choice."

"You think that's bad.' Astrid said as she pointed towards Olivia. 'she's done it three times today alone." Peter glanced between the three tense faces before focusing on Olivia's.

"What is going on?" Olivia glanced towards Walter before back to Peter and taking a slow deep breathe.

"What do you remember?"

"They told me that Peter was kidnapped when he was a boy."

"You were kidnapped." Olivia said softly, saw his eyes widen as he glanced between the three of them. "You were kidnapped and brought here."

"By who? Why?" Olivia glanced to Walter, saw Peter's eyes follow and stepped back as Walter glanced up.

"You were a sick boy... you were always sick... you died. When you were seven...' Peter cast quick disbelieving eyes towards Olivia, 'I couldn't handle it... I had to have you back."